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 The New World primate Aotus nancymaae is susceptible to infection with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax and has therefore been recommended by the World Health Organization as a model for evaluation of malaria vaccine candidates. We present here a first step in the molecular characterization of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DRB genes of Aotus nancymaae (owl monkey or night monkey) by nucleotide sequence analysis of the polymorphic exon 2 segments. In a group of 15 nonrelated animals captivated in the wild, 34 MHC DRB alleles could be identified. Six allelic lineages were detected, two of them having human counterparts, while two other lineages have not been described in any other New World monkey species studied. As in the common marmoset, the diversity of DRB alleles appears to have arisen largely by point mutations in the β-pleated sheets and by frequent exchange of fixed sequence motifs in the α-helical portion. Pairs of alleles differing only at amino acid position b86 by an exchange of valine to glycine are present in Aotus, as in humans. Essential amino acid residues contributing to MHC DR peptide binding pockets number 1 and 4 are conserved or semiconserved between HLA-DR and Aona-DRB molecules, indicating a capacity to bind similar peptide repertoires. These results support fully our using Aotus monkeys as an animal model for evaluation of future subunit vaccine candidates. Received: 10 August 1999 / Revised: 11 October 1999  相似文献   
Spermine is a constituent of all vertebrate cells. Nevertheless, it exerts toxic effects if it accumulates in cells. Spermine is a natural substrate of the FAD-dependent polyamine oxidase, a constitutive enzyme of many cell types. It has been reported that the toxicity of spermine was enhanced if polyamine oxidase was inhibited. We were interested to examine spermine toxicity to human colon carcinoma-derived CaCo-2 cells because, in contrast to most tumor cell lines, CaCo-2 cells undergo differentiation, which is paralleled by changes in polyamine metabolism. CaCo-2 cells were remarkably resistant to spermine accumulation, presumably because spermine is degraded by polyamine oxidase at a rate sufficient to provide spermidine for the maintenance of growth. Inactivation of polyamine oxidase increased the sensitivity to spermine. A major reason for the enhanced spermine cytotoxicity at low polyamine oxidase activity is presumably the profound depletion of spermidine, and the consequent occupation of spermidine binding sites by spermine. Hydrogen peroxide and the aldehydes 3-aminopropanal and 3-acetamidopropanal, the products of polyamine oxidase-catalyzed splitting of spermine and N 1-acetylspermine, contribute little to spermine cytotoxicity. Activation of caspase by spermine was insignificant, and the formation of DNA ladders, another indicator of apoptotic cell death, could not be observed. Thus it appears that cell death due to excessive accumulation of spermine in CaCo-2 cells was mainly nonapoptotic. The content of brush border membranes did not change between days 6 and 8 after seeding, and it was not affected by exposure of the cells to spermine. However, the activities of alkaline phosphatase, sucrase, and aminopeptidase in nontreated cells were considerably enhanced during this period, but remained low if cells were exposed to spermine. These changes appear to indicate that differentiation is prevented by intoxication with spermine, although other explanations cannot be excluded. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Phytosteryl esters (PE) are used as ingredients in functional food to decrease plasma concentration of low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C). Effective impairment of cholesterol absorption by PE suggests that these esters are hydrolyzed by the pancreatic cholesterol esterase (CEase, EC and the liberated sterol may interfere with cholesterol reducing its intestinal absorption. PE-enriched foods are marketed for cooking purposes, and temperature is one of the most important factors leading to the formation of oxidation products. Very little is known about the outcome of PE oxides during the digestive process. A new analytical method based on mass spectrometric detection directly after enzymatic reaction was developed to determine in vitro the activity of CEase on PE and their oxides present in functional food. Using this method, we identified a new inhibitor of CEase: sitosteryl 9,10-dihydroxystearate, which behaves as a non-competitive inhibitor of the hydrolysis of cholesteryl oleate and sitosteryl oleate.  相似文献   
Recent improvements in online information communication and mobile location-aware technologies have led to the production of large volumes of volunteered geographic information. Widespread, large-scale efforts by volunteers to collect data can inform and drive scientific advances in diverse fields, including ecology and climatology. Traditional workflows to check the quality of such volunteered information can be costly and time consuming as they heavily rely on human interventions. However, identifying factors that can influence data quality, such as inconsistency, is crucial when these data are used in modeling and decision-making frameworks. Recently developed workflows use simple statistical approaches that assume that the majority of the information is consistent. However, this assumption is not generalizable, and ignores underlying geographic and environmental contextual variability that may explain apparent inconsistencies. Here we describe an automated workflow to check inconsistency based on the availability of contextual environmental information for sampling locations. The workflow consists of three steps: (1) dimensionality reduction to facilitate further analysis and interpretation of results, (2) model-based clustering to group observations according to their contextual conditions, and (3) identification of inconsistent observations within each cluster. The workflow was applied to volunteered observations of flowering in common and cloned lilac plants (Syringa vulgaris and Syringa x chinensis) in the United States for the period 1980 to 2013. About 97% of the observations for both common and cloned lilacs were flagged as consistent, indicating that volunteers provided reliable information for this case study. Relative to the original dataset, the exclusion of inconsistent observations changed the apparent rate of change in lilac bloom dates by two days per decade, indicating the importance of inconsistency checking as a key step in data quality assessment for volunteered geographic information. Initiatives that leverage volunteered geographic information can adapt this workflow to improve the quality of their datasets and the robustness of their scientific analyses.  相似文献   
It appears plausible that natural selection constrains, to some extent at least, the stability in many natural proteins. If, during protein evolution, stability fluctuates within a comparatively narrow range, then mutations are expected to be fixed with frequencies that reflect mutational effects on stability. Indeed, we recently reported a robust correlation between the effect of 27 conservative mutations on the thermodynamic stability (unfolding free energy) of Escherichia coli thioredoxin and the frequencies of residues occurrences in sequence alignments. We show here that this correlation likely implies a lower limit to thermodynamic stability of only a few kJ/mol below the unfolding free energy of the wild-type (WT) protein. We suggest, therefore, that the correlation does not reflect natural selection of thermodynamic stability by itself, but of some other factor which is linked to thermodynamic stability for the mutations under study. We propose that this other factor is the kinetic stability of thioredoxin in vivo, since( i) kinetic stability relates to irreversible denaturation, (ii) the rate of irreversible denaturation in a crowded cellular environment (or in a harsh extracellular environment) is probably determined by the rate of unfolding, and (iii) the half-life for unfolding changes in an exponential manner with activation free energy and, consequently, comparatively small free energy effects can have deleterious consequences for kinetic stability. This proposal is supported by the results of a kinetic study of the WT form and the 27 single-mutant variants of E. coli thioredoxin based on the global analyses of chevron plots and equilibrium unfolding profiles determined from double-jump unfolding assays. This kinetic study suggests, furthermore, one of the factors that may contribute to the high activation free energy for unfolding in thioredoxin (required for kinetic stability), namely the energetic optimization of native-state residue environments in regions, which become disrupted in the transition state for unfolding.  相似文献   
The orange bagworm (OBW), Cryptothelea gloverii (Packard) (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) was previously reported feeding on citrus fruit and foliage and preying upon the camphor scale Pseudaonidia duplex (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Coccidae). In this study using laboratory assays, OBW preyed upon citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead) (Acari: Eriophyidae) and consumed eggs and adults of both P. oleivora and Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae), two important pest mites on Florida citrus. OBW was also observed to feed on the purple scale, Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) and on a fungus (Penicillium sp.). OBW fed on orange and grapefruit leaves by starting from the border and eating part of the leaf, by chewing holes, or consuming the outer epithelium of either the axial or abaxial surface of the leaf without penetrating through the leaf. OBW was observed in orange orchards in association with fruit extensively russeted by P. oleivora feeding. Laboratory assays revealed that OBW larvae preferred to feed on oranges infested with P. oleivora rather than on clean fruits that were free of mite feeding damage. Feeding damage to citrus fruit by OBW larvae results in one to several holes being eaten into the rind or albedo, without damage to the fruit sacs.  相似文献   
Leptin-deficient obese mice (ob/ob) have decreased circulating growth hormone (GH) and pituitary GH and ghrelin receptor (GHS-R) mRNA levels, whereas hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SST) expression do not differ from lean controls. Given the fact that GH is suppressed in diet-induced obesity (a state of hyperleptinemia), it remains to be determined whether the absence of leptin contributes to changes in the GH axis of ob/ob mice. Therefore, to study the impact of leptin replacement on the hypothalamic-pituitary GH axis of ob/ob mice, leptin was infused for 7 days (sc), resulting in circulating leptin levels that were similar to wild-type controls (approximately 1 ng/ml). Leptin treatment reduced food intake, body weight, and circulating insulin while elevating circulating n-octanoyl ghrelin concentrations. Leptin treatment did not alter hypothalamic GHRH, SST, or GHS-R mRNA levels compared with vehicle-treated controls. However, leptin significantly increased pituitary GH and GHRH-R expression and tended to enhance circulating GH levels, but this latter effect did not reach statistical significance. In vitro, leptin (1 ng/ml, 24 h) did not affect pituitary GH, GHRH-R, or GHS-R mRNA but did enhance GH release. The in vivo effects of leptin on circulating hormone and pituitary mRNA levels were not replicated by pair feeding ob/ob mice to match the food intake of leptin-treated mice. However, leptin did prevent the fall in hypothalamic GHRH mRNA and circulating IGF-I levels observed in pair-fed mice. These results demonstrate that leptin replacement has positive effects on multiple levels of GH axis function in ob/ob mice.  相似文献   
Summary The general ultrastructure of the electrocyte, the basic unit of the electric organs of Electrophorus electricus, is analyzed. Presented herein are detailed observations of the syncytial surface, its fibrillar coat, invaginations of the plasma membrane and synaptic terminals. Using Thiéry's method glycogen granules were identified in the syncytial cytoplasm and inside the synaptic terminals, their size and structure being compatible with the muscular origin of the electric organs, to which the filamentous meshwork found in the cytoplasm may be related. Among the perinuclear-organelles, are dense bodies with crystalline patterns. The mitochondrial matrix contains dense granules, their size and structure varying according to the organ to which they belong and to the fixation method used.This work has been supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Conselho de Ensino para Graduados da UFRJ and Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico, FUNTEC-241  相似文献   
Pandemic H1N1 influenza A (H1N1pdm) is currently a dominant circulating influenza strain worldwide. Severe cases of H1N1pdm infection are characterized by prolonged activation of the immune response, yet the specific role of inflammatory mediators in disease is poorly understood. The inflammatory cytokine IL-6 has been implicated in both seasonal and severe pandemic H1N1 influenza A (H1N1pdm) infection. Here, we investigated the role of IL-6 in severe H1N1pdm infection. We found IL-6 to be an important feature of the host response in both humans and mice infected with H1N1pdm. Elevated levels of IL-6 were associated with severe disease in patients hospitalized with H1N1pdm infection. Notably, serum IL-6 levels associated strongly with the requirement of critical care admission and were predictive of fatal outcome. In C57BL/6J, BALB/cJ, and B6129SF2/J mice, infection with A/Mexico/4108/2009 (H1N1pdm) consistently triggered severe disease and increased IL-6 levels in both lung and serum. Furthermore, in our lethal C57BL/6J mouse model of H1N1pdm infection, global gene expression analysis indicated a pronounced IL-6 associated inflammatory response. Subsequently, we examined disease and outcome in IL-6 deficient mice infected with H1N1pdm. No significant differences in survival, weight loss, viral load, or pathology were observed between IL-6 deficient and wild-type mice following infection. Taken together, our findings suggest IL-6 may be a potential disease severity biomarker, but may not be a suitable therapeutic target in cases of severe H1N1pdm infection due to our mouse data.  相似文献   
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