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The role of environment and the relative significance of endogenous versus exogenous selection in shaping hybrid zones have been crucial issues in the studies of hybridization. Recent advances in ecological niche modeling (ENM) offer new methodological tools, especially in combination with the genotyping of individuals in the hybrid zone. Here, we study the hybrid zone between the widely known spices Origanum onites and Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum in Crete. We analyze the genetic structure of both parental taxa and their hybrid Origanum × intercendens using AFLP markers on 15 sympatric and 12 allopatric populations and employ ecological niche modeling and niche similarity tests to study their niche patterns. We complement these analyses with seed viability measurements. Our study revealed that the hybridizing taxa O. onites and O. vulgare ssp. hirtum and the resulting genotypic classes showed geographical and environmental niche similarities based on the predictions of ENMs and the subsequent similarity tests. The occurrence of the hybrid zone is not directly dependent on environmental factors which favor the fitness of the hybrid compared to the parental taxa, but rather on aspects such as historical factors and management practices, which may contribute to the localization and maintenance of the contact zone between parental species. Our results suggest that if a minimum required niche differentiation between genotypic classes is not achieved, environmental dependence might not have a prominent role on the outcome of the hybridization.  相似文献   
Invasion of native habitats by alien or generalist species is recognized worldwide as one of the major causes behind species decline and extinction. One mechanism determining community invasibility, i.e. the susceptibility of a community to invasion, which has been supported by recent experimental studies, is species richness and functional diversity acting as barriers to invasion. We used Scandinavian semi-natural grasslands, exceptionally species-rich at small spatial scales, to examine this mechanism, using three grassland generalists and one alien species as experimental invaders. Removal of two putative functional groups, legumes and dominant non-legume forbs, had no effect on invasibility except a marginally insignificant effect of non-legume forb removal. The amount of removed biomass and original plot species richness had no effect on invasibility. Actually, invasibility was high already in the unmanipulated community, leading us to further examine the relationship between invasion and propagule pressure, i.e. the inflow of seeds into the community. Results from an additional experiment suggested that these species-rich grasslands are effectively open to invasion and that diversity may be immigration driven. Thus, species richness is no barrier to invasion. The high species diversity is probably in itself a result of the community being highly invasible, and species have accumulated at small scales during centuries of grassland management.  相似文献   
Mountain areas are recognized centres of endemism and diversity on account of their isolation and altitudinal diversity. In tropical regions, mountain tops usually stand as islands of xeric vegetation among mesophytic assemblages. Unlike the vegetation growing on other rock outcrops lithologies, such as inselbergs (granite/gneiss) or campos rupestres (quartz/arenite), ironstone outcrop plant communities still lack systematic studies in Brazil. These outcrops (locally known as canga) share most of the characteristics of other rock outcrops, such as isolation and edapho-climatic harshness, but differ in that they are the object of opencast mining, and thus subjected to irrecoverable degradation. In addition, they are expected to harbour metal-tolerant and hyperaccumulator plant species. A botanical survey of two ironstone outcrop locations in the most important mining region of southeastern Brazil, the Iron Quadrangle, revealed a high within-site (138 and 160 species per site), and between-site diversity (only 27% of common species), totaling 64 families and 234 species among basal families and eudicots (154 species), monocots (68 species), and ferns (12 species). Canga crusts are rich in dicots, several of which play an important role in community structuring, together with the more usual monocot aggregations. Distinct plant communities are found associated to different microhabitats within the iron crust, depending primarily on the amount of soil and moisture retention in the different microtopographies. The environmental uniqueness, high diversity, lack of studies and rapid destruction of these ecosystems pose an immediate challenge for their conservation.  相似文献   
Changes in ambient temperature and solar radiation may affect sloths' metabolic rate and body temperature, with consequent changes in activities, postures and microhabitat selection. Although the separate effect of temperature and solar radiation on sloth's behaviour have been previously studied, the combined effect of these climatic factors on behavioural aspects of sloths has never been systematically evaluated in field conditions. Here we evaluated the influence of hourly ambient temperature variation on maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus) activities, postures and tree crown positions, under sunny and cloudy conditions; and tested if any of the animal posture and position increase their exposure to human detection. We performed 350 h of visual observation on eight maned sloths, equipped with radio-backpacks, in northern Bahia, Brazil, recording their activities, and their resting postures and positions on tree crowns. We also recorded the time taken to visualize the sloths on 58 days to analyse if sloths' detection is affected by posture and position. Higher ambient temperature, within a range of 21–33°C, increased the sloths' activity levels in cloudy conditions but reduced their activity in sunny conditions. Increasing ambient temperature also reduced the frequency of huddled posture and increased the frequency of extended posture and permanence in the inner tree crown. Lastly, the postures and positions did not influence sloths' detectability. Thus, the direction of the temperature–activity relationship depends on climatic conditions (sunny/cloudy), and individuals rely on resting postures and positions to thermoregulate. The warmer and drier future climate, expected to occur in the northern Atlantic Forest, may impose change in the diurnal activity levels and postural pattern for this threatened species, leading maned sloths to reduce its activity on sunny and warmer days and adopting an extended posture.  相似文献   
Rubber tree breeding programs are mainly driven by selection of individuals with high yield and quality of rubber. Data from 51 open-pollinated progenies tested on six sites in Brazil were analyzed over several traits to estimate the following: genetic parameters such as narrow-sense heritability and additive genetic variance in single- and multi-site analyses, type B correlations to determine the relevance of genotype-by-environment interactions and its effects on alternative selection strategies, additive genetic repeatability correlation for rubber yield based on three consecutive yearly measurements, and type A correlations to evaluate trait-to-trait genetic associations for all measured traits. Average rubber yield (RYm) showed an estimated narrow-sense heritability of 0.31, with an estimated type B correlation of 0.84, indicating low levels of genotype-by-environment interaction. The trait survival and number of latex vessel rings (RG) showed larger genotype-by-environment interaction and the lowest heritabilites. High to moderate type B correlation was found for most traits, with a value of 0.85 between diameter (or girth) and RYm; therefore, it is possible to achieve interesting rubber yield genetic gains (over 3 years of measurements) from indirect selection based on diameter at age 2.  相似文献   
Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is an inherited disorder characterized by progressive loss of motor function and susceptibility to cancer. The most prominent clinical feature observed in A-T patients is the degeneration of Purkinje motor neurons. Numerous studies have emphasized the role of the affected gene product, ATM, in the regulation of the DNA damage response. However, in Purkinje cells, the bulk of ATM localizes to the cytoplasm and may play a role in vesicle trafficking. The nature of this function, and its involvement in the pathology underlying A-T, remain unknown. Here we characterize the homolog of ATM (AtmA) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. In addition to its expected role in the DNA damage response, we find that AtmA is also required for polarized hyphal growth. We demonstrate that an atmA mutant fails to generate a stable axis of hyphal polarity. Notably, cytoplasmic microtubules display aberrant cortical interactions at the hyphal tip. Our results suggest that AtmA regulates the function and/or localization of landmark proteins required for the formation of a polarity axis. We propose that a similar function may contribute to the establishment of neuronal polarity.  相似文献   
Intramembrane-cleaving proteases are required for reverse signaling and membrane protein degradation. A major class of these proteases is represented by the GXGD-type aspartyl proteases. GXGD describes a novel signature sequence that distinguishes these proteases from conventional aspartyl proteases. Members of the family of the GXGD-type aspartyl proteases are the Alzheimer disease-related γ-secretase, the signal peptide peptidases and their homologs, and the bacterial type IV prepilin peptidases. We will describe the major biochemical and functional properties of the signal peptide peptidases and their relatives. We then compare these properties with those of γ-secretase and discuss common mechanisms but also point out a number of substantial differences.During the last years, a number of intramembrane-cleaving proteases termed I-CLiPs3 have been identified (1). I-CLiPs are generally involved in regulated intramembrane proteolysis (2). Upon shedding of a large part of the ectodomain of membrane proteins, the remaining membrane-retained stub is cleaved by specialized proteases within the hydrophobic lipid membrane. Generally, this cleavage can have two predominant biological functions: first, signaling via the liberated ICD within the substrate-expressing cell (reverse signaling) (2); and second, degradation of membrane-retained stubs, which are not required for any further biological function (3). I-CLiPs of three protease classes, metalloproteases, serine proteases, and aspartyl proteases, have been discovered so far (see accompanying minireview by Wolfe (44)).Intramembrane-cleaving aspartyl proteases are represented by the class of the GXGD-type proteases (4). These are unconventional aspartyl proteases that, like the conventional aspartyl proteases, utilize two critical aspartyl residues for peptide bond cleavage. However, in contrast to the conventional proteases, the critical aspartyl residues are located within two TMDs (Fig. 1A). Moreover, these aspartyl residues are embedded in active-site motifs that are completely different from those of conventional aspartyl proteases. The class of GXGD-type aspartyl proteases is currently represented by three different protease families, the most prominent of which is the PS family, providing the catalytically active subunit of γ-secretase (Fig. 1A) (4). PS/γ-secretase is the I-CLiP that liberates amyloid β-peptide, the major component of senile plaques in Alzheimer disease patients (5). In addition, the bacterial type IV prepilin peptidases also belong to the class of the GXGD-type proteases (6). Besides these two protease families, two additional subfamilies of related proteases that also belong to the GXGD-type aspartyl protease family have been identified. These include SPP as well as the SPP homologs, the SPP-like (SPPL) proteases (Fig. 1A) (7, 8).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.A, schematic representation of SPPL2a/b, a member of the SPP/SPPL family, and PS, the catalytic core of theγ-secretase. Note the opposite topology of the active sites (indicated by arrows) of the two proteases and their substrates, APP for PS and TNFα for SPPL2a/b. B, proteolytic processing of APP and TNFα. Shedding releases the extracellular part of APP (APPs) and TNFα (TNFα soluble). In the case of APP, a C-terminal fragment (APP CTF), and in case of TNFα, an N-terminal fragment (TNFα NTF) are produced. These membrane-bound fragments are substrate to intramembrane cleavage by PS or SPPL2a/b, respectively, releasing small peptides to the extracellular space (Aβ and TNFα C-domain, respectively) and to the cytosol (APP intracellular domain (AICD) and TNFα ICD), respectively). TNFα FL, full-length TNFα.We will first describe the biochemical, functional, and structural properties of SPP family members. By comparison of these properties, we will then identify common mechanisms of intramembrane proteolysis by GXGD-type proteases but also point out some fundamental differences.  相似文献   
Plant species richness in rural landscapes of northern Europe has been positively influenced by traditional management for millennia. Owing to abandonment of these practices, the number of species‐rich semi‐natural grasslands has decreased, and remaining habitats suffer from deterioration, fragmentation, and plant species decline. To prevent further extinctions, restoration efforts have increased during the last decades, by reintroducing grazing in former semi‐natural grasslands. To assess the ecological factors that might influence the outcome of such restorations, we made a survey of semi‐natural grasslands in Sweden that have been restored during the last decade. We investigated how plant species richness, species density, species composition, and abundance of 10 species that are indicators of grazing are affected by (1) the size of the restored site, (2) the time between abandonment of grazing and restoration, (3) the time elapsed since restoration, and (4) the abundance of trees and shrubs at the restored site. Only two factors, abundance of trees and shrubs and time since restoration, were positively associated with total species richness and species density per meter square at restored sites. Variation in species composition among restored sites was not related to any of the investigated factors. Species composition was relatively similar among sites, except in mesic/wet grasslands. The investigated factors had small effects on the abundance of the grazing‐indicator species. Only Campanula rotundifolia responded to restoration with increasing abundance and may thus be a suitable indicator of improved habitat quality. In conclusion, positive effects on species richness may appear relatively soon after restoration, but rare, short‐lived species are still absent. Therefore, remnant populations in surrounding areas may be important in fully recreating former species richness and composition.  相似文献   
The human c-erbB-2 oncogene is homologous to the ratneu oncogene, both encoding transmembrane growth factor receptors. Overexpression and point mutations in the transmembrane domain of the encoded proteins in both cases have been implicated in cell transformation and carcinogenesis. In the case of theneu protein, it has been proposed that these effects are mediated by conformational preferences for anα-helix in the transmembrane domain, which facilitates receptor dimerization, an important step in the signal transduction process. To examine whether this is the case for c-erbB-2 as well, we have used conformational energy analysis to determine the preferred three-dimensional structures for the transmembrane domain of the c-erbB-2 protein from residues 650 to 668 with Val (nontransforming) and Glu (transforming) at position 659. The global minimum energy conformation for the Val-659 peptide from the normal, nontransforming protein was found to contain several bends, whereas the global minimum energy conformation for Glu-659 peptide from the mutant, transforming protein was found to beα-helical. Thus, the difference in conformational preferences for these transmembrane domains may explain the difference in transforming ability of these proteins. The presence of higher-energyα-helical conformations for the transmembrane domain from the normal Val-659 protein may provide an explanation for the presence of a transforming effect from overexpression of c-erbB-2. In addition, docking of the oncogenic sequences in theirα-helical and bend conformations shows that the all-α-helical dimer is clearly favored energetically over the bend dimer.  相似文献   
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