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Rebecca Müller Aurora Pias Fernndez Andreas Hiltbrunner Eberhard Schfer Thomas Kretsch 《Plant physiology》2009,150(3):1297-1309
Phytochrome A (phyA) is the primary photoreceptor for sensing extremely low amounts of light and for mediating various far-red light-induced responses in higher plants. Translocation from the cytosol to the nucleus is an essential step in phyA signal transduction. EID1 (for EMPFINDLICHER IM DUNKELROTEN LICHT1) is an F-box protein that functions as a negative regulator in far-red light signaling downstream of the phyA in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). To identify factors involved in EID1-dependent light signal transduction, pools of ethylmethylsulfonate-treated eid1-3 seeds were screened for seedlings that suppress the hypersensitive phenotype of the mutant. The phenotype of the suppressor mutant presented here is caused by a missense mutation in the PHYA gene that leads to an amino acid transition in its histidine kinase-related domain. The novel phyA-402 allele alters the spectral sensitivity and the persistence of far-red light-induced high-irradiance responses. The strong eid1-3 suppressor phenotype of phyA-402 contrasts with the moderate phenotype observed when phyA-402 is introgressed into the wild-type background, which indicates that the mutation mainly alters functions in an EID1-dependent signaling cascade. The mutation specifically inhibits nuclear accumulation of the photoreceptor molecule upon red light irradiation, even though it still interacts with FHY1 (for far-red long hypocotyl 1) and FHL (for FHY1-like protein), two factors that are essential for nuclear accumulation of phyA. Degradation of the mutated phyA is unaltered even under light conditions that inhibit its nuclear accumulation, indicating that phyA degradation may occur mostly in the cytoplasm. 相似文献
Werner helicase interacting protein 1 (WRNIP1) is a ubiquitin-binding protein that undergoes extensive post-translational modification including ubiquitination, sumoylation, and phosphorylation. These post-translational modifications are expected to regulate the function of WRNIP1 in the DNA damage response. In this study, we use a denaturing tandem affinity purification technique along with mass spectrometry to show that, unlike most ubiquitin-binding proteins, WRNIP1 is polyubiquitinated. WRNIP1 polyubiquitination is reminiscent of the well-characterized phenomenon of the coupled monoubiquitination of ubiquitin-binding proteins in that this polyubiquitination is dependent on the presence of an intact ubiquitin-binding domain. The polyubiquitin chains conjugated to WRNIP1 are linked through lysines 11, 48, and 63. This study presents the first evidence for the conjugation of K11-K48-K63 polyubiquitin chains to a specific substrate in vivo. Polyubiquitination is likely to regulate WRNIP1's function in the DNA damage response, as UV radiation induces the hyperubiquitination of WRNIP1. Polyubiquitination with noncanonical intraubiquitin linkages may represent a unique mode of regulation of UBZ domain-containing proteins. 相似文献
Martin K.‐F. Bader Wilhelm Ehrenberger Rebecca Bitter Jason Stevens Ben P. Miller Jerome Chopard Simon Rüger Giles E. S. J. Hardy Pieter Poot Kingsley W. Dixon Ulrich Zimmermann Erik J. Veneklaas 《Physiologia plantarum》2014,152(2):301-315
Southwest Australian Banksia woodlands are highly diverse plant communities that are threatened by drought‐ or temperature‐induced mortality due to the region's changing climate. We examined water relations in dominant Banksia menziesii R. Br. trees using magnetic leaf patch clamp pressure (ZIM‐) probes that allow continuous, real‐time monitoring of leaf water status. Multiple ZIM‐probes across the crown were complemented by traditional ecophysiological measurements. During summer, early stomatal downregulation of transpiration prevented midday balancing pressures from exceeding 2.5 MPa. Diurnal patterns of ZIM‐probe and pressure chamber readings agreed reasonably well, however, ZIM‐probes recorded short‐term dynamics, which are impossible to capture using a pressure chamber. Simultaneous recordings of three ZIM‐probes evenly spaced along leaf laminas revealed intrafoliar turgor gradients, which, however, did not develop in a strictly basi‐ or acropetal fashion and varied with cardinal direction. Drought stress manifested as increasing daily signal amplitude (low leaf water status) and occasionally as rising baseline at night (delayed rehydration). These symptoms occurred more often locally than across the entire crown. Microclimate effects on leaf water status were strongest in crown regions experiencing peak morning radiation (East and North). Extreme spring temperatures preceded the sudden death of B. menziesii trees, suggesting a temperature‐ or humidity‐related tipping point causing rapid hydraulic failure as evidenced by collapsing ZIM‐probe readings from an affected tree. In a warmer and drier future, increased frequency of B. menziesii mortality will result in significantly altered community structure and ecosystem function. 相似文献
David A. Rolls Rachel Sacks-Davis Rebecca Jenkinson Emma McBryde Philippa Pattison Garry Robins Margaret Hellard 《PloS one》2013,8(11)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronically infects over 180 million people worldwide, with over 350,000 estimated deaths attributed yearly to HCV-related liver diseases. It disproportionally affects people who inject drugs (PWID). Currently there is no preventative vaccine and interventions feature long treatment durations with severe side-effects. Upcoming treatments will improve this situation, making possible large-scale treatment interventions. How these strategies should target HCV-infected PWID remains an important unanswered question. Previous models of HCV have lacked empirically grounded contact models of PWID. Here we report results on HCV transmission and treatment using simulated contact networks generated from an empirically grounded network model using recently developed statistical approaches in social network analysis. Our HCV transmission model is a detailed, stochastic, individual-based model including spontaneously clearing nodes. On transmission we investigate the role of number of contacts and injecting frequency on time to primary infection and the role of spontaneously clearing nodes on incidence rates. On treatment we investigate the effect of nine network-based treatment strategies on chronic prevalence and incidence rates of primary infection and re-infection. Both numbers of contacts and injecting frequency play key roles in reducing time to primary infection. The change from “less-” to “more-frequent” injector is roughly similar to having one additional network contact. Nodes that spontaneously clear their HCV infection have a local effect on infection risk and the total number of such nodes (but not their locations) has a network wide effect on the incidence of both primary and re-infection with HCV. Re-infection plays a large role in the effectiveness of treatment interventions. Strategies that choose PWID and treat all their contacts (analogous to ring vaccination) are most effective in reducing the incidence rates of re-infection and combined infection. A strategy targeting infected PWID with the most contacts (analogous to targeted vaccination) is the least effective. 相似文献
Accelerated belowground C cycling in a managed agriforest ecosystem exposed to elevated carbon dioxide concentrations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We investigated the effects of three elevated atmospheric CO2 levels on a Populus deltoides plantation at Biosphere 2 Laboratory in Oracle Arizona. Stable isotopes of carbon have been used as tracers to separate the carbon present before the CO2 treatments started (old C), from that fixed after CO2 treatments began (new C). Tree growth at elevated [CO2] increased inputs to soil organic matter (SOM) by increasing the production of fine roots and accelerating the rate of root C turnover. However, soil carbon content decreased as [CO2] in the atmosphere increased and inputs of new C were not found in SOM. Consequently, the rates of soil respiration increased by 141% and 176% in the 800 and 1200 μL L?1 plantations, respectively, when compared with ambient [CO2] after 4 years of exposure. However, the increase in decomposition of old SOM (i.e. already present when CO2 treatments began) accounted for 72% and 69% of the increase in soil respiration seen under elevated [CO2]. This resulted in a net loss of soil C at a rate that was between 10 and 20 times faster at elevated [CO2] than at ambient conditions. The inability to retain new and old C in the soil may stem from the lack of stabilization of SOM, allowing for its rapid decomposition by soil heterotrophs. 相似文献
Roschelle A. Heuberger Jennifer A. Garner Alison Corby Kierstin DeWitt Rebecca Vander Sluis 《Anthrozo?s》2016,29(2):219-230
The obesity epidemic has impacted both people and pets in the rural Midwestern United States (MWUS). Tailoring health advice to the socio-demographic characteristics and dietary patterns of owners and their pets can help promote adherence to health behavior changes for owners and foster health improvements for both owners and pets. The authors completed this cross-sectional study in the rural MWUS with the objective of describing health-related characteristics of non-over-weight/obese versus overweight/obese [NOO vs. OO] cat and dog owners and their pets. The primary aim was to detect differences that could inform health recommendations. For both cat and dog owners, dietary and lifestyle profiles differed between those who were non-overweight/obese and those who were overweight/obese. NOO dog owners trended toward fewer health problems, took fewer medications (p < 0.02), took more supplements (p < 0.03), and ate less fast food (p < 0.03) and more fish (p < 0.001) than OO owners. Dogs owned by NOO owners had more owner-initiated activity (M ± SD: 44.6 ± 63.0 vs. 27.2 ± 26.4 min/d) and were on more supplements (p < 0.003). NOO cat owners were younger (p < 0.03), had fewer health problems (p < 0.04), took fewer medications (p < 0.04), engaged in more exercise (p < 0.02), and ate less fast food (p < 0.03) than OO cat owners. The only significant difference between cats of NOO vs. OO owners was their predominant gender: 57% vs. 74% female (p < 0.01). These findings have implications for marketing, education, and health care for both owners and pets. Further investigation of the relationship between pet ownership and health is warranted. 相似文献
Rebecca Vicente-Steijn Roderick W. C. Scherptong Boudewijn P. T. Kruithof Sjoerd N. Duim Marie Jose T. H. Goumans Lambertus J. Wisse Bin Zhou William T. Pu Robert E. Poelmann Martin J. Schalij Michelle D. Tallquist Adriana C. Gittenberger-de Groot Monique RM Jongbloed 《PloS one》2015,10(9)
Morphological and functional differences of the right and left ventricle are apparent in the adult human heart. A differential contribution of cardiac fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells (populations of epicardium-derived cells) to each ventricle may account for part of the morphological-functional disparity. Here we studied the relation between epicardial derivatives and the development of compact ventricular myocardium.Results
Wildtype and Wt1CreERT2/+ reporter mice were used to study WT-1 expressing cells, and Tcf21lacZ/+ reporter mice and PDGFRα-/-;Tcf21LacZ/+ mice to study the formation of the cardiac fibroblast population. After covering the heart, intramyocardial WT-1+ cells were first observed at the inner curvature, the right ventricular postero-lateral wall and left ventricular apical wall. Later, WT-1+ cells were present in the walls of both ventricles, but significantly more pronounced in the left ventricle. Tcf21-LacZ + cells followed the same distribution pattern as WT-1+ cells but at later stages, indicating a timing difference between these cell populations. Within the right ventricle, WT-1+ and Tcf21-lacZ+ cell distribution was more pronounced in the posterior inlet part. A gradual increase in myocardial wall thickness was observed early in the left ventricle and at later stages in the right ventricle. PDGFRα-/-;Tcf21LacZ/+ mice showed deficient epicardium, diminished number of Tcf21-LacZ + cells and reduced ventricular compaction.Conclusions
During normal heart development, spatio-temporal differences in contribution of WT-1 and Tcf21-LacZ + cells to right versus left ventricular myocardium occur parallel to myocardial thickening. These findings may relate to lateralized differences in ventricular (patho)morphology in humans. 相似文献150.
Elmasri H Winkler C Liedtke D Sasado T Morinaga C Suwa H Niwa K Henrich T Hirose Y Yasuoka A Yoda H Watanabe T Deguchi T Iwanami N Kunimatsu S Osakada M Loosli F Quiring R Carl M Grabher C Winkler S Del Bene F Wittbrodt J Abe K Takahama Y Takahashi K Katada T Nishina H Kondoh H Furutani-Seiki M 《Mechanisms of development》2004,121(7-8):659-671
The metameric structure of the vertebrate trunk is generated by repeated formation of somites from the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM). We report the initial characterization of nine different mutants affecting segmentation that were isolated in a large-scale mutagenesis screen in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Four mutants were identified that show a complete or partial absence of somites or somite boundaries. In addition, five mutations were found that cause fused somites or somites with irregular sizes and shapes. In situ hybridization analysis using specific markers involved in the segmentation clock and antero-posterior (A-P) polarity of somites revealed that the nine mutants can be compiled into two groups. In group 1, mutants exhibit defects in tailbud formation and PSM prepatterning, whereas A-P identity in the somites is defective in group 2 mutants. Three mutants (planlos, pll; schnelles ende, sne; samidare, sam) have characteristic phenotypes that are similar to those in zebrafish mutants affected in the Delta/Notch signaling pathway. The majority of mutants, however, exhibit somitic phenotypes distinct from those found in zebrafish, such as individually fused somites and irregular somite sizes. Thus, these Medaka mutants can be expected to provide clues to uncovering novel components essential for somitogenesis. 相似文献