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Spin-coated thin films of poly(N-hydroxysuccinimidyl methacrylate) (PNHSMA) on oxidized silicon and gold surfaces were investigated as reactive layers for obtaining platforms for biomolecule immobilization with high molecular loading. The surface reactivity of PNHSMA films in coupling reactions with various primary amines, including amine-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG-NH2) and fluoresceinamine, was determined by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), fluorescence microscopy, and ellipsometry measurements, respectively. The rate constants of PEG-NH2 attachment on the PNHSMA films were found to be significantly increased compared to the coupling on self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 11,11'-dithiobis(N-hydroxysuccinimidylundecanoate) (NHS-C10) on gold under the same conditions. More significantly, the PEG loading observed was about 3 times higher for the polymer thin films. These data indicate that the coupling reactions are not limited to the very surface of the polymer films, but proceed into the near-surface regions of the films. PNHSMA films were shown to be stable in contact with aqueous buffer; the swelling analysis, as performed by atomic force microscopy (AFM), indicated a film thickness independent swelling of approximately 2 nm. An increased loading was also observed by surface plasmon resonance for the covalent immobilization of amino-functionalized probe DNA. Hybridization of fluorescently labeled target DNA was successfully detected by fluorescence microscopy and surface plasmon resonance enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS), thereby demonstrating that thin films of PNHSMA comprise an attractive and simple platform for the immobilization of biomolecules with high densities.  相似文献   
We present a proof of principle study, using laser microdissection and pressure catapulting (LMPC) of two clinical tissue samples, each containing approximately 3.8 microg renal cell carcinoma protein and 3.8 microg normal kidney protein respectively from one patient. The study involved separate radio-iodination of each sample with both (125)I and (131)I, dual inverse replicate sample loading to high resolution 54 cm "daisy chain" serial immobilized pH gradient isoelectric focusing (IPG-IEF) 2D-PAGE gels, co-electrophoretic separation of cross-labeled proteins from different samples, and precision multiplex differential radioactive imaging to obtain signals specific for each sample coelectrophoresed within single gels but labeled with different isotopes of iodine, providing extremely precise intra-gel estimates of the abundance ratio for protein spots from both samples. Twelve multiplexed analytical radioactive SDS-gels from 4 serial IPG-IEF gels provided 24 individual radioactive images for a comprehensive analytical protein multiplex quantification study. A further 12 SDS gels containing (125)I-labeled sample were coelectrophoresed with preparative protein amounts obtained from whole tissue sections for the mass spectrometric identification of comigrating proteins. This consumed <40% of the (125)I-labeled sample, and <20% of the (131)I-labeled sample from the respective original 3.8 microg samples. Twenty-nine proteins were identified by mass spectrometry with PMF scores >70 that were >2-fold differentially abundant between the samples and t-test probabilities <0.05. We conclude that this combination of technologies provides excellent quality protein multiplex data for the differential abundance analysis of large numbers of proteins from extremely small samples, and is applicable to a broad range of clinical and related applications.  相似文献   
Ostracods of the superfamily Cypridoidea have giant spermatozoa. However, little data exist on the sperm-egg interaction in this group: only two publications have so far given the most ambiguous indication that the entire sperm enters the egg on fertilization. These assumptions have not yet been tested with modern techniques, nor has their putative value for developmental and evolutionary investigations been realized. The present paper gives the first, clear, light- and scanning electron microscopical evidence of the entire giant ostracod spermatozoon being incorporated into the egg. Coiling of the sperm underneath the egg shell is shown in the early zygotes of the species Mytilocypris praenuncia and Pseudocandona marchica. Additionally, data on the morphology of female and male reproductive tracts are given for M. praenuncia. Hypotheses on the evolution of giant filiform sperm in the Animal Kingdom are reviewed, and their applicability to ostracods is discussed. The demonstrated ingression of the entire sperm implies the entry of the two giant paternal mitochondrial derivates into the zygote in Cypridoidea and potentially casts doubt upon the dogma of strict maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA. Evidence of paternal inheritance of mtDNA in several organisms has recently given rise to a controversial debate on this issue; the possible significance of this phenomenon for molecular studies on ostracod phylogeny and evolution is discussed.  相似文献   
[Omega-(Adenosyl)alkyl]cobalamins (homoadenosylcobalamins) are useful analogues of adenosylcobalamin to get information about the distance between Co and C5', which is critical for Co-C bond activation. In order to use them as probes for exploring the active sites of enzymes, the coenzymic properties of homoadenosylcobalamins for diol dehydratase and ethanolamine ammonia-lyase were investigated. The kcat and kcat/Km values for adenosylmethylcobalamin were about 0.27% and 0.15% that for the regular coenzyme with diol dehydratase, respectively. The kcat/kinact value showed that the holoenzyme with this analogue becomes inactivated on average after about 3000 catalytic turnovers, indicating that the probability of inactivation during catalysis is almost 500 times higher than that for the regular holoenzyme. The kcat value for adenosylmethylcobalamin was about 0.13% that of the regular coenzyme for ethanolamine ammonia-lyase, as judged from the initial velocity, but the holoenzyme with this analogue underwent inactivation after on average about 50 catalytic turnovers. This probability of inactivation is 3800 times higher than that for the regular holoenzyme. When estimated from the spectra of reacting holoenzymes, the steady state concentration of cob(II)alamin intermediate from adenosylmethylcobalamin was very low with either diol dehydratase or ethanolamine ammonia-lyase, which is consistent with its extremely low coenzymic activity. In contrast, neither adenosylethylcobalamin nor adeninylpentylcobalamin served as active coenzyme for either enzyme and did not undergo Co-C bond cleavage upon binding to apoenzymes.  相似文献   
Phospholipase D and its application in biocatalysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Phospholipase D (PLD) from plants or microorganisms is used as biocatalyst in the transformation of phospholipids and phospholipid analogs in both laboratory and industrial scale. In recent years the elucidation of the primary structure of many PLDs from several sources, as well as the resolution of the first crystal structure of a microbial PLD, have yielded new insights into the structural basis and the catalytic mechanism of this catalyst. This review summarizes some new results of PLD research in the light of application.  相似文献   
The Crabtree-negative yeast Kluyveromyces lactis is capable of adjusting its glycolytic flux to the requirements of respiration by tightly regulating glucose uptake. RAG5 encoding the only glucose and fructose phosphorylating enzyme present in K. lactis is required for the up-regulation of glucose transport and also for glucose repression. To understand the significance of the molecular identity and specific function(s) of the corresponding kinase to glucose signaling, RAG5 was overexpressed and its gene product KlHxk1 (Rag5p) isolated and characterized. Stopped-flow kinetics and sedimentation analysis indicated a monomer-homodimer equilibrium of KlHxk1 in a condition of catalysis, i.e. in the presence of substrates and products. The kinetic constants of ATP-dependent glucose phosphorylation identified a 53-kDa monomer as the high affinity/high activity form of the novel enzyme for both glycolytic substrates suggesting a control of glucose phosphorylation at the level of dimer formation and dissociation. In contrast to the highly homologous hexokinase isoenzyme 2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScHxk2), KlHxk1 was not inhibited by free ATP in a physiological range of nucleotide concentration. Mass spectrometric sequencing of tryptic peptides of KlHxk1 identified unmodified serine at amino acid position 156. The corresponding amino acid in ScHxk2 is serine 157, which represents the autophosphorylation-inactivation site. KlHxk1 did not display, however, the typical pattern of inactivation under the respective in vitro conditions and maintained a high residual glucose phosphorylating activity. The biophysical and functional data are discussed with respect to a possible regulatory role of KlHxk1 in glucose metabolism and signaling in K. lactis.  相似文献   
Recently we have shown that a low (R(low)) and a high laboratory passage (R(high)) of the poultry pathogen Mycoplasma gallisepticum prototype strain R differ markedly in their capability to invade non-phagocytic eukaryotic cells. In the present study the infection traits of these two mycoplasma passages were compared in an in vivo setting. After aerosol inoculation of chickens, M. gallisepticum was re-isolated from the inner organs of birds infected with R(low), whereas no mycoplasma was recovered from the inner organs of birds infected with R(high). These results indicate that the two mycoplasma populations derived from strain R differ in their capacity to cross the mucosal barrier and suggest that cell invasion may play a major role in the observed systemic spreading of M. gallisepticum in its chicken host.  相似文献   
This contribution aims to improve our knowledge of the structural peculiarities of natural forest communities in southern Chile, paying special attention to leaf lifespan and morphology. Species are classified into 17 life-form categories. Using information contained in Braun-Blanquet relevés, the relative frequency of the life-form categories, based on quantitative importance such as cover degree (not mere species numbers), is calculated for 26 natural forests. Communities are categorized as belonging to six different types: (A) evergreen forests; (B) forests with mixed laurophyll-deciduous canopy; (C) forests with mixed canopy of sclerophyllous or small / needle-leaved evergreens and deciduous species (specifically C.1 with dwarf-shrub or grass field layer, and C.2 with laurophyll and mesophyll shrubs and a relatively sparse field layer); and (D) deciduous forests (specifically D.1 with laurophyll undergrowth, and D.2 with a herbaceous ground cover). In the gradient from warm and dry to cool and wet, the characteristic composition of the structural elements reflects climatic site properties, revealed by the distribution of the vegetation units. This gradient represents a gradual retreat of evergreen elements from top (upper tree layer) to bottom (undergrowth), which always follows the order from laurophyllous to sclerophyllous elements, and from small or needle-leaved to deciduous elements. Finally, this retreat terminates in the rare structural type characterized by purely herbaceous ground cover beneath a deciduous canopy. Shifts between structural types do not necessarily involve variation in species composition. These units, reacting rapidly even to slight changes in site conditions, seem to be especially well-suited to monitor changing climatic effects. Human impact on forests, resulting in community shifts towards vegetation of warmer and drier habitats, causes structural changes, as does natural disturbance.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In einer Voliere gehaltene, handaufgezogene Blaumeisen entwickelten im Laufe des Sommers zunehmend charakteristische Unruhe, die sich im September auf den Vormittag konzentrierte. Die Beobachtungen decken sich mit aus der Literatur bekannten Fangdaten, wonach der Spitzendurchzug von Blaumeisen zwischen Mitte September und Mitte Oktober liegt, und der tägliche Hauptdurchzug von 8 bis 11 Uhr stattfindet. Eine endogene Jahresperiodik, die die Wanderunruhe steuert, wird vermutet.
On the migratory restlessness in Blue Tits (Parus caeruleus)
Summary Hand reared Blue Tits which were held in an aviary showed an increasing characteristic restlessness during summer. In September restlessness was concentrated on the forenoon. These observations agree with capture data well known from literature according to which blue tit migration culminates between the middle of September and October, and has its diurnal peak between 8 o'clock and 11 o'clock. An endogenous annual periodicity controlling migratory restlessness in Blue Tits is supposed.
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