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Ten random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers specific to chromosome 5Eb of Thinopyrum bessarabicum were detected. Genomic in situ hybridization and standard cytological observations revealed that six of the markers are located on the 5Eb short arm and four are located on the 5Eb long arm. These RAPD markers have been used to confirm the identity of putative 5Eb (5A) and 5Eb (5D) substitution individuals. The potential of RAPDs for the detection of wheat/alien recombinants is discussed.  相似文献   
Leaf palatability,life expectancy and herbivore damage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Observations on leaves from plants with a wide range of life-forms, ruderals to trees, indicate that palatability to insect herbivores is strongly correlated with the life-expectancy of the leaves. The amount of damage suffered in the field is however inversely correlated with palatability; although the rate of damage is less on unpalatable leaves, their longer life means that they accumulate damage over a longer period. It is only with extremely well-defended evergreen leaves, that the total damage is less than that experienced by less palatable (but short-lived) leaves. These observations are related to the current theories on relative palatability (the apparency theory and the resource availability theory), within the framework of the habitat templet.  相似文献   
Palatable Batesian mimics are avoided by predators because they resemble noxious or defended species. The striking resemblance of many hoverflies to noxious Hymenoptera is a “textbook” example of Batesian mimicry, but evidence that selection by predators has shaped the evolution of hoverfly patterns is weak. We looked for geographical and temporal trends in frequencies of morphs of the polymorphic hoverfly Volucella bombylans that would support the hypothesis that these morphs are Batesian mimics of different bumblebee species. The frequency of the black and yellow hoverfly morph was significantly positively related to the frequency of black and yellow bumblebees across 52 sites. Similarly, the frequency of the red‐tailed hoverfly morph was positively related to the frequency of red‐tailed bumblebees. However, the frequencies of hoverfly morphs were positively spatially autocorrelated, and after controlling for this, only one of the two common hoverfly morphs showed a significant positive relationship with its putative model. We conclude that the distribution of V. bombylans morphs probably reflects geographical variation in selection by predators resulting from differences in the frequencies of noxious bumblebee species.  相似文献   


Cardiac time intervals have been described as a measure of cardiac performance, where prolongation, shortening and delay of the different time intervals have been evaluated as markers of cardiac dysfunction. A relatively recently developed method with improved ability to measure cardiac events is Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI), allowing accurate measurement of myocardial movements.


We propose the state diagram of the heart as a new visualization tool for cardiac time intervals, presenting comparative, normalized data of systolic and diastolic performance, providing a more complete overview of cardiac function. This study aimed to test the feasibility of the state diagram method by presenting examples demonstrating its potential use in the clinical setting and by performing a clinical study, which included a comparison of the state diagram method with established echocardiography methods (E/E' ratio, LVEF and WMSI). The population in the clinical study consisted of seven patients with non ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and seven control subjects, individually matched according to age and gender. The state diagram of the heart was generated from TDI curves from seven positions in the myocardium, visualizing the inter- and intraventricular function of the heart by displaying the cardiac phases.


The clinical examples demonstrated that the state diagram allows for an intuitive visualization of pathological patterns as ischemia and dyssynchrony. Further, significant differences in percentage duration between the control group and the NSTEMI group were found in eight of the totally twenty phases (10 phases for each ventricle), e.g. in the transition phases (Pre-Ejection and Post-Ejection). These phases were significantly longer (> 2.18%) for the NSTEMI group than for the control group (p < 0.05). No significant differences between the groups were found for the established echocardiography methods.


The test results clearly indicate that the state diagram has potential to be an efficient tool for visualization of cardiac dysfunction and for detection of NSTEMI.  相似文献   
Species distribution models are a very popular tool in ecology and biogeography and have great potential to help direct conservation efforts. Models are traditionally tested by using half the original species records to build the model and half to evaluate it. However, this can lead to overly optimistic estimates of model accuracy, particularly when there are systematic biases in the data. It is better to evaluate models using independent data. This study used independent species records from a new to survey to provide a more rigorous evaluation of distribution‐model accuracy. Distribution models were built for reptile, amphibian, butterfly and mammal species. The accuracy of these models was evaluated using the traditional approach of partitioning the original species records into model‐building and model‐evaluating datasets, and using independent records collected during a new field survey of 21 previously unvisited sites in diverse habitat types. We tested whether variation in distribution‐model accuracy among species could be explained by species detectability, range size, number of records used to build the models, and body size. Estimates of accuracy derived using the new species records correlated positively with estimates generated using the traditional data‐partitioning approach, but were on average 22% lower. Model accuracy was negatively related to range size and number of records used to build the models, and positively related to the body size of butterflies. There was no clear relationship between species detectability and model accuracy. The field data generally validated the species distribution models. However, there was considerable variation in model accuracy among species, some of which could be explained by the characteristics of species.  相似文献   
Systems analysis of iron metabolism: the network of iron pools and fluxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Every cell of the mammalian organism needs iron as trace element in numerous oxido-reductive processes as well as for transport and storage of oxygen. The very versatility of ionic iron makes it a toxic entity which can catalyze the production of radicals that damage vital membranous and macromolecular assemblies in the cell. The mammalian organism maintains therefore a complex regulatory network of iron uptake, excretion and intra-body distribution. Intracellular regulation in different cell types is intertwined with a global hormonal signalling structure. Iron deficiency as well as excess of iron are frequent and serious human disorders. They can affect every cell, but also the organism as a whole.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that a special proteolipid extract from the electric organ of Electrophorus showed high affinity binding for acetylcholine and other cholinergic agents. This proteolipid has now been incorporated into ultrathin lipidic membranes, and the membrane resistance was studied. The resistance decreased from 7.27 ± 0.82 x 105 ohm cm2 in the control membrane to 1.83 x 105 ohm cm2 with addition of 72 µg/ml proteolipid. The decrease in resistance followed a potential function of order four with the proteolipid concentration in the membrane-forming solution. The presence of this proteolipid determined some type of cationic selectivity which was not observed in the control. At a critical point of proteolipid concentration the conductance spontaneously fluctuated between two levels. The membrane current jumped from one state to another by way of single discrete steps, reminiscent of those obtained with the excitatory inducing material or the macrocyclic antibiotics. In membranes containing another proteolipid having no cholinergic binding properties, the increase in conductance was smaller, and had a linear function with the concentration. In this case the "flip flop" fluctuation and the cationic selectivity were not observed. The membranes containing the cholinergic proteolipid reacted to the addition of acetylcholine by a rapid and transient increase in conductance that was considerably reduced or abolished by a previous application of d-tubocurarine. These membranes also interacted with other cholinergic agents, such as gallamine triethiodide, hexamethonium, and α-bungarotoxin. These results suggest that this special proteolipid, when added to the artificial membranes, induces a "chemical excitability" toward cholinergic ligands.  相似文献   
Natural selection should favour parents that are able to adjust their offspring's life-history strategy and resource allocation in response to changing environmental and social conditions. Pathogens impose particularly strong and variable selective pressure on host life histories, and parental genes will benefit if offspring are appropriately primed to meet the immunological challenges ahead. Here, we investigated transgenerational immune priming by examining reproductive resource allocation by female mice in response to direct infection with Babesia microti prior to pregnancy. Female mice previously infected with B. microti gained more weight over pregnancy, and spent more time nursing their offspring. These offspring generated an accelerated response to B. microti as adults, clearing the infection sooner and losing less weight as a result of infection. They also showed an altered hormonal response to novel social environments, decreasing instead of increasing testosterone production upon social housing. These results suggest that a dominance-resistance trade-off can be mediated by cues from the previous generation. We suggest that strategic maternal investment in response to an infection leads to increased disease resistance in the following generation. Offspring from previously infected mothers downregulate investment in acquisition of social dominance, which in natural systems would reduce access to mating opportunities. In doing so, however, they avoid the reduced disease resistance associated with increased testosterone and dominance. The benefits of accelerated clearance of infection and reduced weight loss during infection may outweigh costs associated with reduced social dominance in an environment where the risk of disease is high.  相似文献   
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