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Albicidin is a pathotoxin produced by Xanthomonas albilineans, a xylem-invading pathogen that causes leaf scald disease of sugarcane. Albicidin is synthesized by a nonribosomal pathway via modular polyketide synthase and nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) megasynthases, and NRPS adenylation (A) domains are responsible for the recognition and activation of specific amino acid substrates. DNA fragments (0.5 kb) encoding the regions responsible for the substrate specificities of six albicidin NRPS A domains from 16 strains of X. albilineans representing the known diversity of this pathogen were amplified and sequenced. Polymorphism analysis of these DNA fragments at different levels (DNA, protein, and NRPS signature) showed that these pathogenicity loci were highly conserved. The conservation of these loci most likely reflects purifying selective pressure, as revealed by a comparison with the variability of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of two housekeeping genes (atpD and efp) of X. albilineans. Nevertheless, the 16 strains of X. albilineans were differentiated into several groups by a phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the NRPS A domains. One of these groups was representative of the genetic diversity previously found within the pathogen by random fragment length polymorphism and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses. This group, which differed by three single synonymous nucleotide mutations, contained only four strains of X. albilineans that were all involved in outbreaks of sugarcane leaf scald. The amount of albicidin produced in vitro in agar and liquid media varied among the 16 strains of X. albilineans. However, no relationship among the amount of albicidin produced in vitro and the pathotypes and genetic diversity of the pathogen was found. The NRPS loci contributing to the synthesis of the primary structure of albicidin apparently are not involved in the observed pathogenicity differences among strains of X. albilineans.  相似文献   
Genomic Representational Difference Analysis (gRDA) is a subtractive DNA method to clone the differences between two related genomes, called tester and driver. We have evaluated this method to obtain polymorphic DNA markers for pedigree dogs. Amplified size-selected genomic restriction fragments (amplicons) of two dog littermates were repeatedly hybridized to each other in order to remove (subtract) those restriction fragments common to both sibs. Already after two rounds of subtractive hybridization, a clear enrichment of presumably tester-specific restriction fragments was observed, which was even more pronounced after the third round of subtraction. A plasmid library of 3000 recombinant clones was constructed of the second round and of the third round difference product. DNA sequence determination of randomly chosen clones of each difference product showed that approximately 1000 unique clones were obtained in the second-round difference product and approximately 500 in the third-round difference product. About half of the clones identified in the second-round difference product were also present in the third-round difference product. Of the second-round difference product, 39 different gRDA fragments could be identified, of which 21 were tester specific. In the third-round difference product, 22 different gRDA fragments were identified, of which 18 were tester specific. There were 13 fragments in common, resulting in a total of 48 different fragments. In order to establish the localization of these markers, we performed mapping using the dog radiation hybrid panel RHDF5000. Of 39 mapped clones, 29 were mapped to 20 existing RH groups, and 10 remained unlinked. It is concluded that gRDA is suitable to generate DNA markers to track disease genes within lines of pedigree dogs. Received: 26 April 2000 / Accepted: 11 May 2000  相似文献   
Supernumerary mini-chromosomes–a unique type of genomic structural variation–have been implicated in the emergence of virulence traits in plant pathogenic fungi. However, the mechanisms that facilitate the emergence and maintenance of mini-chromosomes across fungi remain poorly understood. In the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (Syn. Pyricularia oryzae), mini-chromosomes have been first described in the early 1990s but, until very recently, have been overlooked in genomic studies. Here we investigated structural variation in four isolates of the blast fungus M. oryzae from different grass hosts and analyzed the sequences of mini-chromosomes in the rice, foxtail millet and goosegrass isolates. The mini-chromosomes of these isolates turned out to be highly diverse with distinct sequence composition. They are enriched in repetitive elements and have lower gene density than core-chromosomes. We identified several virulence-related genes in the mini-chromosome of the rice isolate, including the virulence-related polyketide synthase Ace1 and two variants of the effector gene AVR-Pik. Macrosynteny analyses around these loci revealed structural rearrangements, including inter-chromosomal translocations between core- and mini-chromosomes. Our findings provide evidence that mini-chromosomes emerge from structural rearrangements and segmental duplication of core-chromosomes and might contribute to adaptive evolution of the blast fungus.  相似文献   
The mitochondrion is crucial for ATP generation by oxidative phosphorylation, among other processes. Cristae are invaginations of the mitochondrial inner membrane that house nearly all the macromolecular complexes that perform oxidative phosphorylation. The unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei undergoes during its life cycle extensive remodeling of its single mitochondrion, which reflects major changes in its energy metabolism. While the bloodstream form (BSF) generates ATP exclusively by substrate-level phosphorylation and has a morphologically highly reduced mitochondrion, the insect-dwelling procyclic form (PCF) performs oxidative phosphorylation and has an expanded and reticulated organelle. Here, we have performed high-resolution 3D reconstruction of BSF and PCF mitochondria, with a particular focus on their cristae. By measuring the volumes and surface areas of these structures in complete or nearly complete cells, we have found that mitochondrial cristae are more prominent in BSF than previously thought and their biogenesis seems to be maintained during the cell cycle. Furthermore, PCF cristae exhibit a surprising range of volumes in situ, implying that each crista is acting as an independent bioenergetic unit. Cristae appear to be particularly enriched in the region of the organelle between the nucleus and kinetoplast, the mitochondrial genome, suggesting this part has distinctive properties.  相似文献   
Many protein activities are driven by ATP binding and hydrolysis. Here, we explore the ATP binding proteome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana using acyl-ATP (AcATP)1 probes. These probes target ATP binding sites and covalently label lysine residues in the ATP binding pocket. Gel-based profiling using biotinylated AcATP showed that labeling is dependent on pH and divalent ions and can be competed by nucleotides. The vast majority of these AcATP-labeled proteins are known ATP binding proteins. Our search for labeled peptides upon in-gel digest led to the discovery that the biotin moiety of the labeled peptides is oxidized. The in-gel analysis displayed kinase domains of two receptor-like kinases (RLKs) at a lower than expected molecular weight, indicating that these RLKs lost the extracellular domain, possibly as a result of receptor shedding. Analysis of modified peptides using a gel-free platform identified 242 different labeling sites for AcATP in the Arabidopsis proteome. Examination of each individual labeling site revealed a preference of labeling in ATP binding pockets for a broad diversity of ATP binding proteins. Of these, 24 labeled peptides were from a diverse range of protein kinases, including RLKs, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and calcium-dependent kinases. A significant portion of the labeling sites could not be assigned to known nucleotide binding sites. However, the fact that labeling could be competed with ATP indicates that these labeling sites might represent previously uncharacterized nucleotide binding sites. A plot of spectral counts against expression levels illustrates the high specificity of AcATP probes for protein kinases and known ATP binding proteins. This work introduces profiling of ATP binding activities of a large diversity of proteins in plant proteomes. The data have been deposited in ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD000188.ATP binding and hydrolysis are the driving processes in all living organisms. Hundreds of cellular proteins are able to bind and hydrolyze ATP to unfold proteins, transport molecules over membranes, or phosphorylate small molecules or proteins. Proteins with very different structures are able to bind ATP. A large and important class of ATP binding proteins is that of the kinases, which transfer the gamma phosphate from ATP to substrates. Kinases, and particularly protein kinases, play pivotal roles in signaling and protein regulation.The genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes for over 1099 protein kinases and hundreds of other ATP binding proteins (1, 2). Protein kinases are involved in nearly all signaling cascades and regulate processes ranging from cell cycle to flowering and from immunity to germination. Many protein kinases in plants are receptor-like kinases (RLKs), often carrying extracellular leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). The RLK class contains at least 610 members (3), including famous examples such as receptors involved in development (e.g. BRI1, ER, CLV1) and immunity (e.g. FLS2, EFR). Other important classes are mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases (MPKs) (20 different members), MPK kinase kinase kinases (MAP3Ks) (60 different members (4)), and calcium-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) (34 different members (5)). Because of their diverse and important roles, protein kinases have been intensively studied in plant science. The current approach is to study protein kinases individually—a daunting task, considering the remaining hundreds of uncharacterized protein kinases. New approaches are necessary in order to study protein kinases and other ATP binding proteins globally rather than individually.ATP binding activities of protein kinases and other proteins can be detected globally by acyl-ATP (AcATP) probes (6, 7) (Fig. 1A). AcATP binds to the ATP pocket of ATP binding proteins and places the acyl group in close proximity to conserved lysine residues in the ATP binding pocket. The acyl phosphonate moiety serves as an electrophilic warhead that can be nucleophilically attacked by the amino group of the lysine, resulting in a covalent attachment of the acyl reporter of the AcATP probe on the lysine and a concomitant release of ATP. The reporter tag is usually a biotin to capture and identify the labeled proteins. Labeled proteins can be displayed on protein blots using streptavidin-HRP. However, because AcATP labels many ATP binding proteins and protein kinases are of relatively low abundance, mass spectrometry is more often used to identify and quantify labeling with AcATP probes. The analysis is preferably done using Xsite, a procedure that involves trypsination of the entire labeled proteome, followed by analysis of the biotinylated peptides rather than the biotinylated proteins (8). This “KiNativ ” approach provides enough depth and resolving power to monitor ∼160 protein kinases in a crude mammalian proteome (7). Of the 518 human protein kinases (9), 394 (76%) have been detected via AcATP labeling (6).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Structure and mechanism of labeling with BHAcATP. A, BHAcATP contains ATP, an acyl phosphate reactive group, and a biotin tag. When BHAcATP binds to the ATP binding pocket of a protein, the amino group of the nearby lysine reacts with the carbonyl carbon, which results in the covalent binding of the biotin tag to the protein while ATP is released. B, typical BHAcATP labeling profile of Arabidopsis leaf proteome. Arabidopsis leaf extracts were labeled with BHAcATP and the biotinylated proteins were detected on protein blots using streptavidin-HRP. Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining indicates equal loading. Asterisks indicate endogenously biotinylated proteins MCCA and BCCP. White, black, and gray arrowheads indicate bands containing ATBP+RBCL, PGK1, and a mix of ATP binding proteins, respectively. Abbreviations: MCCA, 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase; BCCP, biotin carboxyl carrier protein; ATPB, chloroplastic ATPase; RBCL, ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase; PGK1, phosphoglycerate kinase-1.KiNativ has mostly been used to validate targets of human drugs that target protein kinases using competitive labeling experiments. This approach has been used to identify selective inhibitors of, for example, Parkinson''s disease protein kinase LRRK2 (10), the BMK1 and JNK MAP kinases (11, 12), and the mTOR kinase (13). Importantly, the correlation of the biological activity of protein-kinase-inhibiting drugs with inhibitor affinity detected using KiNativ is better than that achieved when affinities are determined by assays using heterologously expressed protein kinases (7). This improved correlation illustrates that assays in the native environment provide a more realistic measure of protein kinase function.In addition to characterizing inhibitors selectively, AcATP probes can also display differential ATP binding activities of protein kinases. For example, labeling with AcATP probes during infection with dengue virus displayed a 2- to 8-fold activation of a DNA-dependent protein kinase (14) Similarly, AcATP labeling revealed an unexpected Raf kinase activation in extracts upon protein kinase inhibitor treatment (7). In conclusion, profiling with AcATP probes is a powerful approach for monitoring protein kinases and offers unprecedented opportunities to identify selective protein kinase inhibitors and discover protein kinases with differential ATP binding activities.In this work, we introduce AcATP profiling of plant proteomes. In addition to the analysis of labeled peptides, we characterized labeling using gel-based approaches and discovered that biotin is often oxidized in this procedure. We also performed an in-depth analysis of labeling sites in proteins other than protein kinases, which had not been done before. We discuss labeling outside known nucleotide binding pockets and investigate the correlation of labeling sites with protein abundance. We describe 63 labeling sites of known nucleotide binding pockets, of which 24 represent a remarkable diversity of protein kinases, including several LRR-RLKs. This work launches a new approach to study ATP binding proteins in plant science.  相似文献   
Activation of the NFκB signaling pathway allows the cell to respond to infection and stress and can affect many cellular processes. As a consequence, NFκB activity must be integrated with a wide variety of parallel signaling pathways. One mechanism through which NFκB can exert widespread effects is through controlling the expression of key regulatory kinases. Here we report that NFκB regulates the expression of genes required for centrosome duplication, and that Polo-like kinase 4 (PLK4) is a direct NFκB target gene. RNA interference, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and analysis of the PLK4 promoter in a luciferase reporter assay revealed that all NFκB subunits participate in its regulation. Moreover, we demonstrate that NFκB regulation of PLK4 expression is seen in multiple cell types. Significantly long-term deletion of the NFκB2 (p100/p52) subunit leads to defects in centrosome structure. This data reveals a new component of cell cycle regulation by NFκB and suggests a mechanism through which deregulated NFκB activity in cancer can lead to increased genomic instability and uncontrolled proliferation.  相似文献   
The Golgi apparatus is an intracellular compartment necessary for post-translational modification, sorting and transport of proteins. It plays a key role in mitotic entry through the Golgi mitotic checkpoint. In order to identify new proteins involved in the Golgi mitotic checkpoint, we combine the results of a knockdown screen for mitotic phenotypes and a localization screen. Using this approach, we identify a new Golgi protein C11ORF24 (NP_071733.1). We show that C11ORF24 has a signal peptide at the N-terminus and a transmembrane domain in the C-terminal region. C11ORF24 is localized on the Golgi apparatus and on the trans-Golgi network. A large part of the protein is present in the lumen of the Golgi apparatus whereas only a short tail extends into the cytosol. This cytosolic tail is well conserved in evolution. By FRAP experiments we show that the dynamics of C11ORF24 in the Golgi membrane are coherent with the presence of a transmembrane domain in the protein. C11ORF24 is not only present on the Golgi apparatus but also cycles to the plasma membrane via endosomes in a pH sensitive manner. Moreover, via video-microscopy studies we show that C11ORF24 is found on transport intermediates and is colocalized with the small GTPase RAB6, a GTPase involved in anterograde transport from the Golgi to the plasma membrane. Knocking down C11ORF24 does not lead to a mitotic phenotype or an intracellular transport defect in our hands. All together, these data suggest that C11ORF24 is present on the Golgi apparatus, transported to the plasma membrane and cycles back through the endosomes by way of RAB6 positive carriers.  相似文献   
While the induction of teratology by cadmium (Cd) on diatoms is already known, reversal kinetics are not well documented. This study aims to understand the viability of diatoms exhibiting teratological frustules and their reproduction capacities within a Cd‐impacted population to predict their return to normal diatom forms. We worked on a frequently encountered species in French hydrosystems: Planothidium frequentissimum (Lange‐Bertalot) Round & L. Bukhtiyarova. First, a 21‐d contamination phase highlighted increasing inductionof different teratological types in response to two levels of Cd contamination: 20 and 100 μg · L?1. The deformity counting indicated that Cd firstly generated striae and mixed teratologies, then affected the central area and the valves. Second, a 28‐d decontamination phase demonstrated the Cd depuration capacity of Planothidium frequentissimum. Cd half‐lives appeared relatively low, ~6 d for the 100 μg · L?1 condition. Moreover, the decontamination phase showed a decrease in teratology abundances, but a still incomplete recovery after 28 d. Deformations of the striae appeared to be the most sustainable phenotype since they were still significantly higher than in reference cultures at the end of the decontamination phase for both Cd cultures.  相似文献   


BANK1 and BLK belong to the pleiotropic autoimmune genes; recently, epistasis between BANK1 and BLK was detected in systemic lupus erythematosus. Although BLK has been reproducibly identified as a risk factor in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), reports are conflicting about the contribution of BANK1 to RA susceptibility. To ascertain the real impact of BANK1 on RA genetic susceptibility, we performed a large meta-analysis including our original data and tested for an epistatic interaction between BANK1 and BLK in RA susceptibility.

Patients and Methods

We investigated data for 1,915 RA patients and 1,915 ethnically matched healthy controls genotyped for BANK1 rs10516487 and rs3733197 and BLK rs13277113. The association of each SNP and RA was tested by logistic regression. Multivariate analysis was then used with an interaction term to test for an epistatic interaction between the SNPs in the 2 genes.


None of the SNPs tested individually was significantly associated with RA in the genotyped samples. However, we detected an epistatic interaction between BANK1 rs3733197 and BLK rs13277113 (Pinteraction = 0.037). In individuals carrying the BLK rs13277113 GG genotype, presence of the BANK1 rs3733197 G allele increased the risk of RA (odds ratio 1.21 [95% confidence interval 1.04–1.41], P = 0.015. Combining our results with those of all other studies in a large trans-ethnic meta-analysis revealed an association of the BANK1 rs3733197 G allele and RA (1.11 [1.02–1.21], P = 0.012).


This study confirms BANK1 as an RA susceptibility gene and for the first time provides evidence for epistasis between BANK1 and BLK in RA. Our results illustrate the concept of pleiotropic epistatic interaction, suggesting that BANK1 and BLK might play a role in RA pathogenesis.  相似文献   
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