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The electrogenicity of H+/Ca2+ exchange in vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) vesicles from Beta was studied to elucidate the role of this transport system in vacuolar Ca2+ accumulation. To overcome the inherently high proton permeability of tonoplast vesicles, the pH difference established by the primary H(+)-ATPase was titrated to a uniform value by variation of the concentration either of ATP or of a permanent anion (Cl-). This enabled manipulation of membrane potential independently of the transmembrane pH difference, with a higher inside-positive membrane potential produced at lower Cl- concentrations. The rate and the extent of uncoupler-sensitive Ca2+ uptake are both stimulated about 2-fold in conditions of more positive membrane potential, suggesting that the transport system translocates positive charge outward during Ca2+ uptake. A minimum integral H+:Ca2+ stoichiometry of 3 results in a driving force for Ca2+ accumulation in the vacuole amounting to -140 mV in typical physiological conditions. It is concluded that the antiporter is thermodynamically competent to account for Ca2+ accumulation in plant vacuoles and that its reversal in vivo is unlikely.  相似文献   
Abstract: Since evidence is now available to support a nonendocrine autonomic function for thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), quantitative measurements of TRH were made in nuclei of the vagal complex and other areas of the caudal medulla oblongata of the rat. Regions containing the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMN), nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), hypoglossal nucleus, dorsal column nuclei, descending nucleus V (DNV), nucleus ambiguus (NA), raphe nuclei (MR) dorsomedial and ventromedial reticular formation, and inferior olivary nuclei were isolated from 300-μm-thick frozen sections of medulla by the micropunch technique. Each region was pooled bilaterally, homogenized in 0.1 M HCl, and vacuum-dried. Extracts were assayed for TRH by specific radioimmunoassay (RIA). TRH levels varied 100-fold among medulla nuclei. Highest content (ng/mg protein ± SEM) was found in DMN (14 ± 1.38) and NTS (4.7 ± 0.68), whereas lowest levels occurred in the DNV and MR (0.13, 0.06). Nearly 65% of the total medullary TRH was localized in nuclei associated with vagal complex (DMN, NTS, NA). Characterization of tissue immunoreactivity (TRHi) in these regions suggests the presence of TRH, since (1) medullary tissue extracts competed with 125I-TRH for antibody binding sites with the same affinity as authentic TRH; (2) TRHi in tissue extracts co-migrated with synthetic TRH when subjected to reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography and Sephadex G-10 chromatography; and (3) rat serum TRH peptidases degraded TRHi and authentic TRH at similar rates. Another group of rats was subjected to unilateral (right side) vagotomy. At 33 weeks post-vagotomy, the vagal preganglionic cell population in the ipsilateral DMN was depleted 50–75%, while the contralateral side was unaffected. Interestingly, the content of TRH in the ipsilateral (right) DMN remained unchanged, whereas TRH in the contralateral DMN increased by 50%. In contrast, TRH was significantly elevated in the NA on the ipsilateral side of the lesion. TRH in both ipsi- and contralateral NTS was unchanged when compared with sham-operated controls. These results indicate that (1) TRH is present in several specific loci of the medulla; (2) very high levels are found in the vagal complex; and (3) vagotomy may alter TRH in the contralateral DMN and ipsilateral NA.  相似文献   
A 14-meter long pelagic clay core recovered at Marlin Rise (40°00.531′S, 154°2.601′W; 4775 m water depth) in the Southwest Pacific Basin contains a record of eolian dust deposited since the early Miocene. Downcore analysis of detrital minerals reveals a dominantly eolian signature with relatively constant proportions of quartz, feldspar and illite and trace amounts of chlorite, kaolinite and smectite, consistent with a continental (loess-like) source region. Fish tooth Sr isotope stratigraphy reveals the base of the core to be 17.5 Ma, with low sedimentation rates (< 0.5 mm/kyr LSR) indicated for the interval 17.5 to 10 Ma; several hiatuses in deposition appear to be present upcore, but are beyond the age resolution of the fish teeth stratigraphy. These intervals are revealed as apparent discontinuities in the Sr isotope record, accompanied by pulses of anomalously rapid sedimentation at ~ 10 Ma, 6.7 Ma and 4.1 Ma. Bulk mass accumulation rates (MAR) are calculated at ~ 10 mg/cm2/kyr over the last 4 Myr, consistent with previously estimated Quaternary eolian flux rates to this part of the Pacific. Nd, Pb and Sr radiogenic isotopic compositions of the detrital mineral extract (< 38 µm) show no trends with age, while 40Ar/39Ar ages show an upcore younging trend (~180 Ma to ~150 Ma), in concert with a slight coarsening of eolian grain-size distributions. These ages likely reflect mixing of Mesozoic illite-dominated clay from at least two continental source areas: southeastern Australia (Murray–Darling Basin/Lake Eyre Basin) and New Zealand (South Island). The data indicate remarkable constancy of continental eolian sources exposed to weathering and dispersal at this latitude during the Neogene.  相似文献   
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initiative of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) encourages the monitoring of biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes by innovative solutions. Raman spectroscopy and the chemometric modeling tool partial least squares (PLS) have been applied to this aim for monitoring cell culture process variables. This study compares the chemometric modeling methods of Support Vector Machine radial (SVMr), Random Forests (RF), and Cubist to the commonly used linear PLS model for predicting cell culture components—glucose, lactate, and ammonia. This research is performed to assess whether the use of PLS as standard practice is justified for chemometric modeling of Raman spectroscopy and cell culture data. Model development data from five small-scale bioreactors (2 × 1 L and 3 × 5 L) using two Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines were used to predict against a manufacturing scale bioreactor (2,000 L). Analysis demonstrated that Cubist predictive models were better for average performance over PLS, SVMr, and RF for glucose, lactate, and ammonia. The root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of Cubist modeling was acceptable for the process concentration ranges of glucose (1.437 mM), lactate (2.0 mM), and ammonia (0.819 mM). Interpretation of variable importance (VI) results theorizes the potential advantages of Cubist modeling in avoiding interference of Raman spectral peaks. Predictors/Raman wavenumbers (cm−1) of interest for individual variables are X1139–X1141 for glucose, X846–X849 for lactate, and X2941–X2943 for ammonia. These results demonstrate that other beneficial chemometric models are available for use in monitoring cell culture with Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   
Treatment of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic with antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) is known to cause occasional unexplained depletion of white blood cells, especially neutrophil granulocytes. It has been known for many years that neuroleptics can interfere with the mitochondrial respiratory chain in vitro. Because there has been a growing interest recently in mitochondrial targeting of drugs, and since a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model that predicts mitochondrial accumulation of neuroleptics has been published, we investigated the effects of neuroleptics on white blood cell mitochondria. Venous blood samples were collected from both patients undergoing treatment with neuroleptics and healthy volunteers. The samples were processed for transmission electron microscopy. The resulting images of white blood cells were analyzed using stereology to compare quantitatively mitochondrial morphology in the patient and control groups. We found that in patients, but not in controls, there was swelling of mitochondria and fragmentation of the mitochondrial cristae. There also were fewer mitochondria in patients than in controls, although due to the swelling of the organelles, the volume density of mitochondria in the two groups was not significantly different. Such changes are typical of a toxic insult. Consequently, it seems plausible that, since schizophrenia is not a disease considered to affect white blood cells per se, these changes probably are due to the medication.  相似文献   
Light treatment has been used as a non-pharmacological tool to help mitigate poor sleep quality frequently found in older people. In order to increase compliance to non-pharmacological light treatments, new, more efficacious light-delivery systems need to be developed. A prototype personal light-treatment device equipped with low brightness blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) (peak wavelength near 470 nm) was tested for its effectiveness in suppressing nocturnal melatonin, a measure of circadian stimulation. Two levels of corneal irradiance were set to deliver two prescribed doses of circadian light exposure. Eleven older subjects, between 51 and 80 yrs of age who met the selection criteria, were exposed to a high and a low level of light for 90 min on separate nights from the personal light-treatment device. Blood and saliva samples were collected at prescribed times for subsequent melatonin assay. After 1 h of light exposure, the light-induced nocturnal melatonin suppression level was about 35% for the low-light level and about 60% for the high-light level. The higher level of blue light suppressed melatonin more quickly, to a greater extent over the course of the 90 min exposure period, and maintained suppression after 60 min. The constant exposure of the low-light level resulted in a decrease in nocturnal melatonin suppression for the last sampling time, whereas for the high-light level, suppression continued throughout the entire exposure period. The present study performed with healthy adults suggests that the tested personal light-treatment device might be a practical, comfortable, and effective way to deliver light treatment to those suffering from circadian sleep disorders; however, the acceptance and effectiveness of personal light-treatment devices by older people and by other segments of the population suffering from sleep disorders in a real-life situation need to be directly tested. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
This study was prompted by increasing concerns about ecological damage and human health threats derived by persistent contamination of water and soil with herbicides, and emerging of bio-sensing technology as powerful, fast and efficient tool for the identification of such hazards. This work is aimed at overcoming principal limitations negatively affecting the whole-cell-based biosensors performance due to inadequate stability and sensitivity of the bio-recognition element. The novel bio-sensing elements for the detection of herbicides were generated exploiting the power of molecular engineering in order to improve the performance of photosynthetic complexes. The new phenotypes were produced by an in vitro directed evolution strategy targeted at the photosystem II (PSII) D1 protein of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, using exposures to radical-generating ionizing radiation as selection pressure. These tools proved successful to identify D1 mutations conferring enhanced stability, tolerance to free-radical-associated stress and competence for herbicide perception. Long-term stability tests of PSII performance revealed the mutants capability to deal with oxidative stress-related conditions. Furthermore, dose-response experiments indicated the strains having increased sensitivity or resistance to triazine and urea type herbicides with I50 values ranging from 6×10−8 M to 2×10−6 M. Besides stressing the relevance of several amino acids for PSII photochemistry and herbicide sensing, the possibility to improve the specificity of whole-cell-based biosensors, via coupling herbicide-sensitive with herbicide-resistant strains, was verified.  相似文献   


Rabies is a viral zoonosis that has been described in limited numbers of studies in Ethiopia at large and among pastoralists in particular. This study assessed dog demography, bite wound prevalence and management, potential risk factors of disease transmission and knowledge attitude practice towards rabies among urban dwellers, pastoralists and health workers in Awash, Eastern Ethiopia.


Information was collected by means of structured questionnaires and interviews and through medical and official records from the Agricultural and Health bureaus.

Principal Findings

Respondents totaled 539 (471 urban, 49 pastoralists, 19 medical). Dog(s) were owned in 33% urban and 75.5% pastoralist households respectively. Mean dog number per dog owning household was 1.50 (95%CI: 1.40–1.60) in urban and 2.05 (95%CI: 1.51–2.60) in pastoralists sites. Human Dog Ratio in Metahara was 4.7:1. No bite wounds records were kept in medical facilities, where staff recalled around 100 bites per year, 2/3 being in adults. Over 90% of the respondents claimed knowing rabies but up to 79.2% pastoralist did not know how dogs acquire the disease; 37.3% urban and 23% pastoralist did not know the symptoms of rabies in dogs; 36% urban and 44% pastoralists did not know rabies symptoms in people. Eighty percent of pastoralists did not know that the disease was fatal in people if untreated. Over half (58.7%) of pastoralist respondents go to traditional healers if bitten, despite a health extension worker program in place in the study area. Knowledge gaps were also shown amidst medical staff.


The study highlighted overall poor disease knowledge, severe under-reporting of human rabies cases, lack of record keeping and poor collaboration between the public and animal health sectors and communities in rabies control.  相似文献   
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