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The cellular receptor for poliovirus CD155 (or PVR) is the founding member of a new class of membrane-associated immunoglobulin-like proteins, which include the mouse tumor-associated antigen E4 (Tage4) and three proteins termed "nectins." Using a yeast two-hybrid screen we have discovered that the cytoplasmic domain of CD155 associates strongly and specifically with Tctex-1, a light chain of the dynein motor complex, the latter representing the major driving force for retrograde transport of endocytic vesicles and membranous organelles. We confirmed the interaction biochemically and by co-immunoprecipitation, and we mapped the Tctex-1 binding site to a SKCSR motif within the juxtamembrane region of CD155. Tctex-1 immunoreactivity was detected in mouse sciatic nerve and spinal cord (two tissues of central importance for poliovirus pathogenesis) in punctate, possibly vesicular, patterns. We propose that the cytoplasmic domain may target CD155-containing endocytic vesicles to the microtubular network. Neurotropic viruses like poliovirus, herpesvirus, rabies virus, and pseudorabies virus all utilize neuronal retrograde transport to invade the central nervous system. Association with Tctex-1 and, hence, with the dynein motor complex may offer an explanation for how poliovirus hijacks the cellular transport machinery to retrogradely ascend along the axon to the neuronal cell body.  相似文献   
In bacteria the oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase catalyzes the oxygen-independent conversion of coproporphyrinogen-III to protoporphyrinogen-IX. The Escherichia coli hemN gene encoding a putative part of this enzyme was overexpressed in E. coli. Anaerobically purified HemN is a monomeric protein with a native M(r) = 52,000 +/- 5,000. A newly established anaerobic enzyme assay was used to demonstrate for the first time in vitro coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase activity for recombinant purified HemN. The enzyme requires S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM), NAD(P)H, and additional cytoplasmatic components for catalysis. An oxygen-sensitive iron-sulfur cluster was identified by absorption spectroscopy and iron analysis. Cysteine residues Cys(62), Cys(66), and Cys(69), which are part of the conserved CXXXCXXC motif found in all HemN proteins, are essential for iron-sulfur cluster formation and enzyme function. Completely conserved residues Tyr(56) and His(58), localized closely to the cysteine-rich motif, were found to be important for iron-sulfur cluster integrity. Mutation of Gly(111) and Gly(113), which are part of the potential GGGTP S-adenosyl-l-methionine binding motif, completely abolished enzymatic function. Observed functional properties in combination with a recently published computer-based enzyme classification (Sofia, H. J., Chen, G., Hetzler, B. G., Reyes-Spindola, J. F., and Miller, N. E. (2001) Nucleic Acids Res. 29, 1097-1106) identifies HemN as "Radical SAM enzyme." An appropriate enzymatic mechanism is suggested.  相似文献   
A sensitive, rapid and inexpensive analysis method has been developed for the triazines most frequently used in Palestine; the method includes fluorodensitometric screening and densitometric determination of the individual substances. Terbutryn as a model substance was derivatized with dansyl chloride in sodium hydrogen-carbonate or phosphate buffer solution to yield a green-blue fluorescent compound. Derivatization occurred at 120 degrees C within maximum of 10-min reaction time. The fluorescent compound formed was separated from excess reagent and other by-products on silica gel TLC plates and was then determined fluorodensitometrically. A linearity range between 20 and 1200 pg/spot was achieved. The method was also applied to other triazine herbicides such as ametryn, atrazine, propazine, terbuthylazine and simazine. Drinking water samples spiked with triazines were extracted using RP-C18 polar plus cartridges, and the extract could be then dansylated as a total. Recoveries were between 88% and 95%; the detection limit was 10 pg/spot and could be further improved to 2 pg/spot by a dipping solution. For quantification, each of the six triazines can be separated on one of three different stationary phases after solid phase extraction and measured densitometrically. The LOD for each individual triazine was 100 ng/l.  相似文献   
The role of the N-terminal domains of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-like peptides in receptor subtype selectivity, ligand affinity and biological potency was investigated. Therefore, human CRF(12-41), human URP(12-38) and antisauvagine-30 (aSvg) were N-terminally prolonged by consecutive addition of one or two amino acids. The peptides obtained were tested for their binding affinities to rat CRF1 and murine CRF(2beta) receptor, and their capability to stimulate cAMP-release by HEK cells producing either receptor.It was observed that human CRF N-terminally truncated by eight residues was bound with high affinity to CRF2 receptor (Ki=5.4nM), whereas affinity for CRF1 receptor was decreased (Ki=250 nM). A similar shift of affinity was found with sauvagine (Svg) analogs. Truncation of human URP analogs did not affect their preference for CRF(2beta) receptor, but reduced their affinity. Changes in affinity were positively correlated with changes in potency. These results indicated that CRF1 receptor was more stringent in its structural requirements for ligands to exhibit high affinity binding than CRF(2beta) receptor.  相似文献   
The vitamin D hormone 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) [1,25-(OH)(2)D(3)], the biologically active form of vitamin D, is essential for an intact mineral metabolism. Using gene targeting, we sought to generate vitamin D receptor (VDR) null mutant mice carrying the reporter gene lacZ driven by the endogenous VDR promoter. Here we show that our gene-targeted mutant mice express a VDR with an intact hormone binding domain, but lacking the first zinc finger necessary for DNA binding. Expression of the lacZ reporter gene was widely distributed during embryogenesis and postnatally. Strong lacZ expression was found in bones, cartilage, intestine, kidney, skin, brain, heart, and parathyroid glands. Homozygous mice are a phenocopy of mice totally lacking the VDR protein and showed growth retardation, rickets, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and alopecia. Feeding of a diet high in calcium, phosphorus, and lactose normalized blood calcium and serum PTH levels, but revealed a profound renal calcium leak in normocalcemic homozygous mutants. When mice were treated with pharmacological doses of vitamin D metabolites, responses in skin, bone, intestine, parathyroid glands, and kidney were absent in homozygous mice, indicating that the mutant receptor is nonfunctioning and that vitamin D signaling pathways other than those mediated through the classical nuclear receptor are of minor physiological importance. Furthermore, rapid, nongenomic responses to 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3) in osteoblasts were abrogated in homozygous mice, supporting the conclusion that the classical VDR mediates the nongenomic actions of 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3).  相似文献   
Light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) prepared from isolated thylakoids of either broken or intact chloroplasts by three independent methods, exhibits proteolytic activity against LHCII. This activity is readily detectable upon incubation of these preparations at 37 degrees C (without addition of any chemicals or prior pre-treatment), and can be monitored either by the LHCII immunostain reduction on Western blots or by the Coomassie blue stain reduction in substrate-containing "activity gels". Upon SDS-sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation of SDS-solubilized thylakoids, a method which succeeds in the separation of the pigment-protein complexes in their trimeric and monomeric forms, the protease activity copurifies with the LHCII trimer, its monomer exhibiting no activity. This LHCII trimer, apart from being "self-digested", also degrades the Photosystem II (PSII) core proteins (D1, D2) when added to an isolated PSII core protein preparation containing the D1/D2 heterodimer. Under our experimental conditions, 50% of LHCII or the D1, D2 proteins are degraded by the LHCII-protease complex within 30 min at 37 degrees C and specific degradation products are observed. The protease is light-inducible during chloroplast biogenesis, stable in low concentrations of SDS, activated by Mg(2+), and inhibited by Zn(2+), Cd(2+), EDTA and p-hydroxy-mercury benzoate (pOHMB), suggesting that it may belong to the cysteine family of proteases. Upon electrophoresis of the LHCII trimer on substrate-containing "activity gels" or normal Laemmli gels, the protease is released from the complex and runs in the upper part of the gel, above the LHCII trimer. A polypeptide of 140 kDa that exhibits proteolytic activity against LHCII, D1 and D2 has been identified as the protease. We believe that this membrane-bound protease is closely associated to the LHCII complex in vivo, as an LHCII-protease complex, its function being the regulation of the PSII unit assembly and/or adaptation.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate differences between astrocytomas of WHO grade 2 and anaplastic astrocytomas of WHO grade 3 in terms of topometric variables characterizing individual tumor cell nuclei. STUDY DESIGN: Paraffin sections from surgical specimens from 25 astrocytomas (grade 2, n = 11; grade 3, n = 14) were analyzed by means of an image analysis system. At least 300 tumor cell nuclei were measured in the region with the highest Ki-67 proliferation index. Three different kinds of topometric variables were determined for each tumor cell nucleus: (1) several distances; (2) the variable Angle 2/1, the angle between the straight lines representing the distance to the nearest and second-nearest nucleus; and (3) the number of neighbors according to our mathematical definition. RESULTS: Most topometric variables showed distinct differences between the 2 tumor grades (multivariate analysis of variance), with 88% cases correctly reclassified by means of cross-validated discriminant analysis. The variables with the highest discriminatory power were the SD of Angle 2/1 and the ratio between the distance to the second-nearest and nearest tumor cell nucleus, with lower values for these variables in anaplastic astrocytomas. Even variables concerning neighborhood relationships showed significant differences. CONCLUSION: The results of this pilot study show that this first set of topometric variables is sufficient to detect differences between topologic characteristics of tumor cell nuclei in astrocytomas grade 2 and grade 3. Topometry seems to be an important tool for grading astrocytomas.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate possible statistical correlations between metabolic data from preoperative proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1HMRS) and morphology of proliferating tumor cell nuclei in anaplastic gliomas and glioblastomas. STUDY DESIGN: Ki-67-positive tumor cell nuclei in paraffin sections of surgical specimens from 36 patients (7 anaplastic gliomas, World Health Organization grade 3; 29 glioblastomas, World Health Organization grade 4) were investigated by means of a digital image analysis system. Stringent inclusion criteria were formulated for all cases with respect to histologic quality and spectroscopic examination. As morphometric variables, nuclear area, shape variables (roundness factor, size-invariate Fourier amplitudes) and density of Ki-67-positive tumor cell nuclei per reference area were determined. RESULTS: Correlation analysis according to Spearman revealed a significant positive correlation between the total creatine (TCR) peak and nuclear area (P = .005). This correlation was also found within the glioblastoma group (P = .019). There was also a significant negative correlation of nuclear area with the ratio between choline and TCR in all cases (P = .014) and within the glioblastoma group (P = .046). No significant correlation of spectroscopic data was found with nuclear shape or density of Ki-67-positive tumor cell nuclei. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate a correlation between spectroscopic data and morphology of proliferating tumor cell nuclei (nuclear size) in high grade gliomas. This study is part of a detailed investigation of the interrelationship between preoperative 1HMRS and quantitative histomorphology of gliomas.  相似文献   
Membrane inlet mass spectrometry indicated massive light-dependent cycling of inorganic carbon between the medium and the cells of various phytoplankton species representing the main groups of aquatic primary producers. These included diatoms, symbiotic and free living dinoflagellates, a coccolithophorid, a green alga and filamentous and single cell cyanobacteria. These organisms could maintain an ambient CO2 concentration substantially above or below that expected at chemical equilibrium with HCO3 . The coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyishifted from net CO2 uptake to net CO2 efflux with rising light intensity. Differing responses of CO2 uptake and CO2 fixation to changing light intensity supported the notion that these two processes are not compulsorily linked. Simultaneous measurements of CO2 and O2 exchange and of the fluorescence parameters in Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942, showed that CO2 uptake can serve as a sensitive probe of the energy status of the photosynthetic reaction centers. However, during transitions in light intensity, changes in CO2 uptake did not accord with those expected from fluorescence change. Quantification of the net fluxes of CO2, HCO3 and of photosynthesis at steady-state revealed that substantial HCO3 efflux accompanied CO2 uptake and fixation in the case of `CO2 users'. On the other hand, `HCO3 users' were characterized by a rate of net CO2 uptake below that of CO2 fixation. The results support the notion that entities associated with the CCM function not only in raising the CO2 concentration at the site of Rubisco; they may also serve as a means of diminishing photodynamic damage by dissipating excess light energy. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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