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A series of benzoxazinone derivatives was designed and synthesized as factor Xa inhibitors. We demonstrated that the naphthyl moiety in the aniline-based compounds 1 and 2 can be replaced with benzene-fused heterobicycles and biaryls to give factor Xa inhibitors with improved trypsin selectivity. The P4 modifications lead to monoamidines which are moderately active. The benzoxazinones 41-45 are potent against factor Xa, retain the improved trypsin selectivity of the corresponding aniline-based compounds, and show strong antithrombotic effect dose responsively.  相似文献   
This article deals with the theoretical size distribution of gene and protein families in complete genomes. A simple evolutionary model for the development of such families in which genes in a family are formed or selected against independently and at random, and in which new families are formed by the random splitting of existing families, is used to derive the resulting size distribution. Mathematically this turns out to be the distribution of the state of a homogeneous birth-and-death process after an exponentially distributed time, which it is shown will under certain conditions exhibit the power-law behaviour observed for gene and protein family sizes.  相似文献   
The complete genomic sequence for Arabidopsis provides the opportunity to combine phylogenetic and genomic approaches to study the evolution of gene families in plants. The Aux/IAA and ARF gene families, consisting of 29 and 23 loci in Arabidopsis, respectively, encode proteins that interact to mediate auxin responses and regulate various aspects of plant morphological development. We developed scenarios for the genomic proliferation of the Aux/IAA and ARF families by combining phylogenetic analysis with information on the relationship between each locus and the previously identified duplicated genomic segments in Arabidopsis. This analysis shows that both gene families date back at least to the origin of land plants and that the major Aux/IAA and ARF lineages originated before the monocot-eudicot divergence. We found that the extant Aux/IAA loci arose primarily through segmental duplication events, in sharp contrast to the ARF family and to the general pattern of gene family proliferation in Arabidopsis. Possible explanations for the unusual mode of Aux/IAA duplication include evolutionary constraints imposed by complex interactions among proteins and pathways, or the presence of long-distance cis-regulatory sequences. The antiquity of the two gene families and the unusual mode of Aux/IAA diversification have a number of potential implications for understanding both the functional and evolutionary roles of these genes.  相似文献   
The tumor suppressor PTEN is a putative negative regulator of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway. Exposure to Zn2+ ions induces Akt activation, suggesting that PTEN may be modulated in this process. Therefore, the effects of Zn2+ on PTEN were studied in human airway epithelial cells and rat lungs. Treatment with Zn2+ resulted in a significant reduction in levels of PTEN protein in a dose- and time-dependent fashion in a human airway epithelial cell line. This effect of Zn2+was also observed in normal human airway epithelial cells in primary culture and in rat airway epithelium in vivo. Concomitantly, levels of PTEN mRNA were also significantly reduced by Zn2+ exposure. PTEN phosphatase activity evaluated by measuring Akt phosphorylation decreased after Zn2+ treatment. Pretreatment of the cells with a proteasome inhibitor significantly blocked zinc-induced reduction of PTEN protein as well as the increase in Akt phosphorylation, implicating the involvement of proteasome-mediated PTEN degradation. Further study revealed that Zn2+-induced ubiquitination of PTEN protein may mediate this process. A phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor blocked PTEN degradation induced by Zn2+, suggesting that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase may participate in the regulation of PTEN. However, both the proteasome inhibitor and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor failed to prevent significant down-regulation of PTEN mRNA expression in response to Zn2+. In summary, exposure to Zn2+ ions causes PTEN degradation and loss of function, which is mediated by an ubiquitin-associated proteolytic process in the airway epithelium.  相似文献   
Activation of alloreactive CD4 T cells occurs via the direct and indirect pathways of alloantigen presentation. A novel TCR/alloantigen transgenic system was designed that permitted in vivo visualization of CD4 T cell priming through these pathways. When both pathways of alloantigen presentation were intact, CD4 T cell activation in response to cardiac allografts was rapid and systemic by day 4 after transplantation, in contrast to that seen in response to skin allografts, which was delayed until 10-12 days after transplantation. Despite this systemic CD4 T cell activation in response to cardiac allografts, there was a paucity of activated graft-infiltrating CD4 T cells at 4 days posttransplantation. This finding suggests that the initial priming of alloimmune CD4 T cell responses occurs within draining lymphoid organs. Furthermore, alloantigens derived from cardiac allografts failed to promote thymic negative selection of developing thymocytes expressing the alloreactive TCR clonotype. In the absence of a functional direct pathway, the kinetics of activation, anatomic localization, and effector function of alloreactive CD4 T cells remained unchanged. Overall, the present study defines the anatomic and temporal characteristics of CD4 T cell alloimmune responses and demonstrates that CD4 T cell priming via the indirect pathway proceeds optimally in the absence of the direct pathway of alloantigen presentation.  相似文献   
Orgyia pseudotsugata multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (OpMNPV) DNA was extracted from samples representing 10 lots of TM Biocontrol-1 stored at -10 degrees C for 5-15 years and digested with the restriction enzymes BglII, PstI, and SalI. DNA from the OpMNPV virus strain (MEM-75-STANDARD) used to produce the TM Biocontrol-1 lots was also extracted and digested. No restriction fragment length polymorphisms were observed in any of the samples and there was no evidence of DNA degradation. This indicates that long-term cold storage of TM Biocontrol-1 had no adverse effect on the quality of the OpMNPV DNA. In addition to the expected >23 kb OpMNPV DNA, extracts from lots 4a, 5b, and 6 contained 10 additional nucleic acid segments, ranging in size from 0.9 to 4.2 kb. The electrophoretic profile of these segments was characteristic of O. pseudotsugata cypovirus (OpCPV). RNase A/DNase I treatment showed that the nucleic acid contaminants were composed of RNA, suggesting that lots 4a, 5b, and 6 contained OpCPV as well as OpMNPV. Bioassay results have shown that there is a decrease in efficacy of stored TM-biocontrol-1, but this did not appear to be directly correlated with the length of time in storage.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis atmak3-1 mutant was identified on the basis of a decreased effective quantum yield of photosystem II. In atmak3-1, the synthesis of the plastome-encoded photosystem II core proteins D1 and CP47 is affected, resulting in a decrease in the abundance of thylakoid multiprotein complexes. DNA array-based mRNA analysis indicated that extraplastid functions also are altered. The mutation responsible was localized to AtMAK3, which encodes a homolog of the yeast protein Mak3p. In yeast, Mak3p, together with Mak10p and Mak31p, forms the N-terminal acetyltransferase complex C (NatC). The cytoplasmic AtMAK3 protein can functionally replace Mak3p, Mak10p, and Mak31p in acetylating N termini of endogenous proteins and the L-A virus Gag protein. This result, together with the finding that knockout of the Arabidopsis MAK10 homolog does not result in obvious physiological effects, indicates that AtMAK3 function does not require NatC complex formation, as it does in yeast. We suggest that N-acetylation of certain chloroplast precursor protein(s) is necessary for the efficient accumulation of the mature protein(s) in chloroplasts.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone homologous to the fibroblast growth factor homologous factor (FHF-2) was isolated and sequenced from the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). The DNA sequence of the turkey was almost identical to that of the chicken (99% similarity) differing at only 8 of 770 nucleotides in the coding region resulting in a single amino acid difference between these poultry species. The 3'UTR of the turkey FHF-2 gene was 445 nucleotides in length and included an imperfect CT microsatellite (ms) repeat. The sequence of the 3'UTR was amplified from genomic DNA of the chicken and found to be highly conserved differing at only three nucleotides when compared to the turkey. Length of the CT repeat was indifferent in a sample of 52 turkeys (monomorphic) however, the number of CT repeats was greater in the turkey than in the chicken. No inter-individual polymorphism was detected in multiple sequences of the 3'UTR of the FHF-2 gene in the turkey. Based on comparison of the turkey and chicken sequences, the mutation rate for coding and associated non-coding (3'UTR) regions of FHF-2 are approximately equal.  相似文献   
Based on DuPont Pharmaceuticals' monobenzamidine lead structure SN429, we have designed the biphenyl 1-(2-naphthyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxylamides as a novel series of non-basic factor Xa inhibitors. We have discovered that the displacement of the benzamidine moiety with substituted 2-naphthyl structures not only results in highly potent factor Xa inhibitors, but also significantly increases their enzyme specificity and oral bioavailability.  相似文献   
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