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In this study, we identified a region in the human parvovirus structural protein which involves the neutralization of the virus by a monoclonal antibody and site-specific synthetic peptides. A newly established monoclonal antibody reacted with both viral capsid proteins VP1 and VP2. The epitope was found in six strains of independently isolated human parvovirus B19. The monoclonal antibody could protect colony-forming unit erythroid in human bone marrow cell culture from injury by the virus. The monoclonal antibody reacted with only 1 of 12 peptides that were synthesized according to a predicted amino acid sequence based on nucleotide sequences of the coding region for the structural protein of B19 virus. The sequence recognized by the antibody was a site corresponding to amino acids 328 to 344 from the amino-terminal portion of VP2. This evidence suggests that the epitope of the viral capsid protein is located on the surface of the virus and may be recognized by virus-neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   
Myofibroblasts were cultured successfully from experimental wound tissue in rat palatal mucoperiosteum. Arachidonic acid metabolizing activity in cultured myofibroblasts was compared with that in fibroblasts cultured from normal mucoperiosteum. Prostaglandins biosynthesized from [14C]arachidonic acid in cell-free homogenates of both myofibroblasts and fibroblasts were prostaglandins D2, E2 and F2 alpha, and the activity producing each prostaglandin was not significantly different between the myofibroblasts and the fibroblasts, whereas smooth muscle cells, which are histologically similar to myofibroblasts, produced mainly 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha, and relatively small amounts of prostaglandin E2. The release of arachidonic acid from cells prelabeled with [14C]arachidonic acid was compared among three types of cell. The calcium ionophore A23187 strongly enhanced arachidonic acid release in all three cell types. Bradykinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine and prostaglandin F2 alpha affected the stimulation of arachidonic acid release in the fibroblasts but were less or not effective in the myofibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. In addition, prostaglandin E2 biosynthesized in response to several stimuli was measured by radioimmunoassay. The content of prostaglandin E2 correlated closely with arachidonic acid release. In this study, we showed homogeneity between the myofibroblasts and fibroblasts in prostaglandin synthesizing activity and similarity in response to various stimuli between the myofibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, from the standpoint of arachidonic acid metabolism.  相似文献   
About half of the chimeras produced by aggregation of two mouse embryos are sex chimeras composed of both XX and XY cells. We developed a fast and easy method to identify sex chimeras by using electrophoretic bimorphism of an X-linked enzyme, phosphoglycerate kinase-1 (PGK-1), as a marker. When embryos resulting from the crossing of a Pgk-1b/Pgk-1b female and a Pgk-1a/Y male are aggregated, the genotype of sex chimeras is Pgk-1b/Pgk-1a----Pgk-1b/Y. Most of these were identifiable from the PGK-1 electrophoretic pattern of blood cells (i.e., AB type) and the appearance of genitalia (male type or apparently abnormal). Genotypes of functional sperm in the testes of the male-type sex chimeras were also identifiable from the PGK-1 electrophoretic pattern of progenies. Examination of gonads of the sex chimeras revealed that a considerable proportion was hermaphorditic. With this method, reasonable numbers of male-type sex chimeras and hermaphrodites may be selected and used as material for investigating sexual differentiation.  相似文献   
To find whether cytoplasmic streaming in Acetabularia is controlledby Ca2+, a tonoplast-permeabilized cell model was prepared usinga vacuolar perfusion technique. The cytoplasmic streaming remainedalmost normal after perfusion with EGTA medium (10 mM EGTA,40 mM PIPES, 5mM MgCl2 and 800 mM sorbitol, pH 6.9), but stoppedwithin 10 min when saponin medium (EGTA medium plus 50 µg/mlsaponin, 50 µg/ml hexokinase and 5 mM glucose) was perfused.This model system was reactivated with a solution containing0.5 mM ATP and different concentrations of Ca2+ (reactivationmedium). With the reactivation medium at pCa 6–5, theresumed streaming lasted for about 10 min before the cytoplasmaggregated. At pCa 4–3, the streaming was observed onlyfor a few minutes because the cytoplasm aggregated quickly.At pCa 7, no reactivated movement was observed. Reactivationwas not induced in an ATP- or Mg2+-deficient medium even inthe presence of an adequate concentration of Ca2+, and was inhibitedby 50 µg/ml cytochalasin B or 1 mM N-ethylmaleimide. We concluded from these observations that the cytoplasmic streamingin Acetabularia is very likely to be driven by the actomyosinsystem in the presence of Mg-ATP and Ca2+ at pCa 6–5. (Received October 31, 1984; Accepted April 1, 1985)  相似文献   
Effects of cepharanthine and alpha-tocopherol on radiation-induced peroxidation of lipids dissolved in methanol(MeOH)-chloroform (CHCl3)-H2O(v/v, 2/1/0.8) were examined. alpha-Tocopherol strongly inhibited radiation-induced peroxidation of lipids dissolved in MeOH-CHCl3-H2O. However, cepharanthine exhibited a weak inhibitory action in this system. The change in the absorption spectrum of alpha-tocopherol and cepharanthine by X-irradiation was measured. The reagents were dissolved in 95% EtOH acidified with 20 mM HCl and in MeOH-CHCl3-H2O. alpha-Tocopherol exhibited the change in its absorption spectrum in both systems, and seemed to be oxidized at a high rate by free radicals. However, cepharanthine slightly exhibited the change in its spectrum in MeOH-CHCl3-H2O, but not in acidified EtOH.  相似文献   
The expression of aldolase A and B mRNAs during azo-dye-induced carcinogenesis in rat liver was examined. After feeding the dye for 18 weeks, the level of aldolase A mRNA increased to about 11 times that in a normal liver, with the concomitant decrease of aldolase B mRNA level to about 25% of that in a normal liver. These changes did not occur progressively during the carcinogenesis, but occurred as an additional phase after 4 week-feeding of the azo-dye. At this stage, the levels of aldolase A and B mRNAs were about 7 times and 45% of that in a normal liver, respectively. This biphasic pattern in the aldolase isozyme expression in the azo-dye-fed rat liver is discussed together with the kinetic data of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NIH S produced a bacteriophage, KF1, immunologically cross-reactive with F-type pyocins. Phage KF1 was neutralized by both anti-pyocin F1 and anti-pyocin F3 sera, although the efficiency was very low. About eleven polypeptides were detected by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the phage. Most of the subunit proteins were different from those of F-type pyocins, but the molecular weights of minor subunit proteins P3 and P6 seemed to be the same as those of band 1 and band 5 of F-type pyocins, respectively. The head of the phage appeared to have an icosahedral structure, approximately 63 nm in diameter, with a long (190 nm, 11 nm wide and about 45 striations) flexuous tail connected to a fiber structure (about 53 nm in length). The density in CsCl and the sedimentation coefficient of the phage were 1.54 g/ml and 392S, respectively. Some other biochemical properties were described. The nucleic acid of the phage was linear, double stranded DNA of molecular weight 4 x 10(7). The density of the DNA in CsCl was 1.719 g/ml, the melting temperature was 95.4 degrees C. The guanine plus cytosine content was calculated to be 60 to 64%.  相似文献   
The reverberation that occurs between two neuron groups, which have excitatory mono-synaptic random connections with each other can be studied theoretically by employing a model neuron, which expresses well the characters of a real neuron. In this model we consider three effects, which are; the effect of the summation of the excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP) of neurons; the effect of the spontaneous firing of neurons as a noise in groups and the effect of the relative refractory period of neurons. As a result, it is shown that under the effect of the summation of the EPSP of neurons and the effect of the noise, the systematic threshold p theta takes the same value as is observed in practice. The effect of the relative refractory period has been considered in order to explain the low speed of the increase in firing activity, as observed in the reverberating system. It suppresses slightly the speed of the increase in firing activity (pi) in the system. Moreover, the speed can be suppressed by making the refractory effect strong according to the increase of pi. However, the initial increase of pi at a high speed that was observed in the experiment cannot be explained simply by the effect of the refractoriness, even if it were the absolute refractoriness.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of nitrogen anaesthesia and cycloheximide injection on memory of the classically-conditioned fly, Phormia. 1 M NaCl solution was given to each fly as a conditioning stimulus and 0.5 M sucrose solution was the unconditioned stimulus that induced the proboscis extension response. The training period was as short as 2 min and testing was usually carried out 2 hr later. At varying times (0–60 min) between training and testing, flies were anaesthetized with nitrogen gas for 25 sec. When flies were anaesthetized immediately after training the effect of nitrogen gas was the greatest and few flies showed any conditioned response, but the sensitivity of memory to nitrogen gas declined as the interval between training and nitrogen treatment became longer, and such treatment had no effect on memory when the interval was longer than 30 min. The effect on memory of cycloheximide, an inhibitor of peptide bond synthesis, was also investigated. The injection of cycloheximide (0.37 μg) immediately after training diminished the memory, but when given 1 hr after training it had no effect on memory. These results show that the memory in Phormia has two phases, stable and an unstable phase, like long-term and short-term memory in vertebrates.  相似文献   
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