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Intact chloroplasts isolated from leaves of eight species of 16:3 and 18:3 plants and chromoplasts isolated from Narcissus pseudonarcissus L. flowers synthesize galactose-labeled mono-, di-, and trigalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG, DGDG, and TGDG) when incubated with UDP-[6-3H]galactose. In all plastids, galactolipid synthesis, and especially synthesis of DGDG and TGDG, is reduced by treatment of the organelles with the nonpenetrating protease thermolysin. Envelope membranes isolated from thermolysin-treated chloroplasts of Spinacia oleracea L. (16:3 plant) and Pisum sativum L. (18:3 plant) or membranes isolated from thermolysin-treated chromoplasts are strongly reduced in galactolipid:galactolipid galactosyltransferase activity, but not with regard to UDP-Gal:diacylglycerol galactosyltransferase. For the intact plastids, this indicates that thermolysin treatment specifically blocks DGDG (and TGDG) synthesis, whereas MGDG synthesis is not affected. Neither in chloroplast nor in chromoplast membranes is DGDG synthesis stimulated by UDP-Gal. DGDG synthesis in S. oleracea chloroplasts is not stimulated by nucleoside 5′-diphospho digalactosides. Therefore, galactolipid:galactolipid galactosyltransferase is so far the only detectable enzyme synthesizing DGDG. These results conclusively suggest that the latter enzyme is located in the outer envelope membrane of different types of plastids and has a general function in DGDG synthesis, both in 16:3 and 18:3 plants.  相似文献   
TNPA, one of the two transposition proteins encoded by the En/Spm transposable elements of Zea mays, suppresses the expression of genes that contain an appropriate cis element. Suppression can be monitored in tobacco protoplasts in a transient expression assay as follows. The plant promoter-driven expression of the Escherichia coli-glucuronidase (GUS)-encoding gene, uidA, is repressed in the presence of TNPA if the GUS gene contains a functional cis element in the untranslated RNA leader sequence. Earlier, we found that the minimal cis element is composed of two 12 by sequences in a tail-to-tail inverted orientation. Each 12 by sequence is sufficient to bind TNPA in vitro and can be thought of as a half-site in the cis element. Here, we investigated the sequence requirements of the minimal cis element. Our observations support our expectations that a functional cis element must provide a template to which two TNPA molecules can bind in the correct orientation. Sequences within the half-sites can be altered as long as the eight bases that make up the consensus binding sites are not changed. However, we found the following unexpected sequence specificities. Firstly, some changes to the consensus binding sequence can be tolerated in one half-site, as long as the other site matches the consensus. Secondly, although the region between the half-sites can vary in sequence and in length between two and four bases, a thymidine residue is not tolerated directly 5′ preceding the second half-site. Since many variants of the cis element sequence remain functional, the suppressor response element provides a flexible tool for artificially manipulating the expression of genes.  相似文献   
Summary The leaf shape of the mutantfiliformis (fil) ofHyoscyamus niger L. is strongly modified by external factors (like nutrition and light) as well as by the height of insertion. The name filiformis refers to thread-like leaves which always occur in the inflorencence; they may also be formed in the vegetative region, especially under short day conditions. Other leaves may have a small rhombic blade or a larger blade with irregular edges and deep incisions. Even pinnate leaves have been found. In contrast to the leaves of normalHyoscyamus, all mutant leaves (hypsophylls included) have a stalk-like basal portion that seems to be homologous to the basal part of the normal blade. This mutant is caused by one recessive factor which is linked neither toann nor topall.the submarginal initials of the normalHyoscyamus blade were always found dividing according to the periclinal-anticlinal type, while in the mutant the activity of the submarginal initials frequently resulted in a primarily biseriate mesophyll (so-called double-edged segmentation).This is apparently the first time that gene control of the mode of submarginal blade growth has been observed. Further differences between mutant and normalHyoscyamus concern the venation, the lengths of palisade cells and of stomata guard cells, the frequency of stomata per mm2, and the thickness of the blade.

Mit 7 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung  Während das Mortalitätsrisiko für Vögel durch Drahtanflug und Stromschlag an Hochspannungsleitungen vielfach untersucht wurde, könnte auch ein Einfluß von Hochspannungstrassen (110 kV) auf Vögel bestehen, die sich am Boden aufhalten. Dieser wurde 1994/95 am Beispiel der Flächennutzung überwinternder Bläß- und Saatgänse (Anser albifrons, A. fabalis) am Unteren Niederrhein untersucht. Da Gänse offene ungestörte Äsungsflächen beanspruchen, wurde der Arbeitshypothese nachgegangen, daß trassennahe Bereiche von Gänsen gemieden bzw. vermindert genutzt werden. Die Besuchsfrequenz von vier häufig genutzten trassenüberspannten Äsungsflächen wurde ermittelt. Im Anschluß an die einzelnen mehrtägigen Beäsungsphasen wurde die Losungsdichte (LD) als Maß der Flächennutzung senkrecht zum Trassenverlauf bestimmt. An 16–20 m hohen Trassen stieg die LD mit zunehmender Entfernung zur Trasse. Eine signifikante Abnahme der LD trat unterhalb von 40–80 m Abstand zur Trasse ein. Kleine Teilflächen, die durch die Trassen von größeren Bereichen abgetrennt sind, wurden weniger genutzt. An einer 60 m hohen, den Rhein Überquerenden Trasse, konnte kein trassenbedingter Unterschied der LD festgestellt werden. Mögliche Ursachen für die beschriebenen Effekte werden diskutiert.
The impact of power lines on field selection and grazing intensity of wintering White-fronted- and Bean GeeseAnser albifrons, A. fabalis
In addition to studies about the mortality risk by collision and electrocution power lines may have an impact on birds during foraging behaviour on the ground. We examined this question in geese (Anser albfrons, A. fabalis) wintering in the lower Rhine area of North Rhine Westfalia (FRG) 1994/95. Because geese prefer large areas with low levels of disturbance by human activities or urbanic structures like buildings or roads, we hypothesized that they might be disturbed by the presence of power lines in their foraging sites and thus avoid areas next to the lines. To quantify the grazing intensity in relation to the distance from the power lines (110 kV), dropping densities have been repeatedly counted after independant grazing intervals in four different feeding sites. Our data show that: 1. Grazing intensity increases with the distance to power lines of low height. Significantly reduced grazing levels have been found in distances less than 80 to 40 m to the power lines. 2. No effects have been observed for a power line in an area next to the river rhine where the wires crossed the ground in a height of about 60 metres. 3. In small pasture or field areas, cut off by power lines from large ones, a generally reduced grazing amount is evident. Several conceivable reasons for the described effects are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluß von Störreizen auf das Energiebudget von Ringelgänsen wurde im Frühjahr 1991 in zwei Vorland-Salzwiesen des Nationalparks Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer vergleichend untersucht. Die Häufigkeit störreizbedingter Reaktionen der Gänse (Störreizhäufigkeit) wurde als Index für die anthropogene Beeinflussung der Gebiete herangezogen. Die Beeinflussung war in Westerhever mit 1,5±0,7 Reaktionen/h signifikant größer als vor dem Norderheverkoog (1,0±0,6 Reaktionen/h). Mit zunehmender Aktivitätszeit wurde in beiden Gebieten im Verlauf des Frühjahres mehr umsetzbare Energie aufgenommen. In Westerhever haben die Gänse im Vergleich zu denen vor dem Norderheverkoog mit Ausnahme des Mai jeweils mehr umsetzbare Energie aufgenommen. Die energetischen Kosten (DEE) der Gänse wurden anhand der Zeit-Energie-Budget Methode und über die gemessene Körpermasseentwicklung von Fänglingen berechnet. Beide Methoden erzielten vergleichbare Ergebnisse; die Unterschiede betrugen je nach Gebiet 0,4 bis 4,5 %. In Westerhever verzeichneten die Gänse im Vergleich zu denen vor dem Norderheverkoog im Monatsmittel höhere energetische Kosten. Aus dem budgetierten Energieüberschuß (E) wurde die theoretisch mögliche Reservestoffanlagerung (Änderung der Körpermasse) der Gänse berechnet. In Westerhever konnten die Gänse im Verlauf des Frühjahres 357 g Körperreserven anlagern. Bei den Gänsen vor dem Norderheverkoog waren es 399 g. Der Unterschied betrug 11,7 %, war aber nicht signifikant. Anhand von Fangdaten ist bekannt, daß Ringelgänse im langjährigen Mittel Körperreserven von 380 bis 400 Gramm anlagern. Die Störreizhäufigkeit des Tages bewirkte eine signifikante Veränderung der Budgetparameter DME und DEE und E auf stündlicher Basis. In Westerhever stieg die Aufnahme an umsetzbarer Energie signifikant mit steigender Störreizhäufigkeit an. Vor dem Norderheverkoog verringerte sich diese jedoch signifikant. Die Energieaufwendungen stiegen in beiden Gebieten signifikant mit steigender Reizhäufigkeit an. Der Überschuß in der Energiebilanz der Gänse in Westerhever war an Tagen mit einer großen Störreizhäufigkeit um 8,7 % gegenüber den Tagen mit einer geringen Reizhäufigkeit verringert. Aufgrund fehlender kompensatorischer Nahrungsaufnahme war der Überschuß bei den Gänsen vor dem Norderheverkoog um maximal 27,5 % vermindert. Die Gänse in Westerhever haben störreizbedingte Zeitverluste bei der Nahrungsaufnahme und erhöhte energetische Kosten durch Verhaltensänderung und eine erhöhte Nahrungsaufnahme pro Zeit kompensiert. Aufgrund physiologischer Zwänge sind sie jedoch in dem stark vom Menschen beeinflußten Gebiet an die Grenzen ihrer Kompensationsmöglichkeit angelangt. Die errechnete Reservestoffanlagerung und auch der Jungvogelanteil im nachfolgenden Herbst waren geringer als bei den Gänsen vor dem Norderheverkoog.
Compensatory limits: energy budgets of Brent Geese,Branta b. bernicla, the influence of human disturbance
The impact of human disturbances on the energy budget of Brent Geese,Branta b. bernicla, during spring migration was investigated in two different salt marsh areas within the national park Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer, Germany. We used the frequency of disturbance-related reactions of the birds as an indicator of the anthropogenic influencing of the sites. The disturbance frequency was significantly higher in the Westerhever salt marsh (1,5±0,7 reactions/h) than in the Norderheverkoog area (1,0±0,6 reactions/h). Monthly activity and energy budgets of the birds were calculated from March to May, based on several simultaneous day-round field observations per month. The amount of daily metabolizable energy (DME) was calculated via dropping rate and digestability of the food. The daily energy expenditure (DEE) was calculated by means of the time-energy-budget methods and by calculations, using the bodymass changes of caught birds during spring. With both methods very similar results were obtained; they varied between 0,4 to 4,5 % per areas and month. The daily energy budget (Æ E) was calculated from DEE — DME. Due to an increasing daily activity time from March to Mai the DME increased in both areas. Compared to the Norderheverkoog area the DME of the birds in Westerhever was higher in March and April, and similar in Mai. DEE increased in both areas too and was in all months higher in Westerhever than in Norderheverkoog. The calculated bodymass changes of the birds during spring was 357 g for the birds in Westerhever and 399 g for the birds in Norderheverkoog. Bodymass measures from caught birds revealed a mean mass gain of 380 to 400 g during spring. The daily disturbance frequency caused a significant change in the budget parameters DME, DDE and E on a hourly base. In Westerhever DME/h increased, while in Norderheverkoog DME/h decreased significantly with increasing disturbance frequency. At the same time DEE/h increased in both areas significantly. As a consequence E/h was reduced at days with a high disturbance frequency; in Westerhever by 8,7 % and in Norderheverkoog by 27,5%. In the disturbed area the birds compensated the time-loss during feeding and the higher energetic costs during disturbance-related flights by a change in activity pattern and by an increased food consumption per time unit. Based on physiological constraints the birds reached their compensatory abilities. The calculated bodymass gain and the proportion of young birds in the flocks was reduced in autumn.
Trichosporon beigelii SBUG 752 was able to transform diphenyl ether. By TLC, HPLC, GC, GC-MS, NMR- and UV-spectroscopy, several oxidation products were identified. The primary attack was initiated by a monooxygenation step, resulting in the formation of 4-hydroxydiphenyl ether, 2-hydroxydiphenyl ether and 3-hydroxydiphenyl ether (48:47:5). Further oxidation led to 3,4-dihydroxydiphenyl ether. As a characteristic product resulting from the cleavage of an aromatic ring, the lactone of 2-hydroxy-4-phenoxymuconic acid was identified. The possible mechanism of ring cleavage to yield this metabolite is discussed.  相似文献   
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