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An investigation into the effects of verapamil and some dihydropyridine derivatives on plasma melatonin levels was undertaken in baboons. In a number of separate experiments, groups of young male chacma baboons (mean body weight 13 kg) received intraperitoneal injections of the drugs, under ketamine anaesthesia, roughly 30 minutes prior to the following time points: 1200, 1800, 0000, 0200, 0600 and 1200 h. Lights went off at 1800 h and came on at 0600 h. The drugs used, and their respective dosages (expressed per kg body mass), were verapamil up to 4 mg/kg, nifedipine at 0.2 mg/kg, nitrendipine at 0.5 mg/kg and nisoldipine at 0.1 mg/kg. Blood samples, taken at the said time points, were assayed for melatonin. The nighttime peak of the plasma melatonin cycle was significantly depressed by all three dihydropyridine calcium antagonists (up to 40%), while verapamil, even at the relatively high total dose of 24 mg/kg per day, had no significant effect on the circulating plasma melatonin levels.  相似文献   
Summary Fusion proteins comprising the amino-terminal 99 amino acids of the bacteriophage MS2 replicase and various portions of OmpV a major outer membrane protein of Vibrio cholerae were expressed in Escherichia coli K12. These fusions were expressed under the control of the PL promoter of bacteriophage , and expression was controlled using a cIts repressor. Fusions occurring within the secretory signal sequence of OmpV gave rise to the production of mature OmpV. The efficiency, however, decreased with progressive deletion of the signal sequence within the fusions. The reactivity of various OmpV fusions with antisera raised against purified OmpV and whole bacteria demonstrated the existence of two antigenic domains: one present in the denatured form and another in the membrane-associated form of OmpV. These domains correspond to markedly hydrophilic regions of the protein as would be predicted for surface-exposed epitopes.  相似文献   
Summary The dnaQ (mutD) gene product which encodes the -subunit of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme has a central role in controlling the fidelity of DNA replication because both mutD5 and dnaQ49 mutations severely decrease the 3–5 exonucleolytic editing capacity.It is shown in this paper that more than 95% of all anaQ49-induced base pair substitutions are transversions of the types G:C-T:A and A:T-T:A. Not only is this unusual mutational specificity precisely that observed recently for a number of potent carcinogens such as benzo(a) pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), which are dependent on the SOS system to mutagenize bacteria, but it is also seen for the constitutively expressed SOS mutator activity in E. coli tif-1 strains as well as for the SOS mutator activity mediated gap filling of apurinic sites. Because the G:C-T:A and A:T-T:A transversions can either result from the insertion of an adenine across from apurinic sites or arise due to the incorporation of syn-adenine opposite a purine base, we postulate that the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme also has a reduced discrimination ability in a dnaQ49 background.The introduction of a lexA (Ind-) allele, which prevents the expression of SOS functions, led to a significant reduction in the dnaQ49-caused mutator effect.Both, the mutational specificity observed and the partial lexA + dependence of the mutator effect provoke a reanalysis of the hypothesis that the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme can be converted into the postulated but until now unidentified SOS polymerase.  相似文献   
High-resolution proton NMR spectra are reported for the paramagnetic ferric native and cyano complexes of the five major horseradish root peroxidase (HRP) isoenzymes (A1, A2, A3, B, and C). Axial imidazole resonances are observed in the native and cyano-complex spectra of all the isoenzymes, thus indicating the presence of a common axial histidine ligand. Proton NMR spectra outside the usual diamagnetic region are identical for sets of A1 and A2 isoenzymes and for the B and C isoenzyme set. Variation in heme residue chemical shift positions may be controlled in part by porphyrin vinyl side chain-protein interactions. Diverse upfield spectra among the isoenzymes reflect amino acid substitutions and/or conformational differences near the prosthetic group, as signals in this region must result from amino acid residues in proximity to the heme center. Acid-base dependence studies reveal an "alkaline" transition that converts the native high-spin iron (III) porphyrin to the low-spin state. The transition occurs at pH 9.3, 9.4, 9.8, and 10.9 for respective HRP A1, A2, A3, and C isoenzymes, respectively. Significantly, this ordering also reflects specific activities for the isoenzymes in the order A1 = A2 greater than A3 greater than B = C. Identical proton NMR spectra for A1/A2 and B/C isoenzyme sets parallel equivalent specific activities for members of a particular set. Proton NMR spectra thus appear to be highly sensitive to protein modifications that affect catalytic activity.  相似文献   
Kinetics of reduction of phototrophic bacterial flavocytochromes c by exogenous flavin semiquinones and fully reduced flavins generated by laser flash photolysis have been studied. The mechanisms of reduction of Chromatium and Chlorobium flavocytochromes c are more similar to one another than previously thought. Neither protein is very reactive with neutral flavin semiquinones (k less than 10(7) M-1 s-1), and the reactions with fully reduced flavins are slower than expected on the basis of comparison with other electron-transfer proteins of similar redox potentials. Deazaflavin radical is reactive with the flavocytochromes c by virtue of its low redox potential, but this reaction is also slower than expected on the basis of comparison with other electron-transfer proteins. These experiments indicate that the active site for reduction of flavocytochrome c is relatively buried and probably inaccessible to solvent. Fully reduced FMN does not show an ionic strength effect in its reaction with flavocytochrome c, which demonstrates that the active site is uncharged. Sulfite, which forms an adduct with protein-bound FAD, partially blocks heme reduction. This shows that heme is reduced via the FAD. The rate constant for intramolecular electron transfer between FAD and heme must be on the order of 10(4) s-1 or larger.  相似文献   
A cytochrome c-551 and a pair of 'high redox-potential' ferredoxins (iso-high-potential iron-sulfur proteins) were found to be the major soluble electron-transport proteins in Ectothiorhodospira halophila. Smaller amounts of 'bacterial' ferredoxin and cytochrome c' were also observed. With the exception of cytochrome c-551, these proteins are commonly encountered in the purple sulfur bacteria, family Chromatiaceae and less frequently in the purple bacteria, family Rhodospirillaceae. In addition to the cytochromes and ferredoxins, E. halophila synthesizes substantial amounts of a small yellow-colored protein, which has a chromophore spectrally similar to flavins having oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur substituents in place of the 8-methyl group such as roseoflavin and the methanogen cofactor F-420. A purple-colored protein was only partially purified, but it is spectrally similar to iron proteins having a tyrosine ligand, such as transferrin, catechuate dioxygenase, and especially the purple acid phosphatases. Neither the yellow protein nor the purple one has previously been observed in phototrophic bacteria, but may in some way be required for survival in extremely halophilic habitats. The only feature common to halophiles including E. halophila is the very acidic nature of their proteins.  相似文献   
A detailed study of the soluble cytochrome composition of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides (ATCC 17023) indicates that there are five c-type cytochromes and one b-type cytochrome present. The molecular weights, heme contents, amino acid compositions, isoelectric points, and oxidation-reduction potentials were determined and the proteins were compared with those from other bacterial sources. Cytochromes c2 and c' have previously been well characterized. Cytochrome c-551.5 is a diheme protein which has a very low redox potential, similar to certain purple bacterial and algal cytochromes. Cytochrome c-554 is an oligomer, which is spectrally similar to the low-spin isozyme of cytochrome c' found in other purple bacteria (e.g., Rhodopseudomonas palustris cytochrome c-556). An unusual high-spin c-type heme protein has also been isolated. It is spectrally distinguishable from cytochrome c' and binds a variety of heme ligands including oxygen. A large molecular-weight cytochrome b-558 is also present which appears related to a similar protein from Rhodospirillum rubrum, and the bacterioferritin from Escherichia coli. None of the soluble proteins appear to be related to the abundant membrane-bound c-type cytochrome in Rps. sphaeroides which has a larger subunit molecular weight similar to mitochondrial cytochrome c1 and chloroplast cytochrome f.  相似文献   
The synthesis and secretion of progesterone by the corpus luteum (CL) may be limited or controlled by transport mechanisms operating between circulating blood and luteal cell cytoplasm. To examine this possibility, the structural features involved in transport, including membrane surface areas and diffusion distances, were quantitated in the CL of 16-day pregnant rats. One ovary from each of eight rats was fixed by perfusion via a cannula inserted into the parametrial artery, and two CL from each ovary were processed for electron microscopy and examined with standard morphometric techniques. For comparison, one CL from each of a further eight ovaries was diced into small cubes, fixed by immersion, and analyzed similarly. In perfusion-fixed CL, there was a substantial volume of vascular space (20% of the total) and interstitial space (5%) and an extensive surface area of capillaries (441 mm2 per CL). The luteal-cell membrane had numerous projections which increased its surface area by a factor of 3.08. Almost 60% of the luteal-cell surface directly faced a capillary, and a further 37% faced interstitial space which probably extended to a capillary surface. Only 3% was in direct contact with a neighboring luteal cell. Despite the extensive interstitial space the harmonic mean thickness, an estimate of likely effective diffusion distance between luteal cell cytoplasm and blood, was only 0.42 micron. This was less than half of the calculated arithmetic mean thickness owing to the presence of surface projections and an uneven capillary endothelium. Results from immersion-fixed CL were qualitatively similar; but the proportion of interstitial space was only 59% of that in perfusion-fixed CL, and the contribution of surface projections to the total area of luteal-cell membranes was significantly reduced. Collectively, these results suggest that membranes and spaces between blood and luteal-cell cytoplasm are structured so as to minimize transport distances.  相似文献   
Routine blood typing of German Landrace pedigree populations and an earlier study revealed very low frequencies of the favourable alleles at the marker loci Phi, Pgd and H. The hypothesis was that in this population the whole linkage group of favourable alleles at the halothane and neighbouring marker loci may have been lost as a consequence of intense selection for leanness and type. The present study of 1050 German Landrace pigs at the Relliehausen experimental station, where some effort has been made to maintain a higher frequency of the favourable alleles PhiA (0.48), H- (0.43) and PgdA (0.70) gave quite different results. The frequency of halothane-positive pigs found by using a severe test was only 30%. Only 5.4%, 8.8%, 13.4% and 13.9% of animals with PhiA/A, H-/-, PgdA/A and PhiA/B genotypes respecitively were halothane-positive. Forty to sixty per cent of pigs with these marker genotypes could therefore be expected to be homozygous halothane-negative (N/N) animals. Creatine kinase activity and three selected meat quality characters showed highly significant differences between the A/A and the B/B genotypes for the marker loci Phi and Pgd, with the heterozygotes being intermediate. These differences are greater than those observed between halothane-negative and halothane-positive phenotypes. The only other consistently superior marker genotype in this population was the H blood group genotype H-/-. In contrast to findings from Sweden and Switzerland, the postalbumin locus Po2 and the suppressor locus S for the A-O blood groups did not exhibit useful marker qualities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The metabolism of mephenytoin to its two major metabolites, 4-OH-mephenytoin (4-OH-M) and 5-phenyl-5-ethylhydantoin (nirvanol) was studied in human liver microsomes by a reversed phase HPLC assay. Because of preferential hydroxylation of S-mephenytoin in vivo, microsomes (5-300 micrograms protein) were incubated separately with S- and R-mephenytoin. After addition of phenobarbital as internal standard, the incubation mixture was extracted with dichloromethane. The residue remaining after evaporation was dissolved in water and injected on a 60 X 4.6-mm reversed-phase column (5 mu-C-18). Elution with acetonitrile/methanol/sodium perchlorate (20 mM, pH 2.5) led to almost baseline separation of mephenytoin, metabolites, and phenobarbital. Quantitation was performed by uv-absorption at 204 nm by the internal standard method. Propylene glycol was found to be the best solvent for mephenytoin, but inhibited the reaction noncompetitively. 4-OH-M and nirvanol could be detected at concentrations in the incubation mixture as low as 40 and 80 nM, respectively. The rates of metabolite formation were linear with time and protein concentration. The reaction was found to be substrate stereoselective. At substrate concentrations below 0.5 mM S-mephenytoin was preferentially hydroxylated to 4-OH-M, while R-mephenytoin was preferentially demethylated to nirvanol at all substrate concentrations tested (25-1600 microM). These data provide a mechanistic explanation for the stereospecific pharmacokinetics in vivo. The dependence of both metabolic relations on NADPH and the inhibition by CO suggest that they are mediated by cytochrome P-450-type monooxygenases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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