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Vitamins are evaluated for their role in immunity. Recently, vitamin A received a particular attention as a critical micronutrient for regulating immune system. Therefore, the present study aimed to search for new about vitamin A. Forty-eight Egyptian adults aged from 18 to 42?years old from both sexes were subjected to clinical examination and nutrition questionnaire and were screened for vitamin A by using ELISA method. Forty subjects were selected and subdivided into two groups. Group 1 with vitamin A at level >200?µg/dl consists of 10 healthy subjects. Group 2 with vitamin A deficiency at level <50?µg/dl consists of 30 subjects. Tβ4 and CD4 levels were also determined by a commercial ELISA kit. Results showed a significant decrease in serum levels of Tβ4 and CD4 in group 2 than group 1 at P < .003 and P < .019 respectively. Both of Tβ4 and CD4 had positive correlation with vitamin A level at P < .000 and P < .003 respectively as well as with each other at p < .000. We concluded that vitamin A deficiency may be influence the levels of Tβ4 and CD4.  相似文献   
We have extended previous measurements on the detection of a target, differentiated in orientation or magnification from a number of identical reference elements. In these new experiments, we have used more than one class of reference element from which the target must be discriminated. For example, in the case of orientation discrimination, the reference elements are of two classes, which differ from each other in orientation, but are otherwise identical. Representatives of the two classes are present in equal numbers, and the target to be detected is presented at an orientation angle different from that of either class of reference element. Data for discrimination of target magnification or orientation are given for simple geometric elements, namely lines, squares and triangles. In nearly all cases, the characteristic time required for 50% probability of target detection, T1/2, is greater with two classes of reference elements than with a single class. In nearly all cases, T1/2 values for the mixed reference elements increase with the number of reference elements, N, corresponding to discrimination by serial processing. This remains the case even when detection is parallel (T1/2 independent of N) for either class of reference element used separately. We discuss the properties of the spatial discrimination mechanisms which give rise to these responses.  相似文献   
We have measured response times for the detection of a single target presented against a set of reference elements which are characterised by combinations of four different stimulus parameters; colour, contrast polarity, magnification and orientation. The aim of the experiments was to determine the response characteristics of visual mechanisms which mediate target detection through the discrimination of orientation and magnification. In the first experiments, we determined sensitivity to differences in colour and contrast polarity, and show that the mechanisms responsible for the discrimination of orientation and of magnification are both selective in their responses to colour and to contrast polarity. There are, nonetheless, residual interactions between patterns of different contrast polarities and between those of different colour, and in the latter case, weak interactions persist under equiluminance conditions. In a second set of experiments, we examined the interactions between orientation and magnification. We conclude that the responses of visual mechanisms which mediate target detection through discrimination of orientation are markedly dependent on stimulus magnification whereas those which mediate detection through discrimination of magnification are, in contrast, relatively insensitive to stimulus orientation.  相似文献   
The use of metals in medicine has grown in popularity in clinical and commercial settings. In this study, the immune-protecting effects and the hypoglycemic and antioxidant activity of vanadyl sulfate (VOSO4) and/or selenium tetrachloride (Se) on oxidative injury, DNA damage, insulin resistance, and hyperglycemia were assessed. Fifty male albino rats were divided into five groups, and all treatments were administrated at 9:00 a.m. daily for 60 successive days: control, STZ (Streptozotocin; 50 mg/kg of STZ was given to 6 h fasted animals in a single dose, followed by confirmation of diabetic state occurrence after 72 h by blood glucose estimation at >280 mg/dl), STZ (Diabetic) plus administration of VOSO4 (15 mg/kg) for 60 days, STZ (Diabetic) plus administration of selenium tetrachloride (0.87 mg/Kg), and STZ plus VOSO4 and, after 1/2 h, administration of selenium tetrachloride at the above doses. The test subjects’ blood glucose, insulin hormone, HbA1C, C-peptide, antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, myeloperoxidase, and xanthine oxidase), markers of lipid peroxidation (MDA), and histological sections of pancreatic tissues were evaluated, and a comet assay was performed. Histological sections in pancreas tissues were treated as indicators of both VOSO4 and selenium tetrachloride efficacy, either alone or combined, for the alleviation of STZ toxicity. The genotoxicity of diabetes mellitus was assessed, and the possible therapeutic roles of VOSO4 or selenium tetrachloride, or both, on antioxidant enzymes were studied. The findings show that the administration of VOSO4 with selenium tetrachloride reduced oxidative stress to normal levels, lowered blood glucose levels, and elevated insulin hormone. Additionally, VOSO4 with selenium tetrachloride had a synergistic effect and significantly decreased pancreatic genotoxicity. The data clearly show that both VOSO4 and selenium tetrachloride inhibit pancreatic and DNA injury and improve the oxidative state in male rats, suggesting that the use of VOSO4 with selenium tetrachloride is a promising synergistic potential ameliorative agent in the diabetic animal model.  相似文献   
During pathogen attack, the host plant induces genes to ward off the pathogen while the pathogen often produces effector proteins to increase susceptibility of the host. Gene expression studies of syncytia formed in soybean root by soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) identified many genes altered in expression in resistant and susceptible roots. However, it is difficult to assess the role and impact of these genes on resistance using gene expression patterns alone. We selected 100 soybean genes from published microarray studies and individually overexpressed them in soybean roots to determine their impact on cyst nematode development. Nine genes reduced the number of mature females by more than 50 % when overexpressed, including genes encoding ascorbate peroxidase, β-1,4-endoglucanase, short chain dehydrogenase, lipase, DREPP membrane protein, calmodulin, and three proteins of unknown function. One gene encoding a serine hydroxymethyltransferase decreased the number of mature cyst nematode females by 45 % and is located at the Rhg4 locus. Four genes increased the number of mature cyst nematode females by more than 200 %, while thirteen others increased the number of mature cyst nematode females by more than 150 %. Our data support a role for auxin and ethylene in susceptibility of soybean to cyst nematodes. These studies highlight the contrasting gene sets induced by host and nematode during infection and provide new insights into the interactions between host and pathogen at the molecular level. Overexpression of some of these genes result in a greater decrease in the number of cysts formed than recognized soybean cyst nematode resistance loci.  相似文献   
Generalized vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder characterized by acquired white patches of skin and overlying hair, the result of loss of melanocytes from involved areas. The most common disorder of pigmentation, vitiligo occurs with a frequency of 0.1-2.0% in various populations. Family clustering of cases is not uncommon, in a non-Mendelian pattern suggestive of multifactorial, polygenic inheritance. We surveyed 2624 vitiligo probands from North America and the UK regarding clinical characteristics, familial involvement, and association with other autoimmune disorders, the largest such survey ever performed. More than 83% of probands were Caucasians, and the frequency of vitiligo appeared approximately equal in males and females. The frequency of vitiligo in probands' siblings was 6.1%, about 18 times the population frequency, suggesting a major genetic component in disease pathogenesis. Nevertheless, the concordance of vitiligo in monozygotic twins was only 23%, indicating that a non-genetic component also plays an important role. Probands with earlier disease onset tended to have more relatives affected with vitiligo, suggesting a greater genetic component in early onset families. The frequencies of six autoimmune disorders were significantly elevated in vitiligo probands and their first-degree relatives: vitiligo itself, autoimmune thyroid disease (particularly hypothyroidism), pernicious anaemia, Addison's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and probably inflammatory bowel disease. These associations indicate that vitiligo shares common genetic aetiologic links with these other autoimmune disorders. These results suggest that genomic analysis of families with generalized vitiligo and this specific constellation of associated autoimmune disorders will be important to identify the mechanisms of genetic susceptibility to autoimmunity.  相似文献   
Nine-day-old seedlings of two wheat cultivars (Misr1 and Sakha93) were treated with NaCl at 75, 150 and 225 mM for 15 days with or without the presence of 10 mM CaCl2. All concentrations of NaCl led to significant decreases in fresh and dry weights of only Sakha93; however, Misr1 seemed to be affected only at the highest concentration. Nonetheless, growth parameters of both cultivars under normal conditions were most likely similar. On the other hand, lipid peroxides (as MDA) and H2O2 were greatly accumulated particularly in Sakha93; significant increases were detected in Misr1 treated only at 225 mM. Also, all concentrations of NaCl decreased GSH content in Sakha93; nevertheless, there were no great differences among both cultivars under normal conditions. On the other hand, the activities of the enzymatic antioxidants, GR, GST, CAT and POD were unaffected in Misr1 by all concentrations but inhibited in Sakha93. AOX responded differently to NaCl, there were decreases in Misr1 by 75 and 225 mM and in Sakha93 by 75 and 150 mM. However, the application of CaCl2 alleviated the impacts of NaCl; there was a retraction in growth reduction in Misr1 to reach most likely those of the control. In addition, the accumulated MDA and H2O2 were greatly counterbalanced. On the contrary, the decreased GSH contents seemed unrecovered in Sakha93 in spite of the alleviations in magnitudes. Moreover, there were recoveries in the activities of GR and POD in Sakha93; nevertheless, GST and CAT activities remained significantly inhibited. These findings suggest that Misr1 is a more tolerant cultivar to NaCl than Sakha93. Moreover, the results reveal that ROS scavenging is efficient and became more inducible in the less susceptible than in the more susceptible cultivar. The response of AOX appeared to coincide with antioxidants so that the damage which was inflicted by NaCl can be ameliorated by over-expression of antioxidants especially with the presence of CaCl2.  相似文献   
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