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Dias‐da‐Silva, S. 2011: Middle–Late Permian tetrapods from the Rio do Rasto Formation, Southern Brazil: a biostratigraphic reassessment. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 109–120. The Rio do Rasto Formation (Permian of Southern Brazil) was previously regarded as Guadalupian–early Lopingian age. Three tetrapod‐based localities are known: the Serra do Cadeado area, Aceguá and Posto Queimado. The latest tetrapod‐based biostratigraphic contribution considers that the Posto Queimado and Aceguá faunas are coeval and Wordian (middle Guadalupian) in age, correlated to the Isheevo faunas from Eastern Europe and to the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone of South Africa; whereas the Serra do Cadeado fauna is Capitanian (late Guadalupian), correlated to the Kotelnich fauna of Eastern Europe and, from bottom to top, to upper Pristerognathus, Tropidostoma and lower Cistecephalus assemblage zones of South Africa. A re‐evaluation of the tetrapods from the Rio do Rasto Formation and new fossil discoveries in the localities of Posto Queimado and Serra do Cadeado area (melosaurine and platyoposaurine temnospondyls, a basal anomodont, a dinocephalian and a basal dicynodont) supports a new tetrapod‐based biostratigraphic scheme for the Rio do Rasto Formation. Accordingly, the age of the fauna at Aceguá is late Roadian‐early Wordian, whereas the locality of Posto Queimado is late Wordian‐Capitanian. The Serra do Cadeado Area is correlated with both southernmost ones (Guadalupian) but also Wuchiapinghian (early Lopingian). □Paraná Basin, Passa Dois Group, tetrapod biostratigraphy, Western Gondwana.  相似文献   
Abstract: Chigutisauridae is the longest‐lived trematosaurian clade (from early Triassic to early Cretaceous). They were reported in Argentina, Australia, India and South Africa. This contribution reports a putative chigutisaurid specimen in the Carnian of southern Brazil (Santa Maria Formation, Paraná Basin). The material comprises two skull fragments, a mandibular fragment, a clavicular blade and a humerus. Ontogenetic features point to an early development stage of the specimen. The presence of a long, straight and pointed tabular horn, which runs parallel to the skull midline towards its tip, and a distinctive projection in the posterior border of the postparietal indicates a close relationship of the Brazilian chigutisaurid with the Indian Compsocerops cosgriffi. Three distinctive and combined characters suggest that the Brazilian chigutisaurid is a distinctive specimen: the presence of an alar process of the jugal in the ventral margin of the orbit; jugal does not extend well beyond the anterior margin of the orbit; and tabular does not contact the parietal. These characters could justify the erection of a new taxon; however, they might reflect its immature ontogenetic stage as well. Accordingly, we attribute this new specimen to Compsocerops sp. Argentinean and Indian occurrences are dated as Norian, so the presence of a Carnian chigutisaurid in southern Brazil indicates that western Gondwana chigutisaurids have first occupied the Paraná Basin and later migrated towards west (to Argentina) and east (India). However, the presence of ghost chigutisaurid taxa cannot be dismissed, because their long temporal range contrasts with their still short (in comparison with other temnospondyl groups) geographic distribution. Hence, they might have been more geographically widespread than their fossil record suggests.  相似文献   
Colossoma macropomum is a keystone species of the Amazon floodplain, and is an important but severely overexploited commercial species. To provide tools for addressing ecological and conservation questions, we developed 14 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers that had between four and 21 alleles per locus in the 25 tested individuals. With the exception of comparisons involving the locus Cm1F5 that also showed heterozygosity deficiency, no pairs of loci were at linkage disequilibrium. Many of the microsatellite loci were also variable in three other serrasalmid species which span the phylogenetic depth of the Serrasalmidae.  相似文献   
We developed specific primers for microsatellite DNA regions for the Amazon River dolphin or boto Inia geoffrensis, for use in population and conservation genetic studies. We also tested their transferability for two other species, Pontoporia blainvillei (sister taxon of I. geoffrensis) and Sotalia guianensis. A total of 12 microsatellite loci were polymorphic for the boto. An additional 25 microsatellite loci previously isolated from other cetacean species were also tested in the boto. The 26 polymorphic microsatellite loci indicate they will be excellent markers for studies of population structure and kinship relations of the boto.  相似文献   
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (silver arowana) is an important fish for the economy of the Amazon region, both as an ornamental fish and as a food fish. To provide tools for addressing ecological and genetic questions, we developed 19 polymorphic microsatellite markers that had between 2 and 7 alleles per locus in the 24 tested individuals. The transferability of many of the loci was confirmed for Osteoglossum ferreirai (black arowana) and Arapaima gigas, and for three African osteoglossiform species.  相似文献   
Twelve microsatellite loci from the Neotropical spider Paratrechalea galianoae were isolated from a microsatellite-enriched genomic library, and were tested in a sample of 27 individuals from a population that occurs in Brazil. All loci were polymorphic and three to 14 (mean 7.58) alleles per locus were identified. The observed and expected heterozygosities per locus ranged from 0.417 to 0.885 and from 0.595 to 0.878, respectively. Two loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and one pair showed evidence of linkage disequilibrium. These loci are being used to study the population structure and genetic diversity in P. galianoae.  相似文献   
Improving sugarcane for biofuel: engineering for an even better feedstock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sugarcane is a proven biofuel feedstock and accounts for about 40% of the biofuel production worldwide. It has a more favorable energy input/output ratio than that of corn, the other major biofuel feedstock. The rich resource of genetic diversity and the plasticity of autopolyploid genomes offer a wealth of opportunities for the application of genomics and technologies to address fundamental questions in sugarcane towards maximizing biomass production. In a workshop on sugarcane engineering held at Rutgers University, we identified research areas and emerging technologies that could have significant impact on sugarcane improvement. Traditional plant physiological studies and standardized phenotypic characterization of sugarcane are essential for dissecting the developmental processes and patterns of gene expression in this complex polyploid species. Breeder friendly DNA markers associated with target traits will enhance selection efficiency and shorten the long breeding cycles. Integration of cold tolerance from Saccharum spontaneum and Miscanthus has the potential to expand the geographical range of sugarcane production from tropical and subtropical regions to temperate zones. The Flex-stock and mix-stock concepts could be solutions for sustaining local biorefineries where no single biofuel feedstock could provide consistent year-round supplies. The ever increasing capacities of genomics and biotechnologies pave the way for fully exploring these potentials to optimize sugarcane for biofuel production.  相似文献   
The human glycine receptor subunit alpha3 exists in two splice variants (alpha3K/L), with alpha3L bearing an additional segment of 15 amino acids within the cytoplasmic TM3-4 loop. Homomeric alpha3K glycine receptors show faster desensitization than alpha3L receptors. Ion channel properties were compared of alpha3L, alpha3K, and of the triple mutant alpha3LDeltaOH = alpha3L(T358A/Y367F/S370A), where hydroxyl functions of the spliced insert had been removed by site-directed mutagenesis. Upon recombinant expression in HEK 293 cells, patch-clamp recording experiments revealed that removal of hydroxyl functions primarily affected receptor desensitization. The fraction of non-desensitizing current was 68 +/- 13% for alpha3L, 21 +/- 13% for alpha3K, and 48 +/- 16% for alpha3LDeltaOH. Desensitization time constants at saturating glycine concentration were 8.4 +/- 2.8 s, 1.9 +/- 2.3 s, and 2.8 +/- 0.4 s, for alpha3L, alpha3K, and the triple mutant alpha3LDeltaOH, respectively. In contrast, single-channel and whole-cell properties were similar for all three constructs. Thus, ion channel activation, desensitization, and conductance properties are independently controlled by distinct structural elements. Hydroxyl functions within the M3-4 loop of the glycine receptor alpha3 subunit are crucial, but not exclusive, determinants of receptor desensitization.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Colleters are secretory structures consisting of a parenchymatic middle axis surrounded by a layer of palisade-like epidermal cells. Colleters occur in a large number of rubiaceous species. Their function is to protect the developing shoot apex. They are also taxonomically useful in the Rubiaceae. This study characterized the structure of the colleters of Simira glaziovii, S. pikia and S. rubra and the biochemistry of secretions in S. glaziovii. METHODS: Stipules of the shoot apices of the three species studied were collected at Barragem de Saracuruna, in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The samples were fixed according to the usual methods for light and electron microscopy. Secretion stipules of S. glaziovii were washed with 0.1 m Tris-HCl plus 0.1 %Triton X-100 to extract proteins and carbohydrates. KEY RESULTS: Colleters in these species are located at the base of the stipule. Each species shows a different pattern of distribution. They form as emergentia from the stipules. Simira glaziovii was different from the other two species because it exhibited vascular traces. The epidermal cells of colleters have dense cytoplasm, nuclei, small vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria and extraplasmic spaces if they are secretory. The outer cell wall of the mature colleters differs from the outer cell wall of stipule cells and immature colleters. Both carbohydrates and proteins were found in secretions from the stipules of S. glaziovii. CONCLUSIONS: Few ultrastructural differences were noted among the three species. These secretory structures not only protect the shoot apex, but also have taxonomic importance below the genus level.  相似文献   
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