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A screening method was developed for the detection of enzymes converting loganin to secologanin, a precursor in the biosynthesis of indole alkaloids. The method uses a transgenic yeast culture expressing two cDNAs encoding enzymes involved in the terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis. In the presence of secologanin, the yeast culture produces a yellow compound visible on nitrocellulose. This color change was used to screen a cDNA library of Catharanthus roseus for a putative enzyme converting loganin into secologanin.  相似文献   
Boophilus microplus has developed resistance against a range of chemical acaricides which has stimulated the development of alternative methods such as vaccination against ticks. In Cuba, the Bm86-based recombinant vaccine GavacTM has been successfully used in a number of controlled laboratory and field trials in cattle against B. microplus. In this paper, we have evaluated GavacTM in a large scale field trial wherein 588,573 dairy cattle were vaccinated with the aim to reduce the number of acaricidal treatments. It was found that the number of acaricidal treatments could be reduced by 87% over a period of 8 years (1995–2003). Prior to the introduction of the vaccine, 54 clinical cases of babesiosis and six fatal cases were reported per 1000 animals. Six years later, the incidence of babesiosis was reduced to 1.9 cases per 1000 cattle and mortality reduced to 0.18 per 1000. The national consumption of acaricides in Cuba could be reduced by 82% after the implementation of the integrated anti-B. microplus control program.  相似文献   
Cryptosporidium scophthalmi n. sp. is described from the turbot Scophthalmus maximus L., sampled from different farms on the coast of NW Spain. The parasite was found mainly in the intestinal epithelium and very seldom in the stomach. Oocysts were almost spherical, with 4 naked sporozoites and a residuum, and measured 3.7-5.03 x 3.03-4.69 microm (mean 4.44 x 3.91) (shape index 1.05-1.34, mean 1.14). Sporulation was endogenous, as fully sporulated oocysts were found within the intestinal epithelium, lumen and faeces. Merogonial and gamogonial stages were in the typical extracytoplasmic position, whereas sporogonial stages were deep within the epithelium. Oocysts and other stages of C. scophthalmi comply with most of the diagnostic features of the genus Cryptosporidium, but differ from all hitherto described species. Ultrastructural features, including the characteristic feeding organelle, were mainly comparable with those of other Cryptosporidium species. Mitochondria were frequently observed in sporozoites. Infection prevalence was very variable, and juvenile fish were most frequently and intensively parasitised. External clinical signs were not detected, although some fish showed intestinal distension at necropsy. The marked histopathological damage occurring in severe infection includes distension of epithelial cells by large vacuoles, containing clusters of oocysts, and can lead to sloughing of epithelial cell remnants and oocysts or even detachment of intestinal mucosa. An inflammatory reaction involving leucocyte infiltration was sometimes observed.  相似文献   


Chromosomal painting, using whole chromosome probes from humans and Saguinus oedipus, was used to establish karyotypic divergence among species of the genus Cebus, including C. olivaceus, C. albifrons, C. apella robustus and C. apella paraguayanus. Cytogenetic studies suggested that the species of this genus have conservative karyotypes, with diploid numbers ranging from 2n = 52 to 2n = 54.  相似文献   
Summary The vocal repertoire of magpie (Pica pica) chicks consists of six calls: Begging Trill (BT), Soft Whistle (SW), Begging Scream (BS), Alarm Call (AC), Distress Call (DC) and Brief Contact Note (BCN). Both BT and SW have a tonal structure and their occurrence is restricted to the nestling period. At fledging, there is a gradual change from BT into BS and a sudden appearance of harsh calls similar to those of adult birds (AC, DC, BCN), without evident transitional forms with preceding tonal calls. Both the existence and the structural design of calls seem to be adapted for providing nestlings with immediate benefits linked to the two major chapters of allocation of parental care. Emission rates of BT increase with hunger motivation under laboratory conditions. Their structure suggests that they are easily located but liable to suffer from environmental degradation. BS of fledglings may be more resistant to degradation, a trait which may facilitate the identification by parents of their own offspring. Both AC and DC attract parents to defend the nest against potential predators, and their structure make them to be easily located and detectable at long distances. BCN are given by fledglings during bouts of locomotory activity (exploration and play) and they probably help in maintaining the cohesion of the group under conditions of poor visibility. In accordance, this call may be fairly located at short distances. The function of SW was unclear. It is given during periods of nestling inactivity between begging bouts, and could be easily elicited by tactile and auditory stimuli. After laboratory experiments, it is concluded that SW serve to indicate parents that nestlings are in good condition, hence to benefit from the parental willingness to invest in a brood with high prospects of survival. Since (i) there is a widespread lack of continuity in the development of adult vocalizations starting from nestling calls, and (ii) nestling calls seem to have evolved to provide birds with benefits in the short-term, these facts argue against the prevailing idea that the main function of calls early in ontogeny is to act as precursors of adult vocalizations.
Zusammenfassung Das Lautrepertoire von Elsternestlingen besteht aus 6 Lautäußerungen: Betteltrillern (BT), Sanftes Pfeifen (SP), Bettelkreischen (BK), Alarmruf (AR), Angstschreien (AS) und kurzer Kontaktruf (KR). BT und SP sind tonal und treten nur während der Nestlingsperiode auf. Zum Zeitpunkt des Ausfliegens geht BT graduell in BK über und plötzlich treten auch ohne vorausgehende tonale Übergangsformen rauhe Rufe ähnlich denen der Altvögel auf (AR, AS, KR). Sowohl die Existenz als auch die Struktur der Lautäußerungen scheinen als Anpassungen im Zusammenhang mit einer Optimierung der Brutpflege zu interpretieren zu sein. Die Emissionsrate von BT steigt unter Laborbedingungen mit der Hungermotivation. Die Struktur legt nahe, daß BT leicht geortet werden kann, aber auch leicht von der Umgebung verschluckt wird. BS der flüggen Jungen scheint davon weniger betroffen zu sein, so daß die Eltern leichter ihre Jungen identifizieren können. AR und AS veranlassen die Altvögel, ihr Nest gegenüber potentiellen Prädatoren zu verteidigen; die Struktur der Laute begünstigt ihre Ortung und Wahrnehmung über größere Entfernungen. KR werden von den flüggen Jungen bei lebhafter lokomotorischer Aktivität (Exploration, Spiel) geäußert; sie tragen vielleicht dazu bei, die Gruppe auch unter erschwerten optischen Kontaktmöglichkeiten zusammenzuhalten. Die Funktion von SP blieb unklar. SP war während inaktiver Perioden zwischen Bettelverhalten zu hören und konnte leicht durch taktile und akustische Reize ausgelöst werden. Nach Laborexperimenten ist zu schließen, daß SP den Eltern Wohlbefinden der Jungen anzeigt und so Bereitschaft zur Investition in eine Brut mit hoher Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit fördert. Daß (1) zwischen den Rufen der Altvögel und dem Repertoire der Nestlingen weitgehend keine kontinuierlichen Übergänge festzustellen und (2) Nestlingsrufe offensichtlich im Hinblick auf kuzfristige Gewinne zu interpretieren sind, spricht gegen die allgemein vorherrschende Ansicht, das Lautrepertoire in frühen Stadien der Ontogenie sei hauptsächlich ein Vorläufer der Adultlaute.
Virus infections can result in a variety of cellular injuries, and these often involve the permeabilization of host membranes by viral proteins of the viroporin family. Prototypical viroporin 2B is responsible for the alterations in host cell membrane permeability that take place in enterovirus-infected cells. 2B protein can be localized at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi complex, inducing membrane remodeling and the blockade of glycoprotein trafficking. These findings suggest that 2B has the potential to integrate into the ER membrane, but specific information regarding its biogenesis and mechanism of membrane insertion is lacking. Here, we report experimental results of in vitro translation-glycosylation compatible with the translocon-mediated insertion of the 2B product into the ER membrane as a double-spanning integral membrane protein with an N-/C-terminal cytoplasmic orientation. A similar topology was found when 2B was synthesized in cultured cells. In addition, the in vitro translation of several truncated versions of the 2B protein suggests that the two hydrophobic regions cooperate to insert into the ER-derived microsomal membranes.  相似文献   
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