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This study considers variability in phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacterial abundances and production rates, in one of the most oligotrophic marine regions in the world–the Levantine Basin. The temporal dynamics of these planktonic groups were studied in the coastal waters of the southeastern Mediterranean Sea approximately every two weeks for a total of two years. Heterotrophic bacteria were abundant mostly during late summer and midwinter, and were positively correlated with bacterial production and with N2 fixation. Based on size fractionating, picophytoplankton was abundant during the summer, whereas nano-microphytoplankton predominated during the winter and early spring, which were also evident in the size-fractionated primary production rates. Autotrophic abundance and production correlated negatively with temperature, but did not correlate with inorganic nutrients. Furthermore, a comparison of our results with results from the open Levantine Basin demonstrates that autotrophic and heterotrophic production, as well as N2 fixation rates, are considerably higher in the coastal habitat than in the open sea, while nutrient levels or cell abundance are not different. These findings have important ecological implications for food web dynamics and for biological carbon sequestration in this understudied region.  相似文献   
J L Kissil  O Cohen  T Raveh    A Kimchi 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(2):353-362
A novel approach to the isolation of positive mediators of programmed cell death, based on random inactivation of genes by expression of anti sense RNAs, was employed to identify mediators of interferon-gamma-induced apoptosis. One of the several genes identified is DAP3, which codes for a 46 kDa protein with a potential nucleotide-binding motif. Structure-function studies of the protein indicate that the intact full-length protein is required for its ability to induce apoptosis when overexpressed. The N-terminal 230 amino acids, on the other hand, act in a dominant-negative fashion. Both of these functions are dependent on the integrity of the nucleotide binding motif. Expression of anti-sense DAP3 RNA and of the dominant interfering form of DAP3 both protected cells from apoptosis induced by activation of Fas and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) receptors. Thus, DAP3 is implicated as a positive mediator of these death-inducing stimuli. It functions downstream of the receptor signaling complex and its death promoting effects depend on caspase activity. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a potential homolog of DAP3 showing 35% identity and 64% similarity to the human protein was isolated. Overexpression of the nematode DAP3 cDNA in mammalian cells induced cell death, indicating that the protein is conserved at the functional level as well as the structural level.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of the chick blastoderm was examined at three developmental stages, from an unincubated single-layered system through hypoblast advancement to full hypoblast formation.With the onset of incubation the nucleolus changes from a loose network of intermingled pars fibrosa and pars granulosa into a compact body with a definite matrix material.The endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and Golgi complex increase in complexity and volume. In blastoderms with a fully developed hypoblast a special asymmetrical endoplasmic reticulum becomes abundant. These data are analysed in relation to similar structural differentiation of the nucleolus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and mitochondria in the embryonic development of other vertebrate groups.The above changes in organelle structure are noted in both the epi- and the hypoblast, although these organelles become more abundant in the former. In the intermediate stage no differences are noted between epiblast cells underlined by hypoblast and those of the anterior single-layered region. The above changes in the epiblast must therefore be related to age and not to contact with the advancing hypoblast.Previous studies mentioned in the text seem to indicate that the inducing effect of the hypoblast on the epiblast is exerted after its complete formation and not during its advancement. Our results in the organelle differentiation during hypoblast formation are in accordance with this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Summary Continuing the genetic and biochemical characterization of the streptomycin-resistant Escherichia coli mutant LD1, we confirmed that LD1 is temperature-sensitive for suppression of nonsense codons, and that this phenotype of the mutant and its streptomycin-resistance are genetically linked and are probably caused by a single mutation, strA (LD1). We also isolated a spontaneous revertant, called LD1-R, which partially relieves the restriction of nonsense suppression caused by the strA (LD1) mutation. LD1-R is derived by an additional mutation (revA) which is closely linked to strA (LD1). We further demonstrate that the weak suppression of a lacZUGA mutation in a suppressor-free strain, which probably takes place by normal tRNATrp, can be detected by the use of the chromagenic substance x-gal (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--d-Galactopyranoside).  相似文献   
The variegated leaves of the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species Agave americana have a large central longitudinal green band with narrow yellow bands on either side. The yellow bands had 97% less pigment content, 84% lower ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity, but only 20% lower phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity than the green band. The green bands exhibited gas exchange typical of CAM plants, with most CO2 uptake occurring at night, leading to a daily net CO2 uptake of 127 mmol m−2 day−1. The yellow bands had some nighttime net CO2 uptake but a larger loss during the daytime, indicating that they were sink tissues. Nocturnal citrate and malate accumulations for the yellow bands were 65 and 75%, respectively, of those of the green bands; sucrose supported 64‐83% of their nocturnal acid accumulation. This is the first evidence that agaves, which are malic‐enzyme‐type CAM plants, use sucrose as the carbon source for nocturnal acid accumulation. About 44% of the carbon demand of the yellow bands can be supplied by sucrose diffusing via the symplast from the adjacent green band, about 25% from fructose and glucose diffusion, and some via the apoplast.  相似文献   
A simple method of umbilical repositioning by incising the anterior rectus sheath and rectus abdominis muscle is reported for cases of unilateral abdominal wall plication during the TRAM flap operation. This method keeps the umbilicus stable and nonstenotic, and it avoids hypertrophic scars, which result from other techniques such as direct suturing of the stalk to the skin. Although this method might weaken contralateral muscle activity, the patients we operated on maintained their ability to perform sit-ups, and no periumbilical weakening was noticed.  相似文献   
Two novel biologically active short peptides, aeruginosins KY642, KY608 and the known aeruginosin 98A were isolated from the cyanobacterium Microcystis sp. strain (IL-323), which was collected from a water reservoir near Kfar-Yehoshua, Valley of Armageddon, Israel. Aeruginosins KY642, KY608 and 98A are linear modified peptides containing four building blocks, one of which is the modified amino acid, Choi (2-carboxy-6-hydroxyoctahydroindole). Aeruginosin KY642 and aeruginosin KY608 inhibit the activity of the photolytic enzyme trypsin with IC50 of 1.4 and 1.7 μg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   
Treatment of cultured hippocampal neurons with high concentrations of short-chain acyl ceramide derivatives, such as N-hexanoyl-D-sphingosine (C(6)-Cer), results in apoptotic cell death. We now show that death-associated protein (DAP) kinase plays an important role in mediating this effect. Upon incubation with C(6)-Cer, DAP kinase levels are elevated as early as 1 h after treatment, reaching levels 2-3-fold higher than untreated cells after 4 h. Neurons cultured from DAP kinase-deficient mice were significantly less sensitive to apoptosis induced by C(6)-Cer or by ceramide generated by high concentrations of nerve growth factor. A peptide corresponding to the 17 amino acids at the C terminus of DAP kinase protected wild type neurons from C(6)-Cer-induced death and from death induced by the addition of exogenous bacterial neutral sphingomyelinase, whereas a scrambled peptide had no protective effect, implying that the DAP kinase C-terminal tail inhibits the function of DAP kinase. Together, these data demonstrate that DAP kinase plays a central role in ceramide-induced cell death in neurons, but the pathway in which DAP kinase is involved is not the only one via which ceramide can induce apoptosis.  相似文献   
Ho endonuclease initiates a mating type switch by making a double-strand break at the mating type locus, MAT. Ho is marked by phosphorylation for rapid destruction by functions of the DNA damage response, MEC1, RAD9, and CHK1. Phosphorylated Ho is recruited for ubiquitylation via the SCF ubiquitin ligase complex by the F-box protein, Ufo1. Here we identify a further DNA damage-inducible protein, the UbL-UbA protein Ddi1, specifically required for Ho degradation. Ho interacts only with Ddi1; it does not interact with the other UbL-UbA proteins, Rad23 or Dsk2. Ho must be ubiquitylated to interact with Ddi1, and there is no interaction when Ho is produced in mec1 or Deltaufo1 mutants that do not support its degradation. Ddi1 binds the proteasome via its N-terminal ubiquitin-like domain (UbL) and interacts with ubiquitylated Ho via its ubiquitin-associated domain (UbA); both domains of Ddi1 are required for association of ubiquitylated Ho with the proteasome. Despite being a nuclear protein, Ho is exported to the cytoplasm for degradation. In the absence of Ddi1, ubiquitylated Ho is stabilized and accumulates in the cytoplasm. These results establish a role for Ddi1 in the degradation of a natural ubiquitylated substrate. The specific interaction between Ho and Ddi1 identifies an additional function associated with DNA damage involved in its degradation.  相似文献   
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