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The cellular receptor for poliovirus CD155 (or PVR) is the founding member of a new class of membrane-associated immunoglobulin-like proteins, which include the mouse tumor-associated antigen E4 (Tage4) and three proteins termed "nectins." Using a yeast two-hybrid screen we have discovered that the cytoplasmic domain of CD155 associates strongly and specifically with Tctex-1, a light chain of the dynein motor complex, the latter representing the major driving force for retrograde transport of endocytic vesicles and membranous organelles. We confirmed the interaction biochemically and by co-immunoprecipitation, and we mapped the Tctex-1 binding site to a SKCSR motif within the juxtamembrane region of CD155. Tctex-1 immunoreactivity was detected in mouse sciatic nerve and spinal cord (two tissues of central importance for poliovirus pathogenesis) in punctate, possibly vesicular, patterns. We propose that the cytoplasmic domain may target CD155-containing endocytic vesicles to the microtubular network. Neurotropic viruses like poliovirus, herpesvirus, rabies virus, and pseudorabies virus all utilize neuronal retrograde transport to invade the central nervous system. Association with Tctex-1 and, hence, with the dynein motor complex may offer an explanation for how poliovirus hijacks the cellular transport machinery to retrogradely ascend along the axon to the neuronal cell body.  相似文献   
Fcgamma receptors (FcgammaR) and the C5a receptor (C5aR) are key effectors of the acute inflammatory response to IgG immune complexes (IC). Their coordinated activation is critical in IC-induced diseases, although the significance of combined signaling by these two different receptor classes in tissue injury is unclear. Here we used the mouse model of the passive reverse lung Arthus reaction to define their requirements for distinct phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) activities in vivo. We show that genetic deletion of class IB PI3Kgamma abrogates C5aR signaling that is crucial for FcgammaR-mediated activation of lung macrophages. Thus, in PI3Kgamma(-/-) mice, IgG IC-induced FcgammaR regulation, cytokine release, and neutrophil recruitment were blunted. Notably, however, C5a production occurred normally in PI3Kgamma(-/-) mice but was impaired in PI3Kdelta(-/-) mice. Consequently, class IA PI3Kdelta deficiency caused resistance to acute IC lung injury. These results demonstrate that PI3Kgamma and PI3Kdelta coordinate the inflammatory effects of C5aR and FcgammaR and define PI3Kdelta as a novel and essential element of FcgammaR signaling in the generation of C5a in IC disease.  相似文献   
Contact of mononuclear human leukocytes with cellulose dialysis membranes may result in complement-independent cell activation, i.e. enhanced synthesis of cytokines, prostaglandins and an increase in 2-microglobulin synthesis. Cellular contact activation is specifically inhibited by the monosaccharidel-fucose suggesting that dialysis membrane associatedl-fucose residues are involved in leukocyte activation. In this study we have detected and quantitatedl-fucose on commercially-available cellulose dialysis membranes using two approaches. A sensitive enzymatic fluorescence assay detectedl-fucose after acid hydrolysis of flat sheet membranes. Values ranged from 79.3±3.6 to 90.2±5.0 pmol cm–2 for Hemophan® or Cuprophan® respectively. Enzymatic cleavage of terminal -l-fucopyranoses with -l-fucosidase yielded 7.7±3.3 pmoll-fucose per cm2 for Cuprophan. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the synthetic polymer membranes AN-69 and PC-PE did not yield detectable amounts ofl-fucose. In a second approach, binding of the fucose specific lectins ofLotus tetragonolobus andUlex europaeus (UEAI) demonstrated the presence of biologically accessiblel-fucose on the surface of cellulose membranes. Specific binding was observed with Cuprophan®, and up to 2.6±0.3 pmoll-fucose per cm2 was calculated to be present from Langmuir-type adsorption isotherms. The data presented are in line with the hypothesis that surface-associatedl-fucose residues on cellulose dialysis membranes participate in leukocyte contact activation.  相似文献   
Cathepsins are crucial in antigen processing in the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) pathway. Within the proteolytic machinery, three classes of proteases (i.e., cysteine, aspartic, and serine proteases) are present in the endocytic compartments. The combined action of these proteases generates antigenic peptides from antigens, which are loaded to MHC II molecules for CD4+ T cell presentation. Detection of active serine proteases in primary human antigen-presenting cells (APCs) is restricted because of the small numbers of cells isolated from the peripheral blood. For this purpose, we developed a novel highly sensitive α-aminoalkylphosphonate diphenyl ester (DAP) activity-based probe to detect the serine protease cathepsin G (CatG) in primary APCs and after Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) exposure. Although CatG activity was not altered after short-term exposure of EBV in primary myeloid dendritic cells 1 (mDC1s), the aspartic protease cathepsin D (CatD) was reduced, suggesting that EBV is responsible for mitigating the presentation of a model antigen tetanus toxoid C-fragment (TTCF) by reduction of CatD. In addition, CatG activity was reduced to background levels in B cells during cell culture; however, these findings were independent of EBV transformation. In conclusion, our activity-based probe can be used for both Western blot and 96-well-based high-throughput CatG detection when cell numbers are limited.  相似文献   
The mechanism of 3-O-methyl-d-glucose transport through the plasmalemma has been investigated in protoplasts isolated from the mesophyll of Pisum sativum L. var. Dan.Analysis of the fluxes after 50 minutes of uptake showed that the gradual decrease in slope of the net uptake curve with time was not due to any decline in uptake capacity; it represented the approach to flux equilibrium of a small compartment of the protoplast, probably the cytoplasm.The energy of activation for initial flux into this compartment was 20 kilocalories per mole between 17 and 27 C. Very high discrimination was shown with regard to sugar isomers. Light strongly promoted flux (by a factor of 2.5 in the case of methyl glucose). Initial flux showed sharply contrasting inhibitor sensitivity in the light and the dark. Light uptake was sensitive to the proton conductor carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), but stable for at least the first 10 minutes to the ATPase inhibitors quercetin, rutin, and diethylstilbestrol, as well as to arsenate. Dark uptake, on the other hand, was stable to CCCP but was immediately depressed by quercetin, rutin, diethylstilbestrol, and arsenate.Protoplasts which received a light pretreatment before incubation in the dark took up methyl glucose at the accelerated light rate for the first 7 minutes. Moreover, the light pretreatment sensitized subsequent initial dark uptake to CCCP, and conferred on it the stability to ATPase inhibitors and arsenate characteristic of light uptake. After about 7 minutes the characteristic inhibitor responses of dark uptake were resumed.It is proposed that more than one mode of energy-coupling for sugar transport may operate in these protoplasts.  相似文献   
The chemokine receptor CXCR5 and its ligand CXCL13 define the structure of B cell follicles within secondary lymphoid organs. Here, we examined the impact of CXCR5 on antiviral B cell responses in vivo. CXCR5-/- mice showed a normal production of IgM and IgG acutely after infection with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and developed VSV-specific germinal centers. However, impaired Ig class switch and Ab production were observed under conditions of limited availability of Ag (i.e., after immunization with nonreplicating viral particles or soluble Ag). Adoptive transfer of CXCR5-deficient, VSV-specific B and Th cells demonstrated that CXCR5 expression on both B and Th cells is required for an efficient Ig class switch. These experiments revealed that CXCR5 is critical for the coordinated interaction of antiviral T and B cells through its impact on initial B cell expansion and the recruitment of Ag-specific B and Th cells to germinal centers.  相似文献   
Browsing and grazing ruminants are thought to differ in the degree their rumen contents are stratified—which may be due to different characteristics of their respective forages, to particular adaptations of the animals, or both. However, this stratification is difficult to measure in live animals. The papillation of the rumen has been suggested as an anatomical proxy for stratification—with even papillation indicating homogenous contents, and uneven papillation (with few and small dorsal and ventral papillae, and prominent papillae in the atrium ruminis) stratified contents. Using the surface enlargement factor (SEF, indicating how basal mucosa surface is increased by papillae) of over 55 ruminant species, we demonstrate that differences between the SEFdorsal or SEFventral and the SEFatrium are significantly related to the percentage of grass in the natural diet. The more a species is adapted to grass, the more distinct this difference, with extreme grazers having unpapillated dorsal and ventral mucosa. The relative SEFdorsal as anatomical proxy for stratification, and the difference in particle and fluid retention in the rumen as physiological proxy for stratification, are highly correlated in species (n = 9) for which both kind of data are available. The results support the concept that the stratification of rumen contents varies among ruminants, with more homogenous contents in the more browsing and more stratified contents in the more grazing species. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Chlamydia psittaci is a zoonotic bacterium with a wide host range that can cause respiratory disease in humans and cattle. In the present study, effects of treatment with macrolides and quinolones applied alone or in combination with rifampicin were tested in a previously established bovine model of respiratory C. psittaci infection. Fifty animals were inoculated intrabronchially at the age of 6–8 weeks. Seven served as untreated controls, the others were assigned to seven treatment groups: (i) rifampicin, (ii) enrofloxacin, (iii) enrofloxacin + rifampicin, (iv) azithromycin, (v) azithromycin + rifampicin, (vi) erythromycin, and (vii) erythromycin + rifampicin. Treatment started 30 hours after inoculation and continued until 14 days after inoculation (dpi), when all animals were necropsied. The infection was successful in all animals and sufficient antibiotic levels were detected in blood plasma and tissue of the treated animals. Reisolation of the pathogen was achieved more often from untreated animals than from other groups. Nevertheless, pathogen detection by PCR was possible to the same extent in all animals and there were no significant differences between treated and untreated animals in terms of local (i.e. cell count and differentiation of BALF-cells) and systemic inflammation (i.e. white blood cells and concentration of acute phase protein LBP), clinical signs, and pathological findings at necropsy. Regardless of the reduced reisolation rate in treated animals, the treatment of experimentally induced respiratory C. psittaci infection with enrofloxacin, azithromycin or erythromycin alone or in combination with rifampicin was without obvious benefit for the host, since no significant differences in clinical and pathological findings or inflammatory parameters were detected and all animals recovered clinically within two weeks.  相似文献   
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