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Immunohistochemical studies were carried out on calcitonin-, somatostatin- and serotonin-reactive cells in newborn pigs and pigs at 3 weeks and 7 months old. The aim of these studies was to examine if the expression of various bioactive substances by parafollicular cells in the pig thyroid varied during development. The volume density of the follicular epithelium was nearly the same in newborn and 3-week-old piglets and significantly lower in 7-month-old animals. The volume density of calciton-in-positive cells, expressed as a percentage of the follicular epithelium density, was similar in young animals, being 12.10% and 13.03% in newborn and 3-week-old piglets, respectively. A small but significant increase to 14.40% was seen in 7-month-old pigs. Somatostatin-positive cells formed a much smaller population at all time points, but these also showed a significant increase with age (0.13%, 0.17% and 0.52% of follicular epithelium density in newborn, 3-week- and 7-month-old pigs, respectively). However the changes in the volume density of somatostatin-positive cells correlated inversely with thyroid activity, the density being highest when the activation index was lowest, suggesting that thyroid activity may be regulated by an increase in the synthesis of this inhibitory peptide. Serotonin-positive cells were extremely rare at all time points and their volume density was not calculated.  相似文献   
Characterization and Complexity of Wheat Developing Endosperm mRNAs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Free and membrane-bound (MB) polysomes and the corresponding polyadenylated RNAs (polyA+ RNAs) have been isolated from developing wheat endosperm (Triticum aestivum L.) Free and MB poly(A)+ RNAs, analyzed on isokinetic sucrose gradient with [3H]polyuridylic acid [poly(U)] hybridization detection, appear to be 11S to 12S in size with a 7% poly(A) tail for MB RNAs. cDNAs synthesized using both of these mRNA populations in presence of a potent RNase inhibitor (RNasin), have been used for hybridization kinetics experiments. The mean square fitting analysis of the hybridization kinetics between MB cDNA and its template reveals the presence of two abundance classes representing roughly ⅔ and ⅓ of the MB poly(A)+ RNAs and containing the information for approximately 75 superabundant species (21,000 copies per cell) and 750 intermediate species (530 copies per cell), respectively. The mRNA population extracted from free polysomes is divided into three abundance classes. The first one is composed of superabundant sequences which would correspond to the MB superabundant mRNAs. The free mRNAs consist of about 11,000 diverse sequences, most of them being rare sequences. Heterologous hybridizations of MB cDNAs to free mRNAs have shown that some mRNAs are common to both populations. This could be explained either by a partial contamination or by free polysomes en route to their membrane destination. Contrary to the low number of diverse mRNAs corresponding to the legume seed storage proteins, the wheat endosperm superabundant mRNAs consist of about 75 different sequences which would encode most of the seed storage proteins, especially gliadins.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution and origins of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the gut and pancreas of the turkey were studied by radioimmunoassay of tissue extracts and by immunocytochemistry. Several antisera were used that vary in their specificity for different regions of porcine or chicken VIP. Radioimmunoassays using NH2-terminal specific antisera that react almost equally with porcine and chicken VIP's revealed significant amounts of immunoreactive VIP in extracts of pancreas, brain and all regions of the gastrointestinal tract from crop to colon. Highest concentrations (300pmol/g) were found in the colon muscle, and concentrations were generally low (< 20 pmol/g) in the mucosal layers of the small intestine. After ion exchange chromatography of extracts on CM-Sephadex three immunoreactive forms of VIP were separated corresponding to the three molecular forms previously found in mammalian gut extracts. In immunocytochemical studies nerve fibres were found throughout the gut, and in the pancreas. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were also identified in the submucous plexus throughout the gut, but were particularly prominent in the oesophagus and pancreas. It has previously been shown that VIP is a strong stimulant of the flow of pancreatic juice in birds whereas the structurally related hormone secretin, which is known to control the flow of pancreatic juice in mammals, is a weak stimulant. It is proposed that in birds VIP might regulate the pancreas, and other aspects of gut function, as a neurotransmitter or neurohormone.  相似文献   
The estrogen synthetase present in human placental microsomes appears to be dependent on the cooperative interaction of the reduced cofactors NADPH and NADH for optimal activity. Using steady-state concentrations of either cofactor, it was found that while the estrogen synthetase activity followed hyperbolic saturation kinetics with NADPH (Kmapp = 14 μM), the enzyme followed sigmoidal saturation kinetics when the cofactor was NADH, with the half-maximum velocity attained at a cofactor concentration of 1.1 mm. The maximum velocity obtained with NADPH as the cofactor was greater than with corresponding concentrations of NADH. Estrogen synthetase activity in the presence of NADH was not due to NADPH contamination. NADH, in the presence of small concentrations of NADPH (0.5 to 5 μm), stimulated significantly the rate of estrogen formation from androstenedione by placental microsomes and, in addition, the enzyme saturation kinetics changed from sigmoidal to hyperbolic, thus mimicking the effect of NADPH. Estrogen synthetase activity, measured in the presence of 1 mm NADH, was stimulated in a dose-dependent manner by NADPH (Kmapp = 0.4 μM NADPH) and, when the enzyme was measured in the presence of 5 μm NADPH, the activity was stimulated in a dose-dependent manner by NADH (Kmapp = 45 μM NADH). Estrogen synthetase activity measured in the presence of NADH, without and with NADPH (1 μm) remained linear both with time of incubation for approximately 15 min and with microsomal protein concentration up to 3 mg/ml. The apparent Km of estrogen synthetase for androstenedione, when measured in the presence of NADH, was 1 μm. The synergistic interaction between NADH and NADPH in stimulating placental estrogen synthetase activity observed in vitro may, conceivably, take place in vivo in the intact placenta.  相似文献   
The velocity of labelled alpha MSH degradation by rat tissues has been studied at different temperatures. The appearance of damaged compounds from 125I alpha MSH is much lower at 4 degrees C than at 22 or 37 degrees C. The addition of proteolysis inhibitors (benzamidine or zymofren) reduces the damage velocity. Under standard conditions of temperature and buffer, the damage velocity is lower when the tissue homogenates are processed by heat (56 degrees C; 40 min.). The existence of an enzymatic system capable of degradating radioiodine alpha MSH in the rat brain is discussed.  相似文献   
Attached media reactors are used for enhancement of wastewater treatment processes including anaerobic condition. Selection of a suitable biofilm carrier is a compelling method to improve anaerobic digestion systems. This study investigates the performance of four fibrous biofilms installed in batch biogas reactors for treatment of cow manure. BioCords HS1, HS2, LS1, and LS2 are manufactured by Bishop Water Technologies, ON, Canada. Effluents and attached growth media were analyzed after batch experiment; methane production, methane yield, transfer efficiencies, organic and solid removal efficiencies, pH, and attached volatile suspended solid (VSS) were measured; VSS attached to biofilms mainly correlated with the specific surface area of each biofilm. Additionally, SEM (scanning electron microscopy) was used for further understanding of biofilm formation process for BioCords and the dissimilarity in their performance. The results indicated that BioCord LS2 had positive impact on achieving higher methane production and removal efficiencies compared to other support media utilized in batch reactors. It was also demonstrated from the experiment that BioCord LS2 potentially could generate higher methane production than conventional batch bioreactor.  相似文献   
A polypeptide of approximately 11 000 daltons (11 kDa protein) encoded by an open reading frame (10.9 ORF) from the virion sense of maize streak virus (MSV) DNA has been detected among the products of in vitro translation reactions programmed with RNA from infected maize plants and also in total protein extracts from infected leaves. The 11 kDa protein has not been detected in virions and is therefore proposed to have a nonstructural role.Viral DNA with an additional in-frame translation stop codon in the 10.9 ORF was not infectious when transmitted to maize plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciens agroinfection, suggesting that the 10.9 ORF may be essential for virus function. Computer comparison data show that equivalent ORFs in wheat dwarf virus (WDV) and digitaria streak virus (DSV) have some sequences in common with the 10.9 ORF of MSV. Further-more, the absence of similar sequences in geminiviruses which infect dicotyledonous plants suggests that the 11 kDa protein and its putative homologs in WDV and DSV have a function necessary only for those geminiviruses which infect the Gramineae.The significance of the 11 kDa protein in relation to expression of the virion sense DNA of MSV is discussed.  相似文献   
Single dose high-throughput screening (HTS) followed by dose-response evaluations is a common strategy for the identification of initial hits for further development. Early identification and exclusion of false positives is a cost-saving and essential step in early drug discovery. One of the mechanisms of false positive compounds is the formation of aggregates in assays. This study evaluates the mechanism(s) of inhibition of a set of 14 compounds identified previously as actives in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) cell culture screening and in vitro actives in Mt shikimate kinase (MtSK) assay. Aggregation of hit compounds was characterized using multiple experimental methods, LC-MS, 1HNMR, dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and visual inspection after centrifugation for orthogonal confirmation. Our results suggest that the investigated compounds containing oxadiazole-amide and aminobenzothiazole moieties are false positive hits and non-specific inhibitors of MtSK through aggregate formation.  相似文献   
Although it has been established that cellular stiffness can change as a stem cell differentiates, the precise relationship between cell mechanics and other phenotypic properties remains unclear. Inherent cell heterogeneity and asynchronous differentiation complicate population analysis; therefore, single-cell analysis was employed to determine how changes in cell stiffness correlate with changes in molecular biomarkers during differentiation. Design of a custom gridded tissue culture dish facilitated single-cell comparisons between cell mechanics and other differentiation biomarkers by enabling sequential measurement of cell mechanics and protein biomarker expression at the single cell level. The Young’s modulus of mesenchymal stem cells was shown not only to decrease during chemically-induced osteoblast differentiation, but also to correlate more closely with the day of differentiation than did the relative expression of the traditional osteoblast differentiation markers, bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin. Therefore, cell stiffness, a measurable property of individual cells, may serve as an improved indicator of single-cell osteoblast differentiation compared to traditional biological markers. Revelation of additional osteoblast differentiation indicators, such as cell stiffness, can improve identification and collection of starting cell populations, with applications to mesenchymal stem cell therapies and stem cell-based tissue engineering.  相似文献   
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