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Distinguishing morphologically cryptic taxa, by definition, requires genetic data such as DNA sequences. However, DNA sequences may not be obtained easily for taxa from remote sites. Here we provide the details of a high-resolution melt-curve-based method using taxon-specific primers that can distinguish two taxa of Adélie penguins, and that will be usable in Antarctica when combined with some of the newly developed field-deployable thermal cyclers. We suggest that the wider adoption of field-deployable polymerase-chain-reaction-based techniques will enable faster assignation of haplotype to individuals in situ, and so allow the targeting of observations and sample collection to specimens relevant to the research question. Targeting individuals will also reduce the need to repeatedly handle animals and reduce the time and travel required to complete field work.  相似文献   
A puzzling population-genetic phenomenon widely reported in allozyme surveys of marine bivalves is the occurrence of heterozygote deficits relative to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Possible explanations for this pattern are categorized with respect to whether the effects should be confined to protein-level assays or are genomically pervasive and expected to be registered in both protein- and DNA-level assays. Anonymous nuclear DNA markers from the American oyster were employed to reexamine the phenomenon. In assays based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), two DNA-level processes were encountered that can lead to artifactual genotypic scorings: (a) differential amplification of alleles at a target locus and (b) amplification from multiple paralogous loci. We describe symptoms of these complications and prescribe methods that should generally help to ameliorate them. When artifactual scorings at two anonymous DNA loci in the American oyster were corrected, Hardy-Weinberg deviations registered in preliminary population assays decreased to nonsignificant values. Implications of these findings for the heterozygote-deficit phenomenon in marine bivalves, and for the general development and use of PCR-based assays, are discussed.   相似文献   
Levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence divergence between species within each of several avian (Anas, Aythya, Dendroica, Melospiza, and Zonotrichia) and nonavian (Lepomis and Hyla) vertebrate genera were compared. An analysis of digestion profiles generated by 13-18 restriction endonucleases indicates little overlap in magnitude of mtDNA divergence for the avian versus nonavian taxa examined. In 55 interspecific comparisons among the avian congeners, the fraction of identical fragment lengths (F) ranged from 0.26 to 0.96 (F = 0.46), and, given certain assumptions, these translate into estimates of nucleotide sequence divergence (p) ranging from 0.007 to 0.088; in 46 comparisons among the fish and amphibian congeners, F values ranged from 0.00 to 0.36 (F = 0.09), yielding estimates of P greater than 0.070. The small mtDNA distances among avian congeners are associated with protein-electrophoretic distances (D values) less than approximately 0.2, while the mtDNA distances among assayed fish and amphibian congeners are associated with D values usually greater than 0.4. Since the conservative pattern of protein differentiation previously reported for many avian versus nonavian taxa now appears to be paralleled by a conservative pattern of mtDNA divergence, it seems increasingly likely that many avian species have shared more recent common ancestors than have their nonavian taxonomic counterparts. However, estimates of avian divergence times derived from mtDNA- and protein-calibrated clocks cannot readily be reconciled with some published dates based on limited fossil remains. If the earlier paleontological interpretations are valid, then protein and mtDNA evolution must be somewhat decelerated in birds. The empirical and conceptual issues raised by these findings are highly analogous to those in the long-standing debate about rates of molecular evolution and times of separation of ancestral hominids from African apes.   相似文献   


It has been argued that multibreed animal models should include a heterogeneous covariance structure. However, the estimation of the (co)variance components is not an easy task, because these parameters can not be factored out from the inverse of the additive genetic covariance matrix. An alternative model, based on the decomposition of the genetic covariance matrix by source of variability, provides a much simpler formulation. In this study, we formalize the equivalence between this alternative model and the one derived from the quantitative genetic theory. Further, we extend the model to include maternal effects and, in order to estimate the (co)variance components, we describe a hierarchical Bayes implementation. Finally, we implement the model to weaning weight data from an Angus × Hereford crossbred experiment.


Our argument is based on redefining the vectors of breeding values by breed origin such that they do not include individuals with null contributions. Next, we define matrices that retrieve the null-row and the null-column pattern and, by means of appropriate algebraic operations, we demonstrate the equivalence. The extension to include maternal effects and the estimation of the (co)variance components through the hierarchical Bayes analysis are then straightforward. A FORTRAN 90 Gibbs sampler was specifically programmed and executed to estimate the (co)variance components of the Angus × Hereford population.


In general, genetic (co)variance components showed marginal posterior densities with a high degree of symmetry, except for the segregation components. Angus and Hereford breeds contributed with 50.26% and 41.73% of the total direct additive variance, and with 23.59% and 59.65% of the total maternal additive variance. In turn, the contribution of the segregation variance was not significant in either case, which suggests that the allelic frequencies in the two parental breeds were similar.


The multibreed maternal animal model introduced in this study simplifies the problem of estimating (co)variance components in the framework of a hierarchical Bayes analysis. Using this approach, we obtained for the first time estimates of the full set of genetic (co)variance components. It would be interesting to assess the performance of the procedure with field data, especially when interbreed information is limited.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the four-stranded DNA Holliday junction has now been determined in the presence and absence of junction binding proteins, with the extended open-X form of the junction seen in all protein complexes, but the more compact stacked-X structure observed in free DNA. The structures of the stacked-X junction were crystallized because of an unexpected sequence dependence on the stability of this structure. Inverted repeat sequences that contain the general motif NCC or ANC favor formation of stacked-X junctions, with the junction cross-over occurring between the first two positions of the trinucleotides. This review focuses on the sequence dependent structure of the stacked-X junction and how it may play a role in structural recognition by a class of dimeric junction resolving enzymes that themselves show no direct sequence recognition.  相似文献   


The risks and benefits of infection prophylaxis are uncertain in children with cancer and thus, preferences should be considered in decision making. The purpose of this report was to describe the attitudes of parents, children and healthcare professionals to infection prophylaxis in pediatric oncology.


The study was completed in three phases: 1) An initial qualitative pilot to identify the main attributes influencing the decision to use infection prophylaxis, which were then incorporated into a discrete choice experiment; 2) A think aloud during the discrete choice experiment in which preferences for infection prophylaxis were elicited quantitatively; and 3) In-depth follow up interviews. Interviews were recorded verbatim and analyzed using an iterative, thematic analysis. Final themes were selected using a consensus approach.


A total of 35 parents, 22 children and 28 healthcare professionals participated. All three groups suggested that the most important factor influencing their decision making was the effect of prophylaxis on reducing the chance of death. Themes of importance to the three groups included antimicrobial resistance, side effects of medications, the financial impact of outpatient prophylaxis and the route and schedule of administration.


Effect of prophylaxis on risk of death was a key factor in decision making. Other identified factors were antimicrobial resistance, side effects of medication, financial impact and administration details. Better understanding of factors driving decision making for infection prophylaxis will help facilitate future implementation of prophylactic regiments.  相似文献   
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