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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The reputation of acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitors has changed profoundly from promising new drugs for cardiovascular prevention to drugs without clinical benefits or possibly even with adverse effects. RECENT FINDINGS: ACAT inhibitors decrease the intracellular conversion of free cholesterol into cholesteryl ester in a number of tissues, including intestine, liver and macrophages. In contrast to promising results in experimental animal models, all subsequent clinical studies in humans with ACAT inhibitors failed to show lipid profile changes as well as reductions in surrogate markers for coronary artery disease. In fact, there was even a tendency towards an increase in atheroma burden in the most recent and well executed clinical trials. In addition, the inhibition of this pivotal enzyme in cholesterol esterification may interfere with reverse cholesterol transport. SUMMARY: In our opinion, the consistent negative findings in recent clinical trials have virtually eliminated the chances for this class of drugs to be introduced for cardiovascular prevention. Possible strategies focused on selective ACAT 2 inhibition or the combination of ACAT inhibitors with compounds that stimulate reverse cholesterol transport may prove to have clinical benefit. This will have to await further clinical research in humans, however, as, obviously, rodent models cannot provide reliable data as to the efficacy of this class of drugs in humans.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) are promising antigen presenting cells for cancer treatment. Previously, we showed that the combination of monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) with IFNγ generates mature DCs that produce IL-12 and polarize CD4+ T cells towards a Th1 phenotype. Here, we extended these observations by showing that the DCs generated with the clinical grade maturation cocktail of MPLA/IFNγ induce superior tumour antigen-specific CD8+ CTL responses compared to the cytokine cocktail matured DCs that are currently used in the clinic. MPLA/IFNγ DCs can induce CTL responses in healthy individuals as well as in melanoma patients. The CTL induction was mainly dependent on the IL-12 produced by the MPLA/IFNγ DCs. The high amounts of induced CTLs are functional as they produce IFNγ and lyse target cells and this cytolytic activity is antigen specific and HLA restricted. Furthermore, the CTLs proved to kill tumour cells expressing endogenous tumour antigen in vitro. Therefore, MPLA/IFNγ DCs are very promising for the use in future cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   
The protein composition of larval and adult hemolymph from the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, was investigated and some abundant, high molecular weight proteins were identified and characterized. Diapause protein 1, which occurs in the hemolymph of last instar larvae and short-day adults, appeared to be a storage protein. This protein dissociated into two bands due to the high pH used in nondenaturing gels. Its quaternary structure was established by chemical crosslinking. It appeared to be a hexamer. Diapause protein 1 is composed of approximately 82,000 subunits. The amino acid composition and N-terminal sequence of this protein has been determined. Specific antibodies against diapause protein 1 have been developed. Topical application of 1 microgram pyriproxyfen, a juvenile hormone analog, to last instar larvae and short-day adults suppressed the appearance of this protein in the hemolymph. Pyriproxyfen prematurely induced vitellogenin, when applied to last instar larvae. A larval specific protein was also identified in the hemolymph. Its temporary appearance in the hemolymph of last instar larvae, its subunit composition (M(r) approximately 82,000) and its suppression by pyriproxyfen suggests that this protein is a storage protein as well.  相似文献   
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a cytokine that plays a critical role in the regulation of macrophage effector functions and T cell activation. However, its role in the pathogenesis of T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases, such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), has remained unresolved. In this study, we report that anti-MIF Ab treatment of SJL mice with acute EAE improved the disease severity and accelerated the recovery. Furthermore, the anti-MIF treatment impaired the homing of neuroantigen-reactive pathogenic T cells to the CNS in a VCAM-1-dependent fashion. Interestingly, MIF blockade also decreased the clonal size of the neuroantigen-specific Th1 cells and increased their activation threshold. Taken together, the results demonstrate an important role for MIF in the pathogenesis of EAE/multiple sclerosis and suggest that MIF blockade may be a promising new strategy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   
BEAST 2: A Software Platform for Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a new open source, extensible and flexible software platform for Bayesian evolutionary analysis called BEAST 2. This software platform is a re-design of the popular BEAST 1 platform to correct structural deficiencies that became evident as the BEAST 1 software evolved. Key among those deficiencies was the lack of post-deployment extensibility. BEAST 2 now has a fully developed package management system that allows third party developers to write additional functionality that can be directly installed to the BEAST 2 analysis platform via a package manager without requiring a new software release of the platform. This package architecture is showcased with a number of recently published new models encompassing birth-death-sampling tree priors, phylodynamics and model averaging for substitution models and site partitioning. A second major improvement is the ability to read/write the entire state of the MCMC chain to/from disk allowing it to be easily shared between multiple instances of the BEAST software. This facilitates checkpointing and better support for multi-processor and high-end computing extensions. Finally, the functionality in new packages can be easily added to the user interface (BEAUti 2) by a simple XML template-based mechanism because BEAST 2 has been re-designed to provide greater integration between the analysis engine and the user interface so that, for example BEAST and BEAUti use exactly the same XML file format.
This is a PLOS Computational Biology Software Article.
All mammalian cardiac preparations exhibit the capacity for periodic spontaneous Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) (Ca2+ oscillations). The occurrence of such oscillations in unstimulated preparations and their periodicity depend on the species and the Ca2+ load on the cell. When the spontaneous frequency of these oscillations exceeds the rate of external simulation, they appear between stimulated contractions and impart a variable Ca2+-dependent component of diastolic tonus and a propensity for extrasystoles and arrhythmias to occur; these diastolic oscillations can also affect systolic function as well. Although enhancing the spontaneous frequency of Ca2+ release, caffeine depresses the oscillation amplitude, whereas ryanodine suppresses both frequency and amplitude. Detailed studies of oscillation characteristics and of the different effects of caffeine and ryanodine on them may provide an understanding of and may be useful for modeling SR Ca2+ uptake and release in intact preparations.  相似文献   
Better knowledge of the distribution of iron in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients may facilitate the development of an in vivo magnetic resonance (MR) marker for AD and may cast light on the role of this potentially toxic molecule in the pathogenesis of AD. Several histological iron staining techniques have been used in the past but they have not been systematically tested for sensitivity and specificity. This article compares three histochemical techniques and ferritin immunohistochemistry to visualize iron in paraffin-embedded human AD brain tissue. The specificity of the histochemical techniques was tested by staining sections after iron extraction. Iron was demonstrated in the white matter, in layers IV/V of the frontal neocortex, in iron containing plaques, and in microglia. In our hands, these structures were best visualized using the Meguro iron stain, a method that has not been described for iron staining in human brain or AD in particular. Ferritin immunohistochemistry stained microglia and iron containing plaques similar to the Meguro method but was less intense in myelin-associated iron. The Meguro method is most suitable for identifying iron-positive structures in paraffin-embedded human AD brain tissue.  相似文献   
Geographic isolation in rainforest refugia and local adaptation to ecological gradients may both be important drivers of evolutionary diversification. However, their relative importance and the underlying mechanisms of these processes remain poorly understood because few empirical studies address both putative processes in a single system. A key question is to what extent is divergence in signals that are important in mate and species recognition driven by isolation in rainforest refugia or by divergent selection across ecological gradients? We studied the little greenbul, Andropadus virens, an African songbird, in Cameroon and Uganda, to determine whether refugial isolation or ecological gradients better explain existing song variation. We then tested whether song variation attributable to refugial or ecological divergence was biologically meaningful using reciprocal playback experiments to territorial males. We found that much of the existing song variation can be explained by both geographic isolation and ecological gradients, but that divergence across the gradient, and not geographic isolation, affects male response levels. These data suggest that ecologically divergent traits, independent of historical isolation during glacial cycles, can promote reproductive isolation. Our study provides further support for the importance of ecology in explaining patterns of evolutionary diversification in ecologically diverse regions of the planet.  相似文献   
The nuclear LSm2-8 (like Sm) complex and the cytoplasmic LSm1-7 complex play a central role in mRNA splicing and degradation, respectively. The LSm proteins are related to the spliceosomal Sm proteins that form a heteroheptameric ring around small nuclear RNA. The assembly process of the heptameric Sm complex is well established and involves several smaller Sm assembly intermediates. The assembly of the LSm complex, however, is less well studied. Here, we solved the 2.5 Å-resolution structure of the LSm assembly intermediate that contains LSm5, LSm6, and LSm7. The three monomers display the canonical Sm fold and arrange into a hexameric LSm657-657 ring. We show that the order of the LSm proteins within the ring is consistent with the order of the related SmE, SmF, and SmG proteins in the heptameric Sm ring. Nonetheless, differences in RNA binding pockets prevent the prediction of the nucleotide binding preferences of the LSm complexes. Using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, we confirm that LSm5, LSm6, and LSm7 also assemble into a  60-kDa hexameric ring in solution. With a combination of pull-down and NMR experiments, we show that the LSm657 complex can incorporate LSm23 in order to assemble further towards native LSm rings. Interestingly, we find that the NMR spectra of the LSm57, LSm657-657, and LSm23-657 complexes differ significantly, suggesting that the angles between the LSm building blocks change depending on the ring size of the complex. In summary, our results identify LSm657 as a plastic and functional building block on the assembly route towards the LSm1-7 and LSm2-8 complexes.  相似文献   
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