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Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate is a membrane lipid found in all eukaryotes so far studied but downstream effector proteins of this lipid have yet to be identified. Here we report the use of cDNA phage libraries in conjunction with synthetic biotinylated derivatives of phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate in the identification of a mammalian phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate-binding protein, mVps24p. This protein is orthologous to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein, Vps24p, a class-E vacuolar protein-sorting protein. Using in vitro liposome binding and competition assays, we demonstrate that mVps24p selectively binds to phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate in preference to other phosphoinositides tested. When expressed in cultured mammalian cells, full-length mVps24p is cytosolic. However, when cells expressing the full-length mVps24p are co-transfected with a mutated form of mVps4p (which is defective in ATP hydrolysis), or when a N-terminal construct of mVps24p is expressed, the class-E cellular phenotype with swollen vacuoles is induced and mVps24p is membrane-associated. Furthermore, the accumulation of the N-terminal mVps24p construct on the swollen endosomal membranes is abrogated when phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate synthesis is blocked with wortmannin. These data provide the first direct link between phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate and the protein machinery involved in the production of the class-E cellular phenotype. We hypothesize that accumulation of Vps24 on membranes occurs when membrane association (dependent on interaction of phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate with the N-terminal domain of the protein) is uncoupled from membrane disassociation (driven by Vps4p).  相似文献   
Active partition systems and postsegregational killing (PSK) systems are present together in naturally occurring low-copy-number plasmids. Theory suggests that PSK may act as the ultimate determinant of plasmid retention, whereas the partition system may minimize the growth penalty to the host, resulting in a near-ideal symbiosis when the systems combine. Here, we prove the validity of this principle for a specific case involving the P1par system and the mvp PSK system.  相似文献   
Neutrophil (PMN) transepithelial migration is a major effector of epithelial defense in inflammatory diseases involving mucosal surfaces. However, major receptor-ligand interactions between epithelial cells and PMN remain incompletely characterized. To better define the molecular events involved in PMN interactions with epithelial cells, we produced a monoclonal antibody called g82 that inhibited PMN transepithelial migration in the physiological basolateral-to-apical direction. The g82 antigen localized to the apical surface of human colonic epithelium and was significantly upregulated under inflammatory conditions. Immunoprecipitation revealed two polypeptides of M(r) 207 and 32 kDa. F(ab')(2) fragments from g82 IgG had no effect on transmigration, suggesting Fc dependence. Further experiments confirmed dependence on the PMN Fc receptor CD32A and that the observed effects were secondary to a failure of PMN to detach from the apical epithelial surface. These Fc-mediated events were epitope specific since binding, isotype-matched antibodies did not affect detachment. These results identify a new mechanism for retention of PMN at the apical epithelial surface following transepithelial migration. This pathway may be important in pathogen clearance and mucosal pathophysiology associated with autoimmunity.  相似文献   
During infection, the intracellular pathogenic bacterium Legionella pneumophila causes an extensive remodeling of host membrane trafficking pathways, both in the construction of a replication-competent vacuole comprised of ER-derived vesicles and plasma membrane components, and in the inhibition of normal phagosome:endosome/lysosome fusion pathways. Here, we identify the LegC3 secreted effector protein from L. pneumophila as able to inhibit a SNARE- and Rab GTPase-dependent membrane fusion pathway in vitro, the homotypic fusion of yeast vacuoles (lysosomes). This vacuole fusion inhibition appeared to be specific, as similar secreted coiled-coiled domain containing proteins from L. pneumophila, LegC7/YlfA and LegC2/YlfB, did not inhibit vacuole fusion. The LegC3-mediated fusion inhibition was reversible by a yeast cytosolic extract, as well as by a purified soluble SNARE, Vam7p. LegC3 blocked the formation of trans-SNARE complexes during vacuole fusion, although we did not detect a direct interaction of LegC3 with the vacuolar SNARE protein complexes required for fusion. Additionally, LegC3 was incapable of inhibiting a defined synthetic model of vacuolar SNARE-driven membrane fusion, further suggesting that LegC3 does not directly inhibit the activity of vacuolar SNAREs, HOPS complex, or Sec17p/18p during membrane fusion. LegC3 is likely utilized by Legionella to modulate eukaryotic membrane fusion events during pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The palatability to common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. of three newly developed differently flavoured floating pellets made from a high proportion (40%) of brewer's spent grain (BSG) was tested using a multiple-offer feeding experiment. The addition of ‘bold’ flavours, such as vanilla or strawberry essence, may help mask the unpleasant taste of some piscicides; however, their inclusion must not compromise uptake by carp. There were no significant differences between the consumption rates of the three varieties, and all flavours were readily consumed. Therefore, it is suggested that highly flavoured pellets made with BSG have a strong potential to mask the flavour of an unpalatable toxin, and further research is now needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Changes in soil carbon, the largest terrestrial carbon pool, are critical for the global carbon cycle, atmospheric CO2 levels and climate. Climate warming is predicted to be most pronounced in the northern regions and therefore the large soil carbon pool residing in boreal forests will be subject to larger global warming impact than soil carbon pools in the temperate or the tropical forest. A major uncertainty in current estimates of the terrestrial carbon balance is related to decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). We hypothesized that when soils are exposed to warmer climate the structure of the ground vegetation will change much more rapidly than the dominant tree species. This change will alter the quality and amount of litter input to the soil and induce changes in microbial communities, thus possibly altering the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition. We transferred organic surface soil sections from the northern borders of the boreal forest zone to corresponding forest sites in the southern borders of the boreal forest zone and studied the effects of warmer climate after an adaptation period of 2 years. The results showed that initially ground vegetation and soil microbial community structure and community functions were different in northern and southern forest sites and that 2 years of exposure to warmer climate was long enough to cause changes in these ecological indicators. The rate of SOM decomposition was approximately equally sensitive to temperature irrespective of changes in vegetation or microbial communities in the studied forest sites. However, as temperature sensitivity of the decomposition increases with decreasing temperature regime, the proportional increase in the decomposition rate in northern latitudes could lead to significant carbon losses from the soils.  相似文献   
Mucins are synthesized and secreted by many epithelia. They are complex glycoproteins that offer cytoprotection. In their functional configuration, mucins form oligomers by a biosynthetic process that is poorly understood. A family of four human gastrointestinal mucin genes (MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6) is clustered to chromosome 11p15.5. To study oligomerization of these related mucins, we performed metabolic labeling experiments with [35S]amino acids in LS174T cells, and isolated mucin precursors by specific immunoprecipitations that were analyzed on SDS-PAGE. Each of the precursors of MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6 formed a single species of disulfide-linked homo-oligomer within 1 h after pulse labeling. Based on apparent molecular masses, these oligomeric precursors were most likely dimers. Inhibition of vesicular RER-to-Golgi transport, with brefeldin A and CCCP, did not affect the dimerization of MUC2 precursors, localizing dimerization to the RER. O-Glycosylation of MUC2 followed dimerization. Inhibition of N- glycosylation by tunicamycin retarded, but did not inhibit, dimerization, indicating that N-glycans play a role in efficient dimerization of MUC2 precursors. Based on sequence homology, the ability of MUC2, MUC5AC, MUC5B and MUC6 to dimerize most likely resides in their C-terminal domains. Thus, the RER-localized dimerization of secretory mucins likely proceeds by similar mechanisms, which is an essential step in the formation of the human gastrointestinal mucus- gels.   相似文献   
We report a case of an allergic reaction after the administration of an echocardiographic contrast agent which resulted in ST-segment elevation. Hypersensitivity and allergic reactions are known causes of acute cardiovascular events. However, only limited reports are available which suggest the exact mechanism of the occurrence of angina or myocardial infarction during severe allergic reactions. In our case, through invasive imaging (coronary angiography and IVUS) we have shown for the first time a transient coronary spasm in the absence of intra-coronary thrombus and only minimal neointimal hyperplasia.  相似文献   
The influence of Zn on the expression of the apolipoprotein A-I(apoA-I) gene in Hep G2 cells was examined. Zn depletion was achievedwith a low-Zn (ZD) medium prepared from Zn-free growth medium(Opti), a ZD medium containing Chelex 100-extracted fetal bovine serum (CHE), and a medium containing chelator1,10-phenanthroline (OP). Compared with those for their respectivecontrols, cellular Zn levels were reduced by 55, 48, and 46% andapoA-I mRNA abundances were reduced by 20, 29, and 28% in Opti, CHE,and OP systems, respectively, after one passage in ZD media or 24 h inOP medium. To establish the specificity of Zn treatment, groups of ZDcells were treated with their respective control media for the last 24 h (ZDA) or normal cells were cultured with OP medium supplemented withZn (OP-Zn). ZDA treatments partially normalized cellular Zn levels inthe Opti system and restored or elevated apoA-I mRNA levels in the Optior CHE system, respectively. Similarly, the OP-Zn treatment restoredthe cellular Zn and apoA-I mRNA levels. Furthermore, one passage ofculture with Zn-supplemented media in both the Opti and CHE systemsresulted in higher cellular Zn and apoA-I mRNA levels than those forcontrols. Most significantly, short-term high-Zn induction to normalcells markedly elevated the cellular Zn (3-fold) and apoA-I mRNA(5-fold) levels. Data derived from this study strongly suggest that theexpression of apoA-I is regulated by cellular Zn status.

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