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Ten sesquiterpenoids (1-10), with a dihydro-beta-agarofuran skeleton, were isolated from Maytenus cuzcoina (Celastraceae). Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectral analysis, including homo- and heteronuclear correlations NMR experiments (COSY, ROESY, HMQC and HMBC), and chemical correlations. The compounds have been tested for their inhibitory effects on Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) activation induced by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), as a test for potential cancer chemopreventive agents. Compounds 1-3, 6 and 7 showed strong inhibitory effects on EBV-EA induction (100% inhibition at 1000 mol ratio/TPA). Their structure-activity relationship is discussed.  相似文献   
Many structural, signaling, and adhesion molecules contain tandemly repeated amino acid motifs. The alpha-actinin/spectrin/dystrophin superfamily of F-actin-crosslinking proteins contains an array of triple alpha-helical motifs (spectrin repeats). We present here the complete sequence of the novel beta-spectrin isoform beta(Heavy)- spectrin (beta H). The sequence of beta H supports the origin of alpha- and beta-spectrins from a common ancestor, and we present a novel model for the origin of the spectrins from a homodimeric actin-crosslinking precursor. The pattern of similarity between the spectrin repeat units indicates that they have evolved by a series of nested, nonuniform duplications. Furthermore, the spectrins and dystrophins clearly have common ancestry, yet the repeat unit is of a different length in each family. Together, these observations suggest a dynamic period of increase in repeat number accompanied by homogenization within each array by concerted evolution. However, today, there is greater similarity of homologous repeats between species than there is across repeats within species, suggesting that concerted evolution ceased some time before the arthropod/vertebrate split. We propose a two-phase model for the evolution of the spectrin repeat arrays in which an initial phase of concerted evolution is subsequently retarded as each new protein becomes constrained to a specific length and the repeats diverge at the DNA level. This evolutionary model has general applicability to the origins of the many other proteins that have tandemly repeated motifs.   相似文献   
The tempisque (Sideroxylon capiri) is a tree native to Mexico used by the rural population for housing construction, poles and hedges, as fuel (wood) and also for fodder and ornamental purposes, among others. It is considered an endangered species. In order to contribute to its preservation and sustainable management, it was considered important to determine the proportion of viable seeds, the loss of viability due to storage period and the germination process by applying pregerminative treatments. We found that freshly collected seeds showed 100% viability, which decreased to 0% after 5 months of storage. According to the cumulative germination significant differences between treatments (p≤0.01) were found. It was observed that seeds can accelerate their time of germination with the previous exposure of 24 h in water at room temperature. The soaking treatment in water for 24 h at room temperature obtained final germination of 55%, while with the control 39% was reached. Soaking in hydrogen peroxide and scarification were the treatments with lower germination percentage (33 and 23%, respectively). To get a higher percentage of germinated seeds in a short time, it is necessary to give a soaking treatment in water for 24 h before sowing.  相似文献   
Nep1-like proteins (NLPs) are a novel family of microbial elicitors of plant necrosis that induce a hypersensitive-like response in dicot plants. The spatial structure and role of these proteins are yet unknown. In a paper published in BMC Plant Biology (2008; 8:50) we have proposed that the core region of Nep1-like proteins (NLPs) belong to the Cupin superfamily. Based on what is known about the Cupin superfamily, in this addendum to the paper we discuss how NLPs could form oligomers.Key words: quaternary structure, necrosis and ethylene inducing proteins, NLPs, MpNEP1, MpNEP2, NPP1, Moniliophthora perniciosa, Phytophthora parasiticaCupins may be organized as monomers, dimers, hexamers and octamers of β-barrel domains.1 To the best of our knowledge trimers have not been detected yet. The interaction of two monomers building up a dimeric structure is basically performed by three types of interactions: hydrophobic interactions between β-strands in different subunits, salt bridges and hydrogen bonds between β-strands. In cupin dimers, the hydrophobic interactions occur between two βI strands in different subunits (Fig. 1A and B). This strand represents the central axis of rotation of the dimer as one residue in βI interacts with the corresponding residue in the other subunit (Fig. 1B). Therefore, all residues in βI must be hydrophobic, as one residue interacts with the other subunit and the next one in the sequence interacts with the interior of the protein. Charged residues in βI would disrupt such interactions. Most cupin dimers have strong hydrophobic residues such as tryptophan (W), phenylalanine (F) and methionine (M) pointing towards the own subunit (↓), while small hydrophobic residues such as leucine (L), isoleucine (I), and valine (V) point to the other subunit (↑). A particular case is leucine that interacts with other subunits, for instance, βI = liaW (positions 217–220 in Fig. 1B) and βI = LVsw of type I and II NLP consensuses, respectively. Therefore, the pattern of hydropathicity suggests that the side chain orientation is βI = l217 ↑ i218 ↓ a219 ↑ W220 ↓ d221 ↑. However we observe that just after βI there is a charged residue (aspartate D221) which would point outwards disrupting the dimer or at least making it less stable. It is interesting to observe that the requirement for a negatively charged residue at this last position is very high: 96% of all type I NLPs contains an aspartate (D) or glutamate (E) indicating an important role for it, maybe in avoiding dimerization of the NLPs. A second interesting hypothesis is as follows: several cupins are oxygenases, decarboxylases, etc. and use a negatively charged residue, such as aspartate or glutamate as proton donor.1 Now, if the alternate pattern of side chains of the residues is βI = l217 ↓ i218 ↑ a219 ↓ W220 ↑ d221 ↓, instead of the previous one, then the aspartate or glutamate residue would point to the hydrophobic pocket and would be positioned to interact with the metal ion, as in cupins with enzymatic activity. However, there are no experimental evidences that the NLPs have enzymatic activity.Open in a separate windowFigure 1(A) Three-dimensional structure prediction for type I NLP consensus, (B) Interface between two βI strands in type I NLP consensus. From the left to the right: EF-coil with the conserved residue H162, βC and βH strands (superposed) with the conserved histidines H133 and H135 in βC, H193 and leucine L195 in βH, W220 in βI and W118 in βB. The strands in the right subunit follow the same pattern but rotated.The second type of interaction is salt bridges between charged residues in different subunits. Analyzing all interacting side chains in the 1VJ2 protein (dimer), we verify that the charged side chains of N35 and E57 (numbers in original structure) are only 2.72 Å apart. In the NLPs, this corresponds to N10836% (Q10860%) at the border of βB and E13898%. The negatively charged residue D125 helps to correct the orientation of the subunits in relation to each other avoiding any disorientation. The high conservation level of these residues suggests that NLPs are dimeric structures. However, as we will see next, only hydrophobic and charged interactions are not enough to build a dimer.Garcia et al. (2007)2 have used small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to show that, in solution, at low concentrations (<2 mg/ml) the two copies of the NLPs of Moniliophthora perniciosa, MpNEP1 and MpNEP2, exist as dimers and monomers, respectively. The same technique showed that at higher concentrations, >5 mg/ml, both proteins exist as dimers, as is the case for PpNPP1.2 They also reported, based on electrophoresis analysis, that PpNPP1 and MpNEP1 exist as oligomers and MpNEP2 as monomers.2 However, experiments with the PpNPP1 in size exclusion chromatography using myoglobin as size standard suggest that PpNPP1 is a monomer.3 Figure 2 compares MpNEP1, MpNEP2 and PpNPP1, where the most relevant differences in sequence are marked with asterisks (*) and are possibly related to the differences in oligomeric properties between MpNEP1 and PpNPP1 with MpNEP2. These positions are methionine M27 and leucine L35, which occur only in MpNEP2, glycine G250, which occurs only in MpNEP2 and NEP1 (Fusarium oxysporum) and lysine K31, which occurs only MpNEP2, BAB04114 (Bacillus halodurans) and AAU23136 (Bacillus licheniformis). The other residues are aspartate D28, which occurs 9 times and alanine A37 which occurs 7 times of all investigated NLPs. Thus, the sequence mdHDkiakl at the start of the NLPs seems to explain the monomeric state of MpNEP2, although at higher concentrations they form dimers. Besides the weak hydrophobic interactions, dimeric cupins and bicupins (two β barrels in the same sequence building up a dimeric-like 4d-structure) are stable structures (see Fig. 1 in ref. 4). By aggregating the first β-strand in the start domain of one β-barrel to the ABIDG β-sheet of the other β-barrel, composing a big ABIDGY β-sheet (Y is the first β-strand). For instance, using the bicupin 1L3J (oxalate decarboxylase) as template, the low confidence level β-strand at position 26–33 (v in H29D30 avv) in type I NLPs corresponds to the first β-strand. Since this proceeds from both barrels they can build a stable structure (see Fig. 1 in ref. 4). The quaternary structure is related to the presence of interaction residues in the BID β-sheet of the cupin structure. These are present in the NLPs and would enable them to form dimers.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Alignment of type I NLP consensus, PpNPP1, MpNEP1 and MpNEP2. Solid line boxes are β-strands, double line boxes are α-helices. The sequence positions marked with asterisks (*) are possibly related to the differences in oligomeric properties between MpNEP1 and PpNPP1 with MpNEP2.  相似文献   
Selective autophagy is the mechanism by which large cargos are specifically sequestered for degradation. The structural details of cargo and receptor assembly giving rise to autophagic vesicles remain to be elucidated. We utilize the yeast cytoplasm‐to‐vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway, a prototype of selective autophagy, together with a multi‐scale analysis approach to study the molecular structure of Cvt vesicles. We report the oligomeric nature of the major Cvt cargo Ape1 with a combined 2.8 Å X‐ray and negative stain EM structure, as well as the secondary cargo Ams1 with a 6.3 Å cryo‐EM structure. We show that the major dodecameric cargo prApe1 exhibits a tendency to form higher‐order chain structures that are broken upon interaction with the receptor Atg19 in vitro. The stoichiometry of these cargo–receptor complexes is key to maintaining the size of the Cvt aggregate in vivo. Using correlative light and electron microscopy, we further visualize key stages of Cvt vesicle biogenesis. Our findings suggest that Atg19 interaction limits Ape1 aggregate size while serving as a vehicle for vacuolar delivery of tetrameric Ams1.  相似文献   


We sought to investigate the capacity of interleukin (IL)-7 to enhance collagen-induced arthritis and to study by what mechanisms this is achieved.


Mice received multiple injections with IL-7 or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) as a control. Arthritis severity and incidence were determined by visual examination of the paws. Joint destruction was determined by assessing radiographs and immunohistochemistry of the ankle joints. Total cellularity and numbers of T-cell and B-cell subsets were assessed, as well as ex vivo production of interferon-γ (IFN-γ), IL-17, and IL-4. Proinflammatory mediators were measured in serum with multianalyte profiling.


IL-7 increased arthritis severity and radiology-assessed joint destruction. This was consistent with IL-7-increased intensity of cell infiltrates, bone erosions, and cartilage damage. Splenic CD19+ B cells and CD19+/GL7+ germinal center B cells, as well as CD4 and CD8 numbers, were increased by IL-7. IL-7 expanded memory T cells, associated with increased percentages of IFN-γ-, IL-4-, and IL-17-producing CD4+ T cells. On antigen restimulation of draining lymph node cells in vitro IL-7 treatment was found to increase IFN-γ and IL-17 production, whereas IL-4 was reduced. IL-7 also increased concentrations of proinflammatory mediators, indicative of T-cell activation (sCD40L), vascular activation (VCAM-1, VEGF), tissue destruction (fibroblast growth factor-basic (FGF-b), LIF), and chemotaxis (MIP-1γ, MIP-3β, lymphotactin, MDC, and MCP-5).


In arthritic mice, IL-7 causes expansion of T and B cells, associated with increased levels of proinflammatory mediators. IL-7 intensifies arthritis severity and joint destruction, accompanied by increased Th1 and Th17 activity. These data indicate that IL-7 could be an important mediator in arthritic conditions and that targeting IL-7 or its receptor represent novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   


In the substantia nigra of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients, increased lipid peroxidation, decreased activities of the mitochondrial complex I of the respiratory chain, catalase and glutathione-peroxidase, and decreased levels of reduced glutathione have been reported. These observations suggest that oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction play a role in the neurodegeneration in PD. We assessed enzymatic activities of respiratory chain and other enzymes involved in oxidative processes in skin fibroblasts cultures of patients with PD.  相似文献   
AIM: The main aim of the present study was to use three PCR-based techniques for the analysis of genetic variability among Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from the Philippines. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventeen strains of V. parahaemolyticus isolated from shrimps (Penaeus monodon) and from the environments where these shrimps are being cultivated were analysed by random amplified polymorphic DNA PCR (RAPD-PCR), enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence PCR (ERIC-PCR) and repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR (REP-PCR). The results of this work have demonstrated genetic variability within the V. parahaemolyticus strains that were isolated from the Philippines. In addition, RAPD, ERIC and REP-PCR are suitable rapid typing methods for V. parahaemolyticus. All three methods have good discriminative ability and can be used as a rapid means of comparing V. parahaemolyticus strains for epidemiological investigation. Based on the results of this study, we could say that REP-PCR is inferior to RAPD and ERIC-PCR owing to the fact that it is less reproducible. Moreover, the REP-PCR analysis yielded a relatively small number of products. This may suggests that the REP sequences may not be widely distributed in the V. parahaemolyticus genome. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic variability within V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated in the Philippines has been demonstrated. The presence of ERIC and REP sequences in the genome of this bacterial species was confirmed. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The RAPD, ERIC and REP-PCR techniques are useful methods for molecular typing of V. parahaemolyticus strains. To our knowledge this is the first study of this kind carried out on V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from the Philippines.  相似文献   
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