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Summary Cells ofRhodospirillum rubrum have been immobilized in various gels and tested for photobiological hydrogen production. Agar proved to be the best immobilizing agent with respect to production rates as well as stability. Agar immobilized cells were also superior compared to liquid suspension cultures. Growth conditions of the cells prior to immobilization, e.g. cell age, light intensity or nutrient composition, were of primary importance for the activity in the later immobilized state. A reactor with agar immobilized cells has been operated successfully over 3000 h with a loss of the activity of about 60%. Mean rates for hydrogen production for immobilized cells in this work during the first 60 to 70 hours after immobilization were in the range of 18 to 34 μl H2 mg−1 d.w. h−1 and thus by a factor of up to 2 higher than liquid cultures under the same conditions. Maximal rates of hydrogen production (57 μl H2 ml−1 immobilized cell suspension) were reached in agar gel beads with cells immobilized after 70 h growth in liquid culture in the light and a cell density of 1.0 mg ml−1, 70 h after immobilization.  相似文献   
Cytochromec oxidase fromParacoccus denitrificans was homogenously dispersed in Triton X-100. Using gel exclusion chromatography and sucrose gradient centrifugation analysis a molecular weight of the detergent-protein complex of 155,000 was determined. After subtraction of the bound detergent (111 mol/mol hemeaa 3) a molecular weight of 85,000 resulted, which agreed well with the model of a monomer containing two subunits. This monomer showed high cytochromec oxidase activity when measured spectrophotometrically in the presence of Triton X-100 (V max=85 s–1). The molecular activity, plotted according to Eadie-Hofstee, was monophasic as a function of the cytochromec concentration. AK m of 3.6×10–6 M was evaluated, similar to theK m observed in the presence of dodecyl maltoside [Naeczet al. (1985).Biochim. Biophys. Acta 808, 259–272].  相似文献   
For two different classes of models for the evolution of dominance modifiers a nonlinear analysis is performed. The first class arises from the classical model of R. A. Fisher by assuming that the modifiers under consideration are not neutral in their pleiotropic effects. The second class is based on a model of P. M. Sheppard for the evolution of dominance in mimicry. Again the derived models with non-neutral modifiers are analysed.  相似文献   
Sterile plants of maize, pea, and cucumber contain less auxin (extracted with methanol or ether) than nonsterile ones. The auxin content is restored within one day by reinfecting sterile plants (or only the shoots, with roots and culture medium remaining sterile) with epiphytic bacteria strains able to produce IAA or with soaking water of nonsterile seeds. Reinfection with bacteria, strains unable to produce IAA is ineffective. — The possibility of a bacterial auxin production during methanol extraction was excluded.  相似文献   
Summary Dinactin, an antibiotic forming complexes with K+ ions, uncouples phosphorylation in chloroplasts without requiring the presence of a substance increasing the permeability of the membrane for protons. To inhibit photophosphorylation, less Dinactin is necessary in the absence than in the presence of K+.When added before the light phase, Dinactin affects the light-triggered ATP-Pi exchange reaction in the same way as it does the complete photophosphorylation. Addition of the antibiotic after the activation by light inhibits the exchange reaction independently of the presence of K+, possibly by blocking the energy transfer to ATP.The inhibition of the light-induced proton transport by Dinactin is more pronounced in the presence of K+ than of Na+ ions. The manner in which changes in the permeability of the chloroplast membrane for K+ ions caused by Dinactin may influence photophosphorylation and reactions coupled with it is discussed.
Verwendete Abkürzungen ATP Adenosintriphosphat - ADP Adenosindiphosphat - Pa anorganisches Phosphat - PMS Phenazinmethosulfat - DCPIP Dichlorphenolindophenol - FeCy Ferricyanid - DNP Dinitrophenol - FCCP Carbonylcyanid-p-trifluormethoxyphenylhydrazon - SQ 15859 Squibb Compound 15859  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Fungicid Captan erwies sich bei 37 Stämmen von Chlorella als ein wirksamer Wachstumshemmstoff. Nur 3 Chlorella-Stämme besitzen eine gewisse Captanresistenz. Das Merkmal Captanresistenz scheint in der Gattung Chlorella nicht artspezifisch verteilt zu sein.Bei Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans Hortob. und Scenedesmus armatus (Chod.) Smith wird Captan noch in einer Dosis von 50 mg/l vertragen, ohne daß Anzeichen einer Hemmwirkung zu erkennen sind.
Differential action of captan on the growth of some strains of Chlorella and Scenedesmus
Summary The fungicide captan was found to inhibit strongly the photoautotrophic growth of 37 Chlorella strains. Only 3 strains are fairly resistant to captan. In the genus Chlorella resistance to captan does not seem to be species specific.Two strains of Scenedesmus (Scenedesmus acutus f. alternans Hortob. and Scenedesmus armatus (Chod.) Smith) tolerate captan up to 50 mg/l without being inhibited at all.
Zusammenfassung 1. An Hand von 101 Aufnahmen wird das Aphano-Matricarietum typicum and scleranthetosum im Unteren Eichsfeld in eine typische, eineRanunculus repens-, eineGnaphalium uliginosum-und eineJuncus bufonius-Variante gegliedert.2. Durch Bestimmungen des Bodenwassergehaltes und des pflanzenverfügbaren Wassers sowie durch Berechnung des W-Wertes nachEllenberg wird die Reihe der Varianten als Reihe zunehmender Feuchtigkeit charakterisiert.3. Bei zunehmender Dichte des Getreidebestandes nehmen die dominierenden Unkräuter stark ab, die schwach deckenden Unkräuter dagegen zu.4. Aus den Deckungswerten der soziologischen Tabelle werden Konkurrenzwirkungen zwischenMatricaria chamomilla, Aphanes arvensis undStellaria media belegt.
Summary 1. In two subassociations of a weed community (Aphano-Matricarietum typicum and scleranthetosum) 101 relevés are used for distinguish three subunits: a var. ofRanunculus repens, ofGnaphalium uliginosum and ofJuncus bufonius.By estimating the water contents and pF values of the soil and by calculating the water figure afterEllenberg this series of subunits is shown to be a series of increasing humidity.2. With increasing density of the cereal grasses, the stronger dominant weeds decrease, while the weaker ones increase.3. A method is described to calculate competition between the dominant weeds from the figures of the sociological relevés. Interactions have been found betweenMatricaria chamomilla at the one side andAphanes arvensis andStellaria media at the other side and vice versa.
Zusammenfassung Glutamatdehydrogenase wurde aus Rhodospirillum rubrum durch Fällung mit Ammoniumsulfat und Chromatographie an DEAE-Cellulose 35 fach angereichert. Das Enzym ist spezifisch auf NAD als Wasserstoffdonator/acceptor und -Ketoglutarat bzw. Glutamat. Hg-Ionen blockieren die Reaktion in beiden Richtungen; Nitrit- und Nitrationen hemmen in höheren Konzentrationen. Die Abbaurate wird durch die Anwesenheit von ATP verringert. Die Stickstoffquelle des Nährmediums wirkt sich nur wenig auf die Ausbildung des Enzyms in den Zellen aus, dagegen wird durch Produkthemmung im natürlichen Milieu bei Wachstum auf Malat und NH4 + der Glutamatabbau praktisch unterdrückt.
Glutamate dehydrogenase from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum
Summary Glutamate dehydrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum was purified 35 fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The enzyme is specific for NAD as hydrogen donor/acceptor and -ketoglutarate and glutamate for the synthesis, respectively the degradation of the amino acid. Hg2+ ions completely inhibit both synthesis and degradation; a weaker inhibition can be shown by addition of various inorganic nitrogen compounds. The rate of the glutamate degradation is reduced by ATP. The nitrogen source of the culture medium is without effect on the formation of the glutamate dehydrogenase, however, under growth conditions in a malate-NH4 +-solution the glutamate degradation is almost completely suppressed by product inhibition.
Zusammenfassung Zellfreie Extrakte aus Agaricus bisporus bilden Malat, Fumarat und Aspartat einerseits aus Pyruvat und CO2 in Gegenwart von Mn2+ und andererseits aus Phosphoenolpyruvat und CO2 in Gegenwart von Mg2+.Die Carboxylierung von Pyruvat wird durch ATP und NADPH2 deutlich gefördert, ist aber unabhängig von der Anwesenheit von CoA-Estern. Die Reaktion erfährt durch pCMB, Oxalat und Avidin eine Hemmung.Die Carboxylierung von Phosphoenolpyruvat wird durch ADP, nicht aber durch GDP und IDP gefördert.Aus den Ergebnissen wird geschlossen, daß bei der Carboxylierung von Pyruvat sowohl Pyruvatcarboxylase als auch Malatenzym wirksam sind, während für die Oxalacetatsynthese aus Phosphoenolpyruvat PEP-Carboxykinase verantwortlich ist.Die Bedeutung der drei Enzyme im Zusammenhang mit der Ernährung des Kulturchampignons aus dem natürlichen Substrat, mit der Glucogenese und der Steuerung des Citronensäurecyclus wird diskutiert.
Carboxylation reactions in Agaricus bisporus III. Pyruvate and phosphoenolpyruvate as CO2-acceptors
Summary Cell-free extracts from Agaricus bisporus catalyze the synthesis of malate, fumarate and aspartate from pyruvate and CO2 in the presence of Mn2+, and from phosphoenolpyruvate and CO2 with Mg2+ (partially replaceable by Mn2+).The carboxylation of pyruvate is highly stimulated by ATP and NADPH2, but is not affected by CoA-esters. The reaction is inhibited by pCMB, oxalate and avidin.The carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate is stimulated by ADP, but not by IDP and GDP.From cofactor-requirement and inhibitor studies it is concluded, that there are two enzymes, pyruvatecarboxylase and malic enzyme, which catalyze the carboxylation of pyruvate. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is responsible for the CO2-fixation into oxaloacetate.The significance of these three enzymes is discussed in connection with the nutrition of the fungus from its natural growth substrate and with the regulation of glycogenesis and the citric acid cycle.
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