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Ribitol dehydrogenase from Zymomonas mobilis (ZmRDH) catalyzes the conversion of ribitol to d-ribulose and concomitantly reduces NAD(P)(+) to NAD(P)H. A systematic approach involving an initial sequence alignment-based residue screening, followed by a homology model-based screening and site-directed mutagenesis of the screened residues, was used to study the molecular determinants of the cofactor specificity of ZmRDH. A homologous conserved amino acid, Ser156, in the substrate-binding pocket of the wild-type ZmRDH was identified as an important residue affecting the cofactor specificity of ZmRDH. Further insights into the function of the Ser156 residue were obtained by substituting it with other hydrophobic nonpolar or polar amino acids. Substituting Ser156 with the negatively charged amino acids (Asp and Glu) altered the cofactor specificity of ZmRDH toward NAD(+) (S156D, [k(cat)/K(m)(,NAD)]/[k(cat)/K(m)(,NADP)] = 10.9, where K(m)(,NAD) is the K(m) for NAD(+) and K(m)(,NADP) is the K(m) for NADP(+)). In contrast, the mutants containing positively charged amino acids (His, Lys, or Arg) at position 156 showed a higher efficiency with NADP(+) as the cofactor (S156H, [k(cat)/K(m)(,NAD)]/[k(cat)/K(m)(,NADP)] = 0.11). These data, in addition to those of molecular dynamics and isothermal titration calorimetry studies, suggest that the cofactor specificity of ZmRDH can be modulated by manipulating the amino acid residue at position 156.  相似文献   
Acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia at high altitude is reported to cause sympathetic dominance that may contribute to the pathophysiology of high altitude illnesses. The effect of prolonged stay at high altitude on autonomic functions, however, remains to be explored. Thus, the present study aimed at investigating the effect of high altitude on autonomic neural control of cardiovascular responses by monitoring heart rate variability (HRV) during chronic hypobaric hypoxia. Baseline electrocardiography (ECG) data was acquired from the volunteers at mean sea level (MSL) (<250 m) in Rajasthan. Following induction of the study population to high altitude (4500–4800 m) in Ladakh region, ECG data was acquired from the volunteers after 6 months (ALL 6) and 18 months of induction (ALL 18). Out of 159 volunteers who underwent complete investigation during acquisition of baseline data, we have only included the data of 104 volunteers who constantly stayed at high altitude for 18 months to complete the final follow up after 18 months. HRV parameters, physiological indices and biochemical changes in serum were investigated. Our results show sympathetic hyperactivation along with compromise in parasympathetic activity in ALL 6 and ALL 18 when compared to baseline data. Reduction of sympathetic activity and increased parasympathetic response was however observed in ALL 18 when compared to ALL 6. Our findings suggest that autonomic response is regulated by two distinct mechanisms in the ALL 6 and ALL 18. While the autonomic alterations in the ALL 6 group could be attributed to increased sympathetic activity resulting from increased plasma catecholamine concentration, the sympathetic activity in ALL 18 group is associated with increased concentration of serum coronary risk factors and elevated homocysteine. These findings have important clinical implications in assessment of susceptibility to cardio-vascular risks in acclimatized lowlanders staying for prolonged duration at high altitude.  相似文献   
Although vitamin D has been implicated in cardiovascular protection, few studies have addressed the role of vitamin D receptor (VDR) in atherosclerosis. Here we investigate the effect of inactivation of the VDR signaling on atherogenesis and the antiatherosclerotic mechanism of vitamin D. Low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)(-/-)/VDR(-/-) mice exhibited site-specific accelerated atherogenesis, accompanied by increases in adhesion molecules and proinflammatory cytokines in the aorta and cholesterol influx in macrophages. Macrophages showed marked renin up-regulation in the absence of VDR, and inhibition of renin by aliskiren reduced atherosclerosis in LDLR(-/-)/VDR(-/-) mice, suggesting that the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) promotes atherosclerosis in the absence of VDR. LDLR(-/-) mice receiving LDLR(-/-)/VDR(-/-) BMT developed larger lesions than LDLR(-/-) BMT controls. Moreover, LDLR(-/-) mice receiving Rag-1(-/-)/VDR(-/-) BMT, which were unable to generate functional T and B lymphocytes, still had more severe atherosclerosis than Rag-1(-/-) BMT controls, suggesting a critical role of macrophage VDR signaling in atherosclerotic suppression. Aliskiren treatment eliminated the difference in lesions between Rag-1(-/-)/VDR(-/-) BMT and Rag-1(-/-) BMT recipients, indicating that local RAS activation in macrophages contributes to the enhanced atherogenesis seen in Rag-1(-/-)/VDR(-/-) BMT mice. Taken together, these observations provide evidence that macrophage VDR signaling, in part by suppressing the local RAS, inhibits atherosclerosis in mice.  相似文献   
Platelet thrombus formation includes several integrated processes involving aggregation, secretion of granules, release of arachidonic acid and clot retraction, but it is not clear which metabolic fuels are required to support these events. We hypothesized that there is flexibility in the fuels that can be utilized to serve the energetic and metabolic needs for resting and thrombin-dependent platelet aggregation. Using platelets from healthy human donors, we found that there was a rapid thrombin-dependent increase in oxidative phosphorylation which required both glutamine and fatty acids but not glucose. Inhibition of fatty acid oxidation or glutamine utilization could be compensated for by increased glycolytic flux. No evidence for significant mitochondrial dysfunction was found, and ATP/ADP ratios were maintained following the addition of thrombin, indicating the presence of functional and active mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation during the early stages of aggregation. Interestingly, inhibition of fatty acid oxidation and glutaminolysis alone or in combination is not sufficient to prevent platelet aggregation, due to compensation from glycolysis, whereas inhibitors of glycolysis inhibited aggregation approximately 50%. The combined effects of inhibitors of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation were synergistic in the inhibition of platelet aggregation. In summary, both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation contribute to platelet metabolism in the resting and activated state, with fatty acid oxidation and to a smaller extent glutaminolysis contributing to the increased energy demand.  相似文献   
在过去的十年中, Zaprionus indianus这一温带适应性果蝇已经入侵印度次大陆, 并扩大了其在该地区的分布。Z. indianus能成功入侵是由于它具有很强的适应性和对极端生理条件的耐受性。对Z. indianus (温带狭域分布种类) 和黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster (全球广域分布种类)在极端温度下未成熟期和成虫期发育阈值的比较研究表明, 两者的死亡率和发育起点温度存在显著差异。为了检测越冬期间未成熟期和成虫期抗逆性和存活率的变化, 以采自印度温带和热带不同地点的Z. indianus种群进行饲养实验。在温带地区的田间养虫笼中以及恒定的实验室条件下监测这些种群的卵孵化率和成虫存活率, 直至全部成虫死亡。结果表明, 由于温带地区卵孵化率和存活率高, 导致总的孵化率和存活率在不同纬度间存在显著差异。卵至成虫发育实验结果表明, 低温条件下产下的卵在温度适中时成功发育成成虫。由此可见, 这种昆虫在未成熟期具有的气候适应性以及在成虫期具有的抗逆性可为该物种提供季节性保护。考虑到气候变暖情况, 即温度增加0.6℃, 温度的少许改变都可能导致种群存活能力的显著增强和发育历期缩短。这些结果可解释Z. indianus为什么能够轻易突破障碍并适应新的环境。  相似文献   
Heart failure is a clinical syndrome associated with elevated levels of oxygen-derived free radicals. Xanthine oxidase activity is believed to be one source of reactive oxygen species in the failing heart. Interventions designed to reduce oxidative stress are believed to have significant therapeutic potential in heart failure. This study tested the hypothesis that xanthine oxidase activity would be elevated in a mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy and evaluated the effect of chronic oral allopurinol, an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, on contractility and progressive ventricular dilation in these mice. Nontransgenic and transgenic mice containing a troponin I truncation were treated with oral allopurinol from 2-4 mo of age. Myocardial xanthine oxidase activity was threefold higher in untreated transgenic mice compared with nontransgenic mice. Analyses of myofilament proteins for modification of carbonyl groups demonstrated myofibrillar protein damage in untreated transgenic mice. Treatment with allopurinol for 2 mo suppressed xanthine oxidase activity and myofibrillar protein oxidation. Allopurinol treatment also alleviated ventricular dilation and preserved shortening fraction in the transgenic animals. In addition, cardiac muscle twitch tension was preserved to 70% of nontransgenic levels in allopurinol-treated transgenic mice, a significant improvement over untreated transgenic mice. These findings indicate that chronic inhibition of xanthine oxidase can alter the progression of heart failure in dilated cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   
2'-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine 3'-phosphate (dU(F)MP) and arabinouridine 3'-phosphate (araUMP) have non-natural furanose rings. dU(F)MP and araUMP were prepared by chemical synthesis and found to have three- to sevenfold higher affinity than uridine 3'-phosphate (3'-UMP) or 2'-deoxyuridine 3'-phosphate (dUMP) for ribonuclease A (RNase A). These differences probably arise (in part) from the phosphoryl groups of 3'-UMP, dU(F)MP, and araUMP (pK(a) = 5.9) being more anionic than that of dUMP (pK(a) = 6.3). The three-dimensional structures of the crystalline complexes of RNase A with dUMP, dU(F)MP and araUMP were determined at < 1.7 A resolution by X-ray diffraction analysis. In these three structures, the uracil nucleobases and phosphoryl groups bind to the enzyme in a nearly identical position. Unlike 3'-UMP and dU(F)MP, dUMP and araUMP bind with their furanose rings in the preferred pucker. In the RNase A.araUMP complex, the 2'-hydroxyl group is exposed to the solvent. All four 3'-nucleotides bind more tightly to wild-type RNase A than to its T45G variant, which lacks the residue that interacts most closely with the uracil nucleobase. These findings illuminate in atomic detail the interaction of RNase A and 3'-nucleotides, and indicate that non-natural furanose rings can serve as the basis for more potent inhibitors of catalysis by RNase A.  相似文献   
Aim of the present study was to evaluate in vitro toxicity and in vivo antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, and antioxidant activities of two organoselenium compounds, selenocystine (SeCys) and ebselen (Ebs). The study was conducted in experimentally induced ulcers in rodent model infected with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). In vitro toxicological studies on normal spleenic lymphocytes revealed that SeCys and Ebs were non-toxic to the cells even at 100 μM concentration. Antibacterial activity was observed at 500 μg/mL concentration of either of the compounds against H. pylori. In vivo studies after treatment with SeCys and Ebs (500 μg/kg/day) resulted in significant reduction in ROS production and inhibition of lipid peroxidation in gastric tissue. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of both the compounds were also confirmed by their ability to lower GSH reduction, to induce the expression of antioxidant genes such as GPx-4, and MnSOD and to suppress inflammatory genes namely COX-2, TNF-α and TGF-β. In addition, the immunomodulatory activity of both the compounds was evident by enhance of the CD4 levels and maintenance of the IgG, IL-6 and IL-10 levels. Persistent treatment (500 μg/kg, for 28 days) with both the compounds showed considerable (p < 0.05) ulcer healing property supporting its role in gastro protection. In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that both SeCys and Ebs possess broad spectrum of activities without any potential toxicity.  相似文献   
Acinetobacter baumannii, an important nosocomial pathogen, is increasingly becoming resistant to antibiotics including recent β-lactam like imipenem. Production of different types of β-lactamases is one of the major resistance mechanisms which bacteria adapt. We recently reported the presence of a β-lactamase, OXA-51, in clinical strains of A. baumannii in ICUs of our hospital. This study is an attempt to understand the structure–function relationship of purified OXA-51 in carbapenem resistance in A. baumannii. The OXA-51 was cloned, expressed in E. coli Bl-21(DE3) and further purified. The in vitro enzyme activity of purified OXA-51 was confirmed by two independent techniques; in-gel assay and spectrophotometric method using nitrocefin. Further in vivo effect of OXA-51 was followed by transmission electron microscopy of bacterium. Biophysical and biochemical investigations of OXA-51 were done using LC-MS/MS, UV–Vis absorption, fluorescence, circular dichroic spectroscopy and isothermal calorimetry. Native OXA-51 was characterized as 30.6?kDa, pI 8.43 with no disulphide bonds and comprising of 30% α-helix, 27% β-sheet. Secondary structure of OXA-51 was significantly unchanged in broad pH (4–10) and temperature (30–60?°C) range with only local alterations at tertiary structural level. Interestingly, enzymatic activity up to 75% was retained under above conditions. Hydrolysis of imipenem by OXA-51 (km,1?μM) was found to be thermodynamically favourable. In the presence of imipenem, morphology of sensitive strain of A. baumannii was drastically changed, while OXA-51-transformed sensitive strain retained the stable coccobacillus shape, which demonstrates that imipenem is able to kill sensitive strain but is unable to do so in OXA-51-transformed strain. Hence the production of pH- and temperature-stable OXA-51 appears to be a major determinant in the resistance mechanisms adopted by A. baumannii in order to evade even the latest β-lactams, imipenem. It can be concluded from the study that OXA-51 plays a vital role in the survival of the pathogen under stress conditions and thus poses a major threat.  相似文献   
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