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Nitrite oxidation is the second step of nitrification. It is the primary source of oceanic nitrate, the predominant form of bioavailable nitrogen in the ocean. Despite its obvious importance, nitrite oxidation has rarely been investigated in marine settings. We determined nitrite oxidation rates directly in 15N-incubation experiments and compared the rates with those of nitrate reduction to nitrite, ammonia oxidation, anammox, denitrification, as well as dissimilatory nitrate/nitrite reduction to ammonium in the Namibian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Nitrite oxidation (⩽372 nM NO2 d−1) was detected throughout the OMZ even when in situ oxygen concentrations were low to non-detectable. Nitrite oxidation rates often exceeded ammonia oxidation rates, whereas nitrate reduction served as an alternative and significant source of nitrite. Nitrite oxidation and anammox co-occurred in these oxygen-deficient waters, suggesting that nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) likely compete with anammox bacteria for nitrite when substrate availability became low. Among all of the known NOB genera targeted via catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization, only Nitrospina and Nitrococcus were detectable in the Namibian OMZ samples investigated. These NOB were abundant throughout the OMZ and contributed up to ∼9% of total microbial community. Our combined results reveal that a considerable fraction of the recently recycled nitrogen or reduced NO3 was re-oxidized back to NO3 via nitrite oxidation, instead of being lost from the system through the anammox or denitrification pathways.  相似文献   
A synchronized dual-wavelength laser speckle contrast imaging (DWLSCI) system and a Doppler optical microangiography (DOMAG) system was developed to determine several ischemic parameters in the cochlea due to a systemic hypoxic challenge. DWLSCI can obtain two-dimensional data, and was used to determine the relative changes in cochlear blood flow, and change in the concentrations of oxyhemoglobin (HbO), deoxyhemoglobin (Hb) and total hemoglobin (HbT) in mice. DOMAG can obtain three-dimensional data, and was used to determine the changes in cochlear blood flow with single vessel resolution. It was demonstrated that during a hypoxic challenge there was an increase in the concentrations of Hb, a decrease in the concentrations of HbO and cochlear blood flow, and a slight decrease in the concentration of HbT. Also, the rate of change in the concentrations of Hb and HbO was quantified during and after the hypoxic challenge. The ability to simultaneously measure these ischemic parameters with high spatio-temporal resolution will allow the detailed quantitative analysis of several hearing disorders, and will be useful for diagnosing and developing treatments.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of 'ecologically orientated' forest transformation on forest floor vegetation. Forest transformation, as defined by the BMBF southern Black Forest project group, is the process which converts even-aged spruce forest into structured continuous-cover forest, consisting principally of spruce (Picea abies), fir (Abies alba) and beech (Fagus sylvatica). In order to analyse the transformation process, four transformation stages were defined as part of a 'conceptual forest development model' (pure even-aged, species enrichment, structuring and continuous cover forest stage). Four forest districts representative of the southern Black Forest were selected for the study. The analysis included the separate classification of structures, sites, and ground vegetation. In a second step, the relationships between the three complexes were analysed. The influence of forest structure on ground vegetation was investigated by examining the relationships between so-called substructure types and ground vegetation types. The substructure types associated with the pure spruce stand, species enrichment and continuous cover forest stages exhibited a ground vegetation resembling that of the Luzulo-Fagetum and Luzulo-Abietetum, whereas the structuring stages exhibited a ground vegetation of the Galio-Fagetum type. Transformation of pure, even-aged spruce forest into mixed, uneven-aged continuous cover forest is considered an important silvicultural tool to combine the demands of sustainable timber production and nature conservation. Transformation brings about greater diversity in stand structure and tree species composition. The frequencies of acidophytic mosses and vascular plants in spruce forest decrease during the transformation process. The species requiring moderate base supply increase over the transitional stages. The continuous cover forest, the final stage of transformation, increasingly contains ground species of both, i.e., species normally associated with both conifer and deciduous forest.  相似文献   
There has been increasing contact between mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) and the human population surrounding Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park (BIFNP) in Uganda. Due to the close taxonomic relationship between humans and gorillas there is potential for disease transmission between them. Preventing the introduction or spread of transmissible diseases to the gorillas is essential to protect them. We interviewed 301 villagers living in close proximity to BIFNP with a medical questionnaire in July, 2000. We collected information on demographics, vaccination and health history, and human/gorilla interaction. Our objectives were to estimate the prevalence of several diseases in the human population and to evaluate the risk of anthropozoonotic transmission from humans to gorillas. We found a high prevalence of disease symptoms such as coughing (72.1%) and fever (56.1%) compatible with acute infectious diseases; over half of the respondents (59.1%) had a specific disease diagnosis within the 6 mo preceding the study. We compared villagers who had visual contact with gorillas in the 6 mo preceding the study (53.5%) to villagers who had no visual contact (46.5%). Men were 2.3 times more likely than women to have visual contact with gorillas. In general, the frequency of disease history and symptoms was similar for people with and without contact. The high prevalence of acute infectious diseases in the population surrounding BIFNP and the high rate of contact with gorillas creates the potential for anthropozoonotic disease transmission.  相似文献   
Commercial lipase (triacylglycerol lipase, EC of Pseudomonas cepacia (Amano) has been purified to homogeneity by a single chromatography on phenyl Sepharose. The eluted lipase crystallized spontaneously at 4°C in the eluent, containing 58–69% 2-propanol. The yield of the lipase was 87–100% and the specific activity during the hydrolysis of triolein 5800 U/mg protein. This protein has a molecular weight of 34.1 kDa as analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Its purity was determined by SDS-Page and capillary zone electrophoresis to be ≥ 99%. Immobilization on Sepharose increased its stability in organic solvents. This lipase of P. cepacia differs from that of other Pseudomonas strains in respect of substrate specificity and during crystallization. It exhibits a high stability in organic solvents and supercritical carbon dioxide.  相似文献   
Understanding why populations of some migratory species show a directional change over time, i.e. increase or decrease, while others do not, remains a challenge for ecological research. One possible explanation is that species with smaller non‐breeding ranges may have more pronounced directional population trends, and their populations are thus more sensitive to the variation in environmental conditions in their non‐breeding quarters. According to the serial residency hypothesis, this sensitivity should lead to higher magnitudes (i.e. absolute values) of population trends for species with smaller non‐breeding ranges, with the direction of trend being either positive or negative depending on the nature of the environmental change. We tested this hypothesis using population trends over 2001–2012 for 36 sub‐Saharan migratory passerine birds breeding in Europe. Namely, we related the magnitude of the species' population trends to the size of their sub‐Saharan non‐breeding grounds, whilst controlling for factors including number of migration routes, non‐breeding habitat niche and wetness, breeding habitat type and life‐history strategy. The magnitude of species' population trends grew with decreasing absolute size of sub‐Saharan non‐breeding ranges, and this result remained significant when non‐breeding range size was expressed relative to the size of the breeding range. After repeating the analysis with the trend direction, the relationship with the non‐breeding range size disappeared, indicating that both population decreases and increases are frequent amongst species with small non‐breeding range sizes. Therefore, species with small non‐breeding ranges are at a higher risk of population decline due to adverse factors such as habitat loss or climatic extremes, but their populations are also more likely to increase when suitable conditions appear. As non‐breeding ranges may originate from stochasticity of non‐breeding site selection in naive birds (‘serial‐residency’ hypothesis), it is crucial to maintain a network of stable and resilient habitats over large areas of birds’ non‐breeding quarters.  相似文献   

Key message

Mid-parent values of Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance tested across several locations are a good predictor of hybrid performance caused by a preponderance of additive gene action in wheat.


Hybrid breeding is intensively discussed as one solution to boost yield and yield stability including an enhanced biotic stress resistance. Our objectives were to investigate (1) the heterosis for Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance, (2) the importance of general (GCA) vs. specific combining ability (SCA) for FHB resistance, and (3) the possibility to predict the FHB resistance of the hybrids by the parental means. We re-analyzed phenotypic data of a large population comprising 1604 hybrids and their 120 female and 15 male parental lines evaluated in inoculation trials across seven environments. Mid-parent heterosis of FHB severity averaged ?9%, with a range from ?36 to +35%. Mean better parent heterosis was 2% and 78 of the hybrids significantly (P < 0.05) outperformed the best commercial check variety included in our study. FHB resistance was not correlated with grain yield in healthy status for lines (r = 0.01) and hybrids (r = 0.09, P < 0.01). While a preponderance of GCA variance (P < 0.01) was found, SCA variance was not significantly different from zero. Accuracy to predict hybrid performance of FHB severity based on mid-parent values and on GCA effects was high (r = 0.70 and 0.86, respectively; P < 0.01). Similarly, line per se performance and GCA effects were significantly correlated (r = 0.77; P < 0.01). The substantial level of mid-parent heterosis in the desired direction of decreased susceptibility and the negligible better parent heterosis suggest that hybrids are an attractive alternative variety type to improve FHB resistance.

Key message

Compared with independent validation, cross-validation simultaneously sampling genotypes and environments provided similar estimates of accuracy for genomic selection, but inflated estimates for marker-assisted selection.


Estimates of prediction accuracy of marker-assisted (MAS) and genomic selection (GS) require validations. The main goal of our study was to compare the prediction accuracies of MAS and GS validated in an independent sample with results obtained from fivefold cross-validation using genomic and phenotypic data for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. In addition, the applicability of the reliability criterion, a concept originally developed in the context of classic animal breeding and GS, was explored for MAS. We observed that prediction accuracies of MAS were overestimated by 127% using cross-validation sampling genotype and environments in contrast to independent validation. In contrast, prediction accuracies of GS determined in independent samples are similar to those estimated with cross-validation sampling genotype and environments. This can be explained by small population differentiation between the training and validation sets in our study. For European wheat breeding, which is so far characterized by a slow temporal dynamic in allele frequencies, this assumption seems to be realistic. Thus, GS models used to improve European wheat populations are expected to possess a long-lasting validity. Since quantitative trait loci information can be exploited more precisely if the predicted genotype is more related to the training population, the reliability criterion is also a valuable tool to judge the level of prediction accuracy of individual genotypes in MAS.
An increasing number of studies indicate that serine proteases play an important role in structural plasticity associated with learning and memory formation. Neurotrypsin is a multidomain serine protease located at the presynaptic terminal of neurons. It is thought to be crucial for cognitive brain functions. A deletion in the neurotrypsin gene causes severe mental retardation in humans. For a biochemical characterization, we produced murine neurotrypsin recombinantly in a eukaryotic expression system using myeloma cells. From the culture medium we purified neurotrypsin using heparin-, hydrophobic interaction- and immobilized metal affinity chromatography. For an enzymological characterization two fragments of agrin containing the natural cleavages sites of neurotrypsin were used as substrates. The highest catalytic activity of neurotrypsin was observed in the pH range between 7.0 and 8.5. Calcium ions were required for neurotrypsin activity and an ionic strength exceeding 500 mM decreased substrate cleavage. Site-specific mutations of the amino acids flanking the scissile bonds showed that cleavage is highly specific and requires a basic amino acid preceded by a glutamate residue on the N-terminal side of the scissile bond. This sequence requirement argues for a unique substrate binding pocket of neurotrypsin. This observation was further substantiated by the fact that almost all tested serine protease inhibitors except dichloroisocoumarin and PMSF did not affect neurotrypsin activity.  相似文献   
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