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Fifteen ovariectomized ewes were treated with implants (s.c.) creating circulating luteal progesterone concentrations of 1.6 +/- 0.1 ng ml-1 serum. Ten days later, progesterone implants were removed from five ewes which were then infused with saline for 64 h (0.154 mol NaCl l-1, 20 ml h-1, i.v.). Ewes with progesterone implants remaining were infused with saline (n = 5) or naloxone (0.5 mg kg-1 h-1, n = 5) in saline for 64 h. At 36 h of infusion, all ewes were injected with oestradiol (20 micrograms in 1 ml groundnut oil, i.m.). During the first 36 h of infusion, serum luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were similar in ewes infused with saline after progesterone withdrawal and ewes infused with naloxone, but with progesterone implants remaining (1.23 +/- 0.11 and 1.28 +/- 0.23 ng ml-1 serum, respectively, mean +/- SEM, P greater than 0.05). These values exceeded circulating LH concentrations during the first 36 h of saline infusion of ewes with progesterone implants remaining (0.59 +/- 0.09 ng ml-1 serum, P less than 0.05). The data suggested that progesterone suppression of tonic LH secretion, before oestradiol injection, was completely antagonized by naloxone. After oestradiol injection, circulating LH concentrations decreased for about 10 h in ewes of all groups. A surge in circulating LH concentrations peaked 24 h after oestradiol injection in ewes infused with saline after progesterone withdrawal (8.16 +/- 3.18 ng LH ml-1 serum).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Transrectal ultrasonography of ovaries was performed each day in non-prolific Western white-faced (n = 12) and prolific Finn ewes (n = 7), during one oestrous cycle in the middle portion of the breeding season (October-December), to record the number and size of all follicles > or = 3 mm in diameter. Blood samples collected once a day were analysed by radioimmunoassay for concentrations of LH, FSH and oestradiol. A cycle-detection computer program was used to identify transient increases in concentrations of FSH and oestradiol in individual ewes. Follicular and hormonal data were then analysed for associations between different stages of the lifespan of the largest follicles of follicular waves, and detected fluctuations in serum concentrations of FSH and oestradiol. A follicular wave was defined as a follicle or a group of follicles that began to grow from 3 to > or = 5 mm in diameter within a 48 h period. An average of four follicular waves per ewe emerged during the interovulatory interval in both breeds of sheep studied. The last follicular wave of the oestrous cycle contained ovulatory follicles in all ewes, and the penultimate wave contained ovulatory follicles in 10% of white-faced ewes but in 57% of Finn ewes. Transient increases in serum concentrations of FSH were detected in all animals and concentrations reached peak values on days that approximated to follicle wave emergence. Follicular wave emergence was associated with the onset of transient increases in serum concentrations of oestradiol, and the end of the growth phase of the largest follicles (> or = 5 mm in diameter) was associated with peak serum concentrations of oestradiol. Serum FSH concentrations were higher in Finn than in Western white-faced ewes during the follicular phase of the cycle (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in serum concentrations of LH between Western white-faced and Finn ewes (P > 0.05). Mean serum concentrations of oestradiol were higher in Finn compared with Western white-faced ewes (P < 0.01). It was concluded that follicular waves (follicles growing from 3 to > or = 5 mm in diameter) occurred in both prolific and non-prolific genotypes of ewes and were closely associated with increased secretion of FSH and oestradiol. The increased ovulation rate in prolific Finn ewes appeared to be due primarily to an extended period of ovulatory follicle recruitment.  相似文献   
Making use of troponin with fluorescently labeled troponin I subunit (N-((2-(iodoacetoxy)ethyl)-N-methyl)amino-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1, 3-diazole-troponin I, IANBD-TnI) that had previously been described in solution studies as a probe for thin filament activation (. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 77:7209-7213), we present a new approach that allows the kinetics of thin filament activation to be studied in skinned muscle fibers. After the exchange of native troponin for fluorescently labeled troponin, the fluorescence intensity is sensitive to both changes in calcium concentration and actin attachment of cross-bridges in their strong binding states (. Biophys. J. 77:000-000). Imposing rapid changes in the fraction of strongly attached cross-bridges, e.g., by switching from isometric contraction to high-speed shortening, causes changes in thin filament activation at fixed Ca(2+) concentrations that can be followed by recording fluorescence intensity. Upon changing to high-speed shortening we observed small (<20%) changes in fluorescence that became faster at higher Ca(2+) concentrations. At all Ca(2+) concentrations, these changes are more than 10-fold faster than force redevelopment subsequent to the period of unloaded shortening. We interpret this as an indication that equilibration among different states of the thin filament is rapid and becomes faster as Ca(2+) is raised. Fast equilibration suggests that the rate constant of force redevelopment is not limited by changes in the activation level of thin filaments induced by the isotonic contraction before force redevelopment. Instead, our modeling shows that, in agreement with our previous proposal for the regulation of muscle contraction, a rapid and Ca(2+)-dependent equilibration among different states of the thin filament can fully account for the Ca(2+) dependence of force redevelopment and the fluorescence changes described in this study.  相似文献   
Analysis of growth and division often involves measurements made on cell populations, which tend to average data. The value of single cell analysis needs to be appreciated, and models based on findings from single cells should be taken into greater consideration in our understanding of the way in which cell size and division are co-ordinated. Examples are given of some single cell analyses in mammalian cells, yeast and other microorganisms. There is also a short discussion on how far the results are in accord with simple models.  相似文献   
Three categories of precursor cells have been identified in postnatal mammals: tissue-committed progenitor cells, germ layer lineage-committed stem cells and lineage-uncommitted pluripotent stem cells. Progenitor cells are the immediate precursors of differentiated tissues. Germ layer lineage stem cells can be induced to form multiple cell types belonging to their respective ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal embryological lineages. Pluripotent stem cells will form somatic cell types from all three primary germ layer lineages. Progenitor cells demonstrate a finite life span before replicative senescence and cell death occur. Both germ layer lineage stem cells and pluripotent stem cells are telomerase positive and display extensive capabilities for self-renewal. Stem cells which undergo such extensive replication have the potential for undergoing mutations that may subsequently alter cellular functions. Gross mutations in the genome may be visualized as chromosomal aneuploidy and/or chromosomes that appear aberrant. This study was designed to determine whether any gross genomic mutations occurred within the adult pluripotent stem cells. Karyotypic analysis was performed using pluripotent stem cells purified from adult male rats using established procedures. Giemsa Banding was used in conjunction with light microscopy to visualize metaphase chromosome spreads. To date over 800 metaphase spreads have been analyzed. We found that the metaphase spreads averaged 42 chromosomes and concluded that these pluripotent stem cells isolated from adult rats have a normal karyotype.  相似文献   
It was suggested that an early increase in gonadotrophin secretion in calves aged between 6 and 24 weeks might be critical for initiating developmental changes culminating in puberty. An early rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) release appears to be caused by an increase in LH pulse frequency in bull calves and by an increase in LH pulse amplitude in heifer calves. Previously we have found differences in the characteristics of the LH rise between prepubertal beef calves born in spring or fall; however, age at puberty was not affected by season of birth. Here we report the LH/FSH secretory patterns in prepubertal bull and heifer calves (Hereford x Charolais), born in March or April, respectively (i.e., early or late during the spring calving season; six animals of each sex born at each time). The bull calves of both groups reached puberty (defined as an attainment of scrotal circumference of >or=28 cm) at 43.2+/-1.3 weeks of age (P>0.05). Age at puberty for March- and April-born heifer calves (defined as the age at which serum progesterone concentrations first exceeded 0.4 ng/ml) averaged 56.0+/-1.4 weeks (P>0.05). Based on blood samples taken weekly from birth to 26 weeks of age, and then every other week until puberty, bull calves born in March exceeded April-born bull calves in mean serum LH concentrations at 6, 10 and 12 weeks of age (P<0.05). Mean FSH concentrations were greater (P<0.05) in March-born compared to April-born bull calves from 34 to 32 weeks before puberty. Mean serum LH (at 40, 42 and 56 weeks) and FSH concentrations (at 2, 10, 20, 22-26, 30 and 56 weeks of age) were greater (P<0.05) in heifer calves born in April than March. On the basis of frequent blood sampling (every 12 min for 10 h), heifer calves born in April exceeded March-born animals in mean LH and FSH concentrations, at 5 and 25 weeks, and LH pulse frequency, at 5, 10 and 25 weeks of age (P<0.05). None of the parameters of LH secretion (i.e., mean concentrations of LH, LH pulse frequency and amplitude based on frequent blood collection) differed between March- and April-born bull calves in this study (P>0.05). In summary, March-born bull calves had greater mean serum LH and FSH concentrations prior to 24 weeks of age than April-born calves. April-born heifer calves had greater mean serum concentrations of LH and FSH but this difference was not confined to the early postnatal period. Although there were significant differences in absolute amounts of LH secreted, there were no differences in the frequency of LH secretory pulses amongst March- and April-born bull calves and no differences in LH pulse amplitude in heifer calves born in March or April. As these particular parameters of LH secretion, as well as age at puberty, are not affected by the time or season of birth, they may be primary hormonal cues governing sexual development in bulls and heifers, respectively.  相似文献   
Defects in Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) are responsible for X chromosome-linked agammaglobulinemia in patients. Mutations in each of the structural domains of Btk have been detected in patients, yet a mechanistic explanation for most of these mutant phenotypes is lacking. To understand the possible role of the unique pleckstrin homology and Tec homology (PHTH) module of Btk, we have compared the enzymatic properties of full-length Btk and a Btk mutant lacking the PHTH module (BtkDeltaPHTH). Here we show that Btk and BtkDeltaPHTH have similar basal catalytic activity but very different abilities to recognize protein substrates. Furthermore, the catalytic domain of Btk is inactive, in contrast to the catalytic domain of the prototypical Src tyrosine kinase that retains full catalytic ability. These data suggest that the PHTH module plays an important role in protein substrate recognition, that Btk and Src likely have different interdomain organizations and regulations, and that alterations in substrate recognition might play a role in X chromosome-linked agammaglobulinemia.  相似文献   


A new sequence independent bioinformatics approach allowing genome-wide search for proteins with similar three dimensional structures has been developed. By utilizing the numerical output of the sequence threading it establishes putative non-obvious structural similarities between proteins. When applied to the testing set of proteins with known three dimensional structures the developed approach was able to recognize structurally similar proteins with high accuracy.


The method has been developed to identify pathogenic proteins with low sequence identity and high structural similarity to host analogues. Such protein structure relationships would be hypothesized to arise through convergent evolution or through ancient horizontal gene transfer events, now undetectable using current sequence alignment techniques. The pathogen proteins, which could mimic or interfere with host activities, would represent candidate virulence factors.The developed approach utilizes the numerical outputs from the sequence-structure threading. It identifies the potential structural similarity between a pair of proteins by correlating the threading scores of the corresponding two primary sequences against the library of the standard folds. This approach allowed up to 64% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity in distinguishing protein pairs with high structural similarity.


Preliminary results obtained by comparison of the genomes of Homo sapiens and several strains of Chlamydia trachomatis have demonstrated the potential usefulness of the method in the identification of bacterial proteins with known or potential roles in virulence.
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