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Summary DNA haplotype constellations of the β-globin gene cluster have been analyzed in German families with hemoglobinopathies (Hb Freiburg, Hb K?ln, Hb Presbyterian) and β-thalassemias. The polymorphis patterns obtained were compared to those found in families from Greece, Italy, and Turkey affected by β-thalassemia syndromes. With the combined analysis of seven restriction site polymorphisms a DNA-diagnostic prediction for additional offspring could be made with an overall frequency of 75% in the four ethnic groups.  相似文献   
Video recordings and single frame analysis were used to study the function of the second antennae of crayfish (Cherax destructor) as a sensory system in freely behaving animals. Walking crayfish move their antennae back and forth through horizontal angles of 100 degrees and more, relative to the body long axis. At rest, animals tend to hold their antennae at angular positions between 20 and 50 degrees. Movements of the two antennae are largely independent of each other. Before and during a turn of the body the ipsilateral antenna is moved into the direction of the turn. Solid objects are explored by repeatedly moving the antennae towards and across them. Both seeing and blinded crayfish can locate stationary objects following antennal contact. On antennal contact with a small novel object, a moving animal withdraws its antenna and attacks the object. When the antenna of a blinded crayfish is lightly touched with a brush the animal turns and attacks the point of stimulation. The direction taken and the distance covered during an attack can be correlated with: the angle at which the antenna is held at the moment of contact and the distance along the antennal flagellum at which the stimulus is applied. From behavioural evidence we conclude that crayfish use information about the angular position of their antennae and about the position of stimulated mechanoreceptors along the antennal flagellum to locate objects in their environment. We suggest ways in which an active tactile system-like the crayfish's antennae--could supply animals with information about the three-dimensional layout of their environment.  相似文献   
The influences of a single rtg irradiation dose (14 mGy) on some quantitative signs in dependence on the body length was studied in the experimental fishes Barbus conchonius and B. tetrazona. The values of all followed signs increased positively due to the body length growth. The irradiation with the abovementioned dose in the given conditions had relative small influence on the growth course of the chosen quantitative sign values in the control and irradiated fishes of both species is the same (the regression lines are in good agreement, resp. they are parallel). The statistically significant difference was stated only between the irradiated the non-irradiated groups of B. tetrazona due to the head height (the regression lines are divergent).  相似文献   
Summary A battery of immunological tests were used to investigate mutants which had been determined as lacking one or two ribosomal proteins on the basis of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. Proteins which were confirmed as missing from the ribosome in one or more mutants were large subunit proteins L1, L15, L19, L24, L27, L28, L30 and L33 and small subunit proteins S1, S9, S17 and S20. Cross-reacting material (CRM) was also absent from the post-ribosomal supernatant except in the case of protein S1. Since mutants lacking protein L11 have been previously described, any one of 13 of the 52 ribosomal proteins can be missing. None of these 13 proteins, except S1, can therefore have an indispensable role in ribosome function or assembly. In several mutants in which a protein was not missing but altered, it was present as several moieties of differing charge and size.  相似文献   
Summary Different staining procedures, various digestion methods and autoradiographic techniques were employed to study the structure and composition of the nucleolus and of the nucleolonema, after unmasking the latter by adenosine treatment. The presence of DNA, RNA, protein and lipid in these structures has been shown. It has been demonstrated that the filamentous structure within the nucleolus — the nucleolonema— has a core of DNA, around which RNA and protein have accumulated. The structure of the nucleolonema suggests that it is in a highly active state, in synthesizing ribosomal RNA and protein.We take the opportunity to express our gratefulness to the Director, Prof. Dr. Hans Lettré, for providing facilities to work in this Institute. We like to thank our other colleagues, particularly Dr. N. Paweletz, for their valuable help during the course of the investigations.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die bemerkenswerte Sternbildung von Agrobacterium luteum Stamm A61 (Moll et al., 1967; Ahrens, 1968) ist auf polare Fimbrien zurückzuführen, die um die Sternaggregate ausgebreitet sind. Es wird angenommen, daß sich Schwärmzellen an den Fimbrien verfangen und durch Kontraktion rasch zum Stern gezogen werden. Nach elektronenoptischen Präparaten sind die Fimbrien bis zu 10,5 lang und können die beobachtete Sternbildung gut erklären. Agrobacterium luteum Stamm B14 besitzt ebenfalls lange polare Fimbrien. Beide Stämme tragen peritriche Geißeln, deren Struktur sich deutlich von den dünnen und unregelmäßigen Fimbrien unterscheidet.
The function of fimbriae in the peculiar star formation of Agrobacterium luteum
Summary The remarkable way of star formation in Agrobacterium luteum strain A61 (Moll et al., 1967; Ahrens, 1968) was found to be due to polar fimbriae which are spread around the star-shaped aggregates. It is assumed that swarmers adhere to the fimbriae and, by contraction, are swiftly pulled towards the star. As seen in electron microscopic preparations, the fimbriae are up to 10,5 long and may well explain the star formation observed. Agrobacterium luteum strain B 14 also possesses long polar fimbriae. Both strains have peritrichous flagella, the structure of which being clearly distinct from the delicate and irregular fimbriae.
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