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The yeast mitochondrial outer membrane contains a major 70 kd protein with an amino-terminal hydrophobic membrane anchor and a hydrophilic 60 kd domain exposed to the cytosol. We now show that this protein (which we term MAS70) accelerates the mitochondrial import of many (but not all) precursor proteins. Anti-MAS70 IgGs or removal of MAS70 from the mitochondria by either mild trypsin treatment or by disrupting the nuclear MAS70 gene inhibits import of the F1-ATPase beta-subunit, the ADP/ATP translocator, and of several other precursors into isolated mitochondria by up to 75%, but has little effect on the import of porin. Intact cells of a mas70 null mutant import the F1-ATPase alpha-subunit and beta-subunits, cytochrome c1 and other precursors at least several fold more slowly than wild-type cells. Removal of MAS70 from wild-type mitochondria inhibits binding of the ADP/ATP translocator to the mitochondrial surface, indicating that MAS70 mediates one of the earliest import steps. Several precursors are thus imported by a pathway in which MAS70 functions as a receptor-like component. MAS70 is not essential for import of these precursors, but only accelerates this process.  相似文献   
Levels of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor expression vary widely among cell lines derived clonally from a chemically transformed population of rat liver epithelial cells. Retinoic acid (RA), a derivative of vitamin A that stimulates differentiation in a number of embryonal cell lines, increases the level of 125I-EGF binding in several clones of the transformed cell lines. One such cell line, GP6ac, which reverts to a less transformed phenotype when treated with RA, exhibited a 3-4-fold increase in surface EGF receptors with prolonged (2-5-day) RA exposure. The increase persisted as long as the cells were treated with RA. The increase in surface EGF receptors was due to induction of receptor biosynthesis, which occurred within 4 h at both the mRNA and protein levels and persisted until the RA was withdrawn. Paradoxically, the RA response was accompanied by an initial 40-50% decrease in 125I-EGF binding during the first 12 h of RA treatment. The decrease was due primarily to a reduction of receptor affinity. Since the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate also decreases 125I-EGF binding and increases EGF receptor biosynthesis in GP6ac cells, we tested the effect of RA in cells depleted of protein kinase C by prolonged treatment (18 h) with 10 microM 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. The absence of protein kinase C did not affect the induction of receptor mRNA and protein or the decrease in binding during the early period of RA exposure. This indicates that RA induction of EGF receptor synthesis in GP6ac cells involves signaling pathways distinct from those utilized by phorbol esters.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that 10-propargylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione (PED) functioned as an irreversible inhibitor of rat ovarian aromatase in vitro. These studies were undertaken to examine the in vivo effects of PED on rat ovarian aromatase activity and estrogen production. In the current experiments, a single injection of PED (0.5 or 2.5 mg/kg) was found to maximally inhibit aromatase at 3 h regardless of dose. Significant inhibition of enzyme activity by PED was observed beyond 18 h, although some recovery was noted at the lower dose (0.5 mg/kg). Concomitantly, ovarian estrogen levels were also maximally reduced at 3 h, however ovarian estrogen levels returned toward control values prior to the recovery in enzyme activity. Even though significant inhibition of enzyme activity was observed at 12 h following a single injection of PED, the effect of double injections of the inhibitor at 12 h intervals was surprisingly not cumulative. Similarly, continued multiple injections of PED revealed significant inhibition of enzyme activity and estrogen production several hours after the injection, but variations in effectiveness were observed by 12 h which changed in accordance with a circannual cycle in aromatase. Apparently other factors are involved with maintaining aromatase levels and compensating for reduced enzyme activity. These mechanisms are evidenced by a continuation of the rat reproductive cycle with prolonged PED administration and a reduced influence of PED in regard to enzyme inhibition at certain times of the year. Despite these variations in the duration of action of PED, no comparable changes were observed in effectiveness as an anti-tumor agent. These results suggest that complex mechanisms exist which regulate the activity of aromatase in order to maintain estrogen production. Further research using compounds such as PED may assist in elucidating the factors that modulate ovarian estrogen production.  相似文献   
Airborne particles and ammonia were monitored in horse stalls managed under four conditions. Two ventilation rates, high (27 air changes per h) and low (5 air changes per h) and two bedding types, paper and straw, were employed. At both ventilation rates, the number of airborne particles generated while the stalls were mucked out was higher with straw than with paper. Particles were more efficiently cleared at the higher ventilation rate in both the straw and paper stalls. Ammonia measurements reflected an accumulation over time. In the stalls with low ventilation, ammonia levels were significantly higher than in those stalls with high ventilation regardless of bedding type. Management decisions and their relationships to respiratory disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
We have used measurements of fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) to compare chlorosome-membrane preparations derived from the green filamentous bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus grown in continuous culture at two different light-intensities. The cells grown under low light (6 mol m–2 s–1) had a higher ratio of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c to BChl a than cells grown at a tenfold higher light intensity; the high-light-grown cells had much more carotenoid per bacteriochlorophyll.The anisotropy of the QY band of BChl c was calculated from steady-state fluorescence excitation and emission spectra with polarized light. The results showed that the BChl c in the chlorosomes derived from cells grown under high light has a higher structural order than BChl c in chlorosomes from low-light-grown cells. In the central part of the BChl c fluorescence emission band, the average angles between the transition dipole moments for BChl c molecules and the symmetry axis of the chlorosome rod element were estimated as 25° and 17° in chlorosomes obtained from the low- and high-light-grown cells, respectively.This difference in BChl organization was confirmed by the decay associated spectra of the two samples obtained using picosecond single-photon-counting experiments and global analysis of the fluorescence decays. The shortest decay component obtained, which probably represents energy-transfer from the chlorosome bacteriochlorophylls to the BChl a in the baseplate, was 15 ps in the chlorosomes from high-light-grown cell but only 7 ps in the preparation from low-light grown cells. The CD spectra of the two preparations were very different: chlorosomes from low-light-grown cells had a type II spectrum, while those from high-light-grown cells was of type I (Griebenow et al. (1991) Biochim Biophys Acta 1058: 194–202). The different shapes of the CD spectra confirm the existence of a qualitatively different organization of the BChl c in the two types of chlorosome.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - CD circular dichroism - DAS decay associated spectrum - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
Polyamines in normal and auxin-induced strawberry fruit development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The possible involvement of polyamines during strawberry ( Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) fruit development was investigated. Putrescine, spermidine, and spermine were identified in strawberry receptacles and achenes at all stages of development. Total (free) polyamine levels decreased from a maximum of 485 nmol g−1 fresh weight at pollination to a minimum of 55 nmol g−1 fresh weight in ripe receptacles. Total polyamine concentrations during corresponding stages of development were consistently higher in achenes than in receptacles, and ranged from 891 to 203 nmol g−1 fresh weight. Removal of achenes from the surface of developing receptacles 10 days after pollination reduced receptacle growth, and re-initiation of growth by application of 1 m M α-naphtaleneacetic acid (α-NAA) was accompanied by a rapid increase in polyamine concentrations 24 h after treatment. Polyamine content per receptacle increased >3-fold in normally developing receptacles and in de-achened, auxin-treated receptacles 10 days after removal of achenes, but did not increase during this period in de-achened receptacles not treated with exogenous auxin. α-NAA increased growth and polyamine levels to a greater extent than the structurally related, but less effective auxin, β-NAA. Polyamine concentrations in receptacles with intact achenes remained similar to those of auxin depleted (de-achened) receptacles, implying that the concentration of these compounds may not be limiting following achene removal.  相似文献   
Filamentous bacteria isolated from surface-sterilized nodules of Casuarina equisetifolia trees in México were capable of reducing acetylene, a diagnostic test for nitrogenase, but were unable to nodulate their host. Analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences suggests that the Mexican isolates are not Frankia strains but members of a novel clade.  相似文献   
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