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Resting CD4+ T cells are a reservoir of latent HIV-1. Understanding the turnover of HIV DNA in these cells has implications for the development of eradication strategies. Most studies of viral latency focus on viral persistence under antiretroviral therapy (ART). We studied the turnover of SIV DNA resting CD4+ T cells during active infection in a cohort of 20 SIV-infected pigtail macaques. We compared SIV sequences at two Mane-A1*084:01-restricted CTL epitopes using serial plasma RNA and resting CD4+ T cell DNA samples by pyrosequencing, and used a mathematical modeling approach to estimate SIV DNA turnover. We found SIV DNA turnover in resting CD4+ T cells was slow in animals with low chronic viral loads, consistent with the long persistence of latency seen under ART. However, in animals with high levels of chronic viral replication, turnover was high. SIV DNA half-life within resting CD4 cells correleated with viral load (p = 0.0052) at the Gag KP9 CTL epitope. At a second CTL epitope in Tat (KVA10) there was a trend towards an association of SIV DNA half-life in resting CD4 cells and viral load (p = 0.0971). Further, we found that the turnover of resting CD4+ T cell SIV DNA was higher for escape during early infection than for escape later in infection (p = 0.0084). Our results suggest viral DNA within resting CD4 T cells is more labile and may be more susceptible to reactivation/eradication treatments when there are higher levels of virus replication and during early/acute infection.  相似文献   
The sexual stage of pathogens governs recombination patterns and often also provides means of surviving the off‐season. Despite its importance for evolutionary potential and between‐season epidemiology, sexual systems have not been carefully investigated for many important pathogens, and what generates variation in successful sexual reproduction of pathogens remains unexplored. We surveyed the sexually produced resting structures (chasmothecia) across 86 natural populations of fungal pathogen Podosphaera plantaginis (Ascomycota) naturally infecting Plantago lanceolata in the Åland archipelago, southwestern Finland. For this pathosystem, these resting structures are a key life‐history stage, as more than half of the local pathogen populations go extinct every winter. We uncovered substantial variation in the level of chasmothecia produced among populations, ranging from complete absence to presence on all infected leaves. We found that chasmothecia developed within clonal isolates (single‐strain cultures). Additionally, these clonal isolates all contained both MAT1‐1‐1 and MAT1‐2‐1 genes that characterize mating types in Ascomycetes. Hence, contrary to expectations, we conclude that this species is capable of haploid selfing. In controlled inoculations, we discovered that pathogen genotypes varied in their tendency to produce chasmothecia. Production of chasmothecia was also affected by ambient temperature (E) and by the interaction between temperature and pathogen genotype (G × E). These G, E and G × E effects found both at a European scale and within the Åland archipelago may partly explain the high variability observed among populations in chasmothecia levels. Consequently, they may be key drivers of the evolutionary potential and epidemiology of this highly dynamic pathosystem.  相似文献   
Elephants (Loxodonta africana) significantly alter ecosystem structure and composition through browsing (e.g. pollarding, debarking and toppling). Such browsing is predicted to intensify during severe drought which may become more common with climate change. Here, we make use of an elephant impact survey from 2012 to 2015 and during the El Nino drought of 2015–2016 at Pongola Game Reserve (107 km2), KwaZulu-Natal, to investigate how severe drought influenced damage severity of different tree heights and species by elephants in this small reserve. Contrary to expectations, damage to common species did not change with severe drought. Crown damage had the highest predicted probability across heights (29%–90%) and species (46%–75%) regardless of drought. However, we found severe drought increased the predicted probabilities of crown damage to smaller trees <4 m, mortality >6 m and severe damage at 4–6 m. Consequently, elephant damage during severe drought may alter vegetation structure by severely damaging or killing large trees (>4 m) and extensively damaging the crowns of trees <4 m. Long-term monitoring of elephant effects on woody vegetation is essential to enable science-based management in response to future drought and elephant damage (e.g. range expansion, beehive deterrents) to protect elephants and conserve woody vegetation.  相似文献   
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)are molecular markers based on nucleotide variation and can be used for genotyping assays across populations and to track genomic inheritance. SNPs offer a comprehensive genotyping alternative to whole-genome sequencing for both agricultural and research purposes including molecular breeding and diagnostics, genome evolution and genetic diversity analyses, genetic mapping, and trait association studies. Here genomic SNPs were discovered between four cultivars of the important amphidiploid oilseed species Brassica napus and used to develop a B. napus Infinium? array containing 5,306 SNPs randomly dispersed across the genome. Assay success was high, with >94 % of these producing a reproducible, polymorphic genotype in the 1,070 samples screened. Although the assay was designed to B. napus, successful SNP amplification was achieved in the B. napus progenitor species, Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea, and to a lesser extent in the related species Brassica nigra. Phylogenetic analysis was consistent with the expected relationships between B. napus individuals. This study presents an efficient custom SNP assay development pipeline in the complex polyploid Brassica genome and demonstrates the utility of the array for high-throughput genotyping in a number of related Brassica species. It also demonstrates the utility of this assay in genotyping resistance genes on chromosome A7, which segregate amongst the 1,070 samples.  相似文献   
The putative harmful algal bloom dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida (Steidinger et Burkholder), frequently co‐occurs with other morphologically similar species collectively known as Pfiesteria‐like organisms (PLOs). This study specifically evaluated whether unique sequences in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, ITS1 and ITS2, could be used to develop PCR assays capable of detecting PLOs in natural assemblages. ITS regions were selected because they are more variable than the flanking small subunit or large subunit rRNA genes and more likely to contain species‐specific sequences. Sequencing of the ITS regions revealed unique oligonucleotide primer binding sites for Pfiesteria piscicida, Pfiesteria shumwayae (Glasgow et Burkholder), Florida “Lucy” species, two cryptoperidiniopsoid species, “H/V14” and “PLO21,” and the estuarine mixotroph, Karlodinium micrum (Leadbetter et Dodge). These PCR assays had a minimum sensitivity of 100 cells in a 100‐mL sample (1 cell·mL?1) and were successfully used to detect PLOs in the St. Johns River system in Florida, USA. DNA purification and aspects of PCR assay development, PCR optimization, PCR assay controls, and collection of field samples are discussed.  相似文献   
Serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT)] is a vasoconstrictor that also acts as a developmental signal early in embryogenesis. The 5HT transporter (SERT) on the membranes of the placental trophoblast cells controls 5HT levels in the maternal bloodstream to maintain stable transplacental blood flow and simultaneously provide 5HT to the embryo. The 5HT uptake rate of placental SERT is important for both the mother and the developing embryo. The impact of glucose on the placental SERT system during diabetic pregnancy is not known. The present in vitro study investigated this important issue in human placental choriocarcinoma (JAR) cells that were cultured for 24-96 h in a medium containing either 5.5 (physiologic concentration) or 25 mmol/L D-glucose (diabetic-like concentration). The 5HT uptake rates of the cultured cells were not altered at exogenous D-glucose concentrations in the range of 5.5-15 mmol/L, but were decreased significantly at a diabetic-like concentration (>or=25 mmol/L). To understand better the role of glucose on the placental 5HT system, we first characterized SERT in JAR cells at different cell-cycle phases and then determined the expression levels of SERT on the plasma membrane and in the intracellular pools of JAR cells at the late-S and G2 phases, where the uptake rates were decreased 73% under diabetic-like glucose concentrations. Finally, the importance of self-association of SERT molecules was examined. In JAR cells co-expressing Flag- and myc-tagged SERT, myc-antibody precipitated 70% of Flag-SERT, indicating that a large percentage of SERT proteins exist as oligomers in situ. Under diabetic conditions, myc-antibody no longer precipitated Flag-SERT, suggesting a disruption in the aggregation of SERT molecules. Therefore, we propose that under uncontrolled diabetic conditions, glucose down-regulates 5HT uptake rates of placental SERT by interfering with its functional expression in a cell-cycle-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Mortalities of Penaeus vannamei, cultured in ponds in Belize, Central America, began during the last part of the grow-out cycle during the cold weather months from September 2004 through February 2005. Tissue squashes of infected hepatopancreata and histological examination of infected shrimp revealed that the mortalities might have been caused by an endoparasite. To confirm the diagnosis, DNA was extracted from ethanol preserved hepatopancreata and the small-subunit rRNA gene was sequenced. The 1838 bp sequence was novel and phylogenetic analysis placed the P. vannamei parasite within the phylum Haplosporidia as a sister taxon to a clade that includes Bonamia and Minchinia species. In situ hybridization was performed using anti-sense DNA probes that were designed to hybridize specifically with the parasite's nucleic acid. This organism presents similar characteristics to those of a haplosporidian that infected cultured P. vannamei imported from Nicaragua into Cuba, as described by Dyková et al. (1988; Fish Dis 11:15-22).  相似文献   
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) and metformin decreased the incidence of diabetes in subjects at risk for developing diabetes and improved peripheral or hepatic insulin sensitivity, respectively. Whether they also directly improved beta-cell function is not clear. In vitro studies showed improved beta-cell function in response to TZDs and metformin; however, the effects of TZDs or metformin on beta-cell function in humans are still uncertain. We hypothesized that both TZDs and metformin directly affect beta-cell function. We evaluated beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity (S(I)) in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or a history of gestational diabetes using oral and intravenous glucose tolerance tests in addition to the glucose-potentiated arginine stimulation test. In contrast to metformin, pioglitazone improved S(I), glucose tolerance, and insulin-independent glucose disposal [glucose effectiveness (S(G))]. Neither pioglitazone nor metformin significantly improved beta-cell compensation for insulin resistance [disposition index (DI)], but the change in DI significantly correlated with baseline S(I). Insulin secretion in response to arginine at maximally potentiating glucose levels (AIR(max)) tended to increase after metformin and to decrease after pioglitazone; however, when adjusted for S(I), the changes were not significant. Our results demonstrate that, in nondiabetic subjects at risk for diabetes, pioglitazone, but not metformin, significantly improved glucose tolerance by improving S(I) and S(G). We did not find any evidence that either pioglitazone or metformin improved beta-cell function. Improved beta-cell compensation was observed primarily in the subgroup of subjects that had the lowest S(I) at baseline.  相似文献   
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