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In mammals, taste buds develop in different regions of the oral cavity. Small epithelial protrusions form fungiform papillae on the ectoderm-derived dorsum of the tongue and contain one or few taste buds, while taste buds in the soft palate develop without distinct papilla structures. In contrast, the endoderm-derived circumvallate and foliate papillae located at the back of the tongue contain a large number of taste buds. These taste buds cluster in deep epithelial trenches, which are generated by intercalating a period of epithelial growth between initial placode formation and conversion of epithelial cells into sensory cells. How epithelial trench formation is genetically regulated during development is largely unknown. Here we show that Pax9 acts upstream of Pax1 and Sox9 in the expanding taste progenitor field of the mouse circumvallate papilla. While a reduced number of taste buds develop in a growth-retarded circumvallate papilla of Pax1 mutant mice, its development arrests completely in Pax9-deficient mice. In addition, the Pax9 mutant circumvallate papilla trenches lack expression of K8 and Prox1 in the taste bud progenitor cells, and gradually differentiate into an epidermal-like epithelium. We also demonstrate that taste placodes of the soft palate develop through a Pax9-dependent induction. Unexpectedly, Pax9 is dispensable for patterning, morphogenesis and maintenance of taste buds that develop in ectoderm-derived fungiform papillae. Collectively, our data reveal an endoderm-specific developmental program for the formation of taste buds and their associated papilla structures. In this pathway, Pax9 is essential to generate a pool of taste bud progenitors and to maintain their competence towards prosensory cell fate induction.  相似文献   
中国的炭疽杆菌DNA分型及其地理分布   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
炭疽广泛分布于中国各地,特别是西部地区,并经常造成人畜疾病,在一项合作研究中,用多位点VNTR分析(MLVA)对从1952-1998年自中国主要地理流行区域分离的病人,病畜和土壤等来源的炭疽杆菌进行了基因分型,MLVA分析结果揭示了21种新的基因型,其等位基因组合在以前世界范围分离物的研究中未曾发现,此外,分离物的分群显示,A3b组是地理上最广泛分布的基因组,说明该组可能是中国的“地方流行株”。而来自古丝绸之路重要贸易中心新疆的大量分离株其基因型特别分散。  相似文献   
人类端粒酶启动子(hTERT启动子)在肿瘤基因治疗中的有效性已经得到了证实. 然而,hTERT启动子有限的肿瘤靶向转录活性困扰着它的临床应用.早期研究已经揭示,核心hTERT启动子上的-34位E-box元件与该启动子的肿瘤靶向转录活性有关.为进一步探索核心hTERT启动子序列3′端富余E-box元件是否能提高启动子的肿瘤靶向转录能力,用化学合成方法在野生型hTERT(WT-hTERT)核心启动子片段(编码蛋白起始子ATG上游-268 bp~-10 bp)的3′端接入3个E-box序列, 构建成修饰型hTERT(Mod-hTERT)启动子. 然后,分别用WT-hTERT和Mod-hTERT启动子去调控增强型绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)及荧光素酶报告基因在293FT、HepGⅡ、SGC7901、U2OS、以及原代培养人成纤维细胞(PHF)中表达. 结果表明, 在Mod-hTERT启动子的各实验组细胞中,能够在端粒酶阳性的293FT、HepGⅡ及 SGC7901细胞组中观测到EGFP的表达,而在端粒酶阴性的U2OS及PHF细胞组中没有观测到EGFP的表达;在端粒酶阳性的293FT、HepGⅡ和SGC7901细胞株中,Mod-hTERT启动子调控下的荧光素酶活性要高于WT-hTERT启动子组(P<0.01); 而在端粒酶阴性的U2OS细胞组中,Mod-hTERT启动子调控下的荧光素酶活性则低于WT-hTERT启动子组(P<0.01); 在PHF细胞组中,Mod-hTERT启动子组与WT-hTERT启动子组的荧光素酶活性差异不显著(P>0.05).研究提示,在3′端增加E-box元件可以提高核心hTERT启动子序列的肿瘤靶向转录活性.  相似文献   


In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), synovial fluid (SF) contains a large number of neutrophils that contribute to the inflammation and destruction of the joints. The SF also contains granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), which sustains viability of neutrophils and activates their functions. Using proteomic surveillance, we here tried to elucidate the effects of GM-CSF on neutrophils.


Neutrophils stimulated by GM-CSF were divided into four subcellular fractions: cytosol, membrane/organelle, nuclei, and cytoskeleton. Then, proteins were extracted from each fraction and digested by trypsin. The produced peptides were detected using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS).


We detected 33 peptide peaks whose expression was upregulated by more than 2.5-fold in GM-CSF stimulated neutrophils and identified 11 proteins out of the 33 peptides using MALDI-TOF/TOF MS analysis and protein database searches. One of the identified proteins was neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL). We confirmed that the level of NGAL in SF was significantly higher in patients with RA than in those with osteoarthritis. We next addressed possible roles of the increased NGAL in RA. We analysed proteome alteration of synoviocytes from patients with RA by treatment with NGAL in vitro. We found that, out of the detected protein spots (approximately 3,600 protein spots), the intensity of 21 protein spots increased by more than 1.5-fold and the intensity of 10 protein spots decreased by less than 1 to 1.5-fold as a result of the NGAL treatment. Among the 21 increased protein spots, we identified 9 proteins including transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase (TERA), cathepsin D, and transglutaminase 2 (TG2), which increased to 4.8-fold, 1.5-fold and 1.6-fold, respectively. Two-dimensional electrophoresis followed by western blot analysis confirmed the upregulation of TERA by the NGAL treatment and, moreover, the western blot analysis showed that the NGAL treatment changed the protein spots caused by post-translational modification of TERA. Furthermore, NGAL cancelled out the proliferative effects of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 and epidermal growth factor (EGF) on chondrocytes from a patient with RA and proliferative effect of FGF-2 on chondrosarcoma cells.


Our results indicate that GM-CSF contributes to the pathogenesis of RA through upregulation of NGAL in neutrophils, followed by induction of TERA, cathepsin D and TG2 in synoviocytes. NGAL and the upregulated enzymes may therefore play an important role in RA.  相似文献   
The host-pathogen combinations—Malus domestica (apple)/`Candidatus Phytoplasma mali´, Prunus persica (peach)/`Ca. P. prunorum´ and Pyrus communis (pear)/`Ca. P. pyri´ show different courses of diseases although the phytoplasma strains belong to the same 16SrX group. While infected apple trees can survive for decades, peach and pear trees die within weeks to few years. To this date, neither morphological nor physiological differences caused by phytoplasmas have been studied in these host plants. In this study, phytoplasma-induced morphological changes of the vascular system as well as physiological changes of the phloem sap and leaf phytohormones were analysed and compared with non-infected plants. Unlike peach and pear, infected apple trees showed substantial reductions in leaf and vascular area, affecting phloem mass flow. In contrast, in infected pear mass flow and physicochemical characteristics of phloem sap increased. Additionally, an increased callose deposition was detected in pear and peach leaves but not in apple trees in response to phytoplasma infection. The phytohormone levels in pear were not affected by an infection, while in apple and peach trees concentrations of defence- and stress-related phytohormones were increased. Compared with peach and pear trees, data from apple suggest that the long-lasting morphological adaptations in the vascular system, which likely cause reduced sap flow, triggers the ability of apple trees to survive phytoplasma infection. Some phytohormone-mediated defences might support the tolerance.  相似文献   
To study the structure-function relationship of pulmonary surfactant under conditions close to nature, molecular films of a model system consisting of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol, and surfactant-associated protein C were prepared at the air-water interface of air bubbles about the size of human alveoli (diameter of 100 μm). The high mechanical stability as well as the absence of substantial film flow, inherent to small air bubbles, allowed for scanning force microscopy (SFM) directly at the air-water interface. The SFM topographical structure was correlated to the local distribution of fluorescent-labeled dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, as revealed from fluorescence light microscopy of the same bubbles. Although SFM has proven before to be exceptionally well suited to probe the structure of molecular films of pulmonary surfactant, the films so far had to be transferred onto a solid support from the air-water interface of a film balance, where they had been formed. This made them prone to artifacts imposed by the transfer. Moreover, the supported monolayers disallowed the direct observation of the structural dynamics associated with expansion and compression of the films as upon breathing. The current findings are compared in this respect to our earlier findings from films, transferred onto a solid support.  相似文献   
Endogenous proteolysis of the major central benzodiazepine (BZ) binding protein of 53K occurs rapidly postmortem and leads to a fragment of 47K. To determine indirectly the protease responsible for this proteolysis, membranes of porcine cortex were prepared from homogenates, which were either frozen immediately or left at room temperature for 12 h in the presence or absence of various representative protease inhibitors. Membranes were subsequently photolabeled with [3H]flunitrazepam, and subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography or immunoblotted using an alpha-subunit-specific monoclonal antibody bd-24. Both fluorographs and immunoblots revealed that calpain inhibitor I, Ep-459 (E-64 analogue), and EDTA (greater than or equal to 1 mM) prevent endogenous proteolysis. In future studies one of these inhibitors should be added to receptor preparations. The results indicate that calpain is the responsible protease.  相似文献   
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