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Reeves PR  Liu B  Zhou Z  Li D  Guo D  Ren Y  Clabots C  Lan R  Johnson JR  Wang L 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26907
Although over 50 complete Escherichia coli/Shigella genome sequences are available, it is only for closely related strains, for example the O55:H7 and O157:H7 clones of E. coli, that we can assign differences to individual evolutionary events along specific lineages. Here we sequence the genomes of 14 isolates of a uropathogenic E. coli clone that persisted for 3 years within a household, including a dog, causing a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the dog after 2 years. The 20 mutations observed fit a single tree that allows us to estimate the mutation rate to be about 1.1 per genome per year, with minimal evidence for adaptive change, including in relation to the UTI episode. The host data also imply at least 6 host transfer events over the 3 years, with 2 lineages present over much of that period. To our knowledge, these are the first direct measurements for a clone in a well-defined host community that includes rates of mutation and host transmission. There is a concentration of non-synonymous mutations associated with 2 transfers to the dog, suggesting some selection pressure from the change of host. However, there are no changes to which we can attribute the UTI event in the dog, which suggests that this occurrence after 2 years of the clone being in the household may have been due to chance, or some unknown change in the host or environment. The ability of a UTI strain to persist for 2 years and also to transfer readily within a household has implications for epidemiology, diagnosis, and clinical intervention.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli isocitrate lyase (EC can be phosphorylated in vitro by an ATP-dependent reaction. The enzyme becomes phosphorylated by an endogenous kinase when partially purified sonic extracts are incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP. Treatment of isocitrate lyase with diethyl pyrocarbonate, a histidine-modifying reagent, blocked incorporation of [32P]phosphate from [gamma-32P]ATP. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was altered by treatment with phosphoramidate, a histidine phosphorylating agent, which suggests that isocitrate lyase can be phosphorylated at a histidine residue(s). Immunoprecipitated 32P-labeled isocitrate lyase was subjected to alkaline hydrolysis, mixed with chemically synthesized phosphohistidine standards, and analyzed by anion exchange chromatography. Characterization of the phosphoamino acid was based on the demonstration that the 32P-labeled product from alkali-hydrolyzed isocitrate lyase comigrated with synthetic 1-phosphohistidine. In addition, loss of catalytic activity after treatment with potato acid phosphatase indicates that catalytically active isocitrate lyase is the phosphorylated form of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Cytosolic NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase was isolated from leaves of Pisum sativum. The purified enzyme was obtained by ammonium sulfate fractionation, ion exchange, affinity, and gel filtration chromatography. The purification procedure yields greater than 50% of the total enzyme activity originally present in the crude extract. The enzyme has a native molecular weight of 90 kilodaltons and is resolved into two catalytically active bands by isoelectric focusing. Purified NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase exhibited Km values of 23 micromolar for dl-isocitrate and 10 micromolar for NADP, and displayed optimum activity at pH 8.5 with both Mg2+ and Mn2+.  相似文献   


Characterisation of anticoagulant control is fundamental to investigations of its association with clinical outcome. Anticoagulant control depends on several factors. This paper aims to illustrate the implications of different methods for measuring and analysing anticoagulant control in patients with second generation mechanical heart valve prostheses.


International normalised ratio (INR) data collected during the 10-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial were analysed. We considered the influence of: 3 different target INR ranges; anticoagulant control expressed as the proportion of INR readings (PoR) vs. anticoagulant control follow-up time (PoT); 3 ways of describing the profile of anticoagulant control over time.


Different target INR ranges dramatically influenced derived measures of anticoagulant control; the PoT within the target range varied from 88% for the widest to 28% for narrowest range. Overall distributions of PoR and PoT observations were similar but differed by up to ±20% for individuals; PoT exceeded PoR when control was good but was less than PoR when control was poor. Classifying PoT outside the target range showed that widely varying combinations of PoT too high and too low are possible across individuals.


Researchers'' choices about methods for measuring and quantifying anticoagulant control markedly influence the values derived from INR readings. The use of different methods across studies makes it difficult or impossible to compare findings and to establish an evidence base for clinical practice. Methods for quantifying anticoagulant control should be standardised.  相似文献   
Female Sprague-Dawley rats were decapitated at various stages of the estrous cycle, pregnancy, lactation and following ovariectomy. Anterior pituitary and ovarian tissues were collected and assayed to quantify luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) receptors. No changes were noted in receptor affinity either between tissues or physiological stages studied. Pituitary LHRH receptor concentrations and content were greater (P less than 0.05) during diestrus II and proestrus than during estrus. Pituitary LHRH receptor concentrations and content during pregnancy were not different from those during estrus, however, a significant decrease was noted in pituitary LHRH receptor content and concentrations during lactation compared to estrus. Ovarian LHRH receptor content did not change with stage of reproduction (P less than 0.05). There was, however, a decrease (P less than 0.05) in ovarian LHRH receptor concentrations at Week 3 of pregnancy and Week 1 of lactation which was possibly due to the increase ovarian weight noted at both these physiological stages. There was no correlation (P less than 0.1) between ovarian and pituitary LHRH receptor numbers (r = 0.096). These findings suggest that the internal mechanisms which control changes in pituitary LHRH receptor numbers do not control ovarian LHRH receptor numbers.  相似文献   
Intestinal helminth parasites (worms) have afflicted humans throughout history and their eggs are readily detected in archaeological deposits including at locations where intestinal parasites are no longer considered endemic (e.g. the UK). Parasites provide valuable archaeological insights into historical health, sanitation, hygiene, dietary and culinary practices, as well as other factors. Differences in the prevalence of helminths over time may help us understand factors that affected the rate of infection of these parasites in past populations. While communal deposits often contain relatively high numbers of parasite eggs, these cannot be used to calculate prevalence rates, which are a key epidemiological measure of infection. The prevalence of intestinal helminths was investigated through time in England, based on analysis of 464 human burials from 17 sites, dating from the Prehistoric to Industrial periods. Eggs from two faecal-oral transmitted nematodes (Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp.) and the food-derived cestodes (Taenia spp. and Diphyllobothrium latum syn Dibothriocephalus latus) were identified, although only Ascaris was detected at a high frequency. The changing prevalence of nematode infections can be attributed to changes in effective sanitation or other factors that affect these faecal-oral transmitted parasites and the presence of cestode infections reflect dietary and culinary preferences. These results indicate that the impact of helminth infections on past populations varied over time, and that some locations witnessed a dramatic reduction in parasite prevalence during the industrial era (18th-19th century), whereas other locations continued to experience high prevalence levels. The factors underlying these reductions and the variation in prevalence provide a key historical context for modern anthelmintic programs.  相似文献   
Past applications of biosolids to soils at some locations added higher Cd levels than presently permitted. Cadmium phytoextraction would alleviate current land use constraints. Unamended farm soil, and biosolids amended farm and mine soils were obtained from a Fulton Co., IL biosolids management facility. Soils contained 0.16, 22.8, 45.3 mg Cd kg–1 and 43.1, 482, 812 mg Zn kg–1 respectively with initial pH 6.0, 6.1, 6.4. In greenhouse studies, Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla), a Cd-accumulator maize (inbred B37 Zea mays) and a southern France Cd-hyperaccumulator genotype of Noccaea caerulescens were tested for Cd accumulation and phytoextraction. Soil pH was adjusted from ~5.5–7.0. Additionally 100 rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes and the Ni-hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale were screened for potential phytoextraction use.

Chard suffered phytotoxicity at low pH and accumulated up to 90 mg Cd kg–1 on the biosolids amended mine soil. The maize inbred accumulated up to 45 mg Cd kg–1 with only mild phytotoxicity symptoms during early growth at pH > 6.0. N. caerulescens did not exhibit phytotoxicity symptoms at any pH, and accumulated up to 235 mg Cd kg–1 in 3 months. Reharvested N. caerulescens accumulated up to 900 mg Cd kg–1 after 10 months. Neither Alyssum nor 90% of rice genotypes survived acceptably.

Both N. caerulescens and B37 maize show promise for Cd phytoextraction in IL and require field evaluation; both plants could be utilized for nearly continuous Cd removal. Other maize inbreds may offer higher Cd phytoextraction at lower pH, and mono-cross hybrids higher shoot biomass yields. Further, maize grown only for biomass Cd maximum removal could be double-cropped.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms of IFN regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) are associated with an increased risk of lupus in humans. In this study, we examined the role of IRF5 in the pathogenesis of pristane-induced lupus in mice. The pathological response to pristane in IRF5(-/-) mice shared many features with type I IFN receptor (IFNAR)(-/-) and TLR7(-/-) mice: production of anti-Sm/RNP autoantibodies, glomerulonephritis, generation of Ly6C(hi) monocytes, and IFN-I production all were greatly attenuated. Lymphocyte activation following pristane injection was greatly diminished in IRF5(-/-) mice, and Th cell differentiation was deviated from Th1 in wild-type mice toward Th2 in IRF5(-/-) mice. Th cell development was skewed similarly in TLR7(-/-) or IFNAR(-/-) mice, suggesting that IRF5 alters T cell activation and differentiation by affecting cytokine production. Indeed, production of IFN-I, IL-12, and IL-23 in response to pristane was markedly decreased, whereas IL-4 increased. Unexpectedly, plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) were not recruited to the site of inflammation in IRF5(-/-) or MyD88(-/-) mice, but were recruited normally in IFNAR(-/-) and TLR7(-/-) mice. In striking contrast to wild-type mice, pristane did not stimulate local expression of CCL19 and CCL21 in IRF5(-/-) mice, suggesting that IRF5 regulates chemokine-mediated pDC migration independently of its effects on IFN-I. Collectively, these data indicate that altered production of IFN-I and other cytokines in IRF5(-/-) mice prevents pristane from inducing lupus pathology by broadly affecting T and B lymphocyte activation/differentiation. Additionally, we uncovered a new, IFN-I-independent role of IRF5 in regulating chemokines involved in the homing of pDCs and certain lymphocyte subsets.  相似文献   
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