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Dicistronic reporter plasmids, such as the dual luciferase-containing pR-F plasmid, have been widely used to assay cellular and viral 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) for IRES activity. We found that the pR-F dicistronic reporter containing the 5' UTRs from HIF-1alpha, VEGF, c-myc, XIAP, VEGFR-1, or Egr-1 UTRs all produce the downstream luciferase predominantly as a result of cryptic promoter activity that is activated by the SV40 enhancer elements in the plasmid. RNA transfection experiments using dicistronic or uncapped RNAs, which avoid the complication of cryptic promoter activity, indicate that the HIF-1alpha, VEGF, c-myc, and XIAP UTRs do have some IRES activity, although the activity was much less than that of the viral EMCV IRES. The translation of transfected monocistronic RNAs containing these cellular UTRs was greatly enhanced by the presence of a 5' cap, raising questions as to the strength or mechanism of IRES-mediated translation in these assays.  相似文献   
The thalamic midline paraventricular nucleus (PVT) is prominently innervated by vasopressin-immunoreactive neurons from the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), site of the brain's biological clock. Using patch-clamp recordings in slice preparations taken from Wistar rats during the subjective day, we examined 90 PVT neurons for responses to bath-applied AVP (0.5-2 microM; 1-3 min). In current clamp at resting membrane potentials (-65 +/- 1 mV), PVT neurons displayed low-threshold spikes (LTSs) and burst firing patterns. In 50% of cells tested, AVP induced a slowly rising, prolonged membrane depolarization and tonic firing, returning to burst firing upon recovery. AVP modulated hyperpolarization-activated LTSs by decreasing the time to the initial sodium spike at the onset of LTS, also increasing the duration of the afterdepolarization. Responses were blockable with a V(1a) receptor antagonist (Manning compound). Under voltage clamp, AVP induced a TTX-resistant, slowly rising, and prolonged (approximately 15 min) inward current (<40 pA). Current-voltage relationship (I-V) analyses of the AVP responses revealed a decrease in membrane conductance to 73.1 +/- 6.2% of control, with net AVP current reversing at -106 +/- 4 mV, and decreased inward rectification at negative potentials. These observations are consistent with an AVP-induced closure of an inwardly rectifying potassium conductance. On the basis of these in vitro observations, we suggest that the SCN vasopressinergic innervation of PVT is excitatory in nature, possibly releasing AVP with circadian rhythmicity and contributing to state-dependent firing patterns in PVT neurons over the sleep-wake cycle.  相似文献   
The silencing of genes whose expression is restricted to specific cell types and/or specific regeneration stages opens avenues to decipher the molecular control of the cellular plasticity underlying head regeneration in hydra. In this review, we highlight recent studies that identified genes involved in the immediate cytoprotective function played by gland cells after amputation; the early dedifferentiation of digestive cells into blastema-like cells during head regeneration, and the early late proliferation of neuronal progenitors required for head patterning. Hence, developmental plasticity in hydra relies on spatially restricted and timely orchestrated cellular modifications, where the functions played by stem cells remain to be characterized.  相似文献   
Asp kinase catalyzes the first step of the Asp-derived essential amino acid pathway in plants and microorganisms. Depending on the source organism, this enzyme contains up to four regulatory ACT domains and exhibits several isoforms under the control of a great variety of allosteric effectors. We report here the dimeric structure of a Lys and S-adenosylmethionine-sensitive Asp kinase isoform from Arabidopsis thaliana in complex with its two inhibitors. This work reveals the structure of an Asp kinase and an enzyme containing two ACT domains cocrystallized with its effectors. Only one ACT domain (ACT1) is implicated in effector binding. A loop involved in the binding of Lys and S-adenosylmethionine provides an explanation for the synergistic inhibition by these effectors. The presence of S-adenosylmethionine in the regulatory domain indicates that ACT domains are also able to bind nucleotides. The organization of ACT domains in the present structure is different from that observed in Thr deaminase and in the regulatory subunit of acetohydroxyacid synthase III.  相似文献   
tRNA isodecoders share the same anticodon but have differences in their body sequence. An unexpected result from genome sequencing projects is the identification of a large number of tRNA isodecoder genes in mammalian genomes. In the reference human genome, more than 270 isodecoder genes are present among the approximately 450 tRNA genes distributed among 49 isoacceptor families. Whether sequence diversity among isodecoder tRNA genes reflects functional variability is an open question. To address this, we developed a method to quantify the efficiency of tRNA isodecoders in stop-codon suppression in human cell lines. First, a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene that contains a single UAG stop codon at two distinct locations is introduced. GFP is only produced when a tRNA suppressor containing CUA anticodon is co-transfected with the GFP gene. The suppression efficiency is examined for 31 tRNA isodecoders (all contain CUA anticodon), 21 derived from four isoacceptor families of tRNASer genes, 7 from five families of tRNALeu genes, and 3 from three families of tRNAAla genes. We found that isodecoder tRNAs display a large difference in their suppression efficiency. Among those with above background suppression activity, differences of up to 20-fold were observed. We were able to tune tRNA suppression efficiency by subtly adjusting the tRNA sequence and inter-convert poor suppressors into potent ones. We also demonstrate that isodecoder tRNAs with varying suppression efficiencies have similar stability and exhibit similar levels of aminoacylation in vivo. Our results indicate that naturally occurring tRNA isodecoders can have large functional variations and suggest that some tRNA isodecoders may perform a function distinct from translation.  相似文献   
Methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) is a multidomain protein that specifically binds tRNAMet and catalyzes the synthesis of methionyl-tRNAMet. The minimal, core enzyme found in Aquifex aeolicus is made of a catalytic domain, which catalyzes the aminoacylation reaction, and an anticodon-binding domain, which promotes tRNA-protein association. In eukaryotes, additional domains are appended in cis or in trans to the core enzyme and increase the stability of the tRNA-protein complexes. Eventually, as observed for MetRS from Homo sapiens, the C-terminal appended domain causes a slow release of aminoacyl-tRNA and establishes a limiting step in the global aminoacylation reaction. Here, we report that MetRS from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans displays a new type of structural organization. Its very C-terminal appended domain is related to the oligonucleotide binding-fold-based tRNA-binding domain (tRBD) recovered at the C-terminus of MetRS from plant, but, in the nematode enzyme, this domain is separated from the core enzyme by an insertion domain. Gel retardation and tRNA aminoacylation experiments show that MetRS from nematode is functionally related to human MetRS despite the fact that their appended tRBDs have distinct structural folds, and are not orthologs. Thus, functional convergence of human and nematode MetRS is the result of parallel and convergent evolution that might have been triggered by the selective pressure to invent processivity of tRNA handling in translation in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Expanded bed adsorption (EBA) is an efficient protein purification process reducing time and steps of downstream processing (DSP) since nonclarified culture media can be processed directly without prior treatments such as filtration or centrifugation. However, cells and debris can interact with the adsorbent and affect bed stability as well as purification performance. To optimize EBA operating conditions these biomass/adsorbent interactions have to be understood and characterized. The adsorption of Human Embryonic Kidney cells (HEK 293) on unprimed and nickel-primed metal affinity adsorbent was studied in a closed loop EBA setup. With the unprimed adsorbent, the overall level of interaction observed was nonsignificant. With the nickel-primed adsorbent and an initial cell concentration ranging from 0.08 x 10(6) to 0.2 x 10(6) cells/mL, biomass/adsorbent interaction was found to be moderate and the adsorption apparent first-order kinetic rate constant was determined to be k = 0.009 to 0.011 min(-1).  相似文献   
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