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Recurrent cyanotic episodes associated on some occasions with loss of consciousness due to cerebral hypoxia were investigated by long term tape recordings of breathing activity, oxygen saturation, air flow, electrocardiographic activity, and in some cases electroencephalographic activity. In 51 infants and children the mechanisms for the cyanotic episodes were identified (prolonged expiratory apnoea in 45, sleep related airway obstruction in three, seizure induced apnoea in one, behaviour induced apnoea in one). In one child apnoea was suspected as being caused by suffocation (smothering) by the mother. This was confirmed after enlisting the help of the police, who undertook covert video surveillance during cyanotic episodes. Each cyanotic episode was associated with a pattern of disturbance on the multichannel tape recordings which may be pathognomonic of this type of apnoea. A second infant with cyanotic episodes in whom smothering was suspected was referred for similar investigation after the availability of video recordings became established. Maternal smothering was again supported by specific patterns on multichannel tape recordings and confirmed by video surveillance. Diagnosis by video surveillance produces unequivocal evidence in these cases and avoids the need for medical and nursing staff to confront the mother with a possibly incorrect suspicion or in a court of law.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to discover the pathway of starch breakdown during thermogenesis in the club of the spadix of Arum maculatum. The conventional α-amylase of higher plants could not be demonstrated in extracts of clubs although such extracts did exhibit considerable hydrolytic activity towards starch. This activity had an action pattern characteristic of an endo-amylase, was destroyed by heating to 70°, and was not inhibited by either 7 mM ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid or 100 mM N-ethyl maleimide. Measurements of this hydrolytic activity, and of the maximum catalytic activities of starch phosphorylase, phosphoglucomutase and hexokinase, were made at different stages of club development. These measurements were compared with estimates of the rate of starch breakdown at thermogenesis. This comparison indicates that phosphorolytic cleavage does not play a large role in such starch breakdown, and that this process is mediated, mainly, by the hydrolytic activity, described above, and by hexokinase.  相似文献   
The metabolism of wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana L. and its mutant TC265 were compared in order to reveal the role of the chloroplast glucose transporter. Plants were grown in a 12-h photoperiod. From 20 to 40 days after germination, starch per gram fresh weight of shoot in the mutant was four times that in the wild type. The extent of this difference did not alter during this period. Stereological analysis showed that the chloroplasts in the mutant were larger than those in the wild type; the thylakoids appeared to be distorted by the high starch content. [U-14C]Glucose and [U-14C]glycerol were supplied, separately, to excised leaves in the dark. [U-14C]Glucose was a good precursor of sucrose in the wild type and mutant; [U-14C]glycerol was a poor precursor of sucrose in both. The distribution of 14C in the wild type was used to calculate that the net flux was from hexose monophosphates to triose phosphates, not vice versa. During the first 4 h of the night the sugar content (75% sucrose, 20% glucose) of the leaves of the mutant dropped sharply, and at all times during the night it was less than that of the wild-type leaves. This drop in sugar coincided with a decrease in the rate of respiration. The growth rate of the mutant was less than that of the wild type. Addition of sucrose restored the rate of respiration at night and increased the rate of growth. It is argued that a major function of the glucose transporter in Arabidopsis chloroplasts is export of the products of starch breakdown that are destined for sucrose synthesis at night.We thank Professor C.R. Somerville for his generous gift of seed of the Arabidopsis mutant TC265. We are also grateful to Mr B. Chapman for assistance with the preparation of the sections for electron microscopy. R.N.T. thanks the Science and Engineering Research Council for a studentship.  相似文献   
Chiroptical, rheological, and n.m.r.-relaxation evidence is presented, to identify interactions of two types between different polysaccharides: (1) mutual exclusion of incompatible molecules, with consequent increase in the effective concentration of both; and (2) energetically favourable association of structurally and sterically regular chain-segments. β-1,4-linked plant polysaccharides interact by association of unsubstituted backbone regions, either with like chians, or with sterically compatible, unlike molecules. Extracellular polysaccharides (xanthans) of Xanthomonas plant pathogens maintain their ordered native conformation in solution, and this accounts for their industrially valuable, rheological peculiarities. These materials bind strongly to the plant glycans. Random-coil bacterial gums show no such interactions, although dextran enhances autogelation of galactomannans by exclusion. Extracellular polysaccharides from Arthrobacter species also have ordered native conformations in solution, but do not share the specific interactions of xanthan. Native xanthan shows marked specificity in its interactions with plant glycans, indicating a possible biological role in host-pathogen recognition.  相似文献   
1. The conversion of cholest-5-en-3beta-ol (cholesterol) into cholesta-5,7-dien-3beta-ol by axenic Calliphora erythrocephala larvae was demonstrated. 2. The transformation is probably direct (Delta(5)-->Delta(5,7)) and does not involve a Delta(0) intermediate (Delta(5)-->Delta(0)-->Delta(7)--> Delta(5,7)). 3. Delta(7)-bond formation involves the stereospecific elimination of the 7beta hydrogen atom. 4. The relative amounts of free and esterified sterols were determined in larvae grown on cholesterol as sole sterol source and on 5alpha-cholestan-3beta-ol supplemented with minimal amounts of cholesterol. 5. The significance of the results is assessed in relation to the probable role of cholesta-5,7-dien-3beta-ol as an intermediate in the biosynthesis of ecdysones.  相似文献   
The high-resolution crystal structure of the small iron-sulfur protein rubredoxin (Rd) from the hyperthermophilic archeon Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf) is reported in this paper, together with those of its methionine ([_0M]Pf Rd) and formylmethionine (f[_0M]Pf Rd) variants. These studies were conducted to assess the consequences of the presence or absence of a salt bridge between the amino terminal nitrogen of Ala1 and the side chain of Glu14 to the structure and stability of this rubredoxin. The structure of wild-type Pf Rd was solved to a resolution of 0.95?Å and refined by full-matrix least-squares techniques to a crystallographic agreement factor of 12.8% [F>2σ(F) data, 25?617 reflections], while those of the [_0M]Pf and f[_0M]Pf Rd variants were solved at slightly lower resolutions (1.1?Å, R=11.5%, 17?213 reflections; 1.2?Å, R=13.7%, 12?478 reflections, respectively). The quality of the data was such that about half of the hydrogen atoms of the protein were clearly visible. All three structures were ultimately refined using the program SHELXL-93 with anisotropic atomic displacement parameters for all non-hydrogen protein atoms, and calculated hydrogen positions included but not refined. In this paper we also report thermostability data for all three forms of Pf Rd, and show that they follow the sequence wild-type >[_0M]Pf>formyl[_0M]Pf. Comparison of the three Pf Rd structures in the N-terminal region show that the structures of wild-type Pf Rd and f[_0M]Pf are rather similar, while that of [_0M]Pf Rd shows a number of additional hydrogen bonds involving the extra methionine group. While the salt bridge between the Ala1 amino group and the Glu14 carboxylate is not the primary determinant of the thermostability of Pf Rd, alterations to the amino terminus do have a moderate influence on the thermostability of this protein.  相似文献   
Bromocriptine has an accepted place in the management of small pituitary tumours that secrete either prolactin or growth hormone. The treatment of large tumours with extrasellar extensions is more difficult, however: though surgery is the standard treatment, it is often unsuccessful in returning excessive hormone secretion to normal and may cause hypopituitarism. A prospective trial was undertaken to assess the frequency with which changes in pituitary function and size of large tumours occurs. Nineteen patients were studied before and during treatment with bromocriptine (7.5 to 60 ml/day) for three to 22 months, using contrast radiology and a detailed assessment of pituitary function. Eighteen patients had hyperprolactinaemia and two of these also had raised concentrations of growth hormones; one patient had an apparently non-functioning tumour. In 12 patients (63%) tumour size decreased with bromocriptine and no tumour enlarged. Nine patients had visual-field defects, which improved in seven, becoming normal in five. Pituitary function improved in nine patients (47%) becoming entirely normal in three. Bromocriptine should be the treatment of choice in patients with large pituitary tumours with extrasellar extensions, provided close supervision is maintained.  相似文献   
Plasma fluorogenic corticosteroid and immunoreactive growth hormone levels rose significantly after the intravenous administration of methylamphetamine to healthy young men at various times of the day. The rise in corticosteroids was most pronounced in the evening and was accompanied by an increase in circulating levels of immunoreactive corticotrophin. Oral dexamphetamine also resulted in significant rises in plasma corticosteroids but not in growth hormone. These hormonal changes were accompanied by evidence of mild central stimulation. Though they may be part of an associated and non-specific response, it is more likely that they represent specific effects of amphetamines on centres in the hypothalamus or midbrain controlling secretion of corticotrophin and growth hormone releasing factors.  相似文献   
The FASTPlaqueTB assay is an established diagnostic aid for the rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from human sputum samples. Using the FASTPlaqueTB assay reagents, viable Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis cells were detected as phage plaques in just 24 h. The bacteriophage used does not infect M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis alone, so to add specificity to this assay, a PCR-based identification method was introduced to amplify M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis-specific sequences from the DNA of the mycobacterial cell detected by the phage. To give further diagnostic information, a multiplex PCR method was developed to allow simultaneous amplification of either M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis or M. tuberculosis complex-specific sequences from plaque samples. Combining the plaque PCR technique with the phage-based detection assay allowed the rapid and specific detection of viable M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis in milk samples in just 48 h.  相似文献   
A group of 82 adult patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia had survived in continuous first remission for more than three years was studied. These long-surviving patients were being treated at 12 referral centres in Europe and the USA, and they were compared with other patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia from 10 of these centres. There was no clear difference in the amount of induction chemotherapy or the time taken to achieve remission. Immunotherapy was not found to improve chances of long-term survival. The 82 patients were also compared with a group of 115 patients who had no appreciable difference in the number of blood or marrow myeloblasts between these two groups at presentation, but the long survivors had significantly higher initial platelet counts and were slightly younger. The long survivors also tended to have a lower total white cell count at presentation and lower granulocyte counts; there was no obvious explanation for these differences. Eight of the 82 patients relapsed from three to four years after remission and two (of 69 patients) after four to five year. Thereafter relapse was rare, and it seems likely that some of the 40 patients who have survived for five years or more are cured.  相似文献   
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