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Sponges, porous filter-feeding organisms consisting of vast canal systems, provide unique substrates for diverse symbiotic organisms. The Spongia (Spongia) sp. massive sponge is obligately inhabited by the host-specific endosymbiotic bivalve Vulsella vulsella, which benefits from this symbiosis by receiving protection from predators. However, whether the host sponge gains any benefit from this association is unclear. Considering that the bivalves exhale filtered water into the sponge body rather than the ambient environment, the sponge is hypothesized to utilize water exhaled by the bivalves to circulate water around its body more efficiently. We tested this hypothesis by observing the sponge aquiferous structure and comparing the pumping rates of sponges and bivalves. Observations of water currents and the sponge aquiferous structure revealed that the sponge had a unique canal system enabling it to inhale water exhaled from bivalves, indicating that the host sponge adapted morphologically to receive water from the bivalves. In addition, the volume of water circulating in the sponge body was dramatically increased by the water exhaled from bivalves. Therefore, this sponge-bivalve association can be regarded as a novel mutualism in which two filter-feeding symbionts promote mutual filtering rates. This symbiotic association should be called a “filtering mutualism”.  相似文献   
Gastrin was recently shown to be phosphorylated on its single tyrosine by the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated tyrosine protein kinase (TPK). The TPK previously detected in the murine lymphoma (LSTRA) induced by the Moloney murine leukemia virus phosphorylates gastrin, the apparent Km is 65 μM and the maximum rate 1900 pmol/min per mg; the kinase is more efficeint with MnCl2 than with MgCl2, is stimulated by NaVO3 and inhibited by ZnCl2. Gastrin phosphorylation is observed only when a TPK is expressed by the cell: extracts of fibroblasts infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of the Rous sarcoma virus had no gastrin kinase activity when grown at the non-permissive temperature whereas cells grown at the permissive temperature were transformed and disclosed a clear gastrin kinase activity. Gastrin kinases were detected in various transformed cells; human lymphomas, K562 cells, cells from a patient with acute proliferative leukemia, and normal cels; human T and B lymphocytes.  相似文献   
We developed a practical and reliable method for synthesizing an abasic deoxyribonucleoside, 1,2-dideoxy-d-ribofuranose (dRH) via elimination of nucleobase from thymidine. To synthesize oligonucleotides bearing dRH by the standard phosphoramidite solid-phase method, dRH was converted to the corresponding phosphoramidite derivative and linked to a solid support (controlled pore glass resin). Chemically modified small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) possessing dRH at their 3′-overhang regions were synthesized. Introducing dRH to the 3′-end of the antisense strand of siRNA reduced its knockdown effect.  相似文献   
Scent-marking behavior has been well documented in many primate species. Three common functions attributed to scent-marking in males of multi-male/multi-female lemur species include: 1) advertisement of individual identity, 2) territorial defense, and 3) reproductive suppression. We examined the average number of scent-marks per hour exhibited daily by adult male sifakas (Propithecus edwardsi) and found that patterns of scent-marking changed with season, natal status, and dominance status. Males in single-male groups scent-marked at the highest rate, followed by dominant males, males of equal status, and subordinate males. Non-natal males generally scent-marked at higher rates than natal males, and adult males living in a natal group without a parent marked at higher rates than males living with a parent. All males scent-marked at higher rates in the migration season compared to the other seasons. These patterns were consistent with territorial defense and advertisement to females, and the suggestion that these chemical signals impart information concerning status. Since scent-marking behavior tracked seasons and varied with both dominance and natal status, it may serve multiple functions in males.  相似文献   
  1. Freshwater amphipods Gammarus fossarum and Gammarus pulex are widespread in Europe, with some evidence of cryptic diversity in the former. We used DNA barcoding to assess genetic diversity within and among amphipod populations and examined mate discrimination and pre‐copulatory pair formation between genetically divergent individuals.
  2. Eight distinct G. fossarum and four distinct G. pulex molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) were detected. Among the 33 amphipod populations sampled, 11 contained a single MOTU, 11 had two and 11 were composed of three sympatric MOTUs. Genetic divergences between sympatric MOTUs (G. fossarum and G. pulex MOTUs combined) ranged up to 28% (Kimura two parameter estimates).
  3. In amphipod populations containing sympatric MOTUs, pre‐copulatory pair formation was random between MOTUs diverging by <4%. However, pre‐copulatory pairs involving amphipod individuals from MOTUs diverging by >4% were rare, suggesting mate discrimination between sympatric, highly divergent MOTUs.
  4. Although the likelihood decreased with genetic distance between partners, pre‐copulatory pair formation in the laboratory can occur between MOTUs diverging by c. 16% and led to successful mating: most female amphipod carried viable, fertilised eggs 48 h post‐mating.
  5. Data showed high cryptic diversity in the G. fossarum/G. pulex groups, even at a small spatial scale. Mate discrimination between genetically divergent amphipods in natural populations suggests that some of the MOTUs found in G. fossarum and G. pulex may be separated into (sub)species. However, amphipods from different MOTUs can still form pre‐copulatory pairs and females produce viable eggs. Overall, data suggest that cryptic diversity is common in the G. fossarum/G. pulex groups and that pre‐zygotic isolation through mate discrimination, rather than post‐zygotic incompatibility, is likely to drive cryptic speciation.
Mountainous areas are characterized by substantial biodiversity and endemicity due to their complex geological history and habitat fragmentation. Hence, it can be assumed that particularly high species richness can be found in organisms with limited dispersal capabilities that inhabit mountain streams. A number of scientific papers focus on molecular phylogeography or traditional taxonomy of species or species groups inhabiting such habitats. However, there is a lack of studies that integrate morphological and molecular data to identify and delineate cryptic species. For practical reasons, uncovering cryptic diversity is crucial in taxa used in biomonitoring. Distinct species, hard to separate based on morphology only, may have different tolerance ranges towards a variety of factors. Thus, our goal is to combine the two approaches to reveal potential patterns of diversification within a species widely distributed across European mountains: the amphipod crustacean Gammarus balcanicus. The data were obtained from 13 populations spread across the range of the species. Individuals were initially ascribed to G. balcanicus based on conventional fauna key morpho‐anatomical diagnostic features and were further analysed for 23 additional features to explore any putative diversification. Morphometric data were analysed with use of the multiple correspondence analysis and anova . Molecular distances were calculated for 551‐bp‐long COI sequences. Test for isolation by distance was performed for both morphological and molecular data. The morphometric studies showed that some of the analysed features differed significantly between populations, although there was only a weak correlation between the morphological divergence and the between‐population geographical distances. Moreover, high morphological diversity was present within sites. A set of 42 COI haplotypes was identified among the 135 individuals sequenced. No haplotype was shared among populations. The molecular p‐distances within the nine localities presenting more than one haplotype were either almost null (ca. <0.003 for 7 localities) or relatively low (ca. 0.01–0.02 for 2 localities). In opposite, the molecular p‐distances between localities were mostly at a high level (94% of pairwise comparisons being >0.14), similar as between other well‐defined species of the genus Gammarus. Surprisingly, G. balcanicus appears to be polyphyletic based on topology of the neighbour‐joining tree. The level of genetic distance between localities was not correlated with their geographical proximity. Globally, combining spatial patterns of morphological versus molecular divergence indicates a high level of cryptic diversity within a species conventionally defined based upon fauna key morphological features. In this context, the name G. balcanicus should be applied only to the population from locus typicus, while the other populations represent a number of putative distinct species. We may expect that such phenomenon would apply also to other animal taxa with conserved morphology, which are widespread over different mountain ranges in Europe.  相似文献   


The Notch ligand Delta-like 4 (Dll4) is highly expressed in vascular endothelium and has been shown to play a pivotal role in regulating tumor angiogenesis. Blockade of the Dll4-Notch pathway in preclinical cancer models has been associated with non-productive angiogenesis and reduced tumor growth. Given the cross-talk between the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Delta-Notch pathways in tumor angiogenesis, we examined the activity of a function-blocking Dll4 antibody, REGN1035, alone and in combination with anti-VEGF therapy in renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

Methods and Results

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice bearing patient-derived clear cell RCC xenografts were treated with REGN1035 and in combination with the multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib or the VEGF blocker ziv-aflibercept. Immunohistochemical and immunofluorescent analyses were carried out, as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations pre and 24 hours and 2 weeks post treatment. Single agent treatment with REGN1035 resulted in significant tumor growth inhibition (36–62%) that was equivalent to or exceeded the single agent anti-tumor activity of the VEGF pathway inhibitors sunitinib (38–54%) and ziv-aflibercept (46%). Importantly, combination treatments with REGN1035 plus VEGF inhibitors resulted in enhanced anti-tumor effects (72–80% growth inhibition), including some tumor regression. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a marked decrease in tumor perfusion in all treatment groups. Interestingly, anti-tumor efficacy of the combination of REGN1035 and ziv-aflibercept was also observed in a sunitinib resistant ccRCC model.


Overall, these findings demonstrate the potent anti-tumor activity of Dll4 blockade in RCC patient-derived tumors and a combination benefit for the simultaneous targeting of the Dll4 and VEGF signaling pathways, highlighting the therapeutic potential of this treatment modality in RCC.  相似文献   
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