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A novel, type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein designated charybdin was isolated from bulbs of Charybdis maritima agg. The protein, consisting of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular mass of 29 kDa, inhibited translation in rabbit reticulocytes with an IC50 of 27.2 nm. Plant genomic DNA extracted from the bulb was amplified by PCR between primers based on the N-terminal and C-terminal sequence of the protein from dissolved crystals. The complete mature protein sequence was derived by partial DNA sequencing and terminal protein sequencing, and was confirmed by high-resolution crystal structure analysis. The protein contains Val at position 79 instead of the conserved Tyr residue of the ribosome-inactivating proteins known to date. To our knowledge, this is the first observation of a natural substitution of a catalytic residue at the active site of a natural ribosome-inactivating protein. This substitution in the active site may be responsible for the relatively low in vitro translation inhibitory effect compared with other ribosome-inactivating proteins. Single crystals were grown in the cold room from PEG6000 solutions. Diffraction data collected to 1.6 A resolution were used to determine the protein structure by the molecular replacement method. The fold of the protein comprises two structural domains: an alpha + beta N-terminal domain (residues 4-190) and a mainly alpha-helical C-terminal domain (residues 191-257). The active site is located in the interface between the two domains and comprises residues Val79, Tyr117, Glu167 and Arg170.  相似文献   
Social (S)-motility in Myxococcus xanthus is a flagellum-independent gliding motility system that allows bacteria to move in groups on solid surfaces. S-motility has been shown to require type IV pili (TFP), exopolysaccharide (EPS; a component of fibrils) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Previously, information concerning EPS biogenesis in M. xanthus was lacking. In this study, we screened 5000 randomly mutagenized colonies for defects in S-motility and EPS and identified two genetic regions essential for EPS biogenesis: the EPS synthesis (eps) region and the EPS-associated (eas) region. Mutants with insertions in the eps and eas regions were defective in S-motility and fruiting body formation. These mutants failed to bind the dye calcofluor white, indicating that they lacked EPS; however, they retained normal TFP and LPS. Analysis of the eps locus showed several open reading frames (ORFs) that encode homologues to glycosyltransferases, glucanases and EPS transporters as well as regulatory proteins; the eas locus contains two ORFs: one exhibits homology to hypothetical proteins with a conserved domain of unknown function and the other displays no apparent homology to other proteins in the database. Further genetic mutagenesis analysis indicates that the whole eps region is involved in the biosynthesis of fibrils and fibril EPS. The operon at the proximal end of the eps region was analysed by generating in-frame deletion mutations. These mutants showed varying degrees of defects in the bacterium's ability to produce EPS or perform EPS-related functions, confirming the involvement of these genes in M. xanthus EPS biogenesis.  相似文献   
The conserved membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 is a target of two broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies, 2F5 and 4E10, and is an important lead for vaccine design. However, immunogens that bear MPER epitopes so far have not elicited neutralizing antibodies in laboratory animals. One explanation is that the immunogens fail to recreate the proper molecular environment in which the epitopes of 2F5 and 4E10 are presented on the virus. To explore this molecular environment, we used alanine-scanning mutagenesis across residues 660 to 680 in the MPER of a pseudotyped variant of HIV-1(JR-FL), designated HIV-1(JR2), and examined the ability of 2F5 and 4E10 to neutralize the Ala mutant viruses. The results show that the only changes to produce neutralization resistance to 2F5 occurred in residue D, K, or W of the core epitope (LELDKWANL). Likewise, 4E10 resistance arose by replacing one of three residues; two (W and F) were in the core epitope, and one (W) was seven residues C-terminal to these two (NWFDISNWLW). Importantly, no single substitution resulted in resistance of virus to both 2F5 and 4E10. Surprisingly, 8 out of 21 MPER Ala mutants were more sensitive than the parental pseudovirus to 2F5 and/or 4E10. At most, only small differences in neutralization sensitivity to anti-gp120 monoclonal antibody b12 and peptide T20 were observed with the MPER Ala mutant pseudoviruses. These data suggest that MPER substitutions can act locally and enhance the neutralizing activity of antibodies to this region and imply a distinct role of the MPER of gp41 during HIV-1 envelope-mediated fusion. Neutralization experiments showing synergy between and T20 and 4E10 against HIV-1 are also presented. The data presented may aid in the design of antigens that better present the MPER of gp41 to the immune system.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Anhand einer 16jährigen Untersuchung im Raum Ostwestfalen/Bielefeld wird der Bruterfolg des Turmfalken anhand von 439 Gelegen und 2256 Eiern beschrieben. Drei Brutplatztypen können unterschieden werden: A. Baumbruten in Nestern; B1. Baumbruten in Nistkästen; B2. Gebäudebruten in Nischen oder Nistkästen. Zwischen Baumbruten (A) und Nistkastenbruten (B1/2) werden signifikante Unterschiede beschrieben, die für Nistkästen größere Gelege (ca. ein Ei mehr) und größeren Ausfliegeerfolg belegen. Zwischen Nistkästen in Bäumen (B1) oder an Gebäuden (B2) konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Weiterhin werden Lege- und Schlupftermine, Legerhythmus und oologische Daten aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet angegeben.
Breeding biology of Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) in Eastern Westfalia 1972–1987
Summary The 16 years of study gave 439 clutches with 2,256 eggs. We separated three types of breeding sites: the use of (a) stick nests, mostly built by corvids (cf. Tab., Fig. 3), (b1) nest boxes attached to trees or telegraph poles (Fig. 2) and (b2) nest boxes or cavities at or in buildings (Fig. 1). Within these different types of breeding places we found some significant differences. Stick nests had less eggs and though less breeding success, which was possibly caused by predation of corvids, especially magpies. Within the two types of places with nest boxes no significant differences could be established. We concluded, that stick nests were marginal in Kestrels and nest boxes were optimal despite of their placement in trees, at poles or in buildings. Furthermore, the timing of breeding cycle was described (Fig. 4) and laying interval was determind to an average value of approximately two days (Fig. 5). Mean egg size was and average volume 21.2 cm2. Two daily controlled clutches lost 15.5% and 16.1% of mass (Fig. 6) pressumably mostly due to water losses.
Length measurements of sperms of 51 species of Cypridoidea ostracods were taken to supplement the paucity of ostracod sperm data in the published literature. The lengths of the posterior regions (carrying the mitochondria) and the thinner anterior regions were also measured when appropriate. Maximum lengths of sperms for individual species varied from 268 μm for Fabaeformiscandona velifera Smith and Janz, 2008 through to 11 787 μm for Australocypris robusta De Deckker, 1974; these lengths represent the shortest so far recorded for the superfamily and the longest ever recorded in ostracods, respectively. There appears to be only a loose relationship between taxonomy and sperm lengths. Species of the subfamily Candoninae generally have the shortest sperms compared with other subfamilies, but one Candoninae species, Candona altoides Petkovski, 1961, has sperms longer than some species of the families Cyprididae, Ilyocyprididae and Notodromadidae. The family Cyprididae showed the most variation, with sperms ranging from 1000 μm through to 11 787 μm in length. No hypothesis satisfactorily explains the origin of giant sperms in ostracods or the longevity of this trait through geological eras, and their existence remains enigmatic.  相似文献   
High mobility group 1 (HMG1) protein is an abundant and conserved component of vertebrate nuclei and has been proposed to play a structural role in chromatin organization, possibly similar to that of histone H1. However, a high abundance of HMG1 had also been reported in the cytoplasm and on the surface of mammalian cells. We conclusively show that HMG1 is a nuclear protein, since several different anti-HMG1 antibodies stain the nucleoplasm of cultured cells, and epitope-tagged HMG1 is localized in the nucleus only. The protein is excluded from nucleoli and is not associated to specific nuclear structures but rather appears to be uniformly distributed. HMG1 can bind in vitro to reconstituted core nucleosomes but is not stably associated to chromatin in live cells. At metaphase, HMG1 is detached from condensed chromosomes, contrary to histone H1. During interphase, HMG1 readily diffuses out of nuclei after permeabilization of the nuclear membranes with detergents, whereas histone H1 remains associated to chromatin. These properties exclude a shared function for HMG1 and H1 in differentiated cells, in spite of their similar biochemical properties. HMG1 may be stably associated only to a very minor population of nucleosomes or may interact transiently with nucleosomes during dynamic processes of chromatin remodeling.  相似文献   
BackgroundMultiresistant organisms pose a threat for patients and care recipients. Control interventions need to be tailored to region, the type of institution considered, and risk factors. The German state of Saarland is ideally suited to study colonisation epidemiology throughout its various health and care institutions. After conclusion of a large admission prevalence study in acute care hospitals, we now performed a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) point prevalence study in Saarland long term care facilities (LTCF), allowing for a direct comparison with respect of MRSA prevalence and associated risk factors between these two institutional types located within a confined region.ConclusionAs already known from previous studies, colonisation with MRSA is common in LTCF residents even in an area with relatively low MRSA prevalence. This found prevalence can now be related to the acute care admission prevalence (2.2%) as well as to the admission prevalence in acute care geriatric departments (7.6%). The common clonal attribution (spa type) of MRSA isolates prevalent in the LTCF population as well as in the acute care admission population points towards a close relationship between both types of institutions. However, the ostensible absence of risk factors such as “previous hospitalisation” in conjunction with newly identified factors such as “multiple decolonisation cycles” refers to MRSA colonisation risks independent of contact with acute care facilities. Overall, this large LTCF point prevalence study allows data-based, region-tailored decisions on MRSA screening policies and provides a basis for additional preventative measures.  相似文献   
This study investigated the influence of personality characteristics and gender on adolescents’ perception of risk and their risk-taking behaviour. Male and female participants (157 females: 116 males, aged 13–20) completed self-report measures on risk perception, risk-taking and personality. Male participants perceived behaviours as less risky, reportedly took more risks, were less sensitive to negative outcomes and less socially anxious than female participants. Path analysis identified a model in which age, behavioural inhibition and impulsiveness directly influenced risk perception, while age, social anxiety, impulsiveness, sensitivity to reward, behavioural inhibition and risk perception itself were directly or indirectly associated with risk-taking behaviour. Age and behavioural inhibition had direct relationships with social anxiety, and reward sensitivity was associated with impulsiveness. The model was representative for the whole sample and male and female groups separately. The observed relationship between age and social anxiety and the influence this may have on risk-taking behaviour could be key for reducing adolescent risk-taking behaviour. Even though adolescents may understand the riskiness of their behaviour and estimate their vulnerability to risk at a similar level to adults, factors such as anxiety regarding social situations, sensitivity to reward and impulsiveness may exert their influence and make these individuals prone to taking risks. If these associations are proven causal, these factors are, and will continue to be, important targets in prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   
Renate Lührs  Horst Lörz 《Planta》1988,175(1):71-81
Cell-suspension cultures were initiated from embryogenic calli of various barley cultivars. Seven fast-growing suspension lines were obtained from four different cultivars (cvs. Dissa, Emir, Golden Promise and Igri). Two of these cell suspensions showed morphogenic capacity. From a cell suspension of cv. Dissa, albino plantlets were regenerated when aggregates were cultured on solid medium. Aggregates of cv. Igri usually stopped differentiation at the globular stage, but occasionally formed scutellum-like structures. Five suspension lines were used for protoplast isolation and culture. Dividing protoplasts were obtained from all lines, but with cv. Igri a few divisions only and no further development were observed. Protoplasts from the various lines differed in the time of first division (2–14 d), division frequency (0.09–70.9%) and efficiency of colony formation (0.09–7.3%). Protoplasts isolated from the morphogenic cell suspension of cv. Dissa developed compact calli which sporadically regenerated albino plantlets.Abbreviations CC, MS, N6, SH, Kao8p culture media; see Material and methods - cv chltivar - dicamba 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - picloram 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid  相似文献   
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