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Olfaction of insects is currently recognized as the major area of research for developing novel control strategies to prevent mosquito-borne infections. A 3-dimensional model (3D) was developed for the salivary gland odorant-binding protein-2 of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, a major vector of human lymphatic filariasis. A homology modeling method was used for the prediction of the structure. For the modeling, two template proteins were obtained by mGenTHERADER, namely the high-resolution X-ray crystallography structure of a pheromone-binding protein (ASP1) of Apis mellifera L., [1R5R:A] and the aristolochene synthase from Penicillium roqueforti [1DI1:B]. By comparing the template protein a rough model was constructed for the target protein using MODELLER, a program for comparative modelling. The structure of OBP of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus resembles the structure of pheromone-binding protein ASP1 of Apis mellifera L., [1R5R:A]. From Ramachandran plot analysis it was found that the portion of residues falling into the most favoured regions was 86.0%. The predicted 3-D model may be further used in characterizing the protein in wet laboratory.  相似文献   
The genetic and phenotypic relationships among wheat quality predictors and sponge and dough bread making were evaluated in a population derived from a cross between an Australian cultivar ‘Chara’ and a Canadian cultivar ‘Glenlea’. The genetic correlation across sites for sponge and dough loaf volume was high; however, phenotypic correlations across sites for loaf volume were relatively low compared with rheological tests. The large difference between sites was most likely due to temperature differences during grain development reflected in a decrease in the percentage of unextractable polymeric protein and mixing time. Predictive tests (mixograph, extensograph, protein content and composition, micro-zeleny and flour viscosity) showed inconsistent and generally poor correlations with end-product performance (baking volume and slice area) at both sites, with no single parameter being effective as a predictor of end-product performance. The difference in the relationships between genetic and phenotypic correlations highlights the requirement to develop alternative methods of selection for breeders and bakers in order to maximise both genetic gain and predictive assessment of grain quality.  相似文献   
The ribonucleases H (RNases H) of HIV and hepatitis B virus are type 1 RNases H that are promising drug targets because inhibiting their activity blocks viral replication. Eukaryotic ribonuclease H1 (RNase H1) is an essential protein and a probable off-target enzyme for viral RNase H inhibitors. α-hydroxytropolones (αHTs) are a class of anti-RNase H inhibitors that can inhibit the HIV, hepatitis B virus, and human RNases H1; however, it is unclear how these inhibitors could be developed to distinguish between these enzymes. To accelerate the development of selective RNase H inhibitors, we performed biochemical and kinetic studies on the human enzyme, which was recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli. Size-exclusion chromatography showed that free RNase H1 is monomeric and forms a 2:1 complex with a substrate of 12 bp. FRET heteroduplex cleavage assays were used to test inhibition of RNase H1 in steady-state kinetics by two structurally diverse αHTs, 110 and 404. We determined that turnover rate was reduced, but inhibition was not competitive with substrate, despite inhibitor binding to the active site. Given the compounds’ reversible binding to the active site, we concluded that traditional noncompetitive and mixed inhibition mechanisms are unlikely. Instead, we propose a model in which, by binding to the active site, αHTs stabilize an inactive enzyme–substrate–inhibitor complex. This new model clarifies the mechanism of action of αHTs against RNase H1 and will aid the development of RNase H inhibitors selective for the viral enzymes.  相似文献   
The response of the microsomal heme oxygenase in the testis to metal ions distinctly differed from that of the ovarian source. The activity of the ovarian enzyme in rats treated with Co2+ (250 mumol/kg, 24 h) responded in consonance with that of the liver and the kidney, i.e., heme oxygenase activity was elevated. In contrast, similar treatments did not increase the activity of testicular heme oxygenase. In addition, other metal ions, such as Cu2+, Sn2+, Pb2+, and Hg2+, known for their potency to increase heme oxygenase activity, were ineffective in increasing the enzyme activity in the testis. The unprecedented response of heme oxygenase in the testis to metal ions did not reflect an unusual nature of the enzyme protein insofar as it displayed a similar cofactor requirement and inhibition by known inhibitors of the enzyme activity, such as KCN and NaN3. Moreover, the apparent Km's for oxidation of hematoheme by the testicular and ovarian microsomal fractions were comparable and measured 2.3 and 1.4 microM, respectively. In the testis of Co2+-treated rats, the concentration of cytochrome P-450 in the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticular fractions was significantly decreased. The decrease in the hemoprotein level, however, did not reciprocate the activity of heme oxygenase in the fractions. The inability of metal ions to induce heme oxygenase activity in the testis did not represent the general refractory nature of the enzymes of heme metabolism to metal ions in this organ, since in rats treated with Co2+ the activity of delta-aminolevulinate synthetase was significantly decreased 24 h after treatment. However, the activities of uroporphyrinogen-I synthetase, delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase, and ferrochelatase and the content of porphyrins were not altered in the testis of rats treated with Co2+. The response of delta-aminolevulinate synthetase in the ovarian tissue to Co2+ treatment contrasted that of the testis. In the ovary, the enzyme activity significantly decreased 6 h after treatment. This decrease was followed by a rebound increase at 24 h after administration of Co2+. The presently described inability of metal ions to induce testicular heme oxygenase activity suggests that the activity of the enzyme in the testis is controlled by factor(s) which differ from those regulating the enzyme activity in other organs, including another steroidogenic organ, the ovary.  相似文献   
In this report we provide data, for the first time, demonstrating the conversion of the heme moiety of certain cytochrome P-450 and P-420 preparations, to biliverdin, catalyzed by heme oxygenase. We have used purified preparations of cytochromes P-450c, P-450b, P-450/P-420c, or P-450/P-420b as substrates in a heme oxygenase assay system reconstituted with heme oxygenase isoforms, HO-2 or HO-1, NADPH-cytochrome c (P-450) reductase, biliverdin reductase, NADPH, and Emulgen 911. With cytochrome P-450b or P-450/P-420b preparations, a near quantitative conversion of degraded heme to bile pigments was observed. In the case of cytochrome P-450/P-420c approximately 70% of the degraded heme was accounted for as bilirubin but only cytochrome P-420c was appreciably degraded. The role of heme oxygenase in this reaction was supported by the following observations: (i) bilirubin formation was not observed when heme oxygenase was omitted from the assay system; (ii) the rate of degradation of the heme moiety was at least threefold greater with heme oxygenase and NADPH-cytochrome c (P-450) reductase than that observed with reductase alone; and (iii) the presence of Zn- or Sn-protoporphyrins (2 microM), known competitive inhibitors of heme oxygenase, resulted in 70-90% inhibition of bilirubin formation.  相似文献   
The triaryl bis-sulfone 1 was modified by converting the aryl A-ring to a piperidine ring. The piperidine ring was further elaborated to a spirocyclopropyl piperidine moiety. The effect on CB2 binding potency, rat calcium channel affinity, and CYP 2C9 inhibition is described.  相似文献   
Our search for potent cholesterol absorption inhibitors led to the discovery of the β-lactam SCH 48461. Structure activity relationship studies prompted us to this study of γ-lactams, ring homologs of β-lactam SCH 48461, to determine their potential as cholesterol absorption inhibitors. The results indicate that the γ-lactams have moderate cholesterol absorption inhibitory properties.  相似文献   
The median lethal time (LT 50) at any one initial nominal concentration of PCP tested (1.0–4.0 mg · l-1), for example 3.0 mg · l-1, is found to be longest for Tilapia mossambica (175 minutes), followed by Cyprinus carpio (50 minutes) and Rhinomugil corsula (31 minutes) suggesting that the difference in resistance (survival) to PCP may be species-specific. When R. corsula was exposed to 0.1 and 0.133 mg · l-1 PCP, the standard metabolic rate was elevated by 37 and 45% respectively at 30 °C, when compared to control fish (112 mg kg-1 hr-1). In carp, the metabolic rate showed an increase to begin with, but later decreased during the test period (20 days), but the random (spontaneous) activity was seen to slope down as the number of exposure days increased. During exercise (35 cm s-1) the rate of oxygen consumption in the control and PCP treated Tilapia decreased with the duration of exercise (5 h), but the metabolic rate in the treated fish increased considerably.  相似文献   
We report the identification of an NADH-dependent haem-degrading system in ox heart mitochondria. The activity was localized to the mitochondrial inner membrane, specifically associated with complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase). The mitochondrial NADH-dependent haem-degradation activity was highly effective and displayed a rate nearly 60% higher than that of the microsomal activity. The following observations suggested the enzymic nature of the activity: (i) haem degradation by complex I did not proceed upon exposure to elevated temperature and extremes of pH; (ii) it displayed substrate specificity; (iii) it was inhibited by a substrate analogue; and (iv) it showed a cofactor requirement. Moreover, the activity was distinctly different from the ascorbate-mediated haem-degradation activity. Also, complex I differed from the microsomal NADPH:cytochrome c (P-450) reductase inasmuch as the formation of an effective interaction with the microsomal haem oxygenase could not be detected. Addition of purified haem oxygenase to complex I neither influenced the rate of haem degradation nor resulted in the formation of biliverdin IX alpha. In contrast, addition of haem oxygenase to NADPH:cytochrome c (P-450) reductase enhanced the rate of haem degradation by nearly 8-fold, and more than 60% of the degraded haem could be accounted for as biliverdin IX alpha. The haem-degrading activity of complex I appeared to involve the activity of H2O2, as the reaction was inhibited by nearly 90% by catalase, and propentdyopents were detected as reaction products. Intact haemoproteins such as cytochrome c and myoglobin were not effective substrates. However, the haem undecapeptide of cytochrome c was degraded at a rate equal to that observed for haem. Haematohaem was degraded at a rate 50% lower than that observed for haem. It is suggested that the NADH-dependent haem-degradation system may have a biological role in the regulation of the concentration of respiratory haemoproteins and the disposition of the aberrant forms of the mitochondrial haemoproteins.  相似文献   
Transformed calli and shoots of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. Redcoat were obtained using Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying plasmid pB1121. Inoculated leaf explants produced transgenic calli at a frequency of 3% on selection medium containing 50 g/ml kanamycin. Twenty per cent of selected caili regenerated, giving rise to transgenic shoots. All transgenic calli and shoots expressed substantial amounts of GUS and NPT-II activity. The Southern blot analysis confirmed the insertion of both marker genes into the strawberry genome as single and multiple copy inserts. The transgenic shoots elongated on rooting medium in the presence of 25 g/ml kanamycin, but exhibited reduced rooting ability.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NPT-II neomycin phosphotransferase(EC - GUS -glucuronidase(EC - X-GLUC 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-glucuronide - 4-MU 4-methylumbelliferone NRCC No. 31227  相似文献   
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