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Despite tremendous progress made in the understanding of the ERα signaling pathway and the approval of many therapeutic agents, ER+?breast cancer continues to be a leading cause of cancer death in women. We set out to discover compounds with a dual mechanism of action in which they not only compete with estradiol for binding with ERα, but also can induce the degradation of the ERα protein itself. We were attracted to the constrained chromenes containing a tetracyclic benzopyranobenzoxepine scaffold, which were reported as potent selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). Incorporation of a fluoromethyl azetidine side chain yielded highly potent and efficacious selective estrogen receptor degraders (SERDs), such as 16aa and surprisingly, also its enantiomeric pair 16ab. Co-crystal structures of the enantiomeric pair 16aa and 16ab in complex with ERα revealed default (mimics the A-D rings of endogenous ligand estradiol) and core-flipped binding modes, rationalizing the equivalent potency observed for these enantiomers in the ERα degradation and MCF-7 anti-proliferation assays.  相似文献   
Gut hormone gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) stimulates insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells upon ingestion of nutrients. Inhibition of GIP signaling prevents the onset of obesity and consequent insulin resistance induced by high-fat diet. In this study, we investigated the role of GIP in accumulation of triglycerides into adipocytes and in fat oxidation peripherally using insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1-deficient mice and revealed that IRS-1−/−GIPR−/− mice exhibited both reduced adiposity and ameliorated insulin resistance. Furthermore, increased gene expression of CD36 and UCP2 in liver, and increased expression and enzyme activity of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase in skeletal muscle of IRS-1−/−GIPR−/− mice might contribute to the lower respiratory quotient and the higher fat oxidation in light phase. These results suggest that GIP plays a crucial role in switching from fat oxidation to fat accumulation under the diminished insulin action as a potential target for secondary prevention of insulin resistance.  相似文献   
A sensitive thymocyte co-stimulator assay of IL-1 using a beta-D-galactoside specific lectin (allo A) obtained from the beetle (Allomyrina dichotoma) is reported here. Allo A stimulated [3H]thymidine uptake of mouse thymocytes in the presence of IL-1. The allo A assay was more sensitive than the PHA or PNA- thymocyte assay, especially at low doses of IL-1. Optimal conditions for the allo A assay were as follows: allo A, 2.5-5.0 micrograms/ml; whole thymocytes, 0.5-1.0 x 10(6) cells/well; incubation time, 72-96 hr. The assay is sensitive and convenient and can easily be performed in any laboratory.  相似文献   
Medaka is an attractive model to study epimorphic regeneration. The fins have remarkable regenerative capacity and are replaced about 14 days after amputation. The formation of blastema, a mass of undifferentiated cells, is essential for regeneration; however, the molecular mechanisms are incompletely defined. To identify the genes required for fin regeneration, especially for blastema formation, we constructed cDNA libraries from fin regenerates at 3 days postamputation and 10 days postamputation. A total of 16,866 expression sequence tags (ESTs) were sequenced and subjected to BLASTX analysis. The result revealed that about 60% of them showed strong matches to previously identified proteins, and major signaling molecules related to development, including FGF, BMP, Wnt, Notch/Delta, and Ephrin/Eph signaling pathways were isolated. To identify novel genes that showed specific expression during fin regeneration, cDNA microarray was generated based on 2900 independent ESTs from each library which had no sequence similarity to known proteins. We obtained 6 candidate genes associated with blastema formation by gene expression pattern screening in competitive hybridization analyses and in situ hybridization. Olrfe16d23 and olrfe14k04 were expressed only in early regenerating stages when blastema formation was induced. The expression of olrf5n23, which encodes a novel signal peptide, was detected in wound epidermis throughout regeneration. Olrfe23l22, olrfe20n22, and olrfe24i02 were expressed notably in the blastema region. Our study has thus identified the gene expression profiles and some novel candidate genes to facilitate elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of fin regeneration.  相似文献   
Endonuclease III, encoded by nth in Escherichia coli, removes thymine glycols (Tg), a toxic oxidative DNA lesion. To determine the biological significance of this repair in mammals, we established a mouse model with mutated mNth1, a homolog of nth, by gene targeting. The homozygous mNth1 mutant mice showed no detectable phenotypical abnormality. Embryonic cells with or without wild-type mNth1 showed no difference in sensitivity to menadione or hydrogen peroxide. Tg produced in the mutant mouse liver DNA by X-ray irradiation disappeared with time, though more slowly than in the wild-type mouse. In extracts from mutant mouse liver, we found, instead of mNTH1 activity, at least two novel DNA glycosylase activities against Tg. One activity is significantly higher in the mutant than in wild-type mouse in mitochondria, while the other is another nuclear glycosylase for Tg. These results underscore the importance of base excision repair of Tg both in the nuclei and mitochondria in mammals.  相似文献   
Inbred mutant El mice are highly susceptible to convulsive seizures upon tossing stimulation. The levels of excitatory (e.g. glutamate and aspartate) and inhibitory amino acids [e.g. -aminobutyrate (GABA)] were examined in discrete regions of stimulated El mice [El(+)] non-stimulated El mice [El(-)] and ddY mice, which do not have convulsive disposition. In comparison with ddY, a general increased levels of aspartate, glutamate, glutamine, and taurine were detected in brain regions of El(-). The levels of GABA and glycine were almost the same in ddY and El(-). Compared to El(+), the levels of aspartate, glutamate, glutamine, and GABA in El(-) were either the same or higher. In the case of taurine and glycine, the levels in El(-) were either the same or lower than El(+). Alanine is special in that El(-) have a higher level than El(+) in hippocampus but lower in cerebellum. Furthermore, while marked changes were registered in several brain regions, none of the amino acids investigated showed any significant differences in the hypothalamus of three different groups of mice.  相似文献   
Complete sequence determination of the brachiopod Lingula anatina mtDNA (28,818 bp) revealed an organization that is remarkably atypical for an animal mt-genome. In addition to the usual set of 37 animal mitochondrial genes, which make up only 57% (16,555 bp) of the entire sequence, the genome contains lengthy unassigned sequences. All the genes are encoded in the same DNA strand, generally in a compact way, whereas the overall gene order is highly divergent in comparison with known animal mtDNA. Individual genes are generally longer and deviate considerably in sequence from their homologues in other animals. The genome contains two major repeat regions, in which 11 units of unassigned sequences and six genes (atp8, trnM, trnQ, trnV, and part of cox2 and nad2) are found in repetition, in the form of nested direct repeats of unparalleled complexity. One of the repeat regions contains unassigned repeat units dispersed among several unique sequences, novel repetitive structure for animal mtDNAs. Each of those unique sequences contains an open reading frame for a polypeptide between 80 and 357 amino acids long, potentially encoding a functional molecule, but none of them has been identified with known proteins. In both repeat regions, tRNA genes or tRNA gene-like sequences flank major repeated units, supporting the view that those structures play a role in the mitochondrial gene rearrangements. Although the intricate repeated organization of this genome can be explained by recurrent tandem duplications and subsequent deletions mediated by replication errors, other mechanisms, such as nonhomologous recombinations, appear to explain certain structures more easily.  相似文献   
UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase synthesizes UDP-glucose from UTP and glucose 1-phosphate and exists in almost all species. Most bacteria possess a GalU-type UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, whereas many cyanobacteria species do not. In certain cyanobacteria, UDP-glucose is used as a substrate for synthesis of exopolysaccharide cellulose in spite of the absence of GalU-type UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Therefore, there should be an uncharacterized UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in cyanobacteria. Here, we show that all cyanobacteria possess a non-GalU-type bacterial UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, i.e., CugP, a novel family in the nucleotide triphosphate transferase superfamily. The expressed recombinant Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 CugP had pyrophosphorylase activity that was highly specific for UTP and glucose 1-phosphate. The fact that the CugP gene cannot be deleted completely in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 suggests its central role as the substrate supplier for galactolipid synthesis. Galactolipids are major constituents of the photosynthetic thylakoid membrane and important for photosynthetic activity. Based on phylogenetic analysis, this CugP-type UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase may have recently been horizontally transferred to certain noncyanobacteria.  相似文献   
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