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An inbred line of the M' strain Muller-5 Birmingham was studied for its abilities to affect P-M hybrid dysgenesis. This strain possesses 57 P elements, all of which are apparently defective in the production of the P transposase. In combination with transposase-producing elements, these nonautonomous elements can enhance or diminish the incidence of hybrid dysgenesis, depending on the trait that is studied. Dysgenic flies that have one or more paternally-derived chromosomes with these elements partially repress the instability of the P element insertion mutation, snw; however, such flies have elevated frequencies of another dysgenic trait, GD sterility, and also show distorted segregation ratios. An explanation is presented in which all of these phenomena are unified as manifestations of the kinetics of P element activation in the germ line. The progeny of Muller-5 Birmingham females exhibit partial repression of both snw instability and GD sterility. This repression appears to involve a factor that can be transmitted maternally through at least two generations. This mode of repression therefore conforms to the pattern of inheritance of the P cytotype, the condition that brings about nearly total repression of P element activity in some strains. Models in which this repression could arise from the nonautonomous P elements of Muller-5 Birmingham are discussed.  相似文献   
Five cladoceran zooplankton species in a Venezuelan floodplainlake, Laguna la Orsinera, were analyzed to identify factorscontrolling their dynamics over a period encompassing isolation,inundation by the Orinoco River and drainage. The abundanceof each species increased rapidly to a maximum associated withflooding of the lake by the Orinoco River. We calculated birth,death and population growth rates, and developed a method forestimating uncertainty in these parameters, in order to interpretobserved cladoceran abundance patterns. Rapid increases in populationsizes resulted both from high birth rates associated with decreasingturbidity following inundation and from the hatching of restingeggs. Birth rates remained high throughout the study, but highdeath rates restricted each population to a brief maximum andthen maintained small population sizes throughout the remainderof the study. Our demographic analyses suggest that high mortalityresulted from intense predation by fish and by Chaoborus larvae,rather than from resource limitation, and that this mortalitywas the major factor regulating cladoceran abundance duringinundation and drainage in this tropical floodplain lake.  相似文献   
We have evaluated eight patients with pigmentary anomalies reminiscent of incontinentia pigmenti or hypomelanosis of Ito. All demonstrated abnormal lymphocyte karyotypes with chromosomal mosaicism in lymphocytes and/or skin fibroblasts. In seven the skin was darkly pigmented, and in all of these seven cases the abnormal pigmentation followed Blaschko lines. The literature contains at least 36 similar examples of an association between pigmentary anomalies and chromosomal mosaicism, as well as five examples of an association with chimerism. The pigmentary anomalies are pleomorphic, and the chromosomal anomalies involve autosomes and sex chromosomes. The pigmentation patterns are reminiscent of the archetypal paradigm seen in allophenic mice and demonstrate the clonal origin of melanoblasts from neural crest precursors. Patients with anomalous skin pigmentation, particularly when it follows a pattern of Blaschko lines, should be appropriately evaluated for a possible association with chromosomal or genetic mosaicism or chimerism.  相似文献   
In vertebrate skeletal muscle, the main part of excitation-contraction coupling occurs at the level of the triad, where membranes of T-system and of junctional SR are facing each other. From place to place, the junctional gap is bridged by "feet" structures which include the SR Ca2+ channel. Half of them are closely apposed to tubular intramembranous structures assumed to be DHP-sensitive voltage-sensors which are similar to tubular Ca2+ channels and act by controlling Ca2+ release from SR. During a twitch, the release of Ca2+ activator from SR is controlled both by voltage-sensors via the feet structures and by a tubular Na+ current via a Na+-induced Ca2+ release mechanism. During long-duration mechanical responses, additional mechanisms are involved: a Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release which can be activated by ICa; the release of Ca2+ from membrane, controlled by the operation of a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and/or new arrangements of surface membrane charges. An IP3-mediated Ca2+ release could be involved too. All these mechanisms can be regulated by intracellular biochemical or ionic processes.  相似文献   
The response of Potamogeton crispus L. breakdown to controlled doses of different levels of chlorine and chlorine + ammonia was investigated over two years in outdoor experimental streams. In 1985, downstream riffles of 2 streams were dosed (observed in-stream concentrations) at ca. 10 μg/L Total Residual Chlorine (TRC), one stream at 64 μg/L TRC and one stream at 230 μg/L TRC. Two control streams were not dosed and the upstream riffles of each stream served as within stream controls. In 1986, the downstream riffle of one stream was dosed at 70 μg/L TRC and a second stream was dosed at 200 μg/L TRC. Four streams were also dosed with 2.5 mg/L NH3-N: one stream with no chlorine, one stream with ca. 10 μg/L TRC, one with 56 μg/L TRC, and one with 150 μg/L TRC. A seventh stream was dosed for 2 h at 2000 μg/L TRC and 2.5 mg/L ammonia and then allowed to recover (recovery stream). Each year, litter decomposition (degree day k values) was measured during two 35 day trials (Jun–Jul and Aug–Sep). In 1985, when streams were dosed with chlorine alone, decomposition was significantly reduced with the high (230 μg/L TRC) chlorine dose. Downstream decomposition was 27% (Jun–Jul) and 59% (Aug–Sep) of the upstream (control) rate. No other chlorine effects were found during this period. In Jun–Jul 1986, there was significantly lower decomposition in the downstream dosed sites of the 200 μg/L TRC alone stream, the 146 μg/L TRC + ammonia stream and the recovery stream; downstream decay rates were (respectively) 56%, 42% and 64% of the upstream control sites. No other up-down pairs were different in July 1986. In Aug–Sep, all three streams with chlorine + ammonia (6, 56 and 146 μg/L TRC + 2,5 mg/L ammonia) and the 70 μg/L TRC alone stream had significantly lower decomposition rates in the downstream dosed sites. For these streams, downstream decay rates ranged from 46% (high chlorine + ammonia) to 73% (low chlorine + ammonia) of the upstream control rates. No other up-down pairs were different during this trial. Up and downstream sites of the stream dosed with 2.5 mg/L ammonia alone were nearly identical for both trials (< 3% difference). These results indicate that TRC at less than 250 μg/L can significantly reduce litter decomposition and strongly suggest that addition of ammonia to chlorinated water can increase the toxic effect of chlorine. currently at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife currently at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife  相似文献   
We have surveyed fibroblast lysates for protein kinases that might be involved in mitogenesis. The assay we have used exploits the ability of blotted, sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured proteins to regain enzymatic activity after guanidine treatment. About 20 electrophoretically distinct protein kinases could be detected by this method in lysates from NIH 3T3 cells. One of the kinases, a 42-kilodalton serine(threonine) kinase (PK42), was found to possess two- to fourfold-higher in vitro activity when isolated from serum-stimulated cells than when isolated from serum-starved cells. This kinase comigrated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels with a protein (p42) whose phosphotyrosine content increased in response to serum stimulation. The time courses of p42 tyrosine phosphorylation and PK42 activation were similar, reaching maximal levels within 10 min and returning to basal levels within 5 h. Both p42 tyrosine phosphorylation and PK42 activation were stimulated by low concentrations of phorbol esters, and the responses of p42 and PK42 to TPA were abolished by chronic 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) treatment. Chronic TPA treatment had less effect on serum-induced p42 tyrosine phosphorylation and PK42 activation. PK42 and p42 bound to DEAE-cellulose, and both eluted at a salt concentration of 250 mM. Thus, PK42 and p42 comigrate and cochromatograph, and the kinase activity of PK42 correlates with the tyrosine phosphorylation of p42. These findings suggest that PK42 and p42 are related or identical, that PK42 is activated by tyrosine phosphorylation, and that this tyrosine phosphorylation can be regulated by protein kinase C.  相似文献   
Summary The mechanism for elevated production of fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) in a Druze patient with °-thalassemia intermedia was investigated. Heterozygous family members exhibited normal Hb F levels, suggesting that the increase in -gene expression in the propositus may be partly due to anemic stress. Erythroid progenitors of these family members cultured in vitro [burst forming units (erythroid); (BFUe)] showed elevated synthesis of Hb F, indicating the existence of a genetically determined intrinsic capacity for high Hb F production in this family. The propositus was found to be homozygous for a IVS2-position 1 mutation, on the background of Mediterranean haplotype I, which is not known to be linked to high Hb F production. Moreover, extensive molecular studies of the -globin gene cluster, including sequence analysis of the promoter regions of the -globin genes, did not reveal any cisacting mechanism that could account for the high Hb F production in the propositus. A young niece of the propositus with °-thalassemia major was recently discovered, who was homozygous for the same -globin allele and haplotype as the propositus. However, unlike her uncle, she does not have a high Hb F level and presents with a severe clinical course. Her inability to produce high Hb F suggests that the genetic determinant for increased -gene expression in the propositus is unlinked to the -globin gene cluster.  相似文献   
The intracellular growth of pathogenic mycobacteria has been linked to the presence of an electron transparent zone (ETZ or capsule), which surrounds the phagocytized bacteria and prevents the diffusion of lysosomal enzymes in infected macrophages. Recently, it was suggested that this capsule may be a bacterial structures, even being present in test tube-grown pathogenic mycobacteria (FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 1988, 56, 225-230). In the present paper, we show that under special fixation and embedding conditions, this capsule was clearly observed among 7 strains of mycobacteria grown in axenic media and also in M. leprae extracted and purified from experimentally infected armadillo or nude mice. In the case of bacteria treated likewise but subject to a prior dehydration step, this capsular structure disappeared suggesting its lipidic nature. Ultrathin sections of M. intracellular after immunolabelling showed for the first time that this capsule obtained mycobacterial antigens confirming its mycobacterial origin. It is suggested that the mycobacterial capsule may be formed of inert lipids, in which surface antigens are embedded.  相似文献   
Acid shock proteins of Escherichia coli   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Synthesis of total cellular proteins of Escherichia coli was studied after transfer of cultures from pH 6.9 to pH 4.3. Proteins induced by such an external pH shift down were identified by mono- and bi-dimensional electrophoresis. 30 to 45 min after an acid shift, a group of at least sixteen polypeptides was markedly induced. Four of these polypeptides corresponded to the well known heat shock proteins GroEL, DnaK, HtpG and HtpM. Their pH induction was RpoH-dependent. Three other pH-induced proteins were previously identified as stress proteins induced either by osmolarity or aerobiosis or low temperature (proteins 32 (defined in this paper), C70.0 and C62.7). Seven other proteins were specifically induced after an acid shift and were called acid shock proteins (ASP). The induction of one of these proteins was RpoH-dependent, whereas that of others was RpoH-independent.  相似文献   
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