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There are numerous methods designed to monitor brain neuropathologies resulting from a wide arsenal of insults. Regardless of the cause of neuronal death, reactive glial cells always appear at and around the site of degeneration. These cells are distinguished by the exceptional abundance of peripheral benzodiazepine receptors, particularly compared with surrounding neurons. Measuring the binding of specific ligands to these peripheral benzodiazepine receptors offers a unique indirect marker for reliable damage assessment in the CNS and a faithful indicator for the accompanying cognitive deficits.  相似文献   


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder which is characterized by the deposits of intra-cellular tau protein and extra-cellular amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in the human brain. Understanding the mechanism of protein aggregation and finding compounds that are capable of inhibiting its aggregation is considered to be highly important for disease therapy.


We used an in vitro High-Throughput Screening for the identification of potent inhibitors of tau aggregation using a proxy model; a highly aggregation-prone hexapeptide fragment 306VQIVYK311 derived from tau. Using ThS fluorescence assay we screened a library of 2401 FDA approved, bio-active and natural compounds in attempt to find molecules which can efficiently modulate tau aggregation.


Among the screened compounds, palmatine chloride (PC) alkaloid was able to dramatically reduce the aggregation propensity of PHF6 at sub-molar concentrations. PC was also able to disassemble preformed aggregates of PHF6 and reduce the amyloid content in a dose-dependent manner. Insights obtained from MD simulation showed that PC interacted with the key residues of PHF6 responsible for β-sheet formation, which could likely be the mechanism of inhibition and disassembly. Furthermore, PC could effectively inhibit the aggregation of full-length tau and disassemble preformed aggregates.


We found that PC possesses “dual functionality” towards PHF6 and full-length tau, i.e. inhibit their aggregation and disassemble pre-formed fibrils.

General significance

The “dual functionality” of PC is valuable as a disease modifying strategy for AD, and other tauopathies, by inhibiting their progress and reducing the effect of fibrils already present in the brain.  相似文献   
Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) is an autosomal dominant disorder associated with one or more of the following features: clefting of the primary or secondary palate, hypodontia or lower lip pits. It has been estimated to account for 2% of all cases of cleft lip and palate. VWS is one of the rare disorders in which clefting of the primary and secondary palate may be seen to segregate as components associated with the same gene. Because of its autosomal dominant inheritance, VWS is readily accessable to linkage analysis as a preliminary step in the identification of the molecular abnormality underlying the clefting effect in the primary and secondary palate. A reported linkage between REN and VWS has promoted us to use pHRnX3.6 (REN) and several markers surrounding REN for a linkage analysis in a large Swiss family. In a second step, linkage analysis was performed to study restriction fragment length polymorphisms for the candidate gene TGFB2 and other loci recently mapped to the candidate region 1q32–1q41. Evidence for linkage ( = 0.00, lod score = 3.01) between REN and VWS could be confirmed in this pedigree. TGFB2 demonstrated recombination with the disease locus and is unlikely to be causative in VWS. The results of a multipoint linkage analysis showed that VWS was flanked by D1S65 and TGFB2 at a maximum location score of 20.3.  相似文献   
Synaptonemal complexes and telomeric nucleoli are involved in the spatial organization and regular distribution of homologous chromosomes in meiosis of the achiasmatic female carob moth. The bivalents are held together from zygotene to metaphase by the Synaptonemal complexes. These are attached to telomeric nucleoli which appear during early meiotic prophase and are unique to the oocyte. The telomeric nucleoli fuse during prophase and the chromosomes concentrate into a small karyosphere before prometaphase. During the final stages of prophase elements of the Synaptonemal complex are found in the periphery of the fibrillar region of the telomeric nucleoli.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that polyandry allows females to increase offspring genetic diversity and reduce the prevalence and susceptibility of their offspring to infectious diseases. We tested this hypothesis in wild‐derived house mice (Mus musculus) by experimentally infecting the offspring from 15 single‐ and 15 multiple‐sired litters with two different strains of a mouse pathogen (Salmonella Typhimurium) and compared their ability to control infection. We found a high variation in individual infection resistance (measured with pathogen loads) and significant differences among families, suggesting genetic effects on Salmonella resistance, but we found no difference in prevalence or infection resistance between single‐ vs. multiple‐sired litters. We found a significant sex difference in infection resistance, but surprisingly, males were more resistant to infection than females. Also, infection resistance was correlated with weight loss during infection, although only for females, indicating that susceptibility to infection had more harmful health consequences for females than for males. To our knowledge, our findings provide the first evidence for sex‐dependent resistance to Salmonella infection in house mice. Our results do not support the hypothesis that multiple‐sired litters are more likely to survive infection than single‐sired litters; however, as we explain, additional studies are required before ruling out this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Activity of Ho, the yeast mating switch endonuclease, is restricted to a narrow time window of the cell cycle. Ho is unstable and despite being a nuclear protein is exported to the cytoplasm for proteasomal degradation. We report here the molecular basis for the highly efficient nuclear import of Ho and the relation between its short half-life and passage through the nucleus. The Ho nuclear import machinery is functionally redundant, being based on two bipartite nuclear localization signals, recognized by four importins of the ribosomal import system. Ho degradation is regulated by the DNA damage response and Ho retained in the cytoplasm is stabilized, implying that Ho acquires its crucial degradation signals in the nucleus. Ho arose by domestication of a fungal VMA1 intein. A comparison of the primary sequences of Ho and fungal VMA1 inteins shows that the Ho nuclear localization signals are highly conserved in all Ho proteins, but are absent from VMA1 inteins. Thus adoption of a highly efficient import strategy occurred very early in the evolution of Ho. This may have been a crucial factor in establishment of homothallism in yeast, and a key event in the rise of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto.  相似文献   
Death-associated protein (DAP)-kinase is a calcium/calmodulin regulated serine/threonine kinase that carries ankyrin repeats, a death domain, and is localized to the cytoskeleton. Here, we report that this kinase is involved in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and Fas-induced apoptosis. Expression of DAP-kinase antisense RNA protected cells from killing by anti-Fas/APO-1 agonistic antibodies. Deletion of the death domain abrogated the apoptotic functions of the kinase, thus, documenting for the first time the importance of this protein domain. Overexpression of a fragment encompassing the death domain of DAP-kinase acted as a specific dominant negative mutant that protected cells from TNF-alpha, Fas, and FADD/MORT1-induced cell death. DAP-kinase apoptotic function was blocked by bcl-2 as well as by crmA and p35 inhibitors of caspases, but not by the dominant negative mutants of FADD/MORT1 or of caspase 8. Thus, it functions downstream to the receptor complex and upstream to other caspases. The multidomain structure of this serine/threonine kinase, combined with its involvement in cell death induced by several different triggers, place DAP-kinase at one of the central molecular pathways leading to apoptosis.  相似文献   
Gerbilline rodents such as Allenby's gerbils (Gerbillus andersoni allenbyi), when parasitized by fleas such as Synosternus cleopatrae pyramidis, devote long hours of grooming to remove the ectoparasites. Yet no detrimental energetic or immunological effects of the ectoparasites have been found in adult Allenby's gerbil. Why should gerbils go to such trouble? We tested for the various ways that fleas can negatively affect gerbils by manipulating flea infestation on gerbils and the presence of a fox. We demonstrate that gerbils responded to fleas by leaving resource patches at higher giving-up densities. Furthermore, they stayed in those resource patches less time and left them at higher quitting harvest rates so long as a fox was also present. When flea-ridden, gerbils also abandoned using vigilance to manage risk and relied mainly on time allocation. Thus, having fleas imposed a foraging cost similar in nature to that arising from the risk of predation from foxes and may be even larger in magnitude. More than that, the presence of fleas acted as a magnifier of foraging costs, especially those arising from the risk of predation. The fleas reduced the gerbils' foraging aptitude and altered how they went about managing risk of predation. We hypothesize that fleas reduce the attention that gerbils otherwise have for foraging and predator detection. We suggest that this is the major cost of ectoparasitism.  相似文献   
The ability to discriminate between related and unrelated individuals has been demonstrated in many species. The mechanisms behind this ability might be manifold and depend on the ecological context in which the species lives. In brood‐caring species, both familiarity and phenotype matching are known to be used in kin recognition. However, results of studies disentangling these two phenomena have proved contradictory. We aimed to broaden our knowledge about the mechanisms of kin recognition using shoaling preferences of three‐spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as a model behavior. In our first experiment, focal fish had the choice to shoal either with kin or unfamiliar non‐kin. In half of the trials, kin groups were composed of familiar individuals, while they were unfamiliar in the other half. Focal fish significantly preferred kin as shoaling partner, a result which was not reinforced by familiarity. In our second experiment, focal fish were given the choice between a shoal of familiar kin and a shoal of unfamiliar kin. Here, focal fish did not show any significant preference. These results indicate that familiarity does not impact stickleback's ability to recognize kin. Furthermore, they show that familiarity does not overrule recognition based on phenotype matching or innate recognition, underlining the importance of these mechanisms. Finally, our results lead to the assumption that individual recognition might play a minor role also in non‐kin‐based preferences for familiars.  相似文献   
Hylocereus undatus (Haworth) Britton and Rose growing in controlled environment chambers at 370 and 740 μmol CO2 mol?1 air showed a Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) pattern of CO2 uptake, with 34% more total daily CO2 uptake under the doubled CO2 concentration and most of the increase occurring in the late afternoon. For both CO2 concentrations, 90% of the maximal daily CO2 uptake occurred at a total daily photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of only 10 mol m?2 day?1 and the best day/night air temperatures were 25/15°C. Enhancement of the daily net CO2 uptake by doubling the CO2 concentration was greater under the highest PPFD (30 mol m?2 day?1) and extreme day/night air temperatures (15/5 and 45/35°C). After 24 days of drought, daily CO2 uptake under 370 μmol CO2 mol?1 was 25% of that under 740 μmol CO2 mol?1. The ratio of variable to maximal chlorophyll fluorescence (Fy/Fm) decreased as the PPFD was raised above 5 mol m?2 day?1, at extreme day/night temperatures and during drought, suggesting that stress occurred under these conditions. Fv/Fm was higher under the doubled CO2 concentration, indicating that the current CO2 concentration was apparently limiting for photosynthesis. Thus net CO2 uptake by the shade-tolerant H. undatus, the photosynthetic efficiency of which was greatest at low PPFDs. showed a positive response to doubling the CO2 concentration, especially under stressful environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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