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The evolution of biosynthetic pathways is difficult to reconstruct in hindsight; however, the structures of the enzymes that are involved may provide insight into their development. One enzyme in the cobalamin biosynthetic pathway that appears to have evolved from a protein with different function is L-threonine-O-3-phosphate decarboxylase (CobD) from Salmonella enterica, which is structurally similar to histidinol phosphate aminotransferase [Cheong, C. G., Bauer, C. B., Brushaber, K. R., Escalante-Semerena, J. C., and Rayment, I. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 4798-4808]. This enzyme is responsible for synthesizing (R)-1-amino-2-propanol phosphate which is the precursor for the linkage between the nucleotide loop and the corrin ring in cobalamin. To understand the relationship between this decarboxylase and the aspartate aminotransferase family to which it belongs, the structures of CobD in its apo state, the apo state complexed with the substrate, and its product external aldimine complex have been determined at 1.46, 1.8, and 1.8 A resolution, respectively. These structures show that the enzyme steers the breakdown of the external aldimine toward decarboxylation instead of amino transfer by positioning the carboxylate moiety of the substrate out of the plane of the pyridoxal ring and by placing the alpha-hydrogen out of reach of the catalytic base provided by the lysine that forms the internal aldimine. It would appear that CobD evolved from a primordial PLP-dependent aminotransferase, where the selection was based on similarities between the stereochemical properties of the substrates rather than preservation of the fate of the external aldimine. These structures provide a sequence signature for distinguishing between L-threonine-O-3-phosphate decarboxylase and histidinol phosphate aminotransferases, many of which appear to have been misannotated.  相似文献   
The X-ray structures of the ligand free (apo) and the Mg(2+)*o-succinylbenzoate (OSB) product complex of o-succinylbenzoate synthase (OSBS) from Escherichia coli have been solved to 1.65 and 1.77 A resolution, respectively. The structure of apo OSBS was solved by multiple isomorphous replacement in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1); the structure of the complex with Mg(2+)*OSB was solved by molecular replacement in space group P2(1)2(1)2. The two domain fold found for OSBS is similar to those found for other members of the enolase superfamily: a mixed alpha/beta capping domain formed from segments at the N- and C-termini of the polypeptide and a larger (beta/alpha)(7)beta barrel domain. Two regions of disorder were found in the structure of apo OSBS: (i) the loop between the first two beta-strands in the alpha/beta domain; and (ii) the first sheet-helix pair in the barrel domain. These regions are ordered in the product complex with Mg(2+)*OSB. As expected, the Mg(2+)*OSB pair is bound at the C-terminal end of the barrel domain. The electron density for the phenyl succinate component of the product is well-defined; however, the 1-carboxylate appears to adopt multiple conformations. The metal is octahedrally coordinated by Asp(161), Glu(190), and Asp(213), two water molecules, and one oxygen of the benzoate carboxylate group of OSB. The loop between the first two beta-strands in the alpha/beta motif interacts with the aromatic ring of OSB. Lys(133) and Lys(235) are positioned to function as acid/base catalysts in the dehydration reaction. Few hydrogen bonding or electrostatic interactions are involved in the binding of OSB to the active site; instead, most of the interactions between OSB and the protein are either indirect via water molecules or via hydrophobic interactions. As a result, evolution of both the shape and the volume of the active site should be subject to few structural constraints. This would provide a structural strategy for the evolution of new catalytic activities in homologues of OSBS and a likely explanation for how the OSBS from Amycolaptosis also can catalyze the racemization of N-acylamino acids [Palmer, D. R., Garrett, J. B., Sharma, V., Meganathan, R., Babbitt, P. C., and Gerlt, J. A. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 4252-4258].  相似文献   
CobU is a bifunctional enzyme involved in adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B(12)) biosynthesis in Salmonella typhimurium LT2. In this bacterium, CobU is the adenosylcobinamide kinase/adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase needed to convert cobinamide to adenosylcobinamide-GDP during the late steps of adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis. The guanylyltransferase reaction has been proposed to proceed via a covalently modified CobU-GMP intermediate. Here we show that CobU requires a nucleoside upper ligand on cobinamide for substrate recognition, with the nucleoside base, but not the 2'-OH group of the ribose, being important for this recognition. During the kinase reaction, both the nucleotide base and the 2'-OH group of the ribose are important for gamma-phosphate donor recognition, and GTP is the only nucleotide competent for the complete nucleotidyltransferase reaction. Analysis of the ATP:adenosylcobinamide kinase reaction shows CobU becomes less active during this reaction due to the formation of a covalent CobU-AMP complex that holds CobU in an altered conformation. Characterization of the GTP:adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase reaction shows the covalent CobU-GMP intermediate is on the reaction pathway for the generation of adenosylcobinamide-GDP. Identification of a modified histidine and analysis of cobU mutants indicate that histidine 46 is the site of guanylylation.  相似文献   
Scanning near-field optical microscopy can provide images with a resolution less than the wavelength of light, and therefore ought in principle to be of great value in studies of biological structures. In this work we show how for the first time images have been obtained of tobacco mosaic virus particles at 60-nm resolution, combined with chemical imaging using monoclonal antibodies under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   
Summary : FT is a tool written in C++, which implements the Fourier analysis method to locate periodicities in aminoacid or DNA sequences. It is provided for free public use on a WWW server with a Java interface. Availability : The server address is http://o2.db. uoa.gr/FT Contact : shamodr@atlas.uoa.gr   相似文献   


Pseudorabies virus (PRV) is an alphaherpesviruses whose native host is pig. PRV infection mainly causes signs of central nervous system disorder in young pigs, and respiratory system diseases in the adult.  相似文献   
In a variety of tumour systems, individuals carrying progressively growing neoplasms have lymphoid cells with a specific cytotoxic effect on cultured tumour cells from the same individual1–4. Since the sera of tumour-bearing individuals have been shown to prevent tumour cell destruction by immune lymphocytes in vitro2,5–8 and since this serum blocking activity appears early in primary and transplant tumour development5,7, it has been suggested that the appearance of this serum blocking activity might be responsible for the progressive growth of tumours in individuals having cytotoxic lymphocytes. Counteraction of this blocking activity would thus be of primary importance in facilitating the function of an already existing or bolstered cell-mediated immunity. The serum blocking activity might be inhibited in various ways, by preventing the formation of blocking antibody or by interfering with its action (“unblocking”), as demonstrated in Moloney sarcoma regressor sera9. This type of serum also has a therapeutic effect on Moloney sarcomas in vivo10,11, which has been tentatively attributed to its unblocking activity8,9 or, possibly, to a complement-dependent cytotoxicity10. Tumour growth in the Moloney sarcoma system, however, might be due in part to continuous recruitment of neoplastic cells by virus-induced transformation and so the therapeutic effect could be due to a virus-neutralizing serum activity9,10.  相似文献   
The prpB gene of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 encodes a protein with 2-methylisocitrate (2-MIC) lyase activity, which cleaves 2-MIC into pyruvate and succinate during the conversion of propionate to pyruvate via the 2-methylcitric acid cycle. This paper reports the isolation and kinetic characterization of wild-type and five mutant PrpB proteins. Wild-type PrpB protein had a molecular mass of approximately 32 kDa per subunit, and the biologically active enzyme was comprised of four subunits. Optimal 2-MIC lyase activity was measured at pH 7.5 and 50 degrees C, and the reaction required Mg(2+) ions; equimolar concentrations of Mn(2+) ions were a poor substitute for Mg(2+) (28% specific activity). Dithiothreitol (DTT) or reduced glutathione (GSH) was required for optimal activity; the role of DTT or GSH was apparently not to reduce disulfide bonds, since the disulfide-specific reducing agent Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride failed to substitute for DTT or GSH. The K(m) of PrpB for 2-MIC was measured at 19 micro M, with a k(cat) of 105 s(-1). Mutations in the prpB gene were introduced by site-directed mutagenesis based on the active-site residues deemed important for catalysis in the closely related phosphoenolpyruvate mutase and isocitrate lyase enzymes. Residues D58, K121, C123, and H125 of PrpB were changed to alanine, and residue R122 was changed to lysine. Nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that all mutant PrpB proteins retained the same oligomeric state of the wild-type enzyme, which is known to form tetramers. The PrpB(K121A), PrpB(H125A), and PrpB(R122K) mutant proteins formed enzymes that had 1,050-, 750-, and 2-fold decreases in k(cat) for 2-MIC lyase activity, respectively. The PrpB(D58A) and PrpB(C123A) proteins formed tetramers that displayed no detectable 2-MIC lyase activity indicating that both of these residues are essential for catalysis. Based on the proposed mechanism of the closely related isocitrate lyases, PrpB residue C123 is proposed to serve as the active site base, and residue D58 is critical for the coordination of a required Mg(2+) ion.  相似文献   
Insecticyanin, a blue biliprotein from the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, has been crystallized in a form suitable for a high resolution x-ray analysis. The crystals grow by vapor diffusion against solutions of polyethylene glycol 8000 at pH 5.5. They belong to the space group P4(1)2(1)2 or P4(3)2(1)2 with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 115.0 A; c = 71.1 A. Insecticyanin is believed to be a tetramer in solution; there are two subunits per asymmetric unit. The crystals diffract to at least 2.2 A resolution and appear reasonably resistant to radiation damage.  相似文献   
In bacteria, the dehydration of 2-methylcitrate to yield 2-methylaconitate in the 2-methylcitric acid cycle is catalyzed by a cofactor-less (PrpD) enzyme or by an aconitase-like (AcnD) enzyme. Bacteria that use AcnD also require the function of the PrpF protein, whose function was previously unknown. To gain insights into the function of PrpF, the three-dimensional crystal structure of the PrpF protein from the bacterium Shewanella oneidensis was solved at 2.0 A resolution. The protein fold of PrpF is strikingly similar to those of the non-PLP-dependent diaminopimelate epimerase from Haemophilus influenzae, a putative proline racemase from Brucella melitensis, and to a recently deposited structure of a hypothetical protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Results from in vitro studies show that PrpF isomerizes trans-aconitate to cis-aconitate. It is proposed that PrpF catalysis of the cis-trans isomerization proceeds through a base-catalyzed proton abstraction coupled with a rotation about C2-C3 bond of 2-methylaconitate, and that residue Lys73 is critical for PrpF function. The newly identified function of PrpF as a non-PLP-dependent isomerase, together with the fact that PrpD-containing bacteria do not require PrpF, suggest that the isomer of 2-methylaconitate that serves as a substrate of aconitase must have the same stereochemistry as that synthesized by PrpD. From this, it follows that the 2-methylaconitate isomer generated by AcnD is not a substrate of aconitase, and that PrpF is required to generate the correct isomer. As a consequence, the isomerase activity of PrpF may now be viewed as an integral part of the 2-methylcitric acid cycle.  相似文献   
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