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1. Figs and pollinating fig wasps provide a model system for studying mutualism. The permeability of the syconium changes during receptivity or between seasons, which may affect the behaviour of pollinators. Fig fruits are permeable during receptivity, and in some species, pollinators can enter and re‐emerge after oviposition/pollination. We studied the relationship between fig permeability and pollinator re‐emergence behaviour with a functional dioecious fig, Ficus hispida and the obligate pollinator Ceratosolen solmsi marchali. 2. The relationship reflects the interaction of figs and pollinators in the mutualism and also the conflicts of interests between the two partners: figs benefit from the enclosed fig fruits which have low permeability, but pollinators benefit from their re‐emergence behaviour, which requires high fig permeability. 3. The results showed that at the end of receptivity, the permeability of fig fruits lowered rapidly with changes to the ostiole structures, and re‐emergence rate was low, with more re‐emerging pollinators trapped in the ostiolar bracts. Our results also showed that in the rainy season, the length of receptivity was shorter and fig permeability was lower. The re‐emergence rates were also lower than those in the dry season. The results elucidated that figs' interests dominated in the conflicts between fig and pollinating wasp. 4. Based on a new criteria which employed the classification of pollinators found dead in the ostiolar bracts and which involved a survey of 6 monoecious and 12 dioecious fig species, we found that re‐emergence behaviour was prevalent among fig species, and was more prevalent in functional dioecious figs than monoecious ones.  相似文献   
Abstract: Stromatoporoid faunas in the Frasnian of southern Belgium are abundant in the carbonate platform environments present in this area. Stromatoporoids dominate the large skeletal organisms and occur principally in biostromes. The stromatoporoid assemblage is represented by a small number of taxa. Stromatoporoid genera include Actinostroma, Amphipora, Atelodictyon, Clathrocoilona, Salairella, Stachyodes, Stictostroma, Stromatopora and Trupetostroma which are present in environments ranging from the outer, outer intermediate, inner intermediate and inner zones and associated biostromes. Most large skeletal stromatoporoids are low profile, which reinforces the conclusions of previous studies that low‐profile growth forms were the most successful stromatoporoid forms. These low‐profile forms are likely to have been important sediment stabilisers that may have led to expansion of the carbonate factory. Growth forms vary between facies, indicating some degree of environmental control on form; for example, laminar in the intermediate zone, bulbous and domical in the inner and outer zones. Stromatoporoid taxa vary in occurrence across the environmental gradient from shallow to deep. There is some taxonomic control on growth forms, with some taxa showing more variability than others in different environments.  相似文献   
Santos, A., Mayoral, E.J., da Silva, C.M., Cachão, M., Johnson, M.E. & Baarli, B.G. Miocene intertidal zonation on a volcanically active shoreline: Porto Santo in the Madeira Archipelago, Portugal. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 26–32. Short‐term biological colonization of rockgrounds on the basaltic shorelines of oceanic islands has, as yet, been poorly explored. A Miocene sea cliff on Ilhéu de Cima off Porto Santo in the Madeira Archipelago of Portugal provides a case study showing intertidal zonation with two types of barnacles, serpulid worm tubes, two coral species, epifaunal bivalves and the trace fossils of endolithic bivalves. Large barnacles (Balanus sp.) and serpulids are limited to the upper 400 mm of a basalt cliff of 1.6 m in height. Small barnacles, possibly of the same species, extend to the base. The upper half includes the corals Isophyllastrea orbignyana and Tarbellastraea reussiana, to which many small, coral‐inhabiting, barnacles (Ceratoconcha costata) are fixed. Borings identified as Gastrochaenolites torpedo appear through the bottom two‐thirds of the cliff face. Rarely, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus is exposed in longitudinal section with borings up to 45 mm deep in solid basalt. Epifaunal bivalves, such as Spondylus sp., are limited to a middle zone. Associated with the sea cliff is an outer platform on which a multitude of T. reussiana colonies occur in growth position. The corals exhibit planar erosion over180 m2. The shelf was faulted and cut by a basalt dike prior to the brief recolonization of I. orbignyana, found attached to low fault scarps. Habitation of the sea cliff was facilitated by rising sea level, but abruptly terminated by burial under volcanoclastic ejecta. □Basalt bioerosion, coastal dynamics, Ilhéu de Cima (Porto Santo), Miocene intertidal zonation, volcanogenic perturbations.  相似文献   
Da Silva, A.‐C., Kershaw, S. & Boulvain, F. 2011: Sedimentology and stromatoporoid palaeoecology of Frasnian (Upper Devonian) carbonate mounds in southern Belgium. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 255–274. Stromatoporoids are the most abundant large skeletal organisms in middle Frasnian carbonate mound environments of southern Belgium. They occur in environments ranging from flank and off‐mound, mound core, shallow mound and restricted mound. A detailed log and comprehensive sampling of stromatoporoids in a single section cutting through all middle Frasnian mound levels in La Boverie–Rochefort Quarry, near Rochefort and Dinant reveals a stromatoporoid assemblage comprising 10 genera; 472 samples, containing an overall total of 3079 stromatoporoids (including complete and fragmented specimens) have been studied. The following list gives abundance using numbers of specimens and areas of total stromatoporoid area on outcrop surfaces (% number; % area in cm2): Actinostroma (0.4; 9.2), Amphipora (15.5; 1.7), Atelodictyon (0.2; 4.4), Clathrocoilona (0.3; 0.5), Euryamphipora (13.7; 0.7), Idiostroma (2; 1.9), Salairella (1.2; 9.6), branching Stachyodes (43.2; 59.1), laminar Stachyodes australe (1.9; 1.3), Stictostroma (4.8; 13.1) and Trupetostroma (0.2; 0.8), showing that Stachyodes is approximately half of the total assemblage. Deeper environments contain more abundant low profile forms, shallow water facies contain more domical and bulbous forms; branching forms are ubiquitous. Low profile stromatoporoids are likely to have been important sediment stabilizers that may have led to expansion of the carbonate factory, and they may have therefore contributed to the structural building of the mounds. Stromatoporoid‐coral intergrowths are observed in only Stictostroma suggesting that there is a close biological relationship between them; however, stromatoporoid skeletons in almost all cases appear to be unaffected by the presence of intergrown corals, suggesting they were commensals. □Frasnian, Late Devonian, mounds, palaeoecology, stromatoporoid.  相似文献   
Glycoprotein mRNA (G mRNA) of vesicular stomatitis virus is synthesized in the cytosol fraction of infected HeLa cells. Shortly after synthesis, this mRNA associates with 40S ribosomal subunits and subsequently forms 80S monosomes in the cytosol fraction. The bulk of labeled G mRNA is then found in polysomes associated with the membrane, without first appearing in the subunit or monomer pool of the membrane-bound fraction. Inhibition of the initiation of protein synthesis by pactamycin or muconomycin A blocks entry of newly synthesized G m RNA into membrane-bound polysomes. Under these circumstances, labeled G mRNA accumulates into the cytosol. Inhibition of the elongation of protein synthesis by cucloheximide, however, allows entry of 60 percent of newly synthesized G mRNA into membrane-bound polysomes. Furthermore, prelabeled G mRNA associated with membrane-bound polysomes is released from the membrane fraction in vivo by pactamycin or mucomycon A and in vitro by 1mM puromycin - 0.5 M KCI. This release is not due to nonspecific effects of the drugs. These results demonstrate that association of G mRNA with membrane-bound polysomes is dependent upon polysome formation and initiation of protein synthesis. Therefore, direct association of the 3' end of G mRNA with the membrane does not appear to be the initial event in the formation of membrane-bound polysomes.  相似文献   
Sphingolipid composition in both gray and white matter of a patient with I-cell disease was normal except for the higher proportion.of GMI-ganglioside in gray and white matter. In the patient's liver and kidney there was a significant accumulation of ceramide dihexoside and ceramide trihexoside and of sulphatide in kidney. Non-lipid hexosamine and sialic acid concentration in brain was increased 1.2-1.5 times above normal. Recovery of myelin from I-cell's white matter was 80-100%, suggesting that demyelination, if present, is minimal. Myelin lipid and myelin specific glycoprotein patterns were normal. Except for β-galactosidase activity the activity of other brain lysosomal enzymes were within the normal range. This finding was similar to that of Hurler's syndrome. Only β-galactosidase activity was reduced to less than 10% of normal in the patient's brain. To examine the possible metabolic significance of β-galactosidase deficiency in I-cell disease the physical characteristics of this enzyme, isolated from tissues from I-cell, Hurler and control patients, were compared using isoelectric focusing, Con A-Sepharose and Sephadex G-150 chromatography. The isoelectric point and the binding affinity of I-cell β-galactosidase with Con A-Sepharose was comparable to normal. However, the isoenzyme patterns of brain and liver I-cell β-galactosidase with Sephadex G-150 gel filtration revealed decreased acid β-galactosidase. Effects of the addition of sodium chloride on each fraction of β-galactosidase isoenzymes isolated from I-cell tissues were markedly different from controls, whereas the pH optimum of these enzymes were similar to normal. These enzyme characteristics in I-cell tissues were different from normal and Hurler's syndrome. These findings suggest that β-galactosidase deficiency in I-cell disease is a more specific phenomenon rather than secondary inhibition as found in the mucopolysaccharidoses and thus may have an important role for the pathogenesis of brain damage and disease occurrence.  相似文献   
米槠-木荷林优势种群的年龄结构及其更新策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋坤  孙文  达良俊 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5839-5850
通过年轮分析,构建了浙江天童米槠-木荷林优势种木荷、米槠、石栎的年龄结构,分析了高生长和径向生长及萌枝策略随年龄的变化规律,探讨了干扰对群落动态的影响。研究结果表明:(1)3个物种的胸径、高度与年龄的关系均可用logistic曲线和线性模型拟合,但随年龄增加胸径、高度与年龄的关系显著下降。(2)随年龄增加3树种的DBH/H逐渐增加,米槠、石栎幼龄个体(1-20a)的有萌个体率和有萌个体萌枝数逐渐下降;米槠和石栎幼苗的主干较木荷细长、多萌枝,木荷和石栎成树主干较米槠细长;体现了米槠的更新策略具开拓性,木荷的具保守性,石栎在幼龄期具开拓性,成年期转为保守性。(3)米槠和石栎的年龄结构呈逆J型,幼龄个体充足,但中龄段(21-40a)存在更新断层,这与其高消耗的开拓性策略有关;木荷的年龄结构呈间歇型,各龄级均存有个体,这与其保守性策略有关;(4)3物种在大龄级上(52-60a)均存在更新高峰,与该地区的择伐干扰时间一致,高强度的干扰促生了次生演替,形成了以木荷为第一优势种的群落。(5)米槠、木荷、石栎的年龄结构是更新策略和干扰的综合表现,它不仅与径级结构一样可展现种群更新特征、预测种群发展动态,更能精确地反映群落动态事件的发生频次和发生时间。  相似文献   
报道了内蒙古1个新分布记录属--莴苣属(Lactuca L.);3个新分布记录种:双穗麻黄 (Ephedra distachya L.)、丝毛蓝刺头(Echinops nanus Bunge)、野莴苣(Lactuca serriola L.).  相似文献   
1. The underlying basis of alternative male reproductive strategies is either genetic or environmental. Several non‐pollinating fig wasp lineages have dimorphic males, typically with winged males that disperse from natal figs to mate and flightless males that seek mating opportunities in natal figs. 2. Walkerella sp. from Ficus benjamina has dark and pale wingless males. Observations and experiments in Xishuangbanna, Southern China found that (i) the sex ratio of Walkerella sp. did not vary with foundress number or brood size. (ii) The frequency of dark males increased with brood size and foundress number and they were absent from figs with a single foundress. This produced a higher proportion of dark males at higher densities. (iii) Males of both morphs fought, but injuries to dark males were more frequent. (iv) Dark males were more likely to disperse away from their natal figs and (v) they were more resistant to dehydration. 3. Responses to selection are constrained by the genetic options available. Consequently, selection pressures acting on different lineages can produce similar outcomes that are achieved in different ways. Walkerella species lack winged males, but dark males display some of their features, dispersing from natal figs and displaying appropriate physiological and behavioural adaptations. However, dark males also displayed increased levels of damage from fighting – a feature unlikely to be shared with the winged males of other species.  相似文献   
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