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Synopsis Evidence is presented which suggests that the nonparasitic lamprey, Lampetra (Eudontomyzon) gracilis Kux, 1965, is conspecific with the parasitic lamprey Eudontomyzon danfordi Regan, 1911. The diagnostic characters of the holotype and of the non-type material of E. gracilis are features found in E. danfordi specimens in their second and final year of adult life, thereby making the former a junior synonym of the latter.  相似文献   
Mutant LF-1 of the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus has been described by Metz and co-workers (Metz, J. G., Pakrasi, H., Seibert, M., and Arntzen, C. J. (1986) FEBS Lett. 205, 269-274) to be inactive for light-driven oxygen evolution, despite a functional Photo-system II reaction center. A polypeptide, D1, implicated in the ligation of the primary photoreactants of photosystem II, was shown to migrate with an apparent higher molecular mass on LDS-PAGE in the mutant than in the wild-type (WT) strain. We show here that polypeptide D1 is synthesized in a precursor form in Scenedesmus WT. Following synthesis and insertion into the thylakoid membrane, a 1.5-2-kDa oligopeptide is clipped off with a half-time of 1-2 min, yielding the mature 34-kDa form of the polypeptide. No processing of polypeptide D1 from mutant LF-1 was observed to take place. We show here that polypeptide D1 of LF-1 displays an identical proteolytic fingerprint pattern to the precursor D1 polypeptide of the wild-type strain. These both have molecular masses about 1.5-2 kDa higher than that of the mature WT polypeptide. A polyclonal antibody elicited by a synthetic oligopeptide (14-mer), predicted from the psbA gene nucleotide sequence to be homologous to the COOH terminus of the precursor D1 of spinach, cross-reacts only with D1 of mutant LF-1 and not with mature D1 of spinach, Chlamydomonas, or of Scenedesmus WT. This observation demonstrates that the greater molecular mass of polypeptide D1 from mutant LF-1 and of Scenedesmus WT precursor D1 is derived from a COOH-terminal extension. We conclude that the LF-1 mutant lacks the appropriate nuclear-encoded protease which processes polypeptide D1 at its COOH terminus from the precursor to the mature form. Such processing would appear to be a necessary step toward the stable incorporation of manganese into the oxygen-evolving site.  相似文献   
The behavior of 8 nursery/peer-reared and 16 mother-only reared rhesus macaques was observed between birth and 5 months of age, with follow-up studies conducted when the animals were 10–21 months old and living in large social groups. Nursery-reared neonates were more awake, active, and irritable than mother-only reared monkeys. From 1 to 5 months of age the nursery/peer-reared animals exhibited a greater variety of behaviors than the mother-only reared infants, which spent the majority of the time in ventral contact with mothers. As juveniles the groups were indistinguishable with the exception of more self-directed behaviors observed in the nursery/peer-reared monkeys. Both rearing conditions, by virtue of their atypicality, imposed restrictions on social development. The behavioral similarity of the juveniles while in the large social group may be a function of maturation or due to the rehabilitative effect of the large social group.  相似文献   
Models on butterfly protandry: Virgin females are at risk to die   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current models on protandry in butterflies assume that females are mated instantaneously upon eclosion. However, for most butterfly species this assumption is not realistic. In this paper a model is formulated in which the mating rate depends on both male and female density. Given the female presence curve, protandry is an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for males. The evolutionarily stable amount of protandry decreases with increasing death rate and decreasing encounter rate. Given the male presence curve, protandry also is an ESS for females. However, male and female ESS are not identical; moreover, in the present model a simultaneous ESS does not exist. Protandry critically depends on the assumption that females mate only once, whereas males are capable of multiple mating. If females too are capable of multiple mating, absence of protandry is the ESS for males as well as females. The model predicts that protandry depends on population density: protandry should be more pronounced in populations with high density than in populations with low density. Protandry also depends on sex ratio. It becomes more pronounced when the proportion of males among emerging adults increases.  相似文献   
T Metz  T Graf    A Leutz 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(4):837-844
A non-leukemogenic version of the v-myb oncogene causes in vitro transformation of avian myeloblasts, which are dependent on chicken myelomonocytic growth factor (cMGF). We have shown that this version of v-myb, when combined with the erythroleukemia-inducing v-erbB oncogene, is capable of causing a mixed myeloid and erythroid leukemia. Myeloid leukemic cells transformed by this construct produce cMGF. To test whether autocrine growth stimulation via cMGF is the essential contribution of the tyrosine kinase oncogene v-erbB in avian myeloid leukemogenesis we constructed another retrovirus containing both the non-leukemogenic v-myb and the cMGF cDNA. This virus induced myeloid leukemia at high efficiency. In a third construct we combined v-myb with the human EGF-receptor gene. Myeloid cells transformed by this construct could be stimulated to grow by the addition of cMGF or EGF. Growth stimulation with EGF was blocked by a cMGF antiserum indicating that activation of a normal tyrosine kinase-type receptor induces cMGF expression but does not bypass the cMGF requirement. We conclude that cMGF plays a key role in the growth regulation of normal and transformed avian myeloid cells.  相似文献   
Two distinct and interdependent binding sites for inhibitors of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels have been identified. They include one site for molecules of the 1,4-dihydropyridine serie such as nitrendipine, nifedipine or PN200-110 and one site for a chemically heterogenous group of compounds comprising verapamil, D600 and desmethoxyverapamil, bepridil and diltiazem. Ca2+ binds to its own coordination site which is distinct from the receptor site for organic Ca2+ channel inhibitors. The molecular size of the native [3H] nitrendipine receptor of transverse tubule membrane, brain and heart, have been determined using the radiation inactivation technique. The [3H] nitrendipine receptor is found to have a Mr of 210,000 +/- 20,000. CHAPS solubilization and purification indicate that the dihydropyridine receptor contains polypeptides of apparent molecular weights of 142,000, 32,000 and 33,000 which copurifie with (+) [3H] PN200-110 binding activity. Two stages in which there is an increased binding of [3H]nitrendipine have been observed during chick myogenesis. The first one occurs during embryonic life and has the same properties as in the in vitro development. The second stage occurs near hatching and corresponds to a large increase in the number of nitrendipine receptors. This increase is accompanied by a decrease in the affinity of nitrendipine for its receptor by a factor of 4 to 10. The second stage of development is partly under innervation control and its expression is modulated by the intracellular cyclic AMP content. The two dihydropyridines Bay K8644 and CGP 28932 work preferentially on polarized membranes. 45Ca2+ flux experiments yielded results which are in good agreement with electrophysiological, contraction and binding data obtained with rat cardiac cells and skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   
A technique has been developed for localizing hybrids formed in situ on semi-thin and ultrathin sections of Lowicryl K4M-embedded tissue. Biotinylated dUTP (Bio-11-dUTP and/or Bio-16-dUTP) was incorporated into mitochondrial rDNA and small nuclear U1 probes by nick-translation. The probes were hybridized to sections of Drosophila ovaries and subsequently detected with an anti-biotin antibody and protein A-gold complex. On semi-thin sections, probe detection was achieved by amplification steps with anti-protein A antibody and protein A-gold with subsequent silver enhancement. At the electron microscope level, specific labeling was obtained over structures known to be the site of expression of the appropriate genes (i.e., either over mitochondria or over nuclei). The labeling pattern at the light microscope level (semi-thin sections) was consistent with that obtained at the electron microscope level. The described nonradioactive procedures for hybrid detection on Lowicryl K4M-embedded tissue sections offer several advantages: rapid signal detection: superior morphological preservation and spatial resolution; and signal-to-noise ratios equivalent to radiolabeling.  相似文献   
The electric organ of Electrophorus electricus contains substances which inhibit (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, the specific binding of [3H]ouabain to purified (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and 86Rb+ uptake by chick cardiac cells in culture. The active organic material was extracted from microsomal membranes. Its purification was carried out by chromatography on Sep-Pak C-18 and thin-layer chromatography. Reverse-phase liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry identified the active material as a mixture of unsaturated fatty acids. Linoleic (18:2), arachidonic (20:4), linolenic (18:3) and docosahexaenoic acids (22:6) contributed to about 60% of the total activity of the active material. The other active substances could be arachidonic analogs, since they have both a lipophilic and carboxylic character. Pure unsaturated fatty acids have been shown to be active in the different biological assays used to analyze the endogenous 'ouabain-like' activity. Linolenic, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids were the most active, whereas saturated fatty acids and glyceryl esters or methyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids were inactive. It is possible that in pathological situations in which the level of unsaturated fatty acids increases, these molecules may then act as physiological inhibitors of the sodium pump.  相似文献   
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