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To test the hypothesis that pest species diversity enhances biological pest control with generalist predators, we studied the dynamics of three major pest species on greenhouse cucumber: Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), and two-spotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch in combination with the predator species Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot. When spider mites infested plants prior to predator release, predatory mites were not capable of controlling spider mite populations in the absence of other pest species. A laboratory experiment showed that predators were hindered by the webbing of spider mites. In a greenhouse experiment, spider mite leaf damage was lower in the presence of thrips and predators than in the presence of whiteflies and predators, but damage was lowest in the presence of thrips, whiteflies and predators. Whitefly control was also improved in the presence of thrips. The lower levels of spider mite leaf damage probably resulted from (1) a strong numerical response of the predator (up to 50 times higher densities) when a second and third pest species were present in addition to spider mites, and (2) from A. swirskii attacking mobile spider mite stages outside or near the edges of the spider mite webbing. Interactions of spider mites with thrips and whiteflies might also result in suppression of spider mites. However, when predators were released prior to spider mite infestations in the absence of other pest species, but with pollen as food for the predators, we found increased suppression of spider mites with increased numbers of predators released, confirming the role of predators in spider mite control. Thus, our study provides evidence that diversity of pest species can enhance biological control through increased predator densities.  相似文献   
Ca(2+) is an essential factor inducing keratinocyte differentiation due to the natural Ca(2+) gradient in the skin. However, the membrane mechanisms that mediate calcium entry and trigger keratinocyte differentiation had not previously been elucidated. In this study we demonstrate that Ca(2+)-induced differentiation up-regulates both mRNA and protein expression of a transient receptor potential highly Ca(2+)-selective channel, TRPV6. The latter mediates Ca(2+) uptake and accounts for the basal [Ca(2+)](i) in human keratinocytes. Our results show that TRPV6 is a prerequisite for keratinocyte entry into differentiation, because the silencing of TRPV6 in human primary keratinocytes led to the development of impaired differentiated phenotype triggered by Ca(2+). The expression of such differentiation markers as involucrin, transglutaminase-1, and cytokeratin-10 was significantly inhibited by small interfering RNA-TRPV6 as compared with differentiated control cells. TRPV6 silencing affected cell morphology and the development of intercellular contacts, as well as the ability of cells to stratify. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3, a cofactor of differentiation, dose-dependently increased TRPV6 mRNA and protein expression in human keratinocytes. This TRPV6 up-regulation led to a significant increase in Ca(2+) uptake in both undifferentiated and differentiated keratinocytes. We conclude that TRPV6 mediates, at least in part, the pro-differentiating effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 by increasing Ca(2+) entry, thereby promoting differentiation. Taken together, these data suggest that the TRPV6 channel is a key element in Ca(2+)/1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced differentiation of human keratinocytes.  相似文献   
Migratory aquatic birds play an important role in the maintenance and spread of avian influenza viruses (AIV). Many species of aquatic migratory birds tend to use similar migration routes, also known as flyways, which serve as important circuits for the dissemination of AIV. In recent years there has been extensive surveillance of the virus in aquatic birds in the Northern Hemisphere; however in contrast only a few studies have been attempted to detect AIV in wild birds in South America. There are major flyways connecting South America to Central and North America, whereas avian migration routes between South America and the remaining continents are uncommon. As a result, it has been hypothesized that South American AIV strains would be most closely related to the strains from North America than to those from other regions in the world. We characterized the full genome of three AIV subtype H11N9 isolates obtained from ruddy turnstones (Arenaria interpres) on the Amazon coast of Brazil. For all gene segments, all three strains consistently clustered together within evolutionary lineages of AIV that had been previously described from aquatic birds in North America. In particular, the H11N9 isolates were remarkably closely related to AIV strains from shorebirds sampled at the Delaware Bay region, on the Northeastern coast of the USA, more than 5000 km away from where the isolates were retrieved. Additionally, there was also evidence of genetic similarity to AIV strains from ducks and teals from interior USA and Canada. These findings corroborate that migratory flyways of aquatic birds play an important role in determining the genetic structure of AIV in the Western hemisphere, with a strong epidemiological connectivity between North and South America.  相似文献   
Endogenous cardiotonic steroids (ECS) are putative ligands of the inhibitory binding site of the membrane sodium pump (Na+, K+-ATPase). There is growing evidence that cardiotonic steroids may promote the growth of cardiac and vascular myocytes, including evidence indicating growth stimulation at concentrations in the same range as circulating ECS concentrations. We investigated four parameters to determine whether ouabain, a proposed ECS, promotes growth of immortalized rat proximal tubule epithelial cells: cell count by hemocytometer; metabolic activity as reflected in the mitochondrial conversion of the tetrazolium salt, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, to its formazan product (MA); DNA synthesis reflected as bromodeoxyuridine incorporation (DNA); and mitosis reflected as histone phosphorylation state detected using anti-phosphohistone 3 antibody (HP). Maximum stimulatory responses were observed at 1 nm ouabain (MA, 20.3% increase, p < 0.01; DNA, 28.4% increase, p < 0.001; HP, maximum response at 0.5 h, 50% increase, p < 0.001). We observed that growth stimulation was associated with stimulation of ERK1/2 phosphorylation (ERK-P), and both growth and ERK-P could be blocked by the MEK inhibitor (U0126, 100 nm). Western blot analysis revealed that the only alpha isoform of Na+, K+-ATPase that could be detected in these cultures was the highly ouabain-resistant alpha1 isoform. Measurement of ouabain inhibition of ion transport in these cultures using 86Rb+ uptake revealed the predominance of the expected ouabain-resistant isoform (IC50 = 24 microm) and an additional minor ( approximately 15%) ouabain-sensitive inhibition with IC50 approximately 30 pm. Similar bimodal transport inhibition curves were obtained in freshly dissected rat proximal tubules. These results indicate that renal epithelial cells may be a sensitive target of the ERK1/2-activating and growth-promoting effects of ouabain even in the presence of ouabain-resistant Na+, K+-ATPase.  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of elevated plasma free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations on splanchnic glucose uptake (SGU), we measured SGU in nine healthy subjects (age, 44 +/- 4 yr; body mass index, 27.4 +/- 1.2 kg/m(2); fasting plasma glucose, 5.2 +/- 0.1 mmol/l) during an Intralipid-heparin (LIP) infusion and during a saline (Sal) infusion. SGU was estimated by the oral glucose load (OGL)-insulin clamp method: subjects received a 7-h euglycemic insulin (100 mU x m(-2) x min(-1)) clamp, and a 75-g OGL was ingested 3 h after the insulin clamp was started. After glucose ingestion, the steady-state glucose infusion rate (GIR) during the insulin clamp was decreased to maintain euglycemia. SGU was calculated by subtracting the integrated decrease in GIR during the period after glucose ingestion from the ingested glucose load. [3-(3)H]glucose was infused during the initial 3 h of the insulin clamp to determine rates of endogenous glucose production (EGP) and glucose disappearance (R(d)). During the 3-h euglycemic insulin clamp before glucose ingestion, R(d) was decreased (8.8 +/- 0.5 vs. 7.6 +/- 0.5 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.01), and suppression of EGP was impaired (0.2 +/- 0.04 vs. 0.07 +/- 0.03 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.01). During the 4-h period after glucose ingestion, SGU was significantly increased during the LIP vs. Sal infusion study (30 +/- 2 vs. 20 +/- 2%, P < 0.005). In conclusion, an elevation in plasma FFA concentration impairs whole body glucose R(d) and insulin-mediated suppression of EGP in healthy subjects but augments SGU.  相似文献   
Signal transduction by reactive oxygen species (ROS; "redox signaling") has recently come into focus in cellular biology studies. The signaling properties of ROS are largely due to the reversible oxidation of redox-sensitive target proteins, and especially of protein tyrosine phosphatases, whose activity is dependent on the redox state of a low pKa active site cysteine. A variety of mitogenic signals, including those released by receptor tyrosine kinase (RTKs) ligands and oncogenic H-Ras, involve as a critical downstream event the intracellular generation of ROS. Signaling by integrins is also essential for the growth of most cell types and is constantly integrated with growth factor signaling. We provide here evidence that intracellular ROS are generated after integrin engagement and that these oxidant intermediates are necessary for integrin signaling during fibroblast adhesion and spreading. Moreover, we propose a synergistic action of integrins and RTKs for redox signaling. Integrin-induced ROS are required to oxidize/inhibit the low molecular weight phosphotyrosine phosphatase, thereby preventing the enzyme from dephosphorylating and inactivating FAK. Accordingly, FAK phosphorylation and other downstream events, including MAPK phosphorylation, Src phosphorylation, focal adhesion formation, and cell spreading, are all significantly attenuated by inhibition of redox signaling. Hence, we have outlined a redox circuitry whereby, upon cell adhesion, oxidative inhibition of a protein tyrosine phosphatase promotes the phosphorylation/activation and the downstream signaling of FAK and, as a final event, cell adhesion and spreading onto fibronectin.  相似文献   
It has been previously demonstrated that ammonia exposure of neurons and astrocytes in co-culture leads to net synthesis not only of glutamine but also of alanine. The latter process involves the concerted action of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and alanine aminotransferase (ALAT). In the present study it was investigated if the glutamine synthetase (GS) inhibitor methionine sulfoximine (MSO) would enhance alanine synthesis by blocking the GS-dependent ammonia scavenging process. Hence, co-cultures of neurons and astrocytes were incubated for 2.5 h with [U-13C]glucose to monitor de novo synthesis of alanine and glutamine in the absence and presence of 5.0 mM NH4Cl and 10 mM MSO. Ammonia exposure led to increased incorporation of label but not to a significant increase in the amount of these amino acids. However, in the presence of MSO, glutamine synthesis was blocked and synthesis of alanine increased leading to an elevated content intra- as well as extracellularly of this amino acid. Treatment with MSO led to a dramatic decrease in glutamine content and increased the intracellular contents of glutamate and aspartate. The large increase in alanine during exposure to MSO underlines the importance of the GDH and ALAT biosynthetic pathway for ammonia fixation, and it points to the use of a GS inhibitor to ameliorate the brain toxicity and edema induced by hyperammonemia, events likely related to glutamine synthesis.  相似文献   
The CcmH protein of Escherichia coli is encoded by the last gene of the ccm gene cluster required for cytochrome c maturation. A mutant in which the entire ccmH gene was deleted failed to synthesize both indigenous and foreign c-type cytochromes. However, deletion of the C-terminal hydrophilic domain homologous to CycH of other gram-negative bacteria affected neither the biogenesis of indigenous c-type cytochromes nor that of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum cytochrome c 550. This confirmed that only the N-terminal domain containing a conserved CXXC motif is required in E. coli. PhoA fusion analysis showed that this domain is periplasmic. Site-directed mutagenesis of the cysteines of the CXXC motif revealed that both cysteines are required for cytochrome c maturation during aerobic growth, whereas only the second cysteine is required for cytochrome c maturation during anaerobic growth. The deficiency of the point mutants was complemented when 2-mercapto-ethanesulfonic acid was added to growing cells; other thiol compounds did not stimulate cytochrome c formation in these strains. We propose a model for the reaction sequence in which CcmH keeps the heme binding site of apocytochrome c in a reduced form for subsequent heme ligation. Received: 7 September 1998 / Accepted: 15 November 1998  相似文献   
Adiponectin (ADP) is an adipocytokin with many antiatherogenic properties; its decreased level is associated with numerous atherogenic diseases and syndromes (e.g. diabetes mellitus (DM), dyslipidemia, endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, and obesity). Decreased ADP values in blood may be an independent risk factor of atherosclerotic (ATS) complications. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1) Do persons with type 2 diabetes have lower ADP values than individuals without DM but with a high risk of ATS complications? 2) Do ADP values differ between persons with well controlled and persons with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes? We examined 109 patients of the Metabolic Center of Hospital Sternberk. Out of them, 58 had type 2 diabetes, others were individuals with variously expressed risk factors of early atherosclerosis (obesity, hypertension, age, family history, smoking, dyslipidemia, etc.). In all persons under this study the following parameters were determined in peripheral venous blood: adiponectin, resistin, leptin, ObRe, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triacylglycerols, glucose, HbA1c, creatinine, urea, ALT, AST, CRP, homocysteine, thrombocyte aggregation after CPG induction. The whole group was divided according to the presence of type 2DM into two subgroups; persons with diabetes were divided into the well controlled and uncontrolled subgroups. All data obtained were processed statistically using the software SPSS for Windows and Medcalc. The adiponectin/BMI index correlated negatively with HbA1c value (correlation coefficient -0.37, p = 0.00053), triacylglycerols (-0.4, p = 0.000001), P-glucose (-0.3, p = 0.0017), uricemia (-0.35, p = 0.0007) and positively with HDL-cholesterol value (0.6, p=0.00001). Women had higher adiponectin values than men. Persons with hypertension and with diabetes mellitus, individuals with atherogenic lipotype or persons with inflammation signs had lower values than individuals without these diseases and syndromes. Persons with wellcontrolled diabetes mellitus had higher values than persons with uncontrolled diabetes (medians of the adiponectin/BMI index 9.7 vs. 6.7, p < 0.01). Persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus have lower ADP values than persons with a high ATS risk without diabetes mellitus. Persons with wellcontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM) and with satisfactory compensation have significantly higher ADP levels (independently of other metabolic parameters of DM control). ADP may be a new marker of metabolic control in persons with a high risk of atherosclerotic complications.  相似文献   
Fragile X‐associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of 55–200 CGG repeats in the 5′‐UTR of the FMR1 gene. FXTAS is characterized by action tremor, gait ataxia and impaired executive cognitive functioning. It has been proposed that FXTAS is caused by titration of RNA‐binding proteins by the expanded CGG repeats. Sam68 is an RNA‐binding protein involved in alternative splicing regulation and its ablation in mouse leads to motor coordination defects. Here, we report that mRNAs containing expanded CGG repeats form large and dynamic intranuclear RNA aggregates that recruit several RNA‐binding proteins sequentially, first Sam68, then hnRNP‐G and MBNL1. Importantly, Sam68 is sequestered by expanded CGG repeats and thereby loses its splicing‐regulatory function. Consequently, Sam68‐responsive splicing is altered in FXTAS patients. Finally, we found that regulation of Sam68 tyrosine phosphorylation modulates its localization within CGG aggregates and that tautomycin prevents both Sam68 and CGG RNA aggregate formation. Overall, these data support an RNA gain‐of‐function mechanism for FXTAS neuropathology, and suggest possible target routes for treatment options.  相似文献   
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