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Recent developments of tools for targeted genome modification have led to new concepts in how multiple traits can be combined. Targeted genome modification is based on the use of nucleases with tailor‐made specificities to introduce a DNA double‐strand break (DSB) at specific target loci. A re‐engineered meganuclease was designed for specific cleavage of an endogenous target sequence adjacent to a transgenic insect control locus in cotton. The combination of targeted DNA cleavage and homologous recombination–mediated repair made precise targeted insertion of additional trait genes (hppd, epsps) feasible in cotton. Targeted insertion events were recovered at a frequency of about 2% of the independently transformed embryogenic callus lines. We further demonstrated that all trait genes were inherited as a single genetic unit, which will simplify future multiple‐trait introgression.  相似文献   
Our current understanding of phagocytosis is largely derived from studies of individual receptor-ligand interactions and their downstream signaling pathways. Because phagocytes are exposed to a variety of ligands on heterogeneous target particles in vivo, it is important to observe the engagement of multiple receptors simultaneously and the triggered involvement of downstream signaling pathways. Potential crosstalk between the two well-characterized opsonic receptors, FcγR and CR3, was briefly explored in the early 1970s, where macrophages were challenged with dual-opsonized targets. However, subsequent studies on receptor crosstalk were primarily restricted to using single opsonins on different targets, typically at saturating opsonin conditions. Beyond validating these initial explorations on receptor crosstalk, we identify the early signaling mechanisms that underlie the binding and phagocytosis during the simultaneous activation of both opsonic receptors, through the presence of a dual-opsonized target (immunoglobulin G [IgG] and C3bi), compared with single receptor activation. For this purpose, we used signaling protein inhibitor studies as well as live cell brightfield and fluorescent imaging to fully understand the role of tyrosine kinases, F-actin dynamics and internalization kinetics for FcγR and CR3. Importantly, opsonic receptors were studied together and in isolation, in the context of sparsely opsonized targets. We observed enhanced particle binding and a synergistic effect on particle internalization during the simultaneous activation of FcγR and CR3 engaged with sparsely opsonized targets. Inhibition of early signaling and cytoskeletal molecules revealed a differential involvement of Src kinase for FcγR- vs CR3- and dual receptor-mediated phagocytosis. Src activity recruits Syk kinase and we observed intermediate levels of Syk phosphorylation in dual-opsonized particles compared with those opsonized with IgG or C3bi alone. These results likely explain the intermediate levels of F-actin that is recruited to sites of dual-opsonized particle uptake and the notoriously delayed internalization of C3bi-opsonized targets by macrophages.  相似文献   

Electron holes are known to migrate along the DNA or RNA duplexes and to localize preferentially on successive guanines. The stationary point conformations of Gua pairs that can trap or let pass these holes have been characterized by quantum chemistry calculations. Here we show their recurrent occurrence in DNA and RNA X-ray structures, often in quadruplex conformations or in interaction with proteins, ligands or metal ions. These findings give support to the biological, possibly regulatory, roles of charge migration in cell functioning.  相似文献   
Osteoblasts are differentiated mesenchymal cells that function as the major bone-producing cells of the body. Differentiation cues including ascorbic acid (AA) stimulation provoke intracellular changes in osteoblasts leading to the synthesis of the organic portion of the bone, which includes collagen type I α1, proteoglycans, and matrix proteins, such as osteocalcin. During our microarray analysis of AA-stimulated osteoblasts, we observed a significant up-regulation of the microtubule (MT) plus-end binding protein, EB1, compared with undifferentiated osteoblasts. EB1 knockdown significantly impaired AA-induced osteoblast differentiation, as detected by reduced expression of osteoblast differentiation marker genes. Intracellular examination of AA-stimulated osteoblasts treated with EB1 siRNA revealed a reduction in MT stability with a concomitant loss of β-catenin distribution at the cell cortex and within the nucleus. Diminished β-catenin levels in EB1 siRNA-treated osteoblasts paralleled an increase in phospho-β-catenin and active glycogen synthase kinase 3β, a kinase known to target β-catenin to the proteasome. EB1 siRNA treatment also reduced the expression of the β-catenin gene targets, cyclin D1 and Runx2. Live immunofluorescent imaging of differentiated osteoblasts revealed a cortical association of EB1-mcherry with β-catenin-GFP. Immunoprecipitation analysis confirmed an interaction between EB1 and β-catenin. We also determined that cell-cell contacts and cortically associated EB1/β-catenin interactions are necessary for osteoblast differentiation. Finally, using functional blocking antibodies, we identified E-cadherin as a major contributor to the cell-cell contact-induced osteoblast differentiation.  相似文献   
Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus carbonarius are two species in the Aspergillus section Nigri (black-spored aspergilli) frequently associated with peanut (Arachis hypogea), maize (Zea mays), and other plants as pathogens. These infections are symptomless and as such are major concerns since some black aspergilli produce important mycotoxins, ochratoxins A, and the fumonisins. To facilitate the study of the black aspergilli–maize interactions with maize during the early stages of infections, we developed a method that used the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (eYFP) and the monomeric red fluorescent protein (mRFP1) to transform A. niger and A. carbonarius, respectively. The results were constitutive expressions of the fluorescent genes that were stable in the cytoplasms of hyphae and conidia under natural environmental conditions. The hyphal in planta distribution in 21-day-old seedlings of maize were similar wild type and transformants of A. niger and A. carbonarius. The in planta studies indicated that both wild type and transformants internally colonized leaf, stem and root tissues of maize seedlings, without any visible disease symptoms. Yellow and red fluorescent strains were capable of invading epidermal cells of maize roots intercellularly within the first 3 days after inoculation, but intracellular hyphal growth was more evident after 7 days of inoculation. We also tested the capacity of fluorescent transformants to produce ochratoxin A and the results with A. carbonarius showed that this transgenic strain produced similar concentrations of this secondary metabolite. This is the first report on the in planta expression of fluorescent proteins that should be useful to study the internal plant colonization patterns of two ochratoxigenic species in the Aspergillus section Nigri.  相似文献   
The present study is the first report on the ability of Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA to reduce Pd(II) and produce Pd(0) nano-catalyst, using acetate as electron donor at neutral pH (7.0?±?0.1) and 30 °C. The microbial production of Pd(0) nanoparticles (NPs) was greatly enhanced by the presence of the redox mediator, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) when compared with controls lacking AQDS and cell-free controls. A cell dry weight (CDW) concentration of 800 mg/L provided a larger surface area for Pd(0) NPs deposition than a CDW concentration of 400 mg/L. Sample analysis by transmission electron microscopy revealed the formation of extracellular Pd(0) NPs ranging from 5 to 15 nm and X-ray diffraction confirmed the Pd(0) nature of the nano-catalyst produced. The present findings open the possibility for a new alternative to synthesize Pd(0) nano-catalyst and the potential application for microbial metal recovery from metal-containing waste streams.  相似文献   
Mutualisms between invasive ants and honeydew‐producing insects can have widespread negative effects on natural ecosystems. This is becoming an increasingly serious problem worldwide, causing certain ecosystems to change radically. Management of these abundant and influential mutualistic species is essential if the host ecosystem is to recover to its former non‐invaded status. This negative effect is particularly prevalent on some tropical islands, including Cousine Island, Seychelles. On this island, the invasive ant Pheidole megacephala has caused serious indirect damage to the threatened native Pisonia grandis trees via a mutualism with an invasive scale insect, Pulvinaria urbicola. We aimed to suppress the ant, thereby decoupling the mutualism and enabling recovery of the Pisonia trees. We treated all areas where ant pressure was high with a selective formicidal bait, which was deployed in custom‐made bait stations designed to avoid risk of treatment to endemic fauna. In the treated area, ant foraging activity was reduced by 93 percent and was followed by a 100 percent reduction in scale insect density. Abundance of endemic herbivorous insects and herbivorous activity increased significantly, however, after the decline in mutualistic species densities. Despite the native herbivore increase, there was considerable overall improvement in Pisonia shoot condition and an observed increase in foliage density. Our results demonstrate the benefit of strategic management of highly mutualistic alien species to the native Pisonia trees. It also supports the idea that area‐wide suppression is a feasible alternative to eradication for achieving positive conservation management at the level of the forest ecosystem.  相似文献   
Given the importance of Y‐chromosome haplogroup Q to better understand the source populations of contemporary Native Americans, we studied 8 biallelic and 17 microsatellite polymorphisms on the background of 128 Q Y‐chromosomes from geographically targeted populations. The populations examined in this study include three from the Tuva Republic in Central Asia (Bai‐Tai, Kungurtug, and Toora‐Hem, n = 146), two from the northeastern tip of Siberia (New Chaplino and Chukchi, n = 32), and two from Mesoamerica (Mayans from Yucatan, Mexico n = 72, and Mayans from the Guatemalan Highlands, n = 43). We also see evidence of a dramatic Mesoamerican post‐migration population growth in the ubiquitous and diverse Y‐STR profiles of the Mayan and other Mesoamerican populations. In the case of the Mayans, this demographic growth was most likely fueled by the agricultural‐ and trade‐based subsistence adopted during the Pre‐Classic, Classic and Post‐Classic periods of their empire. The limited diversity levels observed in the Altaian and Tuvinian regions of Central Asia, the lowest of all populations examined, may be the consequence of bottleneck events fostered by the spatial isolation and low effective population size characteristic of a nomadic lifestyle. Furthermore, our data illustrate how a sociocultural characteristic such as mode of subsistence may be of impact on the genetic structure of populations. We analyzed our genetic data using Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of populations, Principal Component Analysis of individuals, Median‐joining networks of M242, M346, L54, and M3 individuals, age estimations based on microsatellite variation utilizing genealogical and evolutionary mutation rates/generation times and estimation of Y‐ STR average gene diversity indices. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
We applied a multi-proxy palaeolimnological approach to provide insights into the natural variability and human-mediated trends of two interconnected temperate large shallow lakes, Peipsi and Võrtsjärv, during the twentieth century. The history of the lakes was assessed on the basis of age-related changes in the sediment main constituents (water, organic matter and carbonate), sub-fossil pigments, diatom assemblages and organic matter dissolved in pore water. The temporal changes in the palaeodata indicate an increase of the in-lake biological production in both lakes from about the 1960s, suggesting enhanced nutrient inputs. In subsequent decades, the gradual increase of autochthonous organic matter becomes more obvious, indicating progressive eutrophication of the lakes. Palaeolimnological indicators from the sediment record of Lake Peipsi indicate a slight recession of the lake’s eutrophication in the 1990s but not for Lake Võrtsjärv. The results of the study also suggest that after the lakes became eutrophied, the climatically induced water-level fluctuations ceased to be the main driver determining the abundance of phytoplankton. Responses of the lakes to human-induced impacts are better recorded in the sediments of Lake Peipsi than in those of Lake Võrtsjärv, which is shallower of the two and where the wave-induced resuspension of deposits markedly smooths or erases the signals of environmental changes. The results of the investigation expand the knowledge on how large shallow lakes respond to human-mediated and natural perturbations, including those in the lake catchment areas and the capability of the lakes to store the chronology and sequence of these changes.  相似文献   
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