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The FERONIA (FER) signaling pathway is known to have diverse roles in Arabidopsis thaliana, such as growth, reproduction, and defense, but how this receptor kinase is involved in various biological processes is not well established. In this work, we applied multiple mass spectrometry techniques to identify metabolites involved in the FER signaling pathway and to understand their biological roles. A direct infusion Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT‐ICR)‐MS approach was used for initial screening of wild‐type and feronia (fer) mutant plant extracts, and Arabidopsides were found to be significantly enriched in the mutant. As Arabidopsides are known to be induced by wounding, further experiments on wounded and non‐wounded leaf samples were carried out to investigate these oxylipins as well as related phytohormones using a quadrupole‐time‐of‐flight (Q‐TOF) MS by direct injection and LC‐MS/MS. In a root growth bioassay with Arabidopside A isolated from fer mutants, the wild‐type showed significant root growth inhibition compared with the fer mutant. Our results therefore implicated Arabidopsides, and Arabidopside A specifically, in FER functions and/or signaling. Finally, matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization MS imaging (MALDI‐MSI) was used to visualize the localization of Arabidopsides, and we confirmed that Arabidopsides are highly abundant at wounding sites in both wild‐type and fer mutant leaves. More significantly, five micron high‐spatial resolution MALDI‐MSI revealed that Arabidopsides are localized to the chloroplasts where many stress signaling molecules are made.  相似文献   
Despite our growing understanding of the impacts of invasive plants on ecosystem structure and function, important gaps remain, including whether native and exotic species respond differently to plant invasion. This would elucidate basic ecological interactions and inform management. We performed a meta‐analytic review of the effects of invasive plants on native and exotic resident animals. We found that invasive plants reduced the abundance of native, but not exotic, animals. This varied by animal phyla, with invasive plants reducing the abundance of native annelids and chordates, but not mollusks or arthropods. We found dissimilar impacts among “wet” and “dry” ecosystems, but not among animal trophic levels. Additionally, the impact of invasive plants increased over time, but this did not vary with animal nativity. Our review found that no studies considered resident nativity differences, and most did not identify animals to species. We call for more rigorous studies of invaded community impacts across taxa, and most importantly, explicit consideration of resident biogeographic origin. We provide an important first insight into how native and exotic species respond differently to invasion, the consequences of which may facilitate cascading trophic disruptions further exacerbating global change consequences to ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   
Body size has been shown to decrease with increasing temperature in many species, prompting the suggestion that it is a universal ecological response. However, species with complex life cycles, such as holometabolous insects, may have correspondingly complicated temperature–size responses. Recent research suggests that life history and ecological traits may be important for determining the direction and strength of temperature–size responses. Yet, these factors are rarely included in analyses. Here, we aim to determine whether the size of the bivoltine butterfly, Polyommatus bellargus, and the univoltine butterflies, Plebejus argus and Polyommatus coridon, change in response to temperature and whether these responses differ between the sexes, and for P. bellargus, between generations. Forewing length was measured using digital specimens from the Natural History Museum, London (NHM), from one locality in the UK per species. The data were initially compared to annual and seasonal temperature values, without consideration of life history factors. Sex and generation of the individuals and mean monthly temperatures, which cover the growing period for each species, were then included in analyses. When compared to annual or seasonal temperatures only, size was not related to temperature for P. bellargus and P. argus, but there was a negative relationship between size and temperature for P. coridon. When sex, generation, and monthly temperatures were included, male adult size decreased as temperature increased in the early larval stages, and increased as temperature increased during the late larval stages. Results were similar but less consistent for females, while second generation P. bellargus showed no temperature–size response. In P. coridon, size decreased as temperature increased during the pupal stage. These results highlight the importance of including life history factors, sex, and monthly temperature data when studying temperature–size responses for species with complex life cycles.  相似文献   
D-Serine, a recently identified gliotransmitter, serves as an endogenous coagonist binding to the glycine site of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. However, it is not clear whether this native ligand is able to bind to and modulate alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptors. In the present study, we showed that D-serine was able to concentration-dependently inhibit kainate-induced AMPA receptor-mediated current in acutely isolated hippocampal neurons. The blocking action of D-serine on AMPA receptors was characterized by a shift in concentration-response curve of kainate-induced current to the right with no change in the maximal response and independent of holding potential in the range of -80 to +60 mV. This is consistent with a model that D-serine is a competitive antagonist on AMPA receptors. In contrast, L-serine did not exert such an inhibitory action. Consistent with this observation, we found that several D-isoforms, but not L-isoforms, of endogenous and exogenous amino acids were able to block AMPA receptors. These results indicate that there is a low affinity and stereo-selective site at the agonist binding pocket of AMPA receptors for these D-amino acids. More importantly, vesicular-released endogenous D-serine from astrocytes could potentially modulate AMPA receptors in synaptic transmission in hippocampus.  相似文献   
The solution structure of the catalytic domain of MMP-20, a member of the matrix metalloproteinases family not yet structurally characterized, complexed with N-Isobutyl-N-(4-methoxyphenylsulfonyl)glycyl hydroxamic acid (NNGH), is here reported and compared with other MMPs-NNGH adducts. The backbone dynamic has been characterized as well. We have found that, despite the same fold and very high overall similarity, the present structure experiences specific structural and dynamical similarities with some MMPs and differences with others, around the catalytic cavity. The present solution structure, not only contributes to fill the gap of structural knowledge on human MMPs, but also provides further information to design more selective and efficient inhibitors for a specific member of this class of proteins.  相似文献   
The 68-residue IA(3) polypeptide from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is essentially unstructured. It inhibits its target aspartic proteinase through an unprecedented mechanism whereby residues 2-32 of the polypeptide adopt an amphipathic alpha-helical conformation upon contact with the active site of the enzyme. This potent inhibitor (K(i) < 0.1 nm) appears to be specific for a single target proteinase, saccharopepsin. Mutagenesis of IA(3) from S. cerevisiae and its ortholog from Saccharomyces castellii was coupled with quantitation of the interaction for each mutant polypeptide with saccharopepsin and closely related aspartic proteinases from Pichia pastoris and Aspergillus fumigatus. This identified the charged K18/D22 residues on the otherwise hydrophobic face of the amphipathic helix as key selectivity-determining residues within the inhibitor and implicated certain residues within saccharopepsin as being potentially crucial. Mutation of these amino acids established Ala-213 as the dominant specificity-governing feature in the proteinase. The side chain of Ala-213 in conjunction with valine 26 of the inhibitor marshals Tyr-189 of the enzyme precisely into a position in which its side-chain hydroxyl is interconnected via a series of water-mediated contacts to the key K18/D22 residues of the inhibitor. This extensive hydrogen bond network also connects K18/D22 directly to the catalytic Asp-32 and Tyr-75 residues of the enzyme, thus deadlocking the inhibitor in position. In most other aspartic proteinases, the amino acid at position 213 is a larger hydrophobic residue that prohibits this precise juxtaposition of residues and eliminates these enzymes as targets of IA(3). The exquisite specificity exhibited by this inhibitor in its interaction with its cognate folding partner proteinase can thus be readily explained.  相似文献   
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