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A necessary basis for environmental protection is thorough knowledge of the biodiversity to be protected. Setting conservation priorities in taxonomically complex groups is an especially difficult task. The seashore sedges of the Carex salina group (Cyperaceae) of the Russian White and Barents Seas form important parts of the coastal ecosystems and include species listed as rare and endangered. However, their taxonomy is poorly understood and supposed to be blurred by hybridization, also including the closely related C. aquatilis and possibly other species of sect. Phacocystis (C. bigelowii, C. nigra s. lat.). We address the taxonomic situation in the C. salina group in the Kola Peninsula with emphasis on taxa of supposed hybrid origin (C. salina and C. recta coll.). We analyzed 92 plants from 28 sites for 101 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and 10 morphological characters. The plants referred to three supposedly “pure” species (C. aquatilis, C. paleacea and C. subspathacea) formed different extreme parts of the morphological and molecular variation. These species could be discriminated by a combination of morphological characters. The two taxa of proposed hybrid origin had extremely variable morphology and could not be clearly distinguished from each other or from the supposedly “pure” species. Our results demonstrate extensive gene flow between all taxa, suggesting that the entire C. salina group including C. aquatilis acts as a single large biological species.  相似文献   
A mineral magnetic study has been conducted on Pleistocene lacustrine sediments from the Xujiayao Paleolithic site within the Nihewan Basin, North China. The magnetic signal is characterized by a dominance of high-coercivity (hematite) minerals that is modulated by low-coercivity magnetite–maghemite assemblages during interglacials. A high-amplitude record of the composition dependent magnetic S− 0.3 T-parameter varies in accord with composite marine oxygen isotope records, suggesting climate modulation of magnetic composition. The Xujiayao site is situated at the northern outskirts of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) and has neither received significant eolian input nor been exposed to pedogenic processes comparable to those acting on CLP. Mineral magnetic analyses suggest that variations in both magnetite and hematite are primarily controlled by detrital fluxes rather than by authigenic production of magnetic minerals. Here we propose that the fluctuations of magnetic signals at Xujiayao are not derived from varying compositions of eolian flux with glacial/interglacial periods or minute eolian influx during interglacials, but is likely dominated by runoff-related processes, by which some weathered/pedogenized loess and soils with stronger magnetic signals have been eroded and transported to the catchment during interglacials resulting in magnetic enhancement. The inferred continuous deposition from the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary to the paleosol S1 (ca. 129 ka) gives the age of ca. 500 ka for the sediments carrying the Xujiayao Paleolithic site, suggesting an allogenic origin of the Paleolithic artifacts and mammalian bones dated by U–Th method to ca. 100 ka.  相似文献   
In the multi-use landscape of southern Norway, the distribution of lynx is likely to be determined both by the abundance of their favoured prey – the roe deer – and the risk associated with the presence of humans because most lynx mortalities are caused by humans (recreational harvest, poaching, vehicle collisions). We described the distribution of the reproductive portion of the lynx population based on snow-track observations of females with dependent kittens collected over 10  yr (1997–2006) in southern Norway. We used the ecological-niche factor analysis to examine how lynx distribution was influenced by roe deer, human activity, habitat type, environmental productivity and elevation. Our first prediction that lynx should be found in areas of relatively high roe deer abundance was supported. However, our second prediction that lynx should avoid human activity was rejected, and lynx instead occupied areas more disturbed in average than those available (with the exception of the most densely occupied areas). Lynx, however, avoided the most disturbed areas and our third prediction of a trade-off between abundance of prey and avoidance of human activity was supported. On the one hand, roe deer in the most disturbed areas benefit to a large extent from current human land use practices, potentially allowing them to escape predation from lynx. On the other hand, the situation is not so favourable for the predators who are restricted in competition refuges with medium to low prey densities. The consequence is that lynx conservation will have to be achieved in a human modifed environment where the potential for a range of conflicts and high human-caused mortality will remain a constant threat.  相似文献   
Mean ambient water temperatures experienced by individual young-of-the-year (YOY) Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from a Svalbard lake were estimated using measurements of oxygen stable isotopes (δ18O) derived from fish otoliths. Otolith-derived water temperatures differed significantly from temperatures recorded at the outlet river of the Dieset watercourse but were consistent with temperatures previously recorded in shallow littoral areas of other Svalbard lakes where YOY charr are commonly found. This indicates that fixed-point monitoring does not necessarily represent the temperatures and thermal habitats used by individual fish. Otolith-derived water temperatures were also positively related to fish length-at-capture and otolith size, although much of the variation remained unexplained. Differences among individuals could be related to variability in food availability and food intake as well as variation in the initial fish size at hatching. Implications for subsequent investigations into how YOY charr respond and adapt to future climate change are discussed.  相似文献   
The population dynamics of phytoplankton and zooplankton in a fertilized enclosure were studied from April 1977 to June 1978. During the first spring period, the rotifers Keratella cochlearis, Kellicottia longispina, and Polyarthra vulgaris were scarce. During the following spring, all three species were abundant. An attempt is made to explain these differences. Food resource competition from cladocerans, and the low food quality and possible inhibitory effects of Coccomyxa sp. were found to be the most likely factors limiting the growth of these rotifers during the first spring period.  相似文献   
Within Cerastium alpinum s. lat., several taxa have been circumscribed. Three infraspecific taxa are currently recognized in Nordic literature, but the opinions have varied about their taxonomic levels and relations to each other. Populations of these three taxa — alpinum, glabratum and lanatum — were investigated in Central Norway to elucidate taxonomic relationships on a regional scale. Morphometric analyses (PCA ordination) based on two data sets; one with 61 characters, and one without the 35 indumentum characters, gave different results. The former partly support the use of a higher rank for glabratum , but this analysis may put too much weight on indumentum characters. The reduced data set gave a more continuous transition between the three taxa, with no special status for glabratum. Crossing experiments between the taxa indicated full cross compatibility as far as relative seed set was concerned. Finally, vegetation analysis (DCA ordination) indicated that the three taxa have somewhat different ecological demands. This suggests that they, in spite of hybridization abilities, normally are maintained as separate entities due to habitat differences. A delimitation of three infraspecific taxa at the same level within C. alpinum s. lat. is thus supported by this study. Whether these taxa should be treated as subspecies or varieties strongly depends upon the definitions of these categories. Viewed in a wide geographical context, however, the arguments for subspecific rank are strengthened.  相似文献   
Twelve postmenopausal women with inoperable or metastatic breast cancer were given toremifene at a daily dose of 60 mg. The patients had no prior endocrine or cytotoxic therapy and further inclusion criteria were bidimensionally measurable disease, performance status above 50, expected survival of more than 3 months and estrogen receptor status positive or undetermined. Objective response [complete remission (CR) + partial remission (PR)] was achieved in 6 patients (50%) and stable disease was obtained in 5 patients. No side effects of the treatment were noted.  相似文献   
Preincubation of a triolein/phospholipid/cholesteryl oleate-emulsion in vitro with either pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) or gastric lipase (GL) resulted in hydrolysis (measured by pH-stat-titration) of cholesteryl [3H]oleate only after human pancreatic carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) was added to the system. No appreciable hydrolysis was observed when CEL was added alone. Consequently, a concerted action either of PLA2 and CEL or of GL and CEL made the substrate cholesteryl oleate available for hydrolysis by CEL. This was the case when cholesteryl oleate was solubilised in a phospholipid-stabilised triglyceride emulsion, which is the physico-chemical form in which the major part of dietary cholesteryl esters are presented to the gastro-intestinal tract of man.  相似文献   
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