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Pigments absorbing 350–1,050 nm radiation have had an important role on the Earth for at least 3.5 billion years. The ion pumping rhodopsins absorb blue and green photons using retinal and pump ions across cell membranes. Bacteriochlorophylls (BChl), absorbing in the violet/blue and near infra red (NIR), power anoxygenic photosynthesis, with one photoreaction centre; and chlorophylls (Chl), absorbing in the violet/blue and red (occasionally NIR) power oxygenic photosynthesis, with two photoreaction centres. The accessory (bacterio)chlorophylls add to the spectral range (bandwidth) of photon absorption, e.g., in algae living at depth in clear oceanic water and in algae and photosynthetic (PS) bacteria in microbial mats. Organism size, via the package effect, determines the photon absorption benefit of the costs of synthesis of the pigment–protein complexes. There are unresolved issues as to the evolution of Chls vs. BChls and the role of violet/blue and NIR radiation in PS bacteria.  相似文献   
We investigated patterns of spore dispersal in the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera by collecting 80 independent measurements of spore dispersal from isolated individuals and isolated groups of individuals over a two‐year period. Our results indicate that giant kelp spores routinely disperse both short (i.e. a couple meters) and long (i.e. hundreds to thousands of meters) distances depending on the oceanographic conditions. One consequence of spore dispersal over short distances is self‐fertilization (i.e., fertilization between male and female gametophytes derived from the same sporophyte). Field experiments designed to test the effects of self‐fertilization on lifetime fitness in Macrocystis revealed significant inbreeding depression. Birth rates in self‐fertilized populations were ca. 50% of those produced from outcrossing, which lead to significant differences in cohort size that persisted up through the adult stage. In contrast to outcrossed populations, very few individuals produced from selfing became reproductively mature, and those that did were significantly less fecund than outcrossed individuals. By contrast, long‐range dispersal of spores leads to increased rates of outcrossing. However, long‐range dispersal is typically accompanied by massive dilution of spores, leading to low densities of spore settlement. Sparse spore settlement decreases the overall chance of fertilization in the microscopic gametophyte generation thereby reducing the potential for colonization of the macroscopic sporophyte stage. Large population size of adult sporophytes coupled with the synchronous release of spores in response to environmental cues can help offset the effects of spore dilution and extend the distances over which giant kelp is able to colonize.  相似文献   
The metabolic and temperature responses of 11 male Caucasians to a 2-hr exposure to 5 ± 1°C, 70 ± 2% RH were compared with control data obtained in an ambient environment of 28 ± 1°C, 45 ± 2% RH. The heat production increased during the cold exposure attaining an approximately stable level during the final 30 min. The group variability in response to the cold was greatest during the first 30 min and declined for the remainder of the cold exposure. All skin temperatures approached a stable value during the final 30 min of cold exposure. The correlation between mean skin temperature and thigh temperature was significant (p < 0.001) and the use of thigh temperature as an approximate mean skin temperature was suggested. The calculation of tissue conductance with or without the inclusion of heat exchanges due to changes in body heat content and respiratory losses was in agreement only during the final 30 min of cold exposure, thus indicating a stage of physiological equilibrium. All measured parameters except the toe and finger temperatures approached minimum variability of response during the final 30 min of cold exposure.
Zusammenfassung Die Reaktionen des Stoffwechsels und der Hauttemperatur von 11 männlichen Angehörigen der weissen Rasse während einer 2-stündigen Exponierung bei 5 ± 1°C, 50–70 % RF wurden mit den Kontrollwerten bei 28 ± 1°C und 45 ± 2% RF verglichen. Während der Kälteexponierung stieg die Wärmebildung an und erreichte wie die Hauttemperatur in den letzten 30 Min ein ungefähr konstantes Niveau. Die Gruppenvariabilität war in den ersten 30 Min am grössten und liess dann nach. Die Korrelation zwischen mittlerer Hauttemperatur und Oberschenkeltemperatur war hochsignifikant (p < 0,001). Es wird vorgeschlagen letztere als mittlere Hauttemperatur zu verwenden. Die Berechnung der Gewebeleitfähigkeit mit oder ohne Einbeziehung des Wärmeaustausches als Folge von Änderungen des Wärmegehaltes des Körpers und Wärmeverlustes bei der Atmung stimmte nur während der letzten 30 Min. Alle gemessenen Parameter ausser der Zehen- und Fingertemperatur näherten sich während der letzten 30 Min der Kälteexponierung einer minimalen Variabilität. Dies weist auf ein physiologisches Gleichgewicht hin.

Resume On a comparé le métabolisme et la température cutanée de 11 personnes de la race blanche caucasienne exposées durant 2 heures à une température de 5 ± 1°C et à une humidité relative de 70 ± 2% aux mêmes valeurs obtenues par 28 ± 1°C et 45 ± 2%. La production de chaleur a augmenté durant l'exposition au froid pour atteindre un niveau relativement stable durant les 30 dernières minutes. La variabilité du groupe quant à la réaction au froid fut très importante durant les 30 premières minutes. Elle a notablement diminué le reste du temps. Toutes les températures cutanées se sont stabilisées durant les 30 dernières minutes de l'exposition au froid. La corrélation entre la température de la peau et celle de la cuisse fut hautement significative (p < 0,001) et l'on propose d'utiliser cette dernière température comme température cutanée moyenne. Le calcul de la conductibilité des tissus en y incluant ou excluant les échanges de chaleur dus aux variations thermiques du corps ou les pertes imputables à la respiration n'est exact que pour les 30 dernières minutes. Tous les paramètres mesurés, à l'exception des températures des doigts et des orteils tendent vers un minimum de variabilité durant ce même laps de temps. Ceci indique qu'un état d'équilibre physiologique est alors atteint.

Supported in part by United States Public Health Service Grant No. HD-00235; and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, under AFOSR Grant No. 69-1653. Data analysis (on IBM System 360 Model 75 computer) was made possible by funds from the Special Research Resources Branch, Division of Research Facilities and Resources, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   
Elemental stoichiometry and organic composition were investigated in an Adriatic strain of Skeletonema marinoi, cultured at 25 [low light (LL)] and 250 [high light (HL)]µmol photon m?2 s?1. Inorganic carbon acquisition, fixation and allocation, and silicic acid and orthophosphate uptake were also studied. The C : P ratio was below the Redfield ratio, especially at LL. In HL cells, N quota was halved, C quota was similar, silica quota was lower, growth rate and long‐term net primary productivity were almost doubled, relative to LL cells. The HL : LL cell quota ratios were 6 for lipid, 0.5 for protein and 0.4 for carbohydrate. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) and glutamine synthetase (GS) activities were unaffected by the growth irradiance; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPck) was 2.5‐fold more active in LL cells. This suggests that in S. marinoi, C4 photosynthesis is unlikely, PEPc is anaplerotic and PEPck may be involved in the conversion of lipid C to carbohydrates, especially in LL cells. Because about 50% of the cost for the production of an HL cell is caused by lipid biosynthesis, we propose that the preferential allocation of C to lipid at HL takes advantage of the relatively high volume‐based energy content of lipids, in an organism that reduces its size at each vegetative cell division.  相似文献   
Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are lipid kinases which also possess an in vitro protein kinase activity towards themselves or their adaptor proteins. The physiological relevance of these phosphorylations is unclear at present. Here, the protein kinase activity of the tyrosine kinase-linked PI3K, p110delta, is characterized and its functional impact assessed. In vitro autophosphorylation of p110delta completely down-regulates its lipid kinase activity. The single site of autophosphorylation was mapped to Ser1039 at the C-terminus of p110delta. Antisera specific for phospho-Ser1039 revealed a very low level of phosphorylation of this residue in cell lines. However, p110delta that is recruited to activated receptors (such as CD28 in T cells) shows a time-dependent increase in Ser1039 phosphorylation and a concomitant decrease in associated lipid kinase activity. Treatment of cells with okadaic acid, an inhibitor of Ser/Thr phosphatases, also dramatically increases the level of Ser1039-phosphorylated p110delta. LY294002 and wortmannin blocked these in vivo increases in Ser1039 phosphorylation, consistent with the notion that PI3Ks, and possibly p110delta itself, are involved in the in vivo phosphorylation of p110delta. In summary, we show that PI3Ks are subject to regulatory phosphorylations in vivo similar to those identified under in vitro conditions, identifying a new level of control of these signalling molecules.  相似文献   
We sought to test the hypothesis that the carotid baroreflex (CBR) alters mean leg blood flow (LBF) and leg vascular conductance (LVC) at rest and during exercise. In seven men and one woman, 25 +/- 2 (SE) yr of age, CBR control of LBF and LVC was determined at rest and during steady-state one-legged knee extension exercise at approximately 65% peak O(2) uptake. The application of 5-s pulses of +40 Torr neck pressure and -60 Torr neck suction significantly altered mean arterial pressure (MAP) and LVC both at rest and during exercise. CBR-mediated changes in MAP were similar between rest and exercise (P > 0.05). However, CBR-mediated decreases in LVC (%change) to neck pressure were attenuated in the exercising leg (16.4 +/- 1.6%) compared with rest (33 +/- 2.1%) and the nonexercising leg (23.7 +/- 1.9%) (P < 0.01). These data suggest CBR control of blood pressure is partially mediated by changes in leg vascular tone both at rest and during exercise. Furthermore, despite alterations in CBR-induced changes in LVC during exercise, CBR control of blood pressure was well maintained.  相似文献   
The prokaryotic endosymbionts that became plastids and mitochondria contained genes destined for one of three fates. Genes required for free-living existence were lost. Most genes useful to the symbiosis were transferred to the nucleus of the host. Some genes, a small minority, were retained within the organelle. Here we suggest that a selective advantage of movement of genes to the nucleus is decreased mutation: plastids and mitochondria have high volume-specific rates of redox reactions, producing oxygen free radicals that chemically modify DNA. These mutations lead to synthesis of modified electron carriers that in turn generate more mutagenic free radicals—the “vicious circle” theory of aging. Transfer of genes to the nucleus is also advantageous in facilitating sexual recombination and DNA repair. For genes encoding certain key components of photosynthesis and respiration, direct control of gene expression by redox state of electron carriers may be required to minimize free radical production, providing a selective advantage of organelle location which outweighs that of location in the nucleus. A previous proposal for transfer of genes to the nucleus is an economy of resources in having a single genome and a single apparatus for gene expression, but this argument fails if any organellar gene is retained. A previous proposal for the retention of genes within organelles is that certain proteins are organelle-encoded because they cannot be imported, but there is now evidence against this view. Decreased free radical mutagenesis and increased sexual recombination upon transfer to the nucleus together with redox control of gene expression in organelles may now account for the slightly different gene distributions among nuclei, plastids, and mitochondria found in major eukaryote taxa. This analysis suggests a novel reason for uniparental inheritance of organelles and the evolution of anisogametic sex, and may also account for the occurrence of nitrogen fixation in symbionts rather than in nitrogen-fixing organelles. Correspondence to: J.F. Allen  相似文献   
Summary Characteristics of inorganic carbon assimilation by photosynthesis in seawater were investigated in six species of the Fucales (five Fucaceae, one Cystoseiraceae) and four species of the Laminariales (three Laminariaceae, one Alariaceae) from Arbroath, Scotland. All of the algae tested could photosynthesise faster at high external pH values than the uncatalysed conversion of HCO 3 - to CO2 can occur, i.e. can use external HCO 3 - . They all had detectable extracellular carbonic anhydrase activity, suggesting that HCO 3 - use could involve catalysis of external CO2 production, a view supported to some extent by experiments with an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase. All of the algae tested had CO2 compensation concentrations at pH 8 which were lower than would be expected from diffusive entry of CO2 supplying RUBISCO as the initial carboxylase, consistent with the operation of energized entry of HCO 3 - and / or CO2 acting as a CO2 concentrating mechanism. Quantitative differences among the algae examined were noted with respect to characteristics of inorganic C assimilation. The most obvious distinction was between the eulittoral Fucaceae, which are emersed for part of, or most of, the tidal cycle, and the other three families (Cystoseiraceae, Laminariaceae, Alariaceae) whose representatives are essentially continually submersed. The Fucaceae examined are able to photosynthesise at high pH values, and have lower CO2 compensation concentrations, and lower K1/2 values for inorganic C use in photosynthesis, at pH 8, than the other algae tested. Furthermore, the Fucaceae are essentially saturated with inorganic C for photosynthesis at the normal seawater concentration at pH 8 and 10°C. These characteristics are consistent with the dominant role of a CO2 concentrating mechanism in CO2 acquisition by these plants. Other species tested have characteristcs which suggest a less effective HCO 3 - use and CO2 concentrating mechanism, with the Laminariaceae being the least effective; unlike the Fucaceae, photosynthesis by these algae is not saturated with inorganic C in normal seawater. Taxonomic and ecological implications of these results are considered in relation to related data in the literature.  相似文献   
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