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The idiotopic (Id) repertoire of antibody response to phosphocholine was studied in mouse strains with different IgH allotypes. The T15 idiotype-bearing (T15+) serum antibody and antibody plaque-forming cells (PFC) were characterized with four monoclonal anti-Id that recognize distinct Id determinants on T15+ antibody encoded by VH-1 (of the S107 gene family), DH FL16.1, JH-1 and Vk22 germ-line genes. We have previously shown that expression of the Id designated AB1-2 and B36-82 depends on the third hypervariable loop (D region), whereas the other Id, MaId5-4 and B24-44, are influenced by VH structures outside of the D region. All four Id were expressed in the PC-response of all mouse strains tested, except the Ighj strains (C3H/HeJ, CBA/H-T6, PL/j), where the D region-dependent Id, AB1-2 and B36-82, were absent. The other Id, however, were normally expressed on individual PFC as well as the serum antibody of the Ighj strains. Expression of AB1-2 and B36-82 on 50% of PFC occurred in (BALB/c-Igha x C3H/HeJ-Ighj)F1 mice. The absence of Id correlated with a unique RFLP of the S107 gene family in Ighj strains. Finally, Id expression segregated with the appropriate RFLP pattern in individual (BALB/c x C3H/HeJ)F2 mice. These data demonstrate a selective genetic linkage of discrete T15 Id determinants, AB1-2 and B36-82 with the Igh allotype. By comparing these results with the available Ig sequences, we suggest that the Ighj allotype may be associated with an allelic form of the DH-FL16.1 segment which with VH-1, JH-1, and the Vk 22 code for the phosphocholine-specific antibody in the mouse.  相似文献   
The high-affinity uptake system of phosphatelimited cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans [Synechococcus leopoliensis (Raciborski) Komarek] is characterized by a threshold value below which uptake cannot occur. Here it is shown that, if phosphate-limited cyanobacteria are challenged with a short pulse of high phosphate concentration that appreciably exceeds this threshold value, the uptake system undergoes an adaptive response, leading to the attainment of new kinetic properties and a new threshold value. These new properties are maintained for several hours after the pulse. A notable characteristic of this new state is a wide linear dependence of the uptake rate on the external phosphate potential that is a function of the driving force of the uptake process. According to theoretical arguments it is shown that this “linear operation mode” can be explained by the simultaneous operation of several uptake systems with different, staggered threshold values and kinetic properties. Moreover, the new linear uptake properties, in turn, reflect the prehistory of phosphate supply experienced by the population. The consequences of this result with regard to environmental fluctuations of the phosphate concentration in lakes are discussed.  相似文献   
Conventional methods for measuring zooplankton distributionsare too laborious and time consuming to permit sufficient temporaland spatial resolution in many instances. An ability to makemore efficient and precise measurements would be useful. Weevaluated the potential for using the video system of a commerciallyavailable remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to measure the distributionand abundance of zooplankton by calibrating ROV counts withcounts based on a conventional sampling procedure (a Schindlertrap), and by using an ROV to measure the density of zooplanktonin a small lake. As configured here, this particular ROV wassuitable for measuring the density of the cladocerans Daphniaand Holopedium. It was also suitable for assessing the distribution,but not absolute densities, of Chaoborus and Leptodora. Imagequality was inadequate for quantitative estimates of copepod(Diaptomus minutus) abundance, and prevented us from studyingbehavioral responses of copepods to the vehicle. We concludethat the ROV has at least three useful features: it can be usedto locate patches of those species that are imaged effectively;a large number of samples (videotapes) can be collected almostsynoptically with high spatial resolution; the ROV enables insitu observation of zooplankton. The ROV also has three importantlimitations: the small image volume makes it difficult to studyrare organisms; inadequate image resolution precludes studiesof relatively small organisms (e.g. the calanoid copepod D.minutus);zooplankton respond to the presence of the ROV.  相似文献   
The analysis of metabolic control has reached a high level of understanding of the regulation in cellular metabolic pathways. However, as soon as we leave the realm of cell compartments and enter into the demise of coordination at the organism or ecosystem level, control theory enters unstable ground. Organisms act as individuals. Here, I compare control features at different levels of organization (cell to ecosystem), to indicate how we may approach understanding of control in complex and multiple-species systems.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In einer zeitgleichen Untersuchung über 10 Jahre (1985–94) wird die Brutbiologie des Turmfalken in 17 Gebieten Deutschlands verglichen. Insgesamt 3017 Brutpaare mit 11 423 Jungen sind untersucht worden (Tab. 1). Der Bruterfolg in den einzelnen Gebieten ist für jedes Gebiet spezifisch. Er schwankt in den unterschiedlichen Gebieten und Jahren um bis zu 4 Juv/+BP, in jedem Gebiet für sich betrachtet maximal bis 2,5 Juv/+BP. Bedeutung hat insbesondere der Einfluß des Brutplatztyps: Geschützte Brutplätze (in Gebäuden und Kästen) haben höheren Bruterfolg 4 Juv/+BP als offene Brutplätze (Baumnester, Körbe), in denen 4 Juv/+BP ausfliegen. Die Gründe hierfür werden diskutiert.
Breeding success of the KestrelFalco tinnunculus in Germany: results 1985–1994
We compare breeding biology and success of 17 Kestrel subpopulations in Germany in 1985–1994. A total sample of 3,017 breeding attemps and 11,423 fledged young were analyzed by our study group. Breeding success was not parallel over years and study areas; differences were up to four fledged young per successful pair, area and year. Within areas the differences reached 2,5 fledged young per successful pair. The most striking result was the influence of nesting site on breeding success. Clutches in sheltered sites in buildings or in nest boxes always reached mean values above 4 fledged young per successful pair, open nest sites like crow nests, however, were most clearly below this value.
A system of instrumentation for continuous measurement of gaseous metabolism and minute volume (VI) in the human newborn is described. O2 uptake and CO2 production are measured by open-circuit techniques utilizing a Servomex OA184 differential paramagnetic O2 analyzer and a BEckman LB-2 infrared CO2 analyzer. VI is measured with bias-flow pneumotachometry. Bench performance is described, methodological errors are defined, and clinical data are presented. The instrumentation is capable of safe, accurate, and continuous measurement of respiratory and metabolic variables in low-birth-weight infants.  相似文献   
Summary Previous publications have reported on investigations of CO2 exchange in the desert lichenRamalina maciformis both in its natural habitat in the Negev and in the laboratory. Utilizing laboratory data, net photosynthesis and dark respiration were expressed as mathematical functions of the most important environmental factors. Based on these relationships, a model is developed that allows one to predict CO2 exchange of the plant. Input data are light intensity, temperature, and water content of the thallus, together with a measure of the rate of the seasonal change of photosynthetic and respiratory activity. The validity of the model is tested by comparing simulated daily courses of CO2 uptake and release of the lichen with independent results of CO2 exchange measurements conducted in the field during and after the condensation of dew. The sensitivity of the model is shown by simulating changes in the input data of temperature and water content of the lichen.This paper is dedicated to Dr. h.c. Oscar Klement on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   
Mixtures of egg phosphatidylcholine and phosphonic acid diethyl or dibutyl esters of the general type RP(O)(OR')2 with R = hexane or dodecane were studied at room temperature in the fluid lamellar state by X-ray and by neutron diffraction. Generally a molar ratio of lipid and ester of 1:0.5 was used. Additionally an equimolar lipid/ester mixture of hexane phosphonic acid diethyl ester was studied. Depending on the ester used and its concentration a single L alpha-phase was observed above a certain water content which changes to an L alpha + water two phase system at high water concentration. Despite the large amounts of the amphiphilic ester molecules incorporated in the membrane and their high molecular asymmetry, the mixtures qualitatively show the typical hydration and swelling behaviour of non-charged lipid membranes. However, the incorporation of the esters induces a higher hydration capacity, a lateral extension and a decrease in membrane thickness. The position of the ester molecules and their orientation in the membrane were determined by neutron diffraction using partially deuterated esters. The esters were found to be located with their phosphonic moiety near or in the lipid/water interface. The lamellar structure contradicts this location of the cone-shaped ester molecules which should increase the tendency to form hexagonal structures. However, the experimental findings can be understood if one considers a partial interdigitation of the last hydrocarbon groups of the lipid chains accompanied by a larger disorder in the hydrophobic centre of the membrane. In the case of hexane phosphonic acid dibutyl ester, a vertical translocation of the ester takes place below a certain water content where it is distributed between two locations at the lipid water interface and the centre of the membrane.  相似文献   
As an alternative disinfectant to chlorination, electrolytically generated copper:silver (400 and 40 micrograms/L copper and silver, respectively) with and without free chlorine (0.3 mg/L) was evaluated over a period of 4 weeks in indoor and outdoor water systems (100 L tap water with natural body flora and urine). Numbers of total coliform, pseudomonas, and staphylococci were all less than drinking water standards in systems treated with copper:silver and free chlorine and systems treated with free chlorine alone (1.0 mg/L). No significant differences (p less than or equal to 0.05) in bacterial numbers were observed between systems with copper:silver and free chlorine and those with free chlorine alone. Overall, free-chlorine treatments (0.3 or 1.0 mg/L) showed significantly lower heterotrophic plate numbers than those without free chlorine. When challenged with a natural Staphylococcus sp. isolate, water with copper:silver and free chlorine had a 2.4 log10 reduction in bacterial numbers within 2 min, while free chlorine alone or copper:silver alone showed 1.5 and 0.03 log10 reductions, respectively. Addition of copper:silver to water systems may allow the concentration of free chlorine to be reduced while still providing comparable sanitary quality of the water.  相似文献   
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