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The incorporation of cytidine-containing precursors (CDP-Cho and CDP-Etn) into the main phospholipid classes of cellular fractions enriched in neurons and glial cells from whole rat brains of different ages was examined. The rate of synthesis of choline phosphoglycerides in neuronal homogenates significantly decreased with age up to 18 months; after this time no additional decrease was found. The decrease of CDP-Etn incorporation in neurons was found to be less significantly affected by age up to 18 months, but the enzymic activity decreased after 18 months of age. No changes were found in the corresponding glial activity at any age. Biochemical phenomena that occur in 18-month-old rat brain (aged animals) were compared with phenomena occurring in 2-month-old rat brain (adult animals). No significant variations of lipid composition were found in neurons from either 18-month-old or 2-month-old rat brain. These results, together with some kinetic parameters, suggest that ethanolamine and choline phosphotransferases are affected differently by aging.  相似文献   
This experiment was a feasibility study which consisted in investigating arterial blood pressure and heart rate to transient and repeated exposure to microgravity in eight unrestrained rats previously implanted with radio-telemetry transmitter. The aim was to perform such recordings throughout all the phases of a parabola during parabolic flights. This study revealed that it was possible to collect the radio-signal without any interference with electronic or magnetic environment. We observed in microgravity a significant reduction in heart rate (6%) and a significant increase in arterial blood pressure (7%). In conclusion, such a study seems to be feasible during longer exposure to microgravity (space flight) in order to study the cardiovascular adaptation in rat.  相似文献   
Summary Two different strains, An 1 and An 2, were obtained from root nodules ofAlnus nitida Endl., collected from one locality in the area of its natural habitat near Bahrin, District Swat, Pakistan. The light and electron microscopy of the isolates revealed the occurrence of septate and branched hyphae bearing sporangia and vesicles. The strains differed in their growth requirements, nitrogen-fixing ability and production of extracellular pigments, thus indicating the existence of more than oneFrankia strain in the same locality. In the absence of combined nitrogen in the medium strain An 1 formed vesicles and fixed N2 (up to 200 nmol C2H4. mg protein–1.h–1), while strain An 2 under the experimental conditions formed only few vesicles and fixed N2 at a very low rate (ca 10 nmol C2H4. mg protein–1 .h–1). The nitrogenase activity of strain An 1 was strongly affected by the O2 concentration.Frankia An 1 and An 2 were infective and effective onA. nitida andA. glutinosa but not onDatisca cannabina andElaeagnus umbellata. Both An 1 and An 2 strains were more infective and effective onA. glutinosa thanFrankia strains AvcIl and CpI1.  相似文献   
Campylobacter species are fastidious to culture, and the ability to directly quantify biomass in microbiologically complex substrates using real-time quantitative (RTQ) PCR may enhance our understanding of their biology and facilitate the development of efficacious mitigation strategies. This study reports the use of nested RTQ-PCR to directly quantify Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter lanienae in cattle feces. For C. jejuni, the single-copy mapA gene was selected. For C. lanienae, the three-copy 16S rRNA gene was targeted. RTQ-PCR primers were tested alone or they were nested with species-specific primers, and amplification products were detected using the intercalating dye SYBR Green. Nesting did not increase the specificity or sensitivity of C. jejuni quantification, and the limit of quantification was 19 to 25 genome copies (≈3 × 103 CFU/g of feces). In contrast, nested RTQ-PCR was necessary to confer specificity on C. lanienae by targeting the 16S rRNA gene. The limit of quantification was 1.8 genome copies (≈250 CFU/g of feces), and there was no discernible difference between the two C. lanienae secondary primer sets evaluated. Detection and quantification of C. jejuni in naturally infested cattle feces by RTQ-PCR were comparable to the results of culture-based methods. In contrast, culturing did not detect C. lanienae in 6 of 10 fecal samples positive for the bacterium and substantially underestimated cell densities relative to nested RTQ-PCR. The results of this study illustrate that RTQ-PCR can be used to directly quantify campylobacters, including very fastidious species, in a microbiologically and chemically complex substrate. Furthermore, targeting of a multicopy universal gene provided highly sensitive quantification of C. lanienae, but nested RTQ-PCR was necessary to confer specificity. This method will facilitate subsequent studies to elucidate the impact of this group of bacteria within the gastrointestinal tracts of livestock and studies of the factors that influence colonization success and shedding.  相似文献   
In this paper, we test the hypothesis that male sand crickets, Gryllus firmus, experience a trade-off between flight capability and reproductive potential expressed as reduced testis weight in flight-capable morphs. We used a half-sib design with 130 sires, three dams per sire and an average of 5.66 males per dam family, for a total of 2206 F1 offspring. Traits measured were head width, somatic dry weight, testis weight, wing morph (micropterous/macropterous), weight of the dorso-longitudinal flight muscles (DLM) and the functional status of these muscles. Heritabilities of all traits were significant and ranged from 0.14 to 0.43. All traits were positively correlated with body size, but removal of this covariance revealed a highly significant trade-off, both phenotypically and genetically, between testes size and flight capability as measured by wing morph, DLM size or DLM status. The possible implications of this for morph-specific reproductive tactics are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract The precise molecular mechanism of Staphylococcus aureus β -toxin inactivation by the serotype F triple-converting phage φ42, φA1 and φA3 was investigated. Sequence analysis of the φ42 ( attP ) and Staphylococcus aureus ( attB ) attachment sites and the left ( attL ) and right ( attR ) chromosomal/bacteriophage DNA junctions of individual lysogens, each harbouring a triple-converting phage, revealed the presence of a common 14-bp core sequence in all four sites. These findings indicate that the genomes of the triple-converting phage integrate into the 5'-end of the β-toxin gene ( hlb ) by a site- and orientation-specific mechanism identical to that previously described for the serotype F double-converting phage φ13.  相似文献   
The effect of cations, anions and specific chemical reagents: 1-[3-(dimethylamino) propyl]-3-ethylcarbodiimide methiodide, EDTA, o-phenanthroline, dithiotreitol, L-cysteine, beta-mercaptoethanol, p-chlormercurybenzoate (p-ChMB), N-ethylmaleimide on the activity of alpha-L-rhamnosidase of Eupenicillium erubescens has been investigated. The essential role of Ag+ and Hg2+ which inhibit the alpha-L-rhamnosidase activity by 47-73% has been shown. Whereas L-cysteine exhibits the protective effect, rhamnose in concentration of 1-5 mM does not protect the enzyme from negative effect of Ag+ and Hg2+. Basing on the inhibitory and kinetic analysis it was supposed that the carboxyl group of C-terminal aminoacid and imidazole group of histidine take part in the catalytic action of alpha-L-rhamnosidase. It was assumed that sulphydryl groups took part in catalysis, carried out by alpha-L-rhamnosidase of E. erubescens, since the activity of alpha-L-rhamnosidase inhibited by p-ChMB and thiol reagents such as dithiothreitol, L-cysteine, beta-mercaptoethanol did not remove its inhibitory action.  相似文献   
Island/mainland body size differences in Australian varanid lizards   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Island varanids seem to be an exception to the rule that territorial vertebrate taxa often become gigantic relative to mainland relatives when on islands, whereas non-territorial species become dwarfed (Case 1978). However, no systematic island/mainland studies have examined the empirical size trends in this group of carnivorous lizards. We perform such an analysis for the Australian region and critically evaluate various selective agents that might be responsible for size changes in several island populations. Insular gigantism occurs at least four times among the island populations examined. The magnitude of size change is positively correlated to prey abundance on the islands (as indirectly measured through a condition index of the lizards, essentially a measure of how fat they arc) and the size of prey: islands with large prey have large varanids and vice versa. Since the island population with the largest size change, the Reevesby Varanus rosenbergi, was introduced less than 100 years ago, these size changes can be quite rapid. This might indicate that selective coefficients are strong; however, we can not exclude the possibility that these size differences have no genetic component and simply reflect environmental differences in growth rate and shifts in age structure between island and mainland locations.  相似文献   
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