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Ren F  Li BC  Zhang NN  Cao M  Dan WB  Zhang SQ 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(6):1075-1080
B-Cell activating factor (BAFF) is critical for B cell survival and maturation; excessive expression of it corrupts B-cell tolerance and may lead to autoimmunity. The gene, scFv-Fc, coding for the antibody of BAFF was inserted into the eukaryotic expression vector, pPICZαA, and transformed into Pichia pastoris. A high-level expression strain was obtained using a ‘yeastern blotting’ method. The scFv-Fc antibody was purified and 56 mg was obtained from 1 l of culture supernatant. It retained high binding activity to both soluble BAFF and membrane-bound BAFF.  相似文献   
Thoracic aortic dissection (TAD) is an aortic disease associated with dysregulated extracellular matrix composition and de-differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Growth Differentiation Factor 11 (GDF11) is a member of transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily associated with cardiovascular diseases. The present study attempted to investigate the expression of GDF11 in TAD and its effects on aortic SMC phenotype transition. GDF11 level was found lower in the ascending thoracic aortas of TAD patients than healthy aortas. The mouse model of TAD was established by β-aminopropionitrile monofumarate (BAPN) combined with angiotensin II (Ang II). The expression of GDF11 was also decreased in thoracic aortic tissues accompanied with increased inflammation, arteriectasis and elastin degradation in TAD mice. Administration of GDF11 mitigated these aortic lesions and improved the survival rate of mice. Exogenous GDF11 and adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2)-mediated GDF11 overexpression increased the expression of contractile proteins including ACTA2, SM22α and myosin heavy chain 11 (MYH11) and decreased synthetic markers including osteopontin and fibronectin 1 (FN1), indicating that GDF11 might inhibit SMC phenotype transition and maintain its contractile state. Moreover, GDF11 inhibited the production of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, 3, 9 in aortic SMCs. The canonical TGF-β (Smad2/3) signalling was enhanced by GDF11, while its inhibition suppressed the inhibitory effects of GDF11 on SMC de-differentiation and MMP production in vitro. Therefore, we demonstrate that GDF11 may contribute to TAD alleviation via inhibiting inflammation and MMP activity, and promoting the transition of aortic SMCs towards a contractile phenotype, which provides a therapeutic target for TAD.  相似文献   
青藏高原三个盐碱湖的产甲烷菌群和产甲烷代谢途径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】分析青藏高原不同类型盐碱湖中的优势产甲烷菌群和优势产甲烷代谢途径。【方法】以不同盐度和植被类型的公珠错、昆仲错和无植被的兹格塘错的沉积物为研究对象,通过高通量测序和q PCR定量古菌16S r RNA多样性分析优势古菌类群;模拟原位盐浓度及p H,比较不同产甲烷底物(甲醇、三甲胺、乙酸和H_2/CO_2)富集沉积物的产甲烷速率,分析其优势产甲烷菌代谢类型。通过添加产甲烷抑制剂(2-溴乙烷磺酸盐),检测沉积物中产甲烷底物积累,确定不同盐碱湖中主要的产甲烷途径。【结果】昆仲错的优势菌群包括甲基/乙酸型的甲烷八叠球菌科(Methanosarcinaceae,11%),乙酸型的甲烷鬃菌科(Methanosaetaceae,7.9%)和氢型甲烷菌甲烷杆菌目(Methanomicrobiales,7.4%);公珠错和兹格塘错的优势菌群为甲烷鬃菌科(Methanosaetaceae)分别占15%和15.3%,及甲烷杆菌属(Methanobacterium)和甲基型的甲烷叶菌属(Methanolobus)。公珠错和昆仲错分别以乙酸和甲醇产甲烷速率最高,而兹格塘错从不同底物产甲烷速率无差异。抑制甲烷产生后,公珠错主要积累乙酸,昆仲错主要积累甲醇;兹格塘错不仅甲烷排放低,也无产甲烷物质显著积累。【结论】昆仲错沉积物中的甲烷主要来自甲醇,公珠错中的甲烷主要来自乙酸,而兹格塘错产甲烷和底物积累不活跃。因而推测高原盐碱湖主要的产甲烷途径和菌群可能与周围植被类型的相关性更高,而与盐度的直接相关性较低。  相似文献   
基质有效性调节加拿大一枝黄花入侵对土壤呼吸的抑制作用 外来植物入侵不仅会降低河边近岸湿地生态系统植被多样性,而且会改变湿地生态系统的地下碳过程。外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis L.)已广泛入侵我国东南部地区,但加拿大一枝黄花入侵对入侵地生态系统地下土壤碳循环过程的影响却知之甚少。本研究通过野外原位观测实验和温室模拟入侵实验,探究外来植物加拿大一枝黄花入侵对入侵地土壤呼吸的影响规律及其驱动因素。野 外原位观测实验开展于2018年7月21日至12月15日,期间每周测定样地土壤呼吸。温室模拟入侵实验开展于2019年7月15日至12月15日,期间每月1日与15日上午测定土壤呼吸、自养呼吸和异养呼吸。土壤呼吸、自养呼吸和异养呼吸通过静态箱结合深埋根系隔离法测定。野外原位观测实验和温室模拟入侵实验结果均显示,加拿大一枝黄花的入侵降低了土壤二氧化碳的排放通量。加拿大一枝黄花入侵对土壤呼吸的抑制作用可能归因于其入侵引起的土壤可利用底物质量与数量的变化,表明外来入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花可通过改变植物释放基质以及与本地植物和/或土壤微生物争夺土壤有效基质而影响土壤碳循环。这些研究结果对于评估外来入侵植物对入侵地地下碳动态的影响以及对全球变暖的贡献具有重要意义。  相似文献   
北方半干旱草原生态系统光合参数的季节和年际变异 生态系统表观量子效率(α)、最大光合速率(Pmax)和暗呼吸速率(Rd)不仅反映了生态系统水平 光合生理特征,同时也是碳循环模型中光合过程模拟的关键参数。气候和植被因子都会影 响光合参数的季节和年际变异,但二者在光合参数调控过程中的相对贡献和作用途径尚不清晰。本研究基于连续12年(2006–2017)的涡度相关观测数据,分析了内蒙古半干旱典型草原光合参数的季节和年际变化规律;利用回归分析和结构方程模型(SEM)方法明晰了环境和生理调控的作用途径及相对贡献。结果发现,光合参数(α、Pmax和Rd)均表现出单峰的季节变化趋势,并呈现明显的年际波动。温度(Ta)和土壤含水量(SWC)的变化共同影响光合参数的季节变化,而SWC主导了其年际变异。α和Rd的变化主要由Ta决定,而Pmax的变化主要受SWC的影响。SEM模型分析表明,除了直接作用外,环境因子主要通过影响冠层水平气孔导度(gc)对光合参数和碳同化生理过程进行调控。此外,叶面积指数对光合参数特别是Pmax的季节和年际变异起主要调控作用。以上结果明确了环境和植被共同决定了生态系统水平光合参数的季节和年际变异,并强调了在水分受限的草原生态系统中,植被生理调控在光合碳同化能力和碳汇功能评估中的重要作用。  相似文献   
Kang  Yongqiang  Gao  Peng  Zhang  Jing  Ren  Wenyi 《Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)》2020,15(6):1883-1890

Electrically controlled lateral shift by an electro-optic crystal prism is studied theoretically. The resonance point of excitation of guided-wave surface plasmon resonance (GWSPR) can be controlled by altering the refractive index of the prism. That is to say, the positions corresponding to the least reflectivity and the largest lateral shift could be conveniently modulated while the lithium niobate prism is operated in an external electric field. The maximal lateral shift is obtained at the excitation of GWSPR when the thickness of the silver film is optimized. The results of numerical simulations confirm theoretical calculation.

为探究燕麦(Avena sativa)-绿豆(Phaseolus radiatus)间作效应及氮素转移特性, 在不施氮肥的大田试验条件下, 设置3种种植模式(燕麦单作、绿豆单作和燕麦-绿豆间作), 采用传统挖根法和15N同位素标记法进行研究。结果表明, 间作系统中燕麦侵袭力强于绿豆, 绿豆生长受到抑制。整个生育期, 间作燕麦地上部干物质积累量比单作增加14.9%-33.1%, 2年成熟期间作燕麦的氮素积累量比单作分别提高53.1%和44.8%; 间作减少了开花结荚期绿豆氮素积累量和根瘤重量, 降低了绿豆的固氮效率, 绿豆的固氮效率2年平均降低23.7%, 生物固氮量平均减少11.66%。间作绿豆向燕麦的氮素转移率2年平均值达31.7%, 氮素转移量为212.16 kg∙hm-2。燕麦-绿豆间作降低了开花结荚期绿豆的根瘤固氮酶活性和固氮效率, 但绿豆体内氮素转移增加了燕麦对氮素的吸收利用, 实现了地上部与地下部生长的相互调节和促进, 优化了农田生态系统的氮素管理。  相似文献   
The hydrolysate from duck egg white protein (DEWP) prepared by “SEEP–Alcalase” at degree of hydrolysis (DH) value of 21% (namely HSA21) exhibited high antioxidant capacity in different oxidation systems. A consecutive chromatographic method was then developed for separation and purification of HSA21, including ion-exchange chromatography, macroporous adsorption resin (MAR) and gel filter chromatography. The final peptides “P21-3–75-B” were obtained with significantly enhanced antioxidant activity (p < 0.05). It was further confirmed that the product mainly consisted of five oligopeptides (Mr: 202.1, 294.1, 382.1, 426.3, and 514.4 Da). Furthermore, the antioxidant activity of P21-3–75-B kept stable after in vitro digestive simulation. Antioxidant capacity of the purified peptides was closely related to the molecular mass, hydrophobic amino acid residues, acidic amino acid and some antioxidant amino acids. This research provided a valuable route for producing new natural-source peptides with strong antioxidant capacity and high nutritious value for our daily intake.  相似文献   
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